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1. Choose the correct prepositions.

Taka Shimizu Cycles (TSC) is _____ to launch a new bicycle _____ children, which
has great sales_____ potential
A) around, -----, of
B) after, of, with
C) -----, to, -----
D) about, for, ----
E) for , with, in
2. Make up a sentence.
1- be involved
2- a company's HR
3- in making
4- department
5- people
6- may also
7- redundant
A) 7,6,3,1,5,2,4
B) 5,7,6,3,2,4,1
C) 5,3,4,1,6,7,2
D) 2,4,6,1,3,7,5
E) 1,7,6,2,4,3,5
3. Choose the correct variant.
They worry about job security and become____ if their company loses an ____
A) anxiously, important
B) anxious, important
C) anxious, more important
D) most anxious, more important
E) an anxious, most important
4. Put question to the underlined word.
A lot of paperwork has been required for new businesses
A) Which business has been a lot of paperwork required for?
B) Which business has a lot of paperwork be required for?
C) Which business has a lot of paperwork been required for?
D) Which business has a lot of paperwork been require for?
E) Which business has been required a lot of paperwork for?
5. Connect the sentences using relative clause.
Ashly Cooper Search Agency has a database. It needs building up, and many
contacts with upmarket estate agencies in the three countries
A) Ashly Cooper Search Agency has a database, which needs building up, and many
contacts with upmarket estate agencies in the three countries
B) Ashly Cooper Search Agency has a database, who needs building up, and many
contacts with upmarket estate agencies in the three countries
C) Ashly Cooper Search Agency has a database, where needs building up, and many
contacts with upmarket estate agencies in the three countries
D) Ashly Cooper Search Agency has a database, which it needs building up, and many
contacts with upmarket estate agencies in the three countries
E) Ashly Cooper Search Agency has a database, in which needs building up, and
many contacts with upmarket estate agencies in the three countries
6. Choose the correct translation.
Mən qəti şəkildə inanıram ki, əksər şirkətlər yeni məhsul və xidmətləri inkişaf
etdirmək üçün əslində öz şirkətləri daxilində məlumat və əlaqələrdən istifadə
etməklə faydalana bilərlər
Я твердо верю, что большинство компаний могут извлечь выгоду из
использования информации и связей внутри своей компании для разработки
новых продуктов и услуг
A) I strongly belief that most companies can benefit from using information and
relationships within their own company to actually develop new products and services
B) I have strongly believed to most companies could benefit from using information
and relationships within their own company to actually develop new products and services
C) I strongly believe that most companies can benefit from using information and
relationships within their own company to actually develop new products and services
D) I strongly believed to most companies can benefit from using information and
relationships within their own company to actually develop new products and services
E) I am strongly believing that most companies benefit from using information and
relationships within their own company to actually develop new products and services
7. Choose the correct tense forms.
The invitation_____ that all parts of the company_____ badly , that its parent
company is unable to provide more cash for investment
A) states, have performed
B) states, have perform
C) has stated, has being performed
D) stated, had been perform
E) states, has be performed
8. Choose the correct sentence with the Gerund.
A) While helping other people design their websites the designer made mistakes
B) Helping other people the designer designed their websites
C) The designer also enjoys helping other people design their websites
D) Helping other people design their websites the designer couldn’t finish his work
E) The designer helping other people design their websites works at this office
9. Choose the correct variant.
I ____ believe that most companies can benefit from using information and
relationships within their own company to actually develop ____ products and
A) the most strongly, new
B) strongest, newest
C) strongly, new
D) stronger, new
E) more stronger, the newest
10. Choose the correct variant.
If consumers _______ in dollars, Samsung workers _______ goods in time
A) paid, would have delivered
B) paid, would delivered
C) will pay, deliver
D) have paid, would deliver
E) had paid, would have delivered
11. Choose the correct sentence with the Gerund.
A) Sharing an office with three other people I couldn’t complete the work
B) While sharing an office with other people the employees had some problems
C) The employees sharing an office with three other people are very competent
D) Our employees work at this company sharing an office with other people
E) Would you mind your sharing an office with three other people?
12. Connect the sentences using relative clause.
The site offers vouchers named “Groupons”. The vouchers can be spent at
participating retailers.
A) The site offers vouchers named “Groupons” where can be spent at participating
B) The site offers vouchers named “Groupons” in which can be spent at participating
C) The site offers vouchers named “Groupons” which can be spend at participating
D) The site offers vouchers named “Groupons” that can be spent at participating
E) The site offers vouchers named “Groupons” who can be spend at participating retailers
13. Choose the correct tense forms.
We _______ successful negotiation when suddenly our boss_____ us to say he
wanted completely different conditions
A) are having, has phoned
B) had had, was phoning
C) have been had, phoned
D) shall have, phoned
E) were having, phoned
14. Choose the correct Reported Speech.
Alex said to Mark: “More than half the leaders of privately held businesses globally
feel their stress levels have increased over the last year”
A) Alex said to Mark that more than half the leaders of privately held businesses
globally felt their stress levels have been increased over the previous year
B) Alex said to Mark that more than half the leaders of privately held businesses
globally felt their stress levels had been increased over the last year
C) Alex told to Mark that more than half the leaders of privately held businesses
globally felt their stress levels had increased over the previous year
D) Alex said to Mark that more than half the leaders of privately held businesses
globally felt their stress levels had increased over the previous year
E) Alex told Mark that more than half the leaders of privately held businesses globally
felt their stress levels have increased over the previous year
15. Make up a sentence.
1- different
2- relationship
3- forms
4- building
5-in different
7- places
A) 7,5,3,1,6,4,2
B) 3,1,6,2,7,5,4
C) 7,5,3,1,2,4,6
D) 4,7,1,6,3,5,2
E) 2,4,6,1,3,5,7
16. Make up a sentence.
1- people
3- rewarding and
4-gives them
5- satisfaction
7- work that
A) 5,1,2,7,6,3,4
B) 3,5,7,1,2,4,6
C) 5,6,4,3,7,2,1
D) 7,2,1,6,3,4,5
E) 7,6,2,1,5,3,4
17. Choose the correct logical ending.
Adidas plans to reach far into the Chinese interior________
A) to open the new 20 stores
B) to get further discounts
C) to be uncertain about its position
D) to minimize its sphere of influence
E) to open new sport grounds
18. Choose the correct translation.
Məhsullarımızın üstünlüklərini şişirtmədən, məlumatları ədalətli və balanslaşdırılmış
şəkildə təqdim etməliyik.
Мы должны представлять данные объективно и взвешенно, не преувеличивая
достоинства нашей продукции.
A) We have to present the data in a fair and balanced way, not to overstate the
advantages of our products
B) We have to be present the data in a fair and balanced way, not to estimate the
advantages of their products
C) We have to give the data in a justice and balancing way, not to underestimate the
advantages of our products
D) We have to present the data in a fair and balanced way, not to understate the
advantages of our products
E) We had to present the data in a fair and balanced way, not to overstate the
disadvantages of our product
19. Make up a sentence.
3-love our
4-feeling very
6. we all
7-stressed out
A) 3,4,6,2,5,1,7
B) 7,4,6,3,2,5,1
C) 1,4,3,2,7,6,5
D) 6,3,1,2,5,4,7
E) 1,6,2,5,3,4,7
20. Choose the correct translation.
Hər kəsin danışdığı karyera imkanları əslində mənim üçün real deyil
Карьерные возможности, о которых все говорят, на самом деле для меня не
A) The job opportunities everybody are talking about are not really happening for me
B) The career opportunities every talks about are not really happening for me
C) The career opportunities everybody talked about are not really happening for me
D) The job opportunity everybody has talked about are not really happening for me
E) The career opportunities everybody talks about are not really happening for me
21. Choose the correct phrasal verb.
Marketing people _____ all the benefits of the Internet and new communication
A) are crossing out
B) are cutting down
C) are gaining from
D) are depending on
E) are doing up
22. Choose the correct prepositions.
A new survey of ______ 200 sales professionals has found that two-thirds of women
and _____ half ____ men believe that women make the best salespeople
A) ------, under, ----
B) ----, from, to
C) over, under, from
D) to, on, with
E) over, over, of
23. Choose the correct sentence in the Passive Voice.
A) He is often said that his long years of selling make him a keen judge of whether a
new product will succeed
B) If managers ignore unacceptable behavior, problems will get worse until the
disciplinary process has been using
C) The product mix in smaller cities will be chosen so that the entry price for
consumers would be 15 per cent less than in Adidas's existing shops
D) Sales have been fell sharply in the last three years
E) Somebody was made this watch in Switzerland
24. Choose the correct prepositions.
Because _____ its unique qualities, the Wincote XWS jacket could achieve _____ its
sales target ______ a new marketing approach
A) to, with, to
B) ---, of, around
C) to, without, over
D) with, on, in
E) of, with, ------
25. Choose the correct phrasal verb.
Managers should be prepared ______ and have a quiet word with the team members
A) to let in
B) to look down on
C) to depend on
D) to keep in doing
E) to step in
26. Choose the correct logical ending.
Employees have to be managed in a strict way______
A) so that not to have too much responsibility
B) otherwise nothing will get done
C) otherwise they try to get better at their job
D) so that to have a negative view of human nature
E) otherwise something more positive will happen
27. Put question to the underlined word.
Sandra’s approach was to find high-quality manufacturers in her native Argentina
A) What manufactures was Sandra’s approach to find in her native Argentina?
B) What was Sandra’s approach to find in her native Argentina?
C) Which manufactures was Sandra’s approach to find in her native Argentina?
D) Which was Sandra’s approach to find in her native Argentina?
E) What Sandra’s approach was to find in her native Argentina?
28. Choose the correct logical ending.
Paolo Conti has $3 million to invest in his company so that _______
A) it decreases sales
B) not to improve its image
C) it continues to slow down its development
D) it reduces competition
E) it continues to expand
29. Choose the correct prepositions.
Business owners ______ mainland China, Vietnam, Mexico, India and Turkey are all
high _____ the stress league table and are working _____ environments where high
growth is expected
A) of, under, around
B) in, on, in
C) to, with, ----
D) from, ---, on
E) in, after, to
30. Connect the sentences using relative clause.
European Press and Media Corporation is a large media company. It produces
magazines and radio and television programs
A) European Press and Media Corporation is a large media company who produces
magazines and radio and television programs
B) European Press and Media Corporation is a large media company where produces
magazines, and radio and television programs
C) European Press and Media Corporation is a large media company which produce
magazines and radio television programs
D) European Press and Media Corporation are large media company which produces
magazines and radio and television programs
E) European Press and Media Corporation, which produces magazines and radio
television programs, is a large media company
31. Choose the correct variant.
If you ______ a regular customer, Samsung ______ you 30 days credit
A) were, would have allowed
B) were, would allow
C) were, would allowed
D) were, would have been allowed
E) are, will have allow
32. Choose the correct tense forms.
When Lourie Multins _____ for his wallet , he_____ to his horror that he didn’t have
it on him
A) reached , realized
B) reaches , realized
C) is reaching , realize
D) has reached , realize
E) have being reached , realized
33. Choose the correct sentence in the Passive Voice.
A) Eighteen months ago, the company was launched a range of jackets and boots for men
and women
B) Most of the best ideas are discovered by accident
C) We had been hoped to be the supermarket of choice for our country's football fans
D) It is believed to have started its bidding at $3 billion
E) They are hoped that the World Cup spirit will get more customers through our doors
34. Make up a sentence.
1-of living
3-they are
4- looking for
5- ways
7- more relaxed
A) 5,4,7,2,3,6,1
B) 1,4,2,7,3,6,5
C) 1,2,7,4,5,6,3
D) 3,4,7,5,1,2,6
E) 7,4,1,6,3,2,5
35. Choose the correct translation.
Bununla belə bəzi tənqidçilər iddia edirlər ki, peşəkarların təqdim edilməsi ailə
tərəfindən idarə olunan böyük şirkətlərdə zəif idarəetmə mövqeyini qırmağa kömək
Однако. некоторые критики утверждают, что привлечение профессионалов
поможет разрушить репутацию слабого менеджмента в крупных семейных
A) However, some critics argue that introducing professionals would help to break
down a reputation for weak management in large, family-run companies
B) However, some critics argued that introducing professionals helped to break down a
reputation for weak management in large, family-run companies
C) However, some critics had argued that introduction of professionals has helped to
break down a reputation for weak management in large, family-run companies
D) Moreover, some critics arguing that introduction professionals would help to break
down a reputation for weak management in large, family-run companies
E) Moreover, some critics arguing that introducing professionals would help to break
down a reputation for weak management in large, family-run companies
36. Choose the correct sentence in the Passive Voice.
A) The device has been improved by recreating hundreds of accidents using crash-test
dummies and real riders
B) It needs to be relaunched as a stylish jacket for younger people in the 1 6-30 age
group, and appeal to people living and working in cities
C) The management was decided therefore to relaunch the product and change their
approach to marketing it
D) Dan Scarfe, Chief Executive of Windsor-based software development company Dot
Net Solutions, says that he has never been written a business plan for the company he
founded in 2004
E) In April, it was reported that he turned down a $2 billion offer from Yahoo, because
the valuation was too low
37. Choose the correct modal verbs.
Timeshare members ____ have an income of $60,000 or over
1. are able
2. should
3. might to
4. must
5. ought
A) 2,5
B) 1,4
C) 3,5
D) 2,4
E) 1, 3
38. Choose the correct logical ending.
Mr Kashio says he is good at deciding whether a new product will succeed, because
A) he has a lot of experience of selling
B) he is trying to avoid selling products
C) he is not a keen judge of selling products
D) he is focusing mainly on shrinking markets
E) he is thinking about little control over the sales
39. Choose the correct variant.
Guest reviews: _____views of castle grounds; owners _____, but staff need more
training on customer service
A) beautifully, friendly
B) more beautiful, the friendly
C) a beautiful, friendly
D) beautiful, friendly
E) beautiful, the more friendly
40. Choose the correct sentence with the Gerund.
A) While keeping his business alive he had a lot of difficulties
B) Keeping their business alive at the moment is to earn their living
C) The boys earned a lot of money keeping their business alive
D) Keeping their business alive the businessmen couldn’t rest
E) The businessmen keeping their business alive are very successful
41. Choose the correct translation.
Bu strategiya azalan bazarın daha böyük hissəsini ələ keçirməklə satışları saxlamaq
cəhdinə bərabərdir.
Эта стратегия представляет собой попытку сохранить объем продаж за счет
захвата большей доли сокращающегося рынка
A) That strategy amounts to an attempt to maintain sales by taking a larger share of a
shrinking market
B) These strategy amounting to an attempt to keep sales by taking a larger share of a
shrinking market
C) Those strategy amounted to an attempt to maintain sales by taking a larger share of
a shrinking market
D) That strategies amounts to an attempt to maintain sales by taking a part of a
shrinking market
E) That strategy amounts to an attempt to kept sales by taking a larger share of a
shrinking market
42. Choose the correct modal verbs.
Companies _____ advertise to let consumers know they exist
1. could
2. are able
3. ought
4. should
5. have to
A) 2,5
B) 3,4
C) 1,3
D) 3,5
E) 4,5
43. Choose the correct logical ending.
Paolo Conti has $3 million to invest in his company so that _______
A) it reduces competition
B) it decreases sales
C) not to improve its image
D) it continues to slow down its development
E) it continues to expand
44. Connect the sentences using relative clause.
Opened in 1997, this modern building is a reconstruction of the original Globe
Theatre. The Globe Theatre was built in 1599
A) Opened in 1997, this modern building which is a reconstruction of the original Globe
Theatre, was built in 1599
B) Opened in 1997, this modern building, which was built in 1599, is a reconstruction
of the original Globe Theatre
C) Opened in 1997, this modern building which is a reconstruction of the original Globe
Theatre, it was built in 1599
D) Opened in 1997, this modern building is a reconstruction of the original Globe
Theatre, where was built in 1599
E) Opened in 1997, this modern building, where is a reconstruction of the original
Globe Theatre, was built in 1599
45. Choose the correct variant.
The company claims its gold is_____ than that available from the banks, largely
because its overheads are _____
A) cheapest, lowest
B) the cheaper, much more low
C) cheaper, lower
D) more cheaper, lowest
E) the cheaper, the lower
46. Choose the correct Reported Speech.
“We were delighted that so many sponsors turned up at the event last week”-said
James and Nicola
A) James and Nicola said that they were delighted that so many sponsors turned up at
the event the last week
B) James and Nicola said that they had been delighted that so many sponsors turned
up at the event the previous week
C) James and Nicola said that they had been delighted that so many sponsors turned
up at the event the last week
D) James and Nicola said that they were been delighted that so many sponsors turned
up at the event the previous week
E) James and Nicola said that they were delighted that so many sponsors turned up at
the event the previous week
47. Choose the correct phrasal verb.
I'll be looking for another job soon. I feel really _____
A) hand in
B) looked by
C) stressed out
D) took forward to
E) took over
48. Make up a sentence.
1- persuade
2- in areas
3- to try to
4- to set up
5-- companies
6- may be used
7- government grants
A) 1,4,3,7,5,2,6
B) 7,6,5,2,3,4,1
C) 7,6,3,1,5,4,2
D) 1,4,3,2,5,6,7
E) 5,2,3,4,1,6,7
49. Match the word with its meaning. a system for controlling or managing a
country, company, or organization that is operated by a large number of officials
employed to follow rules carefully
A) balance of trade
B) incentives
C) labor force
D) investment
E) bureaucracy
50. Choose the correct variant.
A clean, quiet, comfortable and _____ working environment can _____ reduce levels
of stress
A) friendly, actively
B) most friendly, actively
C) the friendly, the most actively
D) more friendly, activier
E) friendliest , an active
51. Choose the correct verb.
He _____ considerably when given the chance to praise his gadgets
A) makes up
B) perks up
C) turns in
D) carries out
E) looks forward in
52. Choose the correct translation.
Mən namizədin güclü tərəflərini qısaca təsvir edərək qərarımızın səbəblərini izah
edəcəyəm. Я кратко опишу сильные стороны кандидата и объясню причины
нашего решения.
A) I will slightly define the candidate's strengths and explain the reasons for our decision
B) I am briefly describing the candidate's weakness and explain the reasons for our
C) I briefly describe the candidate's strengths and explain the reasons for our agreement
D) I will briefly describe the candidate's strengths and explain the reasons for our decision
E) I would strongly suggest the candidate's strengths and clarify the reasons for our
53. Choose the correct sentence with the Gerund.
A) Attending all the meetings is necessary for all the employees
B) We participated in the social life of the company attending all the meetings
C) Attending all the meetings he was aware of the happening events
D) While attending the meeting I saw a friend of mine on my way
E) Attending all the meetings they took part in the social life of the company
54. Put question to the underlined word.
At the moment, the company Lyddisa Cosmetic is not known outside Europe
A) Where isn’t the company Luddisa Cosmetic knew at the moment?
B) Where the company Luddisa Cosmetic is not known at the moment?
C) Where isn’t the company Luddisa Cosmetic known at the moment?
D) Where isn’t the company Luddisa Cosmetic know at the moment?
E) Where isn’t known the company Luddisa Cosmetic at the moment?
55. Put question to the underlined word.
Companies spend far too much on launching and promoting new products
A) Which products do companies spend far too much on launching and promoting?
B) Which products spend companies far too much on launching and promoting?
C) Which products companies spend far too much on launching and promoting?
D) What do companies spend far too much on launching and promoting?
E) What companies spend far too much on launching and promoting?
56. Choose the correct variant.
If an American executive ______ the contract, we ______ him 10% discount
A) will sign, give
B) sign, will give
C) signed, would have given
D) signs, will have give
E) had signed, would have given
57. Choose the correct Reported Speech.
Susan said: “Swedish designers have created a cycling "collar" that is worn around
the neck with an airbag hidden inside”
A) Susan said that Swedish designers have been created a cycling "collar" that is worn
around the neck with an airbag hidden inside
B) Susan said that Swedish designers had created a cycling "collar" that is worn
around the neck with an airbag hidden inside
C) Susan said that Swedish designers had created a cycling “collar” that was worn around
the neck with an airbag hidden inside
D) Susan said that Swedish designers had been created a cycling "collar" that was
worn around the neck with an airbag hidden inside
E) Susan said that Swedish designers have created a cycling "collar" that is worn
around the neck with an airbag hidden inside
58. Make up a sentence.
1- DIY power tools
2- the company
4-and garden
5- drills, saws
6-a range of
7- tools
A) 7,6,3,1,5,4,2
B) 2,3,6,1,5,4,7
C) 5,2,6,4,3,7,1
D) 1,6,5,4,3,2,7
E) 4,2,7,1,5,6,3
59. Correct the sentences using relative clause.
There is too much gossiping in the office. It stops Birgitte from doing her work
A) There is too much gossiping in the office, which stops Birgitte from doing her work
B) There is too much gossiping in the office, where stops Birgitte from doing her work
C) There is too much gossiping in the office, which it stops Birgitte from doing her work
D) There is too much gossiping in the office, who stops Birgitte from doing her work
E) There is too much gossiping in the office, in which stops Birgitte from doing her work
60. Choose the correct sentence with the Gerund.
A) The employees having excellent career opportunities work at this company
B) While having excellent career opportunities the employees traveled a lot
C) Having excellent career opportunities the employees decided to travel
D) Not having excellent career opportunities the employees changed their working place
E) Having excellent career opportunities is a great chance for the employees
61. Choose the correct sentence in the Passive Voice.
A) Market research needs to been carried out in Asia and the USA to identify the best
country to move into
B) He was asked me when the boss was arriving, even though I told them I was there
to make the deal
C) However, managers must also been prepared to begin informal discussions if they
think a problem is starting to develop
D) The manager should been informed those involved that, while plenty of
communication is to encourage
E) They are designed to recognize innovation and creativity in developing , marketing
and launching new products
62. Connect the sentences using relative clause.
Andrew Mason decided to set up an Internet business. It offers discounts on
everything from restaurant meals to hair transplants and yoga classes
A) Andrew Mason decided to set up an internet business which it offers discounts on
everything from restaurant meals to hair transplants and yoga classes
B) Andrew Mason, which it offers discounts on everything from restaurant meals to hair
transplants and yoga classes, decided to set up an internet business
C) Andrew Mason decided to set up an internet business, where they offer discounts
on everything from restaurant meals to hair transplants and yoga classes
D) Andrew Mason decided to set up an internet business that offers discounts on
everything from restaurant meals to hair transplants and yoga classes
E) Andrew Mason decided to set up an internet business who offers discount on
everything from restaurant meals to hair transplants and yoga classes
63. Connect the sentences with relative clause.
Selling is an area of business. It takes quite a bit of skill to become an effective
A) Selling, which is an area of business takes quite a bit of skill to become an effective
B) Selling, who takes quite a bit of skill to become an effective salesperson, is an area
of business
C) Selling, that is an area of business, takes quite a bit of skill to become an effective
D) Selling, where takes quite a bit of skill to become an effective salesperson, is an
area of business
E) Selling, which takes quite a bit of skill to become an effective salesperson, is an
area of business
64. Choose the correct tense forms.
Recently, we _______ to open a new sales office in New York, where first I _______ a
meeting with the finance department to discuss the project
A) decided, arranged
B) had decided, would arranged
C) were deciding, arranged
D) have decided, are arranged
E) decide, have arrange
65. Put question to the underlined word.
Davies- Miller has expanded rapidly in recent years
A) When has Davies-Miller expanded rapidly?
B) When did Davies-Miller expand rapidly?
C) When did Davies-Miller expanded rapidly?
D) When Davies-Miller expanded rapidly?
E) When Davies-Miller has expanded rapidly?
66. Put question to the underlined word.
Since Martin joined the company two years ago, profits have risen dramatically
A) When have profits risen dramatically?
B) When did profits rise dramatically?
C) Why have profits risen dramatically?
D) How long profits have risen dramatically?
E) When have profits risen since Martin joined the company?
67. Choose the correct tense forms.
Our company_____ money at an alarming rate but then in 2010 we_____ our Hermes
5 tablet computer
A) lost , looses
B) is losing , launched
C) has been losing , launched
D) was losing , launched
E) looses , launched
68. Choose the correct sentence in the Passive Voice.
A) The magazine will be launched in the UK, then sold in overseas markets
B) It is appealed to consumers and boosts sales of the product
C) After you have been completed the questionnaire, discuss these questions with your
D) When you are made important business decisions, what is it most important to
E) Somebody has been found the missing file
69. Connect the sentences using relative clause. (p.99)
Ruby and Geraldine are two different employers. They work for different business
A) Ruby and Geraldine are two different employees, that works for different businesses
B) Ruby and Geraldine are two different employees, who works for different businesses
C) Ruby and Geraldine, who work for different businesses are two different employees
D) Ruby and Geraldine are two different employees, which they work for businesses
E) Ruby and Geraldine who are two different employees, work for different businesses
70. Choose the correct logical ending.
There's nothing worse than a salesperson who doesn't fully understand ______
A) what they are buying
B) why are they selling online
C) what are they buying online
D) how are they selling the goods
E) what they are selling
71. Choose the correct translation.
Ehtiyat pulum olmadığı üçün tez bir zamanda qazanc əldə etməliyəm
Мне нужно как можно скорее получить какую-то прибыль, так как у меня не так
много лишних денег
A) I need to make some profit as soon as possible, if I don't have many spare cash
B) I need to make some profits as long as possible, as I don't have much free cash
C) I needed to make some profit as soon as possible, so I don't have much spare cash
D) I need to make some profit as soon as possible, as I don't have much spare cash
E) I needed making some profit as soon as possible, but I don't have much spare cash
72. Choose the correct tense forms.
Andrew_____ back to you as soon as we_____ what to do
A) will get back , have decided
B) had got back , have decide
C) gets back , decided
D) got back , have decided
E) gets back , have been decided
73. Choose the correct tense forms.
Trevor Baylis’s radio_____ on a BBC TV program, and someone who had money to
invest in the project_____
A) has appeared , watched
B) has been appeared , watches
C) was appeared, was watched
D) is appearing , is watched
E) appeared , was watching
74. Choose the correct modal verbs.
Some of my colleagues ____ eat some of the more 'unusual' dishes
1. shouldn't
2. couldn't
3. are not able to
4. have
5. oughtn’t
A) 1,4
B) 3,4
C) 2,3
D) 2,5
E) 1,5
75. Choose the correct sentence with the Gerund.
A) While listening to his friend’s suggestion the manager answered our question
B) The manager listening to his friend’s suggestion couldn’t agree with him
C) Listening to his friend’s suggestion is important for the manager
D) Listening to his friend’s suggestion the manager solved all the problems
E) The manager gave some instructions listening to his friend’s suggestion
76. Choose the correct variant.
If Cisco Systems workers _______ to your delivery times, Americans _______ to find
a new supplier
A) don`t improve, would have
B) don`t improve , will have
C) hadn`t improve, would have had
D) didn`t improve, would have had
E) hadn`t improved, would have
77. Choose the correct translation.
Biz mallarımızı böyük univermaqlar vasitəsilə yaymaqla başlamağı planlaşdırırıq
Мы планируем начать с распространения наших товаров через крупные
A) We plan to start with distribution our goods from large department stores
B) We plan to start distributing our goods through large department stores
C) We planning to start by distributing our goods through large department stores
D) We are plan to start from distributing our good through large department stores
E) We plan to starting by distributing our goods through large department store
78. Choose the correct phrasal verb.
The survey was _____ for Pareto Law, a recruitment and training company
A) carried out
B) went in
C) got back at
D) got at
E) let down
79. Choose the correct sentence with the Gerund.
A) Being in charge of all repairs our maintenance engineer checked the equipment
B) Being in charge of all repairs is our maintenance engineer’s responsibility
C) Our maintenance engineer being in charge of all repairs checked the equipment
D) When being in charge of all repairs maintenance engineers check the equipment
E) Our maintenance engineers check the equipment being in charge of all repairs
80. Choose the correct Reported Speech.
Smith said to John: “Google is now developing software for the first phone capable
of translating foreign languages almost instantly”
A) Smith told to John that Google was now developing software for the first phone
capable of translating foreign languages almost instantly
B) Smith told John that Google was then developing software for the first phone
capable of translating foreign languages almost instantly
C) Smith told John that Google was then been developing software for the first phone
capable of translating foreign languages almost instantly
D) Smith said to John that Google is now developing software for the first phone
capable of translating foreign languages almost instantly
E) Smith told John that Google was then being developed software for the first phone
capable of translating foreign languages almost instantly
81. Choose the correct sentence with the Gerund.
A) While going through a difficult period his friends helped the employee
B) The employee going through a difficult period works with us
C) The employee achieved his aim going through a difficult period
D) Going through a difficult period was a hard task for the employee
E) Going through a difficult period the employee lost his work
82. Choose the correct variant.
Jack thinks _____ business plans are ones that are _____ and flexible enough to
take into account changing markets and changing situations
A) best, most simple
B) better, most simple
C) the better, simple
D) the best, simple
E) the best, simply
83. Choose the correct Reported Speech.
“It will go on sale in Sweden early next year for about $50”- marketing manager said
to his client
A) Marketing manager said to his client that it would go on sale in Sweden early the
following year for about $50
B) Marketing manager told to his client that it would go on sale in Sweden early the
following year for about $50
C) Marketing manager said his client that it would go on sale in Sweden early next year
for about $50
D) Marketing manager told his client that it would be gone on sale in Sweden early the
following year for about $50
E) Marketing manager said to his client that it will be gone on sale in Sweden early the
following year for about $50
84. Choose the correct logical ending.
Dilip Singh gives money generously to charities all over the world and _______
A) always worries about a bank loan
B) abandons sharing money with the ones who are in need
C) provides finance for projects which will help local communities
D) provides financial help for the rich
E) could hardly afford buying anything
85. Choose the correct logical ending.
Beatta turned down the invitation to go out for a meal after work because _______
A) she was very tired
B) she hates staying at home
C) she promised not to stay at home
D) she likes going out
E) she never ignores such invitations
86. Put question to the underlined word.
The finance sector has changed dramatically over the past five years
A) How long has the finance sector changed dramatically?
B) How long the finance sector has changed dramatically?
C) How long has changed the finance sector dramatically?
D) When has the finance sector changed dramatically?
E) When the finance sector has changed dramatically?
87. Choose the correct prepositions.
Mr Hainer dismissed Adidas's recent problems ___China as temporary, related to
overstocking ______ the 65 run-up _____ the Olympics
A) in, in, to
B) near, ---, of
C) ----, of, in
D) to , of, ---
E) with , by, in
88. Put question to the underlined word.
The new fashionable motorcycle was launched at a motorsport trade event in Qatar
A) Which trade event was the new fashionable motorcycle lunched in Qatar?
B) Which trade event the new fashionable motorcycle was lunched in Qatar at?
C) Which trade event was the new fashionable motorcycle lunched in Qatar at?
D) Which trade event was launched the new fashionable motorcycle in Qatar at?
E) Which trade event was launched the new fashionable motorcycle in Qatar ?
89. Make up a sentence.
1- the company's
2- company
3- employees
4- are shareholders
5- an employee-owned
6- where
7-is one
A) 5,2,7,6,1,3,4
B) 2,1,7,6,5,3,4
C) 4,2,3,1,5,6,7
D) 1,7,5,2,3,4,6
E) 1,4,3,2,7,6,5
90. Choose the correct sentence with the Gerund.
A) The employees hearing from the maintenance engineer visited him
B) Hearing from the maintenance engineer the employees were very glad
C) The employees were standing in the hall looking out of the window
D) While waiting for the maintenance engineer the employees stopped the work
E) The employees look forward to hearing from the maintenance engineer
91. Choose the correct modal verbs.
When he was younger, he _____ run a marathon in under three hours
1. should
2. was able to
3. ought
4. could
5. had
A) 3,4
B) 3,5
C) 1,3
D) 2,5
E) 2,4
92. Choose the correct logical ending.
If a product is on sale in a John Lewis store, you know you _______
A) can buy it and get profit
B) cannot be sure you'll be served properly
C) cannot develop a sales process
D) can trust it
E) know goods are kept in poor condition
93. Put question to the underlined word.
Modern technology-based products do not improve people's lives
A) Whose lives don’t improve modern technology-based products?
B) Whose lives modern technology-based products don’t improve?
C) Whose lives don’t modern technology-based products improve?
D) Whose lives don’t modern technology-based products improved?
E) Whose don’t modern technology-based products improve lives?
94. Choose the correct tense forms.
Joanna Simmons ________a joke at the start of her presentation, to break the ice
and make people feel relaxed, but nobody ______
A) was trying to make, didn’t laugh
B) tried to make, laughed
C) tied make, wasn’t laughing
D) tried make, didn’t laugh
E) tried making, would laugh
95. Choose the correct modal verbs.
People really _____ make sure they are using this resource to their advantage, by
conveying a professional image
1. ought
2. should to
3. will able
4. must
5. need to
A) 3,4
B) 2,3
C) 1,4
D) 4,5
E) 1,5
96. Choose the correct translation.
Sahibkarlar və biznes sahibləri gələcəyi təxmin edə bilmirlər və mən hesab etmirəm
ki, bu, biznes planlarının uğursuz olması pis bir şeydir
Предприниматели и владельцы бизнеса не могут предсказать будущее, и я не
думаю, что это плохо, что бизнес-планы терпят неудачу
A) Entrepreneur and business owner cannot predict the future, and I don't think that's a
bad thing that the business plan failing
B) Entrepreneurs and business owners couldn’t predict the future, and I don't think
that's the best thing that the business plans fail
C) Entrepreneur and business owner may not preserve the future, and I am not
thinking that's a bad thing that the business plans fail
D) Entrepreneurs and business owners cannot predict the future, and I don't think
that's a bad thing that the business plans fail
E) Entrepreneur and business owner couldn’t predict the future, and I didn't think that's
a worst thing that the business plans fail
97. Connect the sentences using relative clause.
Davies-Miller is a large advertising agency on Madison Avenue in New York. It has
expanded rapidly in recent years
A) Davies-Miller, which has expanded rapidly in recent years, it is a large advertising
agency on Madison Avenue in New York
B) Davies-Miller is a large advertising agency on Madison Avenue in New York where
has expanded rapidly in recent years
C) Davies-Miller which is a large advertising agency on Madison Avenue in New York
has expanded rapidly in recent years
D) Davies-Miller is a large advertising agency on Madison Avenue in New York in
which has expanded rapidly in recent years
E) Davies-Miller, which has expanded rapidly in recent years, is a large advertising
agency on Madison Avenue in New York
98. Choose the correct Reported Speech.
Helena said: “The company has already created an automatic system for translating
text on computers, which is being honed by scanning millions of multilingual
websites and documents.”
A) Helena said that the company had already created an automatic system for
translating text on computers, which was being honed by scanning millions of multilingual
websites and documents
B) Helena said that the company had already created an automatic system for
translating text on computers, which was been honed by scanning millions of multilingual
websites and documents
C) Helena said that the company has already been created an automatic system for
translating text on computers, which is been honed by scanning millions of multilingual
websites and documents
D) Helena said that the company has already been created an automatic system for
translating text on computers, which is being honed by scanning millions of multilingual
websites and documents
E) Helena said that the company had already been created an automatic system for
translating text on computers, which was being honed by scanning millions of multilingual
websites and documents
99. Choose the correct variant.
We have _____ moved to our _____head office in central London
A) more successful, newer
B) successfully, new
C) more successfully, more new
D) successfully, the newest
E) the most successful, more new
100. Choose the correct sentence in the Passive Voice.
A) The company should been started by using a local importer as the distribution system
was in Morocco.
B) You should be enjoyed closing deals, making sales, and each rejection should be
looked on as a result
C) They were received an end-of-the-year bonus which was below their expectations
D) You have been asked to give Diana Bishop some informal advice about how to improve
the performance of the relationship consultants
E) This should be given us a better understanding of our target customers’ changing
needs and desires
101. Choose the correct modal verbs.
The company _____ be more innovative to compete with rival firms
1. need to
2. should
3. ought to
4. has
5. is able to
A) 1, 2
B) 2, 3
C) 4,5
D) 3,4
E) 1, 5
102. Choose the correct variant.
Increased production and _____ demand have had a _____ effect on our cash now
A) more stronger, positively
B) strong, most positive
C) strongest, more positive
D) strong, positive
E) strong, positively
103. Choose the correct tense forms.
The company_____ fast since it_____
A) has expand , was founded
B) had been expand , was found
C) has expanded , was founded
D) was expanded , had been found
E) had expanded , was found
104. Match the word with its meaning.
a person who works a lot of the time and finds it difficult not to work
A) lifestyle
B) work-life balance
C) deadline
D) workload
E) workaholic
105. Choose the correct variant.
The invitation states that all parts of the company have performed _____, and that
its parent company is 15 unable to provide_____ cash for investment
A) worsely, more
B) badder, more
C) the badly, the most
D) badly, more
E) badly, most
106. Choose the correct sentence in the Passive Voice.
A) Mr. Tata, Chairman of India's biggest company, is expected to retire – yet again - in two
B) The survey was carried out for Pareto Law, a recruitment and training company
C) It should be promote as a 'must-have' item of clothing for younger people
D) There would be no way he could been planned for them
E) Advertising staff is well paid, but they work long hours
107. Choose the correct logical ending.
If you want to climb the career ladder, you have to be prepared _______
A) to work very hard
B) not to follow any job requirements
C) to confess your lack of professionalism
D) to be careless in doing your work
E) to be unaware of professional habits
108. Choose the correct variant.
If Cavendish Consultants ______ our order, they ______ us a higher discount
A) increased, would gave
B) had increased, would have gave
C) will increase, will give
D) increase, would give
E) increase, will give
109. Choose the correct tense forms.
Alex_____ late at the office while she_____ socializing
A) was worked , was out
B) is working , is been out
C) has being worked , was out
D) had working , was out
E) was working , was out
110. Choose the correct phrasal verb.
ln April, it was reported that he _____ a $2 billion offer from Yahoo
A) turned over
B) came down with
C) count on
D) came by
E) turned down
111. Choose the correct logical ending.
More and more staff are taking medicine, e.g. anti-depressants, because _______
A) they have control over their future work
B) they like to fail their career opportunity
C) they are valued by management
D) they enjoy working overtime
E) they feel highly stressed at work
112. Choose the correct Reported Speech.
“It has expanded rapidly in recent years and has a number of famous companies as
its clients”-said James
A) James said that it had expanded rapidly in recent years and had a number of
famous companies as its clients
B) James said that it has expanded rapidly in recent years and had a number of
famous companies as its clients
C) James said that it had expanded rapidly in recent years and has a number of
famous companies as its clients
D) James said that it had expanded rapidly in recent years and has had a number of
famous companies as its clients
E) James said that it had been expanded rapidly in recent years and has had a
number of famous companies as its clients
113. Choose the correct logical ending.
What is normal for you may seem strange to _______
A) people’s attitude to time
B) people from other cultures
C) develop your skills
D) know another culture
E) talent of other people
114. Choose the correct variant.
It isn't ____ Chinese restaurant in the area, but the prices are very ____
A) the cheapest, the most exciting
B) more cheap, more exciting
C) the cheapest, exciting
D) most cheap, more exciting
E) cheapest, the most exciting
115. Make up a sentence.
2-to team up
3- a five-star
4- charter company
5- a business jet
6- hotel group
A) 2,1,4,3,6,5,7
B) 1,4,5,7,2,3,6
C) 7,2,6,3,4,1,5
D) 4,1,6,2,7,3,5
E) 5,4,7,2,1,3,6
116. Choose the correct variant.
____ than half the leaders of ____ held businesses globally feel their stress levels
have increased over the last year
A) more, privately
B) the more, much privately
C) most, the privately
D) more, most private
E) the most, privately
117. Match the word with its meaning.
shares in companies connected with the production of medicines
A) turnover
B) workforce
C) subsidiary
D) pharmaceutical
E) company
118. Choose the correct modal verbs.
The new attraction ____ provide an enjoyable experience for visitors (p.157)
1. ought
2. needs
3. must
4. has
5. is able to
A) 3,5
B) 1,3
C) 2,4
D) 2,4
E) 1,5
119. Choose the correct sentence in the Passive Voice.
A) According to her, she is stressed because she is often interrupted at work by visits from
other members of staff
B) Opened in 2010, the museum is located underwater
C) We were delighted that so many sponsors turned up at the event
D) You can be sure you'll be served by someone who really knows what they're talking
E) You are very tired and need to prepare for an important meeting tomorrow
120. Choose the correct modal verbs.
Sales leaflets ____ be clear, simple and easy to understand
1. must
2. ought
3. are able
4. might
5. can
A) 2,5
B) 1,5
C) 2,4
D) 2,3
E) 3,4
121. Choose the correct verb.
Mr Yasin cautioned job seekers to be ______ their online image even after landing
the perfect job
A) aware of
B) find in
C) depend on
D) check in
E) call at
122. Choose the correct sentence with the Gerund.
A) While going to the trade fair the salesman lost his wallet
B) When going to the trade fair one must be very attentive
C) Without going to the trade fair they knew everything about it
D) The woman going to the trade fair wants to sell her goods there
E) Going to the trade fair they couldn’t attend the meeting
123. Choose the correct variant.
If Seagreen hotel _______ more money to spend, we ______ more interested
A) has , will have
B) had, would have been
C) had, would be
D) would have, could be
E) will have, will be
124. Choose the correct Reported Speech.
“How did people travel from London to the first event yesterday?”-Kate asked Mary
A) Kate asked Mary how people had been travelled from London to the first event the day
B) Kate asked Mary how people had travelled from London to the first event the day
C) Kate asked Mary how did people travel from London to the first event yesterday
D) Kate asked Mary how had people travelled from London to the first event yesterday
E) Kate asked Mary how did people travel from London to the first event the day before
125. Choose the correct prepositions.
Mr. Kashio says he is good _____ deciding whether a new product will succeed,
because he has a lot ____ experience ____selling
A) to, ---, to
B) at, of, of
C) with, of, in
D) of, with, by
E) ---, of, on
126. Choose the correct variant.
If Nature`s Way Foods _______ an association of producers , we ______ a better
price for our coffee
A) joined, would have get
B) joined, would get
C) joined, would have got
D) joined, would got
E) join, will have got
127. Choose the correct variant.
If Mr. Yasin_______us a power, we ______ a firm order
A) will give, place
B) gives , will place
C) would give, would place
D) gave, would placed
E) gives, would place
128. Choose the correct translation.
Şirkət iddia edir ki, onun qızılı qaimə xərcləri az olduğu üçün banklarda əldə edilən
qızıldan daha ucuzdur.
Компания утверждает, что ее золото дешевле, чем у банков, в основном
потому, что ее накладные расходы ниже
A) The company has been claim its gold is cheaper than that available on the banks,
largely because its overheads are lower
B) The company claims its gold is cheaper than that available from the banks, largely
because its overheads are lower
C) The companies claiming its gold was cheaper than that existing from the banks,
largely because its overheads are lower
D) The company said his gold is cheaper than that available at the banks, largely
because its overheads are is lower
E) The company suggested its gold are cheaper than that available from the banks,
largely because its overheads are lower
129. Choose the correct modal verbs.
Market research ____ be carried out in Asia and the USA to identify the best country
to move into
1. might
3. should
4. need to
5. has
A) 2,4
B) 3,5
C) 3,4
D) 1, 2
E) 4,5
130. Choose the correct sentence in the Passive Voice.
A) Underline the sentences in which the speaker is made an offer
B) The product has been took Casio into the professional photography market, which is
dominate by Canon and Nikon
C) They have been chosen the new design
D) She is also invited to a meeting described as a '"cascade briefing"
E) İt's true that we had been problems recently attracting top-class executives to fill
management positions
131. Choose the correct logical ending.
Some staff are stressed because they feel they have no control over their work and
A) they think it’s a good idea
B) they don't participate in decisions
C) they are sure about their future
D) they consider that the risk factor has decreased over the last years
E) they feel comfortable at work
132. Choose the correct prepositions.
Market Leader is a multi-level business English course _____ business people and
students ______business English which has been developed in association ____
“the Financial Times”
A) to , with, ----
B) between, to , of
C) for, of, with
D) by, without, at
E) of, to , -----
133. Choose the correct variant.
If Adidas _______ to reach far into the Chinese interior parts, we _______ in much
smaller cities
A) didn`t plan, would be
B) hadn`t plan, would have been
C) won`t plan, will be
D) don`t plan , would be
E) hadn`t planned, would have be
134. Choose the correct sentence with the Gerund.
A) Being stuck in a traffic jam on his way they wasted a lot of time
B) The manager was very angry being stuck in a traffic jam on his way
C) Being stuck in a traffic jam on my way is to be late for work
D) The student being stuck in a traffic jam on his way is late for classes
E) While being stuck in a traffic jam on his way they had an accident
135. Choose the correct variant.
Instead of simply choosing ______ successor, the group has said it will consider all
candidate for India's _______ corporate job
A) the most obvious, biggest
B) more obvious, most biggest
C) obvious, more big
D) most obvious, the biggest
E) most obvious, more bigger
136. Match the word with its meaning.
come between so as to prevent or alter a result or course of events
A) ignore
B) manage
C) intervene
D) inform
E) concern
137. Choose the correct translation.
Biz indi oktyabr ayında yeni açılmış İspaniya filialında tam istehsala başlamağı
Сейчас мы планируем начать полномасштабное производство в недавно
открытом испанском филиале в октябре.
A) We are now planned to start full production at the nearly opened Spanish subsidiary
in October
B) We have now planning to start full production at the recently opened Spanish
subsidiary in October
C) We are now planning to start full production at the recently opened Spanish
subsidiary in October
D) We have been planning to starting full production at the recently opening Spanish
subsidiary in October
E) We now planning to start full production at the recently opened Spanish subsidiary
in October
138. Connect the sentences using relative clause.
Andrew Morgan is meeting an Arab businessman Karim Mansour, in Rabat. Karim
Mansour has been recommended by a colleague at head office
A) Andrew Morgan, who is meeting an Arab businessman Karim Mansour in Rabat has
been recommended by a colleague at head office
B) Andrew Morgan is meeting an Arab businessman Karim Mansour in Rabat, where
has been recommended by a colleague at head office
C) Andrew Morgan, which is meeting an Arab businessman Karim Mansour in Rabat,
has been recommended by a colleague at head office
D) Andrew Morgan is meeting an Arab businessman Karim Mansour in Rabat, which
has been recommended by a colleague at head office
E) Andrew Morgan is meeting an Arab businessman Karim Mansour in Rabat, who has
been recommended by a colleague at head office
139. Match the word with its meaning.
activity that supports or provides active encouragement for the furtherance of a
cause or aim
A) inflation
B) price
C) place
D) product
E) promotion
140. Choose the correct translation.
Zənnimcə, hazırda bizə yeni və maraqlı məhsullar bəxş edəcək bir sıra yeniliklər var
Есть ряд инноваций, которые, я думаю, происходят в данный момент, который
даст нам новые и интересные продукты
A) There was a numbers of novations that I think was happening at the moment that
will give us new and exciting products
B) There were a number of innovation that I thinked are happening at the moment that
will give us new and exciting products
C) There's been a number of novations that I think were happening at the moment that
will gave us new and exciting products
D) There is a number of innovations that I think are happening at the moment that will
give us new and exciting products
E) There's be a number of innovations that I think are happening at the moment that
would give us new and exciting products
141. Choose the correct logical ending.
Because of poor health, the present manager, Jim Driscoll, is _______
A) promoting next month
B) having a better salary
C) getting a higher position
D) competing with colleagues
E) leaving at the end of the month
142. Choose the correct logical ending.
Taking action to manage conflict can appear quite worrying to some managers, but
an essential part______
A) of letting conflict continue for weeks or months
B) of ignoring unacceptable behavior
C) of not including people in group e-mails
D) of their role and responsibilities
E) of their formal complaints and problems
143. Choose the correct Reported Speech.
Peter said: “The jacket was sold in outdoor-product stores, sports-goods outlets
and upmarket department stores last month”
A) Peter said that the jacket had sold in outdoor-product stores, sports-goods outlets
and upmarket department stores the previous month
B) Peter said that the jacket had been sold in outdoor-product stores, sports-goods
outlets and upmarket department stores last month
C) Peter said that the jacket was been sold in outdoor-product stores, sports-goods
outlets and upmarket department stores the last month
D) Peter said that the jacket was sold in outdoor-product stores, sports-goods outlets
and upmarket department stores the previous month
E) Peter said that the jacket had been sold in outdoor-product stores, sports-goods
outlets and upmarket department stores the previous month
144. Choose the correct sentence in the Passive Voice.
A) People were read the first paragraph carefully, but not always everything else B)
In recent years, Tressel has been become one of Europe's leading brands of
C) The company is needed to invest in the latest technology
D) A two-month timetable is laid out in which she and her colleagues are invited to use
their knowledge to find achievable cost savings without damaging key business areas
E) Andrew Morgan should be chosen a pastry, even if he wasn't hungry
145. Choose the correct tense forms.
At the presentation, Mr. Kashio ______them about the products properly, as they
______ interrupting all the time
A) didn’t tell, kept
B) had been telling, was keeping
C) had told, didn’t kept
D) hadn’t tell, had kept
E) wasn’t telling , was kept
146. Choose the correct logical ending.
If you offer us more flexible terms, we'll consider_______
A) placing a bigger order
B) not joining the project
C) being unaware of business
D) placing additional limits
E) not paying you anything
147. Choose the correct phrasal verb.
In Japan, it is very important to ___ verbal communication
A) look at
B) focus out
C) depend in
D) focus on
E) aware for
148. Choose the correct logical ending.
Great ideas are generated in different ways and sometimes an idea may simply be
A) a company is sharing its profit in vain
B) a company will waste a lot of money
C) a company is closed
D) a company spends nothing on research and development
E) a company takes advantage of an opportunity
149. Choose the correct sentence with the Gerund.
A) The receptionist looking after visitors and taking messages is my niece
B) While looking after visitors and taking messages the receptionist made a list
C) Looking after visitors and taking messages is the receptionist’s duties
D) The receptionist spent the whole day looking after visitors and taking messages
E) Looking after visitors and taking messages the receptionist was tired very much
150. Choose the correct sentence in the Passive Voice.
A) Retail analysts see it as one of the first signs in the retail field that Chinese products
can be rebrand themselves as not just cheap but desirable
B) Hieatt and his colleagues are managed to rescue the situation by launching a
catalogue to sell products
C) She has been laid the foundations, too, for establishing a network of retail outlets in
other countries
D) It's just before opening time on bonus day at John Lewis and, boy, are we excited
E) Business owners were asked about the major causes of workplace stress
151. Choose the correct prepositions.
The Ashley Cooper Search Agency (ACSA) specializes in finding top-class
properties _____ wealthy clients _____all _____ the world
A) near, to, ------
B) -------, to, in
C) for, from, over
D) from, in, of
E) to, -----, for
152. Choose the correct modal verbs.
The laws that we _____ follow are quite strict-and quite rightly so
1. should
2. ought
3. have to
4. need to
5. are able
A) 1,2
B) 3,5
C) 1,5
D) 2,4
E) 3,4
153. Make up a sentence.
1- some cultures
3- nature
5- of decision- 6- for
the consultative
7- are well
A) 3,2,1,6,5,4,7
B) 2,7,3,5,4,6,1
C) 1,4,5,7,2,3,6
D) 4,7,2,6,5,1,3
E) 1,7,2,6,3,5,4
154. Match the word with its meaning.
the amount of money a company receives from sales in a particular period is called
A) net profit
B) turnover
C) workforce
D) subsidiary
E) retailer
155. Connect the sentences using relative clause.
We have a limited range of suppliers and products. It has attracted criticism in the
financial press.
A) We have a limited range of suppliers and products, in which has attracted criticism
in the financial press
B) We have a limited range of suppliers and products which has attracted criticism in
the financial press
C) We have limited range of suppliers and products that they have attracted criticism in
the financial press
D) We have limited range of suppliers and products where has attracted criticism in the
financial press
E) We, who have a limited range of suppliers and products, it has attracted criticism in
the financial press
156. Match the word with its meaning. a large building where raw materials or
manufactured goods may be stored before their export or distribution for sale
A) distributor
B) staff
C) branch
D) wholesaler
E) warehouse
157. Choose the correct sentence in the Passive Voice.
A) Ruby is both concerned and flattered
B) Business owners were asked about the major causes of workplace stress
C) The invitation states that all parts of the company has been performed badly
D) Detailed management plans for restructuring and efficiencies are revealed
E) Theory X is based on a fairly negative view of human nature
158. Choose the correct translation.
Hazırda öz satış nümayəndələrmiz olsa da, biz ümumiyyətlə, Çindəki təmsilçilərdən
istifadə edirik.
Хотя в настоящее время у нас есть собственный торговый представитель, мы
обычно используем агентов в Китае.
A) However we are using our own sales representative at the moment, we generally
use agents in China
B) Moreover we are using our own sales representative at the moment, we generally
use agents in China
C) Nevertheless we used our own sales representative at the moment, we likely use
agents in China
D) Although we are used our own sales representative at the moment, we generally
use agents in China
E) Although we are using our own sales representative at the moment, we generally
use agents in China
159. Choose the correct variant.
The product mix in ____ cities would be 15 per cent ____ than in Adidas's existing
shops in 35 larger cities
A) smaller, least
B) smaller, less
C) the smaller, less
D) smallest, the less
E) the most smallest, less
160. Choose the correct modal verbs.
As we had another engagement, we ___ turn down their invitation
2. could to
4. had to
5.were able
A) 3,4
B) 2,3
C) 1,5
D) 1,4
E) 2,5
161. Choose the correct prepositions.
Douglas McGregor, a US psychologist, argued that managers hold one _______ two
theories _______ the people they have to deal _______
A) ----, to, -----
B) of, about, with
C) to, under, to
D) for, for, to
E) for, by, by
162. Choose the correct sentence in the Passive Voice.
A) He was also told you that you would get an excellent bonus and a luxury car for
B) Setting up online sales should be widen our customer base, increase sales, and make
us more competitive
C) Andrew will probably needed more time to achieve his company's aims in Morocco
D) After the meeting, Ruby was invited to a staff party
E) It was taken quite a bit of skill to become an effective salesperson
163. Connect the sentences using relative clause.
The survey found that 70 percent admitted to rejecting a candidate because of their
online behavior. It questioned human-resource managers at the top 100 companies
in the UK, the US, Germany and France
A) The survey, which questioned human-resource managers at the top 100 companies
in the UK, the US, Germany and France, found that 70 per cent admitted to rejecting a
candidate because of their online behavior
B) The survey, that it questioned human-resource managers at the top 100 companies
in the UK, Germany and France, find that 70 per cent admitted to rejecting a candidate
because of their online behavior
C) The survey, how questioned top 100 companies in the UK, Germany and France,
found that 70 per cent admitted to rejecting a candidate because of their online behavior
D) The survey, which it questioned human-resource managers at the top 100
companies in the UK, Germany and France, found that 70 per cent admitted to rejecting a
candidate because of their online behavior
E) The survey, questioned human-resource managers at the top 100 companies in the
UK, the US, Germanu and France, which found that 70 per cent admitted to rejecting a
candidate because of their online behavior
164. Choose the correct prepositions.
Drucker and Drucker SOLICITORS look forward _____ hearing your suggestions as
to how to ask ______ volunteers _____ relocation
A) to , for, for
B) on, in, for
C) with, by, to
D) of, ---, at
E) without, of, with
165. Connect the sentences using relative clause.
Kazuo Kashio has led Casio for 20 years. Casio is the Japanese
consumerelectronics company
A) Kazuo Kashio who is the Japanese consumer - electronics company for 20 years,
has led Casio
B) Kazuo Kashio has led Casio where the Japanese consumer-electronics company
for 20 years
C) Kazuo Kashio has led Casio which the Japanese consumer-electronics company for
20 years
D) Kazuo Kashio has led Casio for 20 years which is the Japanese consumer-
electronics company
E) Kazuo Kashio has led Casio for 20 years who is the Japanese consumer-
electronics company
166. Choose the correct sentence with the Gerund.
A) Setting up online sales is necessary for the businessmen
B) While setting up online sales the businessmen needed some distributors
C) The managers expanded their business setting up online sales
D) The managers setting up online sales expanded their business
E) Not setting up online sales the businessmen lost all their money soon
167. Match the word with its meaning.
a general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of money A)
B) exchange
C) finance
D) inflation
E) investment
168. Choose the correct logical ending.
Li Ning 's move up to second position_________
A) close all the shops in the country
B) could prove a key moment in its development
C) can open an exhibition
D) can dismiss the situation
E) stop selling goods
169. Choose the correct logical ending.
The aim of a business plan is to give the stakeholders a good idea _______
A) of where the business is heading
B) of being not flexible
C) of ways of losing the profit
D) of avoiding effect on sales
E) of dismissing the situation
170. Connect sentences using relative clause.
Joanna Simmons works for a large food company based in Dallas. She has been
posted to the company’s subsidiary in Monterrey
A) Joanna Simmons works for a large food company based in Dallas who she has
been posted to the company’s subsidiary in Monterrey
B) Joanna Simmons, who works for a large food company based in Dallas has been
posted to the company’s subsidiary in Monterrey
C) Joanna Simmons works for a large food company based in Dallas which has been
posted to the company’s subsidiary in Monterrey
D) Joanna Simmons works for a large food company based in Dallas where she has
been posted to the company’s subsidiary in Monterrey
E) Joanna Simmons, who has been posted to the company’s subsidiary in Monterrey,
works for a large food company based in Dallas
171. Choose the correct sentence with the Gerund.
A) The man running this organization is from America
B) Running this organization the boss had to refuse to go abroad
C) While running this organization the boss had some difficulties
D) My friend continued his education running this organization
E) Running an organization is a responsible and hard work
172. Choose the correct modal verbs.
Visitors _____view the precious objects which have been taken from the ship
1. can
2. should
3. ought
4. must
5. are able
A) 3,5
B) 1,4
C) 1,3
D) 2,3
E) 4,5
173. Match the word with its meaning. lack of action where some is expected or
A) motion
B) operation
C) inaction
D) action
E) movement
174. Make up a sentence.
1- for a new
2- great ideas
3 has set up
4- a rich man
5- a competition that
6- visitor attraction
7- will encourage
A) 5,2,6,1,7,3,4
B) 4,3,5,7,2,1,6
C) 7,4,3,1,2,4,5
D) 1,4,3,7,6,5,2
E) 6,3,2,5,7,4,1
175. Make up a sentence.
2- I bought
4-where I
5- some cosmetics
7- in a discount
A) 2,3,1,6,7,4,5
B) 6,3,1,5,7,4,2
C) 2,5,7,1,6,4,3
D) 5,2,7,4,1,6,3
E) 4,3,5,7,2,1,6
176. Choose the correct phrasal verb.
Kashio's favourite phrases ______ the family's approach to research and
A) mix up
B) let in
C) sum up
D) pick of
E) pass out
177. Choose the correct variant.
When asked why women make_______ salespeople, men believe the main reason is
that women are_______ at actually closing a deal
A) much more better, more good
B) best, the better
C) the best , best
D) more better, best
E) the best, better
178. Choose the correct tense forms.
Since Martin_____ the company two years ago, profits _____ dramatically
A) joined, have risen
B) was joining, have rose
C) will join, rise
D) has being joined, have risen
E) is joining, will be rise
179. Put question to the underlined word.
Beatta turned down Alex’s invitation to go out for a meal after work because she
was very tired
A) What purpose did Beatta turn down for Alex’s invitation to go out for a meal after work?
B) What purpose did Beatta turn down Alex’s invitation to go out for a meal after work for?
C) What purpose Beatta turned down Alex’s invitation to go out for a meal after work for?
D) What purpose did turn Beatta turn Alex’s invitation to go out for a meal after work for?
E) What purpose did Beatta turn down Alex’s invitation to go out for a meal after work?
180. Choose the correct sentence with the Gerund.
A) The employees putting off the meeting could rest properly
B) Putting off the meeting the employees continued their work
C) The employees went home putting off today’s meeting
D) Putting off the meeting is not important for the employees today
E) While putting off the meeting they warned everybody about it
181. Choose the correct logical ending.
One of the most important attributes to have when selling is _______
A) you must sound and appear confident
B) You must sound and appear uncertain
C) you must sound and appear insecure
D) you mustn’t sound and appear positive
E) You must sound and appear changeable
182. Choose the correct sentence in the Passive Voice.
A) I was tired to make a joke at the start of my presentation, to break the ice and make
people feel relaxed, but nobody laughed
B) It needs to be relaunch as a stylish jacket for younger people in the 16-30 age group
C) This lens is often used in skateboarding photo shoots
D) "We had been loosed all our wholesale accounts overnight because they said nobody
would pay £27 for a T-shirt ,'' he recalls
E) Nobody was seemed very serious, it was all much too noisy for me
183. Choose the correct sentence in the Passive Voice.
A) The images on the card can be changed into text
B) You are gone to listen to a talk given by across-cultural expert
C) When the child is pressed the buttons, the watch gives out a flashing light and also
makes a loud noise
D) The top five companies are received a badge from the Foundation, which they are able
to put on their winning products
E) We would be very pleased if you would present for us at the conference
184. Choose the correct logical ending.
However, managers must also be prepared to begin informal discussions if they
A) a problem is dying away
B) a problem is starting to die out
C) a problem is settling
D) a problem is solving
E) a problem is starting to develop
185. Choose the correct phrasal verb.
Venture capitalists and private investors do not usually _____ this casual attitude to
A) fall down
B) figure off
C) approve of
D) find at
E) prove by
186. Match the word with its meaning. a type of lawyer who is trained to prepare
cases and give advice on legal subjects and can represent people in lower courts
A) psychologist
B) solicitor
C) miner
D) minister
E) stockbroker
187. Choose the correct modal verbs.
In many companies, employees ______ wear jeans, but they don't have to dress
formally 1. have not to
2. needn 't
3. mustn't
4. might not to
5. ought not be
A) 2,3
B) 3,4
C) 2,5
D) 1,5
E) 1,4
188. Choose the correct verb.
Joanna Simmons ____ a large food company based in Dallas, Texas
A) cheers up
B) takes by
C) checks on
D) comes apart
E) works for
189. Make up a sentence.
1- agreement
2- to say
3- that
4- we're ready
5- to move ahead
6- with a distribution
7- I'm pleased
A) 1,6,5,7,6,2,3
B) 4,2,5,6,4,1,7
C) 7,6,1,3,5,2,4
D) 3,5,7,2,4,6,1
E) 7,2,3,4,5,6,1
190. Choose the correct modal verbs.
In some industries, it __ take a long time to climb the career ladder
1. can
2. ought
3. have to
4. should to
5. is able to
A) 3,5
B) 1,3
C) 1,2
D) 1,5
E) 2,4
191. Choose the correct variant.
We are trying to lose our _____ image and move upmarket with _____ products
A) cheaper, most expensive
B) the cheapest, more expensive
C) cheapest, an expensive
D) most cheapest, more expensive
E) cheap, more expensive
192. Choose the correct variant.
If we do ____research, we may be able to forecast _____ sales and increase the
A) more, higher
B) most, higher
C) more, a higher
D) the more, highest
E) most, the highest
193. Choose the correct sentence in the Passive Voice.
A) A well-established company in the Netherlands must be decided whether it wishes
to become part of a large multinational
B) This was very disappointing, as the jacket was considered to have great sales
C) Kazuo Kashio has led Casio, the Japanese consumer-electronics company that he has
been founded with his three brothers, for 20 years
D) The employers were asking the staff for their opinion
E) The multinational drinks group Universal Cola Corporation has been made an offer to
purchase the company
194. Choose the correct phrasal verb.
The agency decided to ___ a survey of the staff's opinions about their working
A) find in
B) carry out
C) focus to
D) back to
E) give at
195. Choose the correct variant.
She gave up a ____ paid job to join a meditation group in India. She's ____ changed
her lifestyle
A) highest, more completely
B) highest, completely
C) highly, most completely
D) highly, completely
E) highly, complete
196. Make up a sentence.
1- money
2- its turnover
3- a company receives
4- is called
5- from sales
6- in a particular period
7- the amount of
A) 7,1.3,5,6,4,2
B) 1,6,3,4,7,2,5
C) 2,4,6,1,3,5,7
D) 4,3,5,2,6,1,7
E) 3,6,4,1,5,7,2
197. Choose the correct modal verbs.
The causes of workplace stress ____ be put into three distinct group -economic,
business and personal
1. can
2. are able to
3. may
4. ought
5. is able to
A) 3,5
B) 2,4
C) 2,3
D) 4,5
E) 1,4
198. Choose the correct tense forms.
The story goes that Professor Auenberg _____ the idea for the electric shoe brush
while he_____
A) was having , was washing up
B) was having , had been washing up
C) was having , was being washed up
D) had , was washed up
E) had , was washing up
199. Choose the correct sentence with the Gerund.
A) The employee gaining the staff’s trust did the most important tasks
B) Gaining the staff’s trust the clerk began to work at the new office
C) When gaining the staff’s trust the employee tried not to misuse it
D) Gaining the staff’s trust is important for an employee
E) While gaining the staff’s trust he had some difficulties
200. Choose the correct variant.
She always has ideas and ____ finds solutions to problems. She is a very ____
A) easily, creative
B) easily, creatively
C) easily, the most creatively
D) easy, creatively
E) easiest, most creative
201. Choose the correct modal verbs.
In order to get a full refund , customers _____ send back goods in the original
1. must
2. have
3. should
4. ought to
5. are able
A) 2,5
B) 1,2
C) 3,5
D) 2,4
E) 3, 4
202. Choose the correct variant.
____ thing when doing business with other cultures is to be____ aware of your own
A) the most important, most
B) important, more
C) the most important , more
D) most important, the more
E) mostly important, more
203. Choose the correct variant.
One of ____ features of our new MP3 player is its ____ battery, which can go up to
50 hours between recharges
A) most popular, long-lasting
B) ---popular, long-lasting
C) the most popular, long-lasting
D) the most popular, a long-lasting
E) mostly popular, long-lasting
204. Choose the correct modal verbs.
A large skilled labour force means there ____ be attractive investment opportunities
over the next five years
2. are able to
3. might
4. have
5. ought
A) 2,4
B) 1,3
C) 3,5
D) 4,5
E) 1,5
205. Connect the sentences using relative clause.
Dino Conti produces 15 flavors. It distributes the flavors mainly to supermarkets and
company -owned stores
A) Dino Conti produces 15 flavors, who distributes mainly to supermarkets and
companyowned stores
B) Dino Conti, which distributes mainly to supermarkets and company-owned stores,
produces 15 flavors
C) Dino Conti produces 15 flavor which it distributes mainly to supermarkets and
company-owned stores
D) Dino Conti produces 15 flavors, where distributes mainly to supermarkets and
company-owned stores
E) Dino Conti produces 15 flavors, which doesn’t distribute mainly to supermarkets and
company-owned stores
206. Make up a sentence.
1- breaking
2- into new
3- new
4- markets is
5- business
6- another
7- form of
A) 1,2,4,6,7,3,5
B) 7,1,6,2,5,3,4
C) 5,6,3,4,2,1,7
D) 5,2,6,7,4,3,1
E) 1,2,5,4,7,6,3
207. Choose the correct phrasal verb.
Li Ning's _______ to second position could prove a key moment
A) cut in
B) move up
C) look at
D) drop for
E) end up
208. Choose the correct phrasal verb.
Groupon employs about 1,000 people, mostly ____ Mr. Mason's home town of
A) came on
B) based in
C) cross out
D) spoke by
E) rely on
209. Match the word with its meaning. a set of equipment used to generate and
transmit electromagnetic waves carrying messages or signals
A) button
B) scanner
C) innovative
D) transmitter
E) wireless
210. Match the word with its meaning.
able to adapt or be adapted to many different functions or activities
A) well-designed
B) attractive
C) robust
D) versatile
E) proper
211. Connect the sentences using relative clause.
Listen to two senior managers. They will choose the best plan for the new magazine
A) Listen to two senior managers who will choose the best plan for the new magazine
B) Listen to two senior manager that will choose the best plan for new magazine
C) Listen to two senior managers which will choose the best plan for the new magazine
D) Listen to two senior managers who they will choose the best plan for new magazine
E) Listen to two senior managers that they will not choose the best plan for new
212. Choose the correct tense forms.
Zirkon already_____ good profits when it_____ its new digital camera in 2010
A) made, was introduced
B) had made , had introduce
C) was making , introduced
D) had being made , introduced
E) was made , introduced
213. Choose the correct Reported Speech.
“The trend, described as "social buying" has spread rapidly across the Web, and
Groupon was described by Forbes as "the world's fastest-growing company”- said
A) Jonathan said that the trend, described as "social buying" had spread rapidly across
the Web, and Groupon had been described by Forbes as "the world's fastest-growing
B) Jonathan said that the trend, described as "social buying" had been spread rapidly
across the Web, and Groupon had been described by Forbes as "the world's
fastestgrowing company
C) Jonathan said that the trend, described as "social buying" had spread rapidly across
the Web, and Groupon was described by Forbes as "the world's fastest-growing company
D) Jonathan said that the trend, described as "social buying" has spread rapidly across
the Web, and Groupon had been described by Forbes as "the world's fastest-growing
E) Jonathan said that the trend, described as "social buying" has been spread rapidly
across the Web, and Groupon had been described by Forbes as "the world's
fastestgrowing company
214. Choose the correct prepositions.
Joanna Simmons’s hosts ask her a lot of questions _____ serious topics back
home, but it's really difficult ____ her to have a conversation in Spanish _____ them
A) about, for, with
B) to , for, of
C) ---, to, by
D) of, ---, for
E) with, by, to
215. Put question to the underlined word.
Before the meeting, Andrew should have learned something about Karim Bensour's
A) What should Andrew have learned before the meeting about?
B) What should Andrew have learn before the meeting ?
C) What should have Andrew learn before the meeting about?
D) What should Andrew have learned before the meeting ?
E) What should have Andrew learned before the meeting about?
216. Connect sentences using relative clause.
Tressel has become one of Europe’s leading brands of sportswear. It is now on its
way to becoming a global brand
A) Tressel has become one of Europe’s leading brands of sportswear where it is now on
its way to becoming a global brand
B) Tressel has become one of Europe’s leading brands of sportswear which it is now on its
way to becoming a global brand
C) Tressel, which is now on its way to becoming a global brand, has become one of
Europe’s leading brands of sportswear
D) Tressel, who is now on its way to becoming a global brand, has become one of
Europe’s leading brands of sportswear
E) Tressel has become one of Europe’s leading brands of sportswear whom is now on its
way to becoming a global brand
217. Choose the correct Reported Speech.
Andrew asked Chris “How have corporate-hospitality offerings changed in the past
A) Andrew asked Chris how corporate-hospitality offerings had changed in the past
B) Andrew asked Chris how corporate-hospitality offerings had been changed in the
past decade
C) Andrew asked Chris how had corporate-hospitality offerings changed in the past
D) Andrew asked Chris how had corporate-hospitality offerings been change in the
past decade
E) Andrew asked had Chris how corporate-hospitality offerings been changed in the
past decade
218. Choose the correct phrasal verb.
Hieatt and his colleagues ____ rescue the situation by launching a catalogue to sell
products \
A) figured out
B) filled in
C) got around
D) found out
E) managed to
219. Choose the correct prepositions.
A few years ago Kate’s sister invited her _____ a private sponsor's concert ____ a
tiny London venue in the middle ____ the Wimbledon fortnight
A) ---, by, in
B) for, with, of
C) to, ---, on
D) in, of, to
E) to, in, of
220. Choose the correct phrasal verb.
The Sales Manager ____ last month's sales figures
A) give away
B) got over
C) went on
D) reported on
E) grew back
221. Connect the sentences using relative clause.
The watch has an attractive design for young children aged 5-10. They can easily
operate it
A) The watch has an attractive design for young children aged 5-10, who can easily
operates it
B) The watch, which has an attractive design for young children aged 5-10, can easily
operate it
C) The watch has an attractive design for young children aged 5-10 who can easily
operate it
D) The watch, who has an attractive design for young children aged can easily operate it
E) The watch has an attractive design for young children aged 5-10 which they can easily
operate it
222. Choose the correct modal verbs.
Interest rates _____ come down soon - that's what the economists are predicting
1. should to
2. ought to
3. were able
4. had
5. have to
A) 3,5
B) 2,5
C) 2,3
D) 2,4
E) 1,4
223. Connect the sentences using relative clause.
The top five companies receive a badge from the Foundation. They are able to put it
on their winning products
A) The top five companies receive a badge from the Foundation, who they are able to
put on their winning products
B) The top five companies receive a badge from the Foundation, these they are able to
put on their winning products
C) The top five companies, that they are able to put it on their winning products,
receive a badge from the Foundation
D) The top five companies, that are able to put it on their winning products, receive a
badge from the Foundation
E) The top five companies receive a badge from the Foundation, what they are able to
put on their winning products
224. Connect the sentences using relative clause.
Andrew Mason studied music at university. He dreamt about making his riches as a
rock star
A) Andrew Mason studied music at university, where he dreamt about making his
riches as rock star
B) Andrew Mason studied music at university, where dreamt about making his riches
as a rock star
C) Andrew Mason studied music at university, that he dreamt about making his riches
as a rock star
D) Andrew Mason, who dreamt about making his riches as a rock star, studied music
at university,
E) Andrew Mason studied music at university, which dreamt about making his riches
as a rock star
225. Put question to the underlined word.
During the presentation Diana couldn't really tell them about the products properly
A) When Diana couldn’t really tell them about the products properly?
B) When couldn’t Diana really tell to them about the products properly?
C) When couldn’t Diana really told them about the products properly?
D) When couldn’t tell Diana really t them about the products properly?
E) When couldn’t Diana really tell them about the products properly?
226. Choose the correct prepositions.
_______ the meeting, Andrew should have learned something _______ Karim
Bensour's business who was disappointed _____his lack of local business
A) before, about, at
B) on, for, to
C) after, -----, with
D) in, to, on
E) during, with, in
227. Choose the correct tense forms.
Andrew Mason_____ music at university , where he_____ about making his riches
as a rock star
A) had studied, was dreamt
B) studied, dreamt
C) has been studying, was dreaming
D) has studied, was dreamed
E) had been studied , had been dreamt
228. Put question to the underlined word.
There's a lot of European legislation now around the areas of sex discrimination
A) How much there is European legislation now around the areas of sex discrimination?
B) How much is European legislation there now around the areas of sex discrimination
C) How long European legislation is there now around the areas of sex discrimination?
D) How much European legislation is there now around the areas of sex discrimination?
E) How many European legislation is there now around the areas of sex
229. Choose the correct variant.
If you ______ 50,000 scarves, then Zara ______ you 10%
A) bought, would offered
B) buy, will offer
C) had bought, would offer
D) will buy, will offer
E) had bought, would have offer
230. Match the word with its meaning.
to change the way that an organization, company, or product is seen by the public
A) saturated
B) upmarket
C) penetrate
D) rebrand
E) market position
231. Choose the correct prepositions.
Paul said ______Abdullah that he was looking _____ a company to supply carpets
_____ his store
A) to, ----, in
B) about, up, on
C) to, for, for
D) ----, after, in
E) -----, with, of
232. Choose the correct prepositions.
The present manager Jim Driscoll, who will be replaced _____ Diana Bishop, is
leaving _____ the end ______ the month
A) with, -----, of
B) by, ---, in
C) by, on, of
D) of, with, by
E) by, at, of
233. Choose the correct variant.
If you ______ your price by 5%, Jeff Sanderson ______ at least 4000 units
A) lowered, would have buy
B) lowered, would have bought
C) had lowered, would bought
D) lower, will buy
E) lower, will be bought
234. Choose the correct variant.
If James ______ more time , he ______ to have dinner with you
A) has, will have loved
B) had, would love
C) has, will be loved
D) has, would love
E) will have, will love
235. Match the word with its meaning. a person or thing competing with another for
the same objective or for superiority in the same field of activity
A) rival
B) consumer
C) member
D) senior
E) mechanic
236. Choose the correct prepositions.
Research suggests that you have less than 30 seconds to interact ______someone
______ before they form an opinion ____ you
A) from, of, with
B) without, -----, around
C) to in, in
D) of, with, to
E) with, -----, of
237. Choose the correct translation.
Həm kişilər (87%), həm də qadınlar (86%) satış işçiləri üçün əsas stimulun pul
olması ilə razılaşdılar
И мужчины (87%), и женщины (86%) согласились с тем, что главным стимулом
для продавцов были деньги.
A) Either men (87%) and women (86%) agreed that the top incentive for salespeople
money was
B) Neither men (87%) nor women (86%) were agreed that the top incentive for
salespeople was money
C) So men (87%) and women (86%) agreed that the top incentive for salespeople was
D) As men (87%) as women (86%) agreeing that the top incentive for salespeople was
E) Both men (87%) and women (86%) agreed that the top incentive for salespeople
was money
238. Choose the correct sentence with the Gerund.
A) The employees working at weekends work this large company
B) Working at weekends the employees couldn’t rest either
C) The employees managed to complete their tasks working at weekends
D) While working at weekends the employees had a lot of difficulties
E) Would you mind the employees’ working at weekends?
239. Choose the correct Reported Speech.
“What are the biggest challenges in creating corporate hospitality?”- Kate asked
A) Kate asked Alex what the biggest challenges in creating corporate hospitality are
B) Kate asked Alex what had been the biggest challenges in creating corporate hospitality
C) Kate asked Alex what are the biggest challenges in creating corporate hospitality
D) Kate asked Alex what were the biggest challenges in creating corporate hospitality
E) Kate asked Alex what the biggest challenges in creating corporate hospitality were
240. Choose the correct prepositions.
Certain companies offer career opportunities ______ the long-term unemployed or
____ people ______ formal qualifications
A) to, to, without
B) in, from, of
C) to, of, with
D) -----, near, on
E) at, with, in
241. Choose the correct sentence with the Gerund.
A) While spending a lot of money on books he saved some for living
B) Spending a lot of money on books is necessary for students
C) The boy spending a lot of money on books study at our university
D) Spending a lot of money on books the young man couldn’t buy other things
E) Spending a lot of money on books the student had a rich library
242. Choose the correct translation.
Müəyyən şirkətlər uzunmüddətli işsizlərə və ya rəsmi ixtisası olmayan insanlara
karyera imkanları təklif edir.
Определенные компании предлагают возможности карьерного
роста длительно безработным или людям без формальной квалификации.
A) Definite companies offered career opportunities to the long-term employment or to
people without formal qualifications
B) Various companies offers career opportunities to the long-term unemployment or to
people without formal specialty
C) Certain companies offer career opportunities to the long-term unemployed or to
people without formal qualifications
D) Different company offer career opportunities to the long-term unemployed or to
people without formal qualifications
E) Certain companies offers career opportunities to the long-term employed or to
people with formal qualifications
243. Choose the correct sentence in the Passive Voice.
A) She was told to her boss that her new job had been a lot of fun
B) "There are some brilliant business plans written, but they fail because 35 the customer
wants to do business differently," he says
C) When you are made important business decisions, what is it most important to
D) She was been said that her supervisor favors certain members of staff and did not want
to send her on training courses
E) Finally, all Casio products are tested before shipping
244. Match the word with its meaning.
to succeed in becoming part of an organization and working within it
A) penetrate
B) saturated
C) disposal income
D) product mix
E) rebrand
245. Make up a sentence.
1-for a business
2- a stable
3-to plan
4- political
5- is important
6- for the future
7- situation
A) 2,6,1,7,5,3,4
B) 1,6,3,7,5,4,2
C) 2,5,7,4,3,6,1
D) 2,4,7,5,1,3,6
E) 4,2,5,3,1,6,7
246. Choose the correct prepositions.
There are some product-based companies, like pharmaceuticals and high-tech
______ companies, that spend an enormous amount ______ time and money _____
research and development
A) -----, of, on
B) for, near, till
C) with, since, of
D) by, ----, on
E) ----, on, on
247. Choose the correct prepositions.
Dina Conti Ice Cream Inc., based ______Santa Barbara (USA), manufactures and
distributes ice cream _____ consumers _____California
A) to, ----, by
B) to, of, by
C) at, on, with
D) in, to, in
E) on, in, for
248. Choose the correct prepositions.
_______the last five years, Lenz AC has focused _______ more expensive mobile
phones ______ business people
A) during, on, to
B) in, on, for
C) since, down, of
D) for, for, of
E) near, of, opposite
249. Make up a sentence.
2-in the form
3-of invitations
5-exists in some
6- host's home
7- to your
A) 4,2,3,7,6,5,1
B) 5,4,6,3,1,4,7
C) 7,1,6,2,5,3,4
D) 1,2,6,4,7,3,5
E) 1,5,3,7,6,2,4
250. Make up a sentence.
1- reports of the death
2- been
3- of the traditional
4- greatly
5- exaggerated
6- career
7- have
A) 5,2,3,7,1,4,6
B) 4,6,5,7,1,2,3
C) 1,3,6,7,2,4,5
D) 6,5,1,7,2,4,3
E) 7,4,3,2,5,6,1
251. Choose the correct sentence in the Passive Voice.
A) The factory will have been approximately 2,000 workers, who will produce the frames
for the cycles locally
B) It has been decided to build its own factory in an overseas country
C) The invention was presented today in Stockholm
D) The German company is one of 10 many consumer-goods multinationals that has been
recently decided to shift their focus from near-saturated cities like Shanghai and Beijing
E) The amount of work a person is expected to do
252. Make up a sentence.
1- itself
2- discussions
3- than
4- is more focus
5- in business
6- there
7- on the language
A) 1,3,7,2,6,4,5
B) 6,4,7,1,3,5,2
C) 4,3,5,2,6,1,7
D) 7,1,6,2,5,3,4
E) 5,4,6,7,3,2,1
253. Choose the correct Reported Speech.
Mr Tata said: “Instead of choosing the most obvious successor, the group has said
it will consider all candidates for India’s biggest corporate job”
A) Mr Tata said that instead of choosing the most obvious successor, the group had
been said it would consider all candidates for India’s biggest corporate job
B) Mr Tata said that instead of choosing the most obvious successor, the group had
said it would consider all candidates for India’s biggest corporate job
C) Mr Tata said that instead of choosing the most obvious successor, the group had
said it would considered all candidates for India’s biggest corporate job
D) Mr Tata said that instead of choosing the most obvious successor, the group had
said it would be considered all candidates for India’s biggest corporate job
E) Mr Tata told that instead of choosing the most obvious successor, the group has
said it will consider all candidates for India’s biggest corporate job
254. Make up a sentence.
1- overwork
2- consider starting
3- would you
4- a flexi time system
6-to reduce 7-and
A) 1,7,4,5,6,2,3
B) 3,2,4,6,5,7,1
C) 1,6,5,7,2,4,3
D) 1,5,4,7,2,3,6
E) 3,7,1,2,4,6,5
255. Choose the correct sentence with the Gerund.
A) While looking for a new sales manager the boss met his old friend
B) The problem of the company is looking for a new sales manager
C) The company failed to export its products looking for a new sales manager
D) Looking for a new sales manager the head of the company met him
E) The head of the company looking for a new sales manager couldn’t find any
256. Choose the correct sentence with the Gerund.
A) The employee signing a new contract is very experienced and skilled
B) Before signing a new contract always think carefully and consult others
C) The employee read carefully the new contract signing it
D) Signing a new contract the employee began to work at this office
E) While signing a new contract the employee consulted with his friends
257. Choose the correct tense forms.
Kate_____ to him on the phone when Dinka_____ an explosion
A) was talked, heard
B) was being talked , heard
C) is being talked , hears
D) was talking , heard
E) was talking , was heard
258. Choose the correct tense forms.
At first , the agency_____ that the machine_____ so much time
A) had not believed , would saved
B) did not believed , would save
C) was not believe , would saved
D) did not believe , would save
E) had been believed , would saved
259. Choose the correct tense forms.
While Trevor Baylis_____ to a radio program about villages in rural Africa , he_____
a great idea
A) has been listening , had have
B) was listening , had
C) was listened , had
D) has being listening , had
E) had being listened , has had
260. Choose the correct tense forms.
The government_____ the formerly high unemployment rate and_____ low
Inflation and a stable currency
A) has been reduced, maintained
B) has being reduce, had maintained
C) has reduced, maintained
D) had reduced, was maintained
E) had reduced, was maintaining
261. Choose the correct tense forms.
Juana Ramos _______ the cultures of the three countries, so she ______ no
problems working with the sales teams
A) has studied, will have
B) will be study, will have
C) has being studied, would have been
D) had studied, would had
E) studied, had have
262. Choose the correct variant.
_______ by November if Sales Managers ________ the transport costs?
A) Would you have delivered , paid
B) Would you have deliver, paid
C) Will you deliver, pay
D) You would deliver, pay
E) Would you deliver, will pay
263. Choose the correct variant.
______Chantal Lefevre if we ______ the goods by air?
A) Would it help, sent
B) Will it help, sent
C) Would it have bought, would send
D) Would it help, send
E) Will it have helped, send
264. Choose the correct variant.
If main customers ______ 30,000 silk scarves, what discount _____ them?
A) order, would you suggest
B) ordered, would you suggested
C) order, will you suggest
D) ordered, would have you suggested
E) will order, will you suggest
265. Choose the correct variant.
If the order ______ really large, that _______ negotiable, Jessica Colling was sure A)
is, will have been
B) had been, would be
C) was, would be
D) will be, will be
E) were, would have been
266. Choose the correct variant.
If Monaco Grand Prix visitors _______ late, we ______ them to the theatre
A) are, won`t able take
B) were, wouldn`t be able take
C) had been, wouldn`t be able to take
D) had been, wouldn`t have be able to take
E) are, won`t be able to take
267. Choose the correct variant.
If managers ______ unacceptable behavior, problems _______ worse until the
disciplinary process has to be used soon
A) ignored, would got
B) had ignored, would have get
C) will ignore, will get
D) have ignore, would get
E) ignore, will get
268. Choose the correct variant.
If Daria ______ 100 cases, we _______ you a larger discount
A) orders, will have given
B) ordered, would have given
C) will order, give
D) had ordered, would have given
E) will order, will give
269. Choose the correct variant.
If I ______ Richard Branson`s number, I ______ him
A) had, would have called
B) had, would called
C) have, would call
D) have had, will call
E) had had, would have called
270. Put question to the underlined word.
Many employees feel uncertain about their jobs and careers in the company
A) What do many employees feel uncertain ?
B) What many employees feel uncertain about?
C) What feel many employees feel uncertain about?
D) What do many employees feel uncertain about?
E) What do many employees felt uncertain about?
271. Put question to the underlined word.
Each person should prepare a short talk giving some advice for foreign
businesspeople coming to your country
A) Who should each person prepared a short talk giving any advice for?
B) Who each person should prepare a short talk giving any advice for?
C) Who should each person prepare a short talk giving any advice?
D) Who should prepare each person a short talk giving any advice for?
E) Who should each person prepare a short talk giving any advice for?
272. Put question to the underlined word.
Because of poor health Jim Driscoll is leaving at the end of the month
A) Why Jim Driscoll is leaving at the end of the month?
B) Why does Jim Driscoll leaving at the end of the month?
C) Why is leaving Jim Driscoll at the end of the month?
D) Why is Jim Driscoll leaving at the end of the month?
E) What purpose Jim Driscoll is leaving at the end of the month?
273. Put question to the underlined word.
Dilip has asked you to write a short report on the project
A) Who has Dilip asked to write a short report on the project?
B) Whom has asked Dilip to write a short report on the project?
C) Who Dilip has asked write a short report on the project to?
D) Who has Dilip asked to write a short report on the project to?
E) Who has asked Dilip to write a short report on the project?
274. Put question to the underlined word.
Mr. Hainer dismissed Adidas's recent problems in China as temporary, related to
overstocking in the 65 run-up to the Olympics
A) Where did Mr. Hainer dismiss Adidas's recent problems as temporary, related to
overstocking in the 65 run-up to the Olympics?
B) Where did Mr. Hainer dismiss Adidas's recent problems as temporary, related to
overstocking in the 65 run-up to the Olympics in?
C) Where Mr. Hainer dismissed Adidas's recent problems as temporary, related
overstocking in the 65 run-up to the Olympics in?
D) Where dismissed Mr. Hainer Adidas's recent problems as temporary, related to
overstocking in the 65 run-up to the Olympics?
E) Where did Mr. Hainer dismissed Adidas's recent problems as temporary, related to
overstocking in the 65 run-up to the Olympics?
275. Put question to the underlined word.
Diana may soon be asked by head office to make one consultant redundant
A) Which office may be Diana asked to make one consultant redundant by?
B) What may Diana be asked to make one consultant redundant by?
C) Which office Diana may be asked to make one consultant redundant by?
D) Which office may Diana be asked to make one consultant redundant by?
E) What may be Diana asked to make one consultant redundant by?
276. Put question to the underlined word.
Adidas has planned to reach far into the Chinese interior to open the new 20 stores
A) What has planned Adidas to reach far into the Chinese interior to open?
B) What Adidas has planned to reach far into the Chinese interior to open?
C) What has Adidas planned reach far into the Chinese interior to open?
D) What has Adidas planned to reach far into the Chinese interior open?
E) What has Adidas planned to reach far into the Chinese interior to open?
277. Choose the correct Reported Speech.
Jonathan Fitchew said to his colleague: “Have television programmes increased
people’s interest in the sales industry?”
A) Jonathan Fitchew asked his colleague whether television programmes had been
increase people’s interest in the sales industry
B) Jonathan Fitchew asked his colleague whether television programmes have
increased people’s interest in the sales industry
C) Jonathan Fitchew asked his colleague whether television programmes had
increased people’s interest in the sales industry
D) Jonathan Fitchew asked to his colleague whether television programmes had been
increased people’s interest in the sales industry
E) Jonathan Fitchew asked his colleague had television programmes increased
people’s interest in the sales industry
278. Choose the correct Reported Speech.
“Google also has a voice-recognition system that enables phone users to conduct
web searches by speaking commands into their phones rather than typing them in.”
-said Pietro
A) Pietro said that Google also has had a voice-recognition system that enabled phone
users to conduct web searches by speaking commands into their phones rather than
typing them in
B) Pietro said that Google also had a voice-recognition system that had enabled phone
users to conduct web searches by speaking commands into their phones rather than
typing them in
C) Pietro said that Google also had a voice-recognition system that was enabled
phone users to conduct web searches by speaking commands into their phones rather
than typing them in
D) Pietro said that Google also had had a voice-recognition system that enabled phone
users to conduct web searches by speaking commands into their phones rather than
typing them in
E) Pietro said that Google also had a voice-recognition system that enabled phone
users to conduct web searches by speaking commands into their phones rather than
typing them in
279. Choose the correct Reported Speech.
“Since the first machine was installed in May, in the lobby of Abu Dhabi's Emirates
Palace hotel, 20 gold-to-go machines have appeared across Europe.”-said Thomas
A) Thomas said that since the first machine had been installed in May, in the lobby of Abu
Dhabi's Emirates Palace hotel, 20 gold-to-go machines had been appeared across Europe
B) Thomas said that since the first machine was installed in May, in the lobby of Abu
Dhabi's Emirates Palace hotel, 20 gold-to-go machines had appeared across Europe
C) Thomas said that since the first machine had been installed in May, in the lobby of Abu
Dhabi's Emirates Palace hotel, 20 gold-to-go machines had appeared across Europe
D) Thomas said that since the first machine was been installed in May, in the lobby of Abu
Dhabi's Emirates Palace hotel, 20 gold-to-go machines had appeared across Europe
E) Thomas said that since the first machine was installed in May, in the lobby of Abu
Dhabi's Emirates Palace hotel, 20 gold-to-go machines have appeared across Europe
280. Choose the correct Reported Speech.
MacBeath said: “The causes of workplace stress can be put into three distinct
A) MacBeath said that the causes of workplace stress could been put into three distinct
B) MacBeath said that the causes of workplace stress can be put into three distinct
groups C) MacBeath said that the causes of workplace stress could have been put into
three distinct groups
D) MacBeath said that the causes of workplace stress can been put into three distinct
E) MacBeath said that the causes of workplace stress could be put into three distinct
281. Choose the correct Reported Speech.
Jessica said: “They are now negotiating an important contract with a client here”
A) Jessica said that they are now negotiating an important contract with a client there
B) Jessica said that they were been then negotiating an important contract with a client
C) Jessica said that they were now negotiating an important contract with a client there
D) Jessica said that they were now negotiating an important contract with a client here
E) Jessica said that they were then negotiating an important contract with a client there
282. Choose the correct Reported Speech.
Mary asked John: “What was the most popular musical at the time of the
A) Mary asked John what was the most popular musical at the time of the interview
B) Mary asked John what the most popular musical at the time of the interview had been
C) Mary asked John what had the most popular musical been at the time of the interview
D) Mary asked John what the most popular musical at the time of the interview was
E) Mary asked John what had been the most popular musical at the time of the interview
283. Choose the correct Reported Speech.
“What are the biggest economic problems in your country now?”-Susan asked
A) Susan asked Peter what were the biggest economic problems in your country then
B) Susan asked Peter what the biggest economic problems were in his country then
C) Susan asked Peter what the biggest economic problems are in your country now
D) Susan asked Peter what are the biggest economic problems in his country now
E) Susan asked Peter what were the biggest economic problems in his country now
284. Match the word with its meaning.
the management of large amounts of money, especially by governments or large
A) quantity
B) aggregate
C) qualification
D) outcome
E) finance
285. Match the word with its meaning.
the time when you can change your mind and cancel an order
A) sales industry
B) cooling-off period
C) out of service
D) after-sales-service
E) guarantee
286. Match the word with its meaning.
the amount of money moving into and out of a business
A) sum
B) finance
C) outcome
D) account
E) cash flow
287. Match the word with its meaning.
the latest time or date by which something should be completed
A) lifestyle
B) deadline
C) flexi time
D) negotiate
E) service
288. Match the word with its meaning.
expressing strong opinions very directly without worrying if other people are
A) outspoken
B) coward
C) ashamed
D) impatient
E) uncritical
289. Choose the correct translation.
Bu bazarlarda fəaliyyətimizi təkmilləşdirmək üçün mənim təcrübə və bacarıqlarım
У меня есть опыт и навыки, чтобы улучшить наши показатели на этих рынках
A) I had the experience and skills to improve our performance in those markets
B) I have the experience and skills to improve our performance in these markets
C) I have the experience and skills improved our performance in that markets
D) I am having the experience and skills to improve our performance in this markets
E) I am having the experience and skills improving our performance in these markets
290. Choose the correct translation.
Satış planını necə inkişaf etdirdiyinizə dair bizə bir nümunə verə bilərsinizmi?
Можете ли вы привести пример того, как вы разрабатываете коммерческое
A) Can you give us an example of how are you developing a sales pitch?
B) Will you be able to you give us an example for how you developing a sales pitch?
C) Will you be able to given to us an example of how do you develop a sales pitch?
D) Can you give us an example of how you develop a sales pitch?
E) Will you be able to gave us an example of how you developing a sales pitch?
291. Choose the correct translation.
Bir çox insanlar texnologiyanın həyat keyfiyyətimizi və işə münasibətimizi xeyli
yaxşılaşdırdığını iddia edirlər.
Многие утверждают, что технологии значительно улучшили качество нашей
жизни и то, как мы относимся к работе.
A) Many people argue that technology has greatly improved our quality of life and the
way we feel about work
B) Many people argued that technology greatly been improved our quality of life and
the way we feel about work
C) The most people argue that technology has greatly improved our quality of life and
the way we felt about work
D) More people arguing that technology was greatly improved their quality of life and
the way we feel about work
E) Most people argue that technology has greatly improving our quality of life and the
way we feeling about work
292. Choose the correct translation.
Amma hətta o etiraf edir ki, biznes planları həddən artıq sərtləşdikdə problemlər
yarana bilər.
Но даже он признает, что проблемы могут возникнуть, когда бизнес-планы
становятся слишком жесткими.
A) But even he admits that problems can arise when business plans become too fixed
B) But also he admits that problems can be arisen when business plans became too fixing
C) But even he admits that problems can arise when business plans becamed so fixed
D) But too he admits that problems could arise when business plans become very fixing
E) But he also admits that problems can aroused when business plans become too
293. Choose the correct translation.
Müəyyən müddət ərzində əlaqələr qurmaq və etimadı inkişaf etdirmək, ani nəticələr
əldə etməkdən daha vacibdir.
Построение отношений и развитие доверия в течение определенного периода
времени гораздо важнее в определенных культурах, чем получение
мгновенных результатов.
A) Built relationship and developing trust from a period of time is as more important as
in certain cultures than getting instant results
B) Build relationships and developing proof at a period of time are much more
important in certain cultures than getting instant results
C) Building relationships and developing proof over a period of time was more
important in certain cultures that getting instant results
D) Building relationships and developing trust over a period of time are much more
important in certain cultures than getting instant results
E) Building relationships and developed trust over a period of time were most
important in certain cultures that getting instant results
294. Choose the correct modal verbs.
HR bosses said that a strong image online _____actually help job hunters to land
their dream job
1. had
2. should to
3. could
4. might
5. ought
A) 3,4
B) 4,5
C) 2,5
D) 1,3
E) 1,2
295. Choose the correct modal verbs.
A report _____ be well organised, with information in a logical order
1. should
2. might
3. need to
4. must
A) 3,4
B) 2,5
C) 3,5
D) 1,4
E) 1,3
296. Choose the correct sentence in the Passive Voice.
A) We've be contacted two companies, National Transport and Fox Removals
B) They go on for hours, and business is discussed only at the end of the meal
C) We were delighted that so many sponsors turned up at the event
D) The Sales Manager reported on last month's sales figures
E) "I was never written a business plan for Enternships, I just started it," Rajeeb Dey says
297. Choose the correct sentence in the Passive Voice.
A) Workers will be recruited locally and trained, if necessary, at a special school set up for
that purpose
B) It charges clients a fee was based on the value of the property
C) Anna said the level of absenteeism had been go up over the month
D) Managers should not been ignored problems that are developing in their teams
E) Your neighbors are being played very loud music late at night
298. Choose the correct phrasal verb.
Some critics argue that introducing professionals would help to ____ a reputation
for weak management in large, family-run companies
A) end at
B) fall in
C) go on
D) get across
E) break down
299. Choose the correct phrasal verb.
Thomas Geissler said their unexpected success was the result of a recent ____ gold
A) look for
B) run out of
C) take out
D) show off
E) interest in
300. Choose the correct particle of the phrasal verb.
Theory X is ____ a fairly negative view of human nature
A) turned off
B) based on
C) divided at

D) handed of
E) looked for

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