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FoodNavigator says that alternative dairy products are expected to grow 11.2% to reach USD 44.

billion by 2027. While current consumer trends show continuous growth, there are still barriers to growth -
especially in European countries like the UK and Germany.

On the one hand, “technology is transforming this industry and opening up opportunities” as Itziar Ortega
from Eatable Adventures expressed. Precision fermentation, cultivated meat, and molecular farming,
among other technological advancements, are certainly changing the game in the industry. These
innovations are meant to help with taste and texture, factors that are indeed important for consumers.

On the other hand, however, it has been found that consumers still find alternative food products “too
expensive”. A survey done in Germany in 2018 showed that 45% of German consumers believe an
animal-free diet is too expensive and that alternatives to milk, cheese, and meat are “overpriced”. For
32% of English consumers, plant-based alternatives are “too expensive for what they are”.

I personally believe that technology can definitely help improve consumers’ experience when trying
alternative dairy products. Texture and taste will undeniably be improved over time and consumers that
choose these alternatives will eventually grow. However, what no one is talking about is pricing. Achieving
economies of scale and being able to lower prices will undeniably be a determining factor for accessibility
all around the world. 

Article: Will next generation animal-free technology disrupt dairy? – FoodNavigator

Data source: Eating Habits – Statista

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#foodtechnology #foodtech #europeanmarkets #surveyresearch #accesibility #dataanalytics

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