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Errata and Q & A

Updated Jan 22, 2011.

• The generic 2-3-4 and 1-2-4 Republican brigades should have an entry turn of “4”.
They also lack their “X” unit size symbols.
• The back side of the 43th British division should be 7-10-8, not 10-12-8.
• The BAY (Bayo) column should not have a divisional size symbol. It is a column, not a
regular division.
• Entry turn of the 29th Republican Division (Countersheet #1, eight Row) should be 10,
not 11.
• The back of the Republican CNT13/42 Division counter should be 2-4-4, not 1-1-4.
• Both 1-1-3 SM columns should be 1-3-3, later converted into 2-4-4 divisions.

Set Up
Campaign game, 1936 scenario set up:
The playbook lists only one Republican AM (Asturias Militia) units in 3507. There should be
two AM units in 3507. (Countersheet #1 comes with two AM units that set up initially at 3507).

The Carlos Marx (MRX) Communist column should set up at hex 3020, not 3119.

In the WW2 scenario, the German player has available 3 mountain infantry divisions, not 1 (PB is not correct).

Replacement Points.
There is one (1) Italian RP listed for Turn 1 Jul 1936. This is a typo. There are not Italian RPs
available on turn 1.

Scenario/Playbook addition:
For the 1936 starting scenarios (the CG and the Columnar War) the special rule prohibiting
March Movement on Turn 1 was omitted. We will be adding a line to the scenarios in the
updated playbook forthcoming. Each scenario will have a line stating something to this affect:

March Movement is prohibited during Turn 1 (July 1936).

Q. The first paragraph of rule 6.2 ends with "but in this case the chit is discarded, not returned to
the pool." The inference is that when you draw a "No Event" chit, it gets returned to the chit
pool. Is this a correct assumption?
A. Yes. “No Event” chits are always returned to the pool. When a player draws a "No Event"
chit, no redraw takes place and the "No Event" chit is returned to the pool. However, chits
which should be considered “No Event” because of the circumstances of play are NOT returned
to the pool. Example: Event 25. If Republican morale is 35 or less when picked, then it is
treated as “No Event” and discarded (not returned to the pool).

Q. What is the significance of the units with their set up hexes in parenthesis.
A. Those are the free deployment units (Republican units that start in Andalucía or
Extremadura, per set-up rules PB

Q. Two Republican units have asterisks on them. Purpose?

A. These are the Basque A, B remnant divisions. They are set-up if Event 9 occurs (see PB text
regarding this event).

Q. Does the Alcázar project any kind of ZOC (Full or Limited)?

A. No.

Q. Regarding the -2 attack modifier for the first 2 turns of the Republican Column Attack table,
is the -2 in addition to the roll result on the table?
A. the -2 drm applies TO the Republican attack die roll in 15.25.1. I.e. all Republican attacks
have a 50% chance of being "no attack" during game turns 1 and 2.

Q. Event chits are put into the cup on game turn one, but not drawn till turn two (since the
campaign and scenario one start with National operational movement). Correct?
A. Yes.

Q. Regarding withdrawals on rule 7.4 it says:" To be eligible for withdrawal, a unit must be in
supply to a friendly Ultimate Supply Source". Does this mean that for a withdrawal a unit must
trace a direct LOS to a USS of 3 hexes or it can trace to a town or a City first and then to a
A. Withdraw 7.4 follows regular supply rules, so yes you can trace to a secondary source first.
I.e. all units must ultimately be "in supply to a friendly Ultimate Supply Source" and
withdrawing units follow the same supply rules as everyone else.

Q. Also if a unit is OOS can it move into town supply? The movement rules say you can never
move to be oos but what if already OOS?
A. Yes, OOS units /can/ move, provided they end their movement in a state that is supplied in
some state - be in town supply (9.6) or full supply. See 9.2: "No unit may END any kind of
movement" (emphasis added) and "... where it would be judged OOS at that instant (Exception
Town/City supply; 9.6)"; noting the exception.

Otherwise, OOS units cannot move simply to move - they must be able to reach a hex where
they would not be judged OOS at the end of /their/ movement (not at the end of the movement
PHASE). This is important to realize if you surround or penetrate around a large group of units.
Those units still have limited movement capability, but only if they are able to get into a
town/city, or get to a position where they are in full supply to an USS. NOTE: you can't end
OOS and "trace back to a town" for town supply (9.6) have to physically be /in/ the
town/city hex.

Q. Can you support one battle with several Air support counters? I could just find that you have
to be in range of a supplied city/town. If I attack with 14 factors, I could add +6 +6 = +2 Air
factors and the LC (Legion Condor) shift once or twice?
A. Yes, you can use as much air support counters as you wish provided that a) they are within
range of a supplied city/town and b) they do not add up more support factors than ground attack
factors involved in the attack. In your case yes, you can use 12 air factors to support an attack
with 14 ground combat factors. You can apply the odds shift only once, even if you are using
several LC units to support the same battle.

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