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Experiment No 10:

Simulation of photodiode using MATLAB Simulink

Aim: To simulate the operation of photodiode and to obtain the output signals based on the
threshold values.


A photodiode is a PN-junction diode that consumes light energy to produce an electric current. They
are also called a photo-detector, a light detector, and a photo-sensor. Photodiodes are designed to
work in reverse bias condition.

Principle of Photodiode: It works on the principle of the photoelectric effect. The operating principle
of the photodiode is such that when the junction of these two terminal semiconductor devices is
illuminated then the electric current starts flowing through it.

Using this principle, the variable Vo is obtained as per the light intensity values, and this output can
be connected to a comparator to check the conditions for further action, like turning on or off a
device/load based on light intensity.

Connecting a Photodiode in an External Circuit:

A Photodiode operates in a circuit in reverse bias. Anode is connected to the circuit ground and the
cathode to the positive supply voltage of the circuit. When illuminated by light, current flows from the
cathode to the anode. When photodiodes are used with external circuits, they are connected to a
power source in the circuit. The amount of current produced by a photodiode will be very small. This
value of current will not be enough to drive an electronic device. So when they are connected to an
external power source, it delivers more current to the circuit. So, the battery is used as a power source.
The battery source helps to increase the current value, which helps the external devices to have a
better performance.

A photodiode can be represented mathematically as

I=Is(exp(qV/NKTm)-1) where

Q=charge =1.6X10-19 C
V is the diode voltage=30mV for the present case

N=emission constant=3

K=Boltzman constant=1.38X10-23 J/K and

Tm is the operating temperature in 0C

The same can be realised using a mathematical function in SIMULINK and can be used in place of a
photodiode block(if not readily available in SIMULINK). However, to check the effects of variation in
temperature, the different temperature values can be considered to get the different photodiode

The same can be realised by creating a Simulink model using MATLAB as shown in the figure below.

However, if the photodiode sensor blocs are readily available the following model is created.


• Create a new Simulink model
• Bring all the components as specified and connect them accordingly
• Choose the simulation time and solver configuration as per the requirement
• Run the program
• Observe the outputs at different display windows.
• Change the input values and observe the output.

Sample output


Above threshold Below threshold Above threshold

T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 ……… t

Conclusion: A MATLAB Simulink model is created to simulate the operation of a photodiode

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