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Questions A B C D Answer

1 In IDEA, Statistics functions can be applied on_________. Numeric Data Date Data Both A and B None of the above C
2 In IDEA, increment value in Stratification function can be fixed or free interval. FALSE TRUE B
3 In IDEA, Stratified Random functions is a part of which menu. Analysis Data Relation Sampling D
4 Which of the following is not an Audit Software ACL IDEA Unix SOFTCAAT C
5 Using which functions to perform more complex calculations and exception testing in IDEA? Equation Editor function Editor Calculation Editor Testing Editor A

6 Which of the following are categories of computer audit function ? Items of audit interest Data Analysis System validation All of the above D
7 In the following list which is a audit function? File Definition Stratification Print Preiview Append B
8 Which is the following step involved in a source code review methodology ? Review Programming Understand program Formulate flaw All of the above D
standards specifications hypotheses

9 In IDEA which functions should be used to find repeated values ? Detection Exclude Sequence checking Filter A
10 In IDEA, Stratification functions can be applied on which type of data ? Numeric Data Date Data Character Data All of the above D
11 In IDEA,Summarization accumulates the values of Numeric fields for each____________. Primary Key Unique Key Secondary Key Composite Key B
12 In which sampling,selecting sampling units using a fixed interval between selections Random Systematic All of the above None of the above B
13 Ensures that all combinations of sampling units in the population have an equal chance of Random Systematic All of the above None of the above A
selection is____________.
14 Input Control method is a part of Application Control Group. TRUE FALSE A
15 Which is the following type of check that can be run when data is input through terminal ? Field check Filter check Compare check Data check A

16 In _______system money transfers are done on a one to one basis while in _______system NEFT, RTGS RTGS,NEFT EFT,RTGS None of the above B
transfer is done in batches.
17 All the money transfers take place in the books of the _________________ Beneficiary bank Central bank(RBI) Remitting bank None of the above B
18 ________system of money transfer is primarily used for large transactions. NEFT RTGS EFT All of the above B
19 In RTGS, the STP generates an ___________for every outbound RTGS transaction. UTN UTE UTR UTS C
20 STP stands for ________________________________ in terms of CBS. Straight Through Processing Straight Temporary Strict Through None of the above A
Processing Processing
21 ________ is a method of creating virtual networks within a physical network. VLAN LAN WAN MAN A
22 CMS stands for ______________________________ in terms of CBS. Control Management System Cash Management Core Management Centre Management B
System System System
23 Which of the following statements is true? Audit of internal controls is Systems audit are Audit of controls in any None of the above B
not needed at all important for the banking environment is
verification of the performed using
internal controls software audit

24 The Management Controls does not include ___________ Managing of Assets Formulating a security Developing a business Laying down procedures A
policy continuity planning for system development

25 _______is supported by advanced technology infrastructure and has high standards of Firewall Internet banking Core Banking Solution Web centre C
business functionality.
26 CBS Software resides in a Central application server which is located in the ___________ ATM Data centre Middleware Web centre Central Office Data Centre. D

27 A________ that runs the core banking solutions (CBS) and is centrally accessed by the ATM Server Central Application Database Server Domain Name Server B
branches. Server
28 The _________of the application is capable of only entering the data at the end point that is System version Application Version Client version Firewall C
29 The application server would be placed in a trusted inside zone in a separate ____________ Virtual Local Area Network Local Area Network Wide Area Network Personnal Area Network A

30 Application software would access the ________ Data base server ATM DATA Server Domain Name Server Application Server A
31 __________ are capable of being connected only when devices are connected to a switch. LAN Virtual Networks MAN WAN B

32 _____________refers to the process of developing software which would produce the required Application Development Software Development Server Development System Development D
output from the input provided of course, using the necessary hardware and communication
33 The______________is essential to ensure that computer security records are stored in sufficient Review Management RTGS Log management Authorized Controller C
detail for appropriate period of time.
34 All the various servers in the central data centre are seggregated through _______ LANs VLANs WANs MANs B
35 The __________ is a complete process in the computer so that it ensures that data that is fed in Consalidation Password Policy protection Validation D
conforms to certain prerequisite conditions.
36 When the central Data base is busy with central end of day activities or for any other reason, Positive Balance File Application Server Centralised Data base Central Office Data Centre. A
the file containing the account balance of the customer is sent to the ATM switch. Such a file security
is called __________
37 The IBDS is located in a ____________ Militarised zone City Zone State zone demilitarised zone D
38 The main components of Internet Banking system consist of __________ Web server IBAS IBDS All the above D
39 Copy of the Anti Virus Software was updated promptly and regularly at the Data Centre and Hacking Method Push-pull method Both A &B None of the Above B
pushed into all of the servers and in all the systems in the branches by ________

40 The __________which is also residing in the server at the branch actually does the banking Sytem software utility software Application Software Application Server C
41 In Core Banking concept all the systems of the bank are connected to the Central office by local line Leased line Broadband None B
means of a connectivity which may be either a _________ or a dial up line.
42 The ________ is generated by the software and directly sent to equipment for printed the Pin 16 digit number Personal Identification Net transaction ID NO ATM No B
Mailer. Number

43 ____________would also include the existence of built in controls in the system to ensure Output Control Input control Process Control Data Control C
proper processing of input data so as to provide the required output.
44 ____________refers to an arrangement wherein the issuing bank acts on the request and Letter of Credit Letter of Tax Letter of Payable Letter of Receible A
instructions of a customer.
45 _______________ is a process by which the bank ensures the maintenance and recovery of Business Recovery Planning Business Continuity Disaster Recovery None B
operations. Planning Planning
46 At which phase of testing the version of software is called “ beta version”? Programmer testing User testing (a) & (b) both None of above C
47 Finacle developed by _________ Infosys HCL Technologies TCS I-Flex A
48 The number that is stored in the ATM switch is the difference of which of the following Pin No - offset value Offset value - Pin No Pin No - Natural Pin Offset Value - Natural Pin C
49 The information retrieval of transactions taking place at ATM located at remote locations is Soft copy of Electronic journal Hard copy of Cash register (a) and (b) both A
through _________ Electronic Journal
50 The number that is generated as soon as the customer inserts the card in the ATM machine Offset value Pin sent to customer Natural Pin Card Number C
is __________
51 The tab in Expression Builder in which we write expressions is known as _____________. Expression Elements Operator Button Expression Box Expression Builder C
52 The criteria expression LIKE?B*. Will match all text starting Will match all text Will match all text Will match all text starting A
from B ending from B having second with a digit
character as B
53 __________ queries are useful for summarizing information, and are somewhat similar to pivot Select query Crosstab query Action query Parameter query B
tables in MS-Excel.
54 While entering record in Datasheet view, in which order the records can be entered Alphabetical Order At the end of the table Any where in the table Beginning of the table B

55 When you delete the record in form, it deletes the record from__________. Form only Form but not in table Table but not in Form Form & Table D

56 Having clause is used in the aggregate query in MS Access 2010 FALSE TRUE B
57 The controls that are not linked to any field of the table or query on the form are known as ActiveX control Unbounded Controls Graphics Control Bound Controls B
58 Which property of the form can be used to insert a background image in MS Access 2010? Caption Background Record Source Picture D

59 ___________ is a report that is inserted in another report in MS Access 2010. Inner-Report Sub-Report Inside-Report Insert-Report C
60 A bound main report is based on a ______________ and its _____________ contain realted Table or query,Inner-Report Table or query,Main- Table or query,Sub- None of the above C
information. Report Report
61 DDL stands for ____________ Data Definition Language Data Defined Detailed Definition Data Detailed Language A
Language Language
62 A___________used to compare multiple values of categories or differences over a period of Pie Chart Area Chart Bar Chart Column Chart D
63 A________used to compare trends over a period of time. Pie Chart Line Chart Bar Chart Column Chart B
64 To create a read-only copy of the database, which of the following file format can be used? .ACCDB .ACCDE .MDW .ACCDT B

65 The database administrator created a split database and created a front-end database and Front-end database Back-end database Both of them None of them B
back-end database file.Which of the file should be stored on the server ?

66 In which formats can the Collect Data through email message feature can send the data HTML and InfoPath Access Forms Visual Basic Application Excel attachment A
entry form?
67 Once a mail is sent using the collect data through email message feature in Access 2010. The Export to Outlook Options in Tool menu Manage replies All of the above C
mail status can be checked using________________. of Access
68 The ___________ type of data cannot be collected using Collect data through email messages. Text Number Date/time AutoNumber D

69 What is the memo data type field used for? To add table To store objects For long text entries For shout text entries of C
created in other no more than 255
programs characters
70 The filter By selection feature allows you to filter: Those records that match an Records based on a Records that meet any All of above A
entity in a field criterion you specify of several criteria you
71 DML stands for _____________ Detailed Maintaining Data Maintaining Data Manipulation Detailed Manipulation C
Language Language Language Language
72 Which editor was provided for use with Access Basic? The Visual Basic 1.0 editor Notepad The QuickBasic editor All of above B

73 How do you update Pivot Table report data after changes are made to the source data? Save your changes, close the Select the Pivot Table Click the report, and on All of the above C
workbook, and then reopen it. worksheet and press the Pivot Table toolbar,
F9 on the keyboard click the refresh data
74 What are the different views to display a Table ? Datasheet View Design View Pivote Table & Pivot All Of Above D
Chart View
75 Which Of The Following Creates A Drop Down List Of Values To Choose From? Ole Object Hyperlink Memo Lookup Wizard D
76 A __________ Enables You To View Data From A Table Based On A Specific Criterion Form Query Macro Report B
77 The Database Language That Allows You To Access Or Maintain Data In A Database DCL DML DDL None Of Above A

78 DCL Provides Commands To Perform Actions Like Change The Structure Of Insert, Update Or Authorizing Access And None Of Above C
Tables Delete Records And Other Control Over
Data Values Database
79 Which is not a Database Model ? Network Database Model Relational Database Object Oriented Structureed Database D
Model Database Model Model
80 Which Of The Field Has Width 8 Bytes? Memo Number Date/time Hyperlink C
81 This Is The Stage In Database Design Where One Gathers And List All The Necessary Fields Data Definition Data Refinement Establishing None Of The Above A
For The Database Project. Relationship
82 Whenever a tables gets update, the dependent query will Not update update automatically have to update never update B
83 The Third Stage In Designing A Database Is When We Analyze Our Tables More Closely And Relationship Join Query None Of These A
Create A ___________ Between Tables
84 What is the purpose of the Switchboard Manager in Microsoft Access 2010? To build a main switchboard Creates the macros To allow the user to To allow changing from A
form that controls all other used to program an switch from one one report to another.
forms. automatic application. database file to another.

85 How does a query-based report differ in design to a report based on just one table? The reports are restricted in It doesn’t It doesn't have as many The only report type B
size. design options. available is the Design
86 How would you include some plain text into a mailing label report? Type the text directly into the Use the > button. Use the Mailing label Use the >> button. C
label. wizard text option.
87 In a Microsoft Access 2010 report, the page numbering would most likely be placed into the: Report Footer Section Header Page Footer Page Header C

88 If you wished to present a professionally looking form on screen that would show all the Pivot Table Pivot Chart All The tools of the form Form Wizard Columnar C
necessary information, which of the following form design tools would you most likely use? design control gallery.

89 An .ACCDE file is a ___________ version of the original .ACCDB file. Fixed-down Locked-down Open-down None of the above B
90 Which type of the query is used to accept the value from the user while executing the query Make Table Query Update Query Delete Query Parameter Query D
and fetch records accordingly
91 To encrypt the databse in Access 2010 must be opened in the __________________. Open Secure mode Open Inclusive mode Open Exclusive mode Open Read Mode C

92 To extract the records based on date field, which of the symbol should be used $ # () "" B
93 FIX() is a kind of ____ function in MS-Access 2010. Math Date Text None of the above A
94 MS-Access 2010 has added new features of ______ to eliminate the need of VBA code Macro Form Report None of the above A

95 Encrypting a database does not restrict access to database objects, but to __________ the Open Modify Read Write A
96 Third Party Encryption Technology can also be applied to the database of Microsoft Access TRUE FALSE A
97 To create a split database in MS Access 2010 go to which tab? Create Tab External Tab File tab Database Tools D
98 After spliting database,frontend database holds_________________. Forms Query Report All of the above D
99 After spliting database,backend database holds_________________. Tables Forms Query Report A
100 When an Access database is split, it creates two files_________________. A back-end database & front- A new database & Old primary database & None of the above A
end database database. secondary database
101 A Data Access Page is a special type of _________ that allows users to interface with database XML page HTML Page Web page None of the above C
using Internet Explorer.
102 OLAP systems use concept of OLAP cube called a ______________ cube single dimensional hyper dimensional multi dimensional none C
103 The data which is to be exported from Tally.ERP 9 can be in ________ format. XML HTML ASCII ALL D
104 In Tally ERP-9 Remote Access is also known as __________. Networking VB.Net Tally.Net None of the above C
105 Accessing data store on a remote location using Internet in Tally.ERP9 is called____________. Local Data Remote Data Internet Data None of the above B

106 Tally.ERP9 can be classified user in two categories are___________. Local User Remote User Both A & B None of the above C
107 Which of the following is not a predefined security level provided by Tally.ERP 9? Owner Public User Data Entry Tally.NET User B
108 The business model is represented in the graphical form using ______________ and charts, pictures smart art, clip art flowcharts, flow graphs, shapes C
________________ diagrams
109 _______ integrates supply and demand mangement within and across companies. BPM SCM PLM CRM B
110 OLAP stands for _________________. Online Analysis Processing Online Analytical Online Analytical None of the above B
Processing Programming
111 __________ includes transportation from Suppliers and receiving inventory. Inbound Operations Outbound Operations Sourcing planning Production planning A

112 Which of the following is not the service area of SCM? Logistics Asset Management PLM CRM D
113 Which step of the ERP implementation involves, educating and recruiting end users Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 B
throughtout the implementation process?
114 The system ____________ process will address issues such as software configuration, hardware implementation upgradation installation migration C
acquisition and software testing.
115 A __________________ review is recommended to ensure that all business objectives established pre implementation under process review post implementation None of the above C
during the planning phase are achieved.
116 In _________________ stages, auditors have access to rudimentary ERP tools and capabilities for post implementation pre implementation Both A & B Either A Or B A
auditing security configurations.
117 Immediate posting and updation of books of accounts as soon as the transactions are Interactive Processing Immediate Processing Real Time Processing Business Processing C
entered. This is called as __________
118 Which of the following ETDS forms are available in Tally.ERP 9? Form 26, Annexure to 26 Form 27, Annexure to Form 26Q, Annexure to All of the above D
27 26Q
119 The exported eTDS file from Tally.ERP 9 can be validated through NSDL's freely File Validation Program File Validation Utility File Valuation Program File Valuation Utility B
downloadable utility called __________________
120 ERP systems provide an access to the__________ data integrated distributed isolated de-centralized A
121 ________________ is a tool that refers to skills, processes, technologies, applications and Data Warehousing Data Modeling Business Modeling Business Intelligence D
practices used to facilitate better, accurate and quicker decision making.
122 Business intelligence systems are ________ Decision Support Systems. data-driven information driven resource driven none A
123 Data warehousing technology is the process of creating and utilizing the company’s __________ general data historical data operational data none B

124 The data in the Warehouse comes from the _________ environment and external sources. operational backup data none A

125 In essence, SCM integrates ___________ management within and across companies. supply and demand supply and chain supply and sortage none A
126 _____________ including all fulfillment activities, warehousing and transportation to customers. Inbound operations outbound operations hybridbound none B
127 Customer Relationship Management is a ________________ level strategy. business corporate strategic none B
128 Operational CRM provides support to ___________ business processes. front office back office staff none A
129 Collaborative ______ ultimate goal is to use information collected by all departments to CRM's ERP SCM none A
improve the quality of services provided by the company.
130 Tally.ERP 9 follows the DES __________ method to safeguard the data. encryption decryption cryptography none A
131 Immediate posting and updation of books of accounts as soon as the transactions are Interactive Processing Immediate Processing Real Time Processing Business Processing C
entered. This is called as __________
132 Business Intelligence Systems are data-driven ___________________. Information Systems Integrated Decision Support Non-Isolated Information C
Information Systems Systems Systems

133 Which of the following ETDS forms are available in Tally.ERP 9? Form 26, Annexure to 26 Form 27, Annexure to Form 26Q, Annexure to All of the above D
27 26Q
134 The exported eTDS file from Tally.ERP 9 can be validated through NSDL's freely File Validation Program File Validation Utility File Valuation Program File Valuation Utility B
downloadable utility called __________________
135 With ______________ technology the characters are reduced in breadth and user is allowed to Tally Fix Tally Adjust Tally Fit Tally AutoFit C
input additional characters which would make the account name, entity complete and
136 In Tally.ERP 9 __________________ provides the user with administrator rights and the capability User-defined Security HTTP-XML based data Unlimited multi-user Audit Feature D
to check the entries made by the authorised users and alter these entries, if necessary. interchange support

137 __________________ is an enabling framework which establishes a connection through which the Direct Web Browser Access Web Publishing Tally.NET Email facility C
remote user can access the Client's data without copying/transferring the data.

138 If we want the company to be connected automatically for remote access on load, the Allow to Connect Company Contact On Load Either A or B None of the above B
property __________ needs to be set it as Yes.
139 ___________________ technology is the process of creating and utilizing the company's historical Data Warehousing Data Modeling Business Modeling Business Intelligence A
140 Is there a fixed qualification for internal auditor_________. TRUE FALSE B
141 Which of the following will not appear in the home page of K-Doc? Powerpoint Word Paste Document My Templates C
142 To change an email header so that the message appears to have originated from someone or Email middle attack. Email Spoofing. Email hacking. Email tracking B
somewhere other than the actual source is known as___________.
143 To playfully satirize a website is known as_____________. Web tapping Web Interception Web spoofing Web threating C
144 _________is the complete package to manage the billing requirements of a CA firm on cash Payroll eSecretary Billing and Accounting K-DOC application C
system of accounting. software
145 Which of the following is not a/an feature of eSecretary? Contact Management Greeting Management Email Management Share certificate printing D

146 Annual return preparation can be done using ________. ICAI-ROC application K-DOC application ICAI XBRL Software Payroll A
147 ________is correspondence automation & management software that is seamlessly integrated K-DOC application eSecretary ICAI XBRL Software ICAI-ROC application B
with Microsoft Office.
148 ________ is an independent,objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add value Statutory audit Tax audit Internal auditiing None of the Above C
and improve an organization's operations.
149 Which of the following is/are the main purpose of the internal audit? Financial reporting Operations of the Both A and B Either A or B C
150 As per _____________of the Income tax Act,every person carrying on business or profession is Section 45 Section 44AD Section 43B Section 44AB D
requires to get his accounts audited by a CA before the "specified date".

151 __________________ refers to use software/applications to automatically perform tasks such as ERP Office automation Either A or B None of the Above B
accounting,preparing trial balance, financial statements etc. and electronically transmit data
or information using internet..
152 FEMA Stands for _______________. Foreign Exports Management Financial Enterprise Foreign Exchange None of the Above C
Act Management Act Managament Act
153 Which application helps the management to allocate the revenue to the credit of the right Resource allocation and Knowledge Document Management Client management D
employee who identified the opportunity? scheduling management Systems

154 Who has full privileges in the financial accounting application? Database administrator Account administrator System administrator User Administrator C

155 _________is the centre point of the financial accounting application as any transactions having AP module GL module AR module FA module B
financial impact carried out in any other module will reflect in this module.

156 In Financial Accounting Application,the transactions flow from GL (General ledger) to other TRUE FALSE B
157 Which of the functionalities is not provided in the purchasing module of Financial Evaluation of Vendors Receipts of goods or Invite and analyze Comparison with budgets D
Accounting Application. service quotations from
158 In Financial Accounting Application,automatic sequence number of documents control is not Purchasing Accounts Payable Expense Management Fixed assets C
required in which of the following module?
159 Which module of Financial Accounting Application can be used for assigning credit limit to Purchasing Sales Accounts Payable Accounts Receivable B
160 Which of these will trigger/alert for timely payment ? Accounts Payable Accounts Receivable Expense Management Bank Reconcilations C

161 We can manage interviews,offers and job vacancies by using which of the application? Resource allocation and HR and Payroll Knowledge None of the Above B
scheduling applications management
162 ________,___________,__________ are commonly referred to as CIA in information security parlance. Confidentiality,Integrity and Confidentiality,Integrit Confidentiality,Integrity Confidentiality,Integration A
Availability y and Authentication and Access rights and Authentication

163 ___________provides information about updation of project cost based on time spent by Performance management HR management Payroll Timesheet application D
employees on various projects. system system
164 Which of the follwing is not a/an functionality provided by PMS? Capture the Key Performance Employee designation Automated alerts for Prepare summary or bell B
Indicators and reporting pending appraisals curve analysis of all
structure employees
165 ___________automates the calculation of salary for taking inputs from the timesheet Timesheet System HR management Payroll System Knowledge management C
application, leaves from Leave Management System and salary details from the HR master System System
166 Which of the follwing is not a control in Leave Management System? Reduce administrative burden Excess leave Error free capture of Approval workflow C
on HR leave details
167 Permanent Audit File are obtained once but updated on __________basis. half-yearly yearly monthy quarterly B
168 In Permanent Audit file, _______ is not the key data documented. Organization chart Client’s accounting Copies of clients’ Copies of important C
manual incorporation contracts or long term
documents like MoC lease agreements
169 ________is a type of training in which user logon on the training server with a user ID and Internal Training E-Learning Classroom Training E-Training B
170 In some cases, trainee is supposed to appear for the examination/test at the end of the Classroom Training E-Learning Virtual Learning All the Above B
training is____________.
171 ________ are the hardware/infrastructure equipments used in a CA firm. PC Application Server WAN All the Above D
172 _____________means information available in the organization should not be altered or Confidentiality Integrity Availability Authentication B
modified by unauthorized personnel.
173 Which of these is/are the standard email program used in an organization? Microsoft Exchange Lotus Notes Both A and B None of the Above C
174 Which of the following is not a characteristics of WAN? Most WANs are owned by only Compared to LAN, its WAN uses only private Switches are used to B
one organization. transmission speed is networks. connect LAN and WAN
175 _________is protection of information assets from threats to preserve their value. Confidentiality Integrity Information Security None of the above C
176 Which types of information assets need to be secured in a CA Office? Client data Own data Own documents All the above D
177 The extent and level of _________ would depend on the nature of information. Availability Confidentiality Integrity Authentication B
178 __________ of information might be affected due to denial of service attack or some other Integrity Authentication Confidentiality Availability D
179 __________means the sender cannot deny having sent a message and receiver cannot deny Non-Repudiation Integrity Authentication Confidentiality A
receiving the message.
180 Risk may not be _______ in nature. reputational financial operational vulnerable D
181 The process of identifying an individual, usually based on user id and password in an Availability Authentication Confidentiality Integrity B
organization is called______________.
182 Which of the following is not a software equipment required in a CA's office? Resource allocation and Client management HR and Payroll None of the Above D
183 Which of the following is not an application arranged by ICAI? ICAI-XBRL suite K-DOC Billing and Accounting ICAI-TOC D
184 PBX stands for ________ Private Exchange Branch Public Exchange Private Branch Public Branch exchange C
Branch exchange
185 ________ is the process of meeting the financial goals through the proper management of Corporate planning Monte Carlo Financial planning Personal Finance planning C
finances. simulation
186 ___________ can be defined as the process of setting the procedures in the organization for Monte Carlo Simulation Corporate Planning Decision Tree Analysis Corporate Planning & B
achieving the predefined goals. Analysis
187 ________ shows ability of company to pay back long term loans along with interest or other Debt Assets Ratio Interest Coverage Total Fund Ration None of the above B
charges from generation of profit from its operations. Ratio
188 _____________________is the simplest method of comparing different stocks at a point of time to Earnings Per share Fixed Asset Over ratio Price Earnings Multiple Gross Profit Ratio C
make investment decisions.
189 The very first line of code of XML file is_____________. <?xml version="3.0" <?xml version="2.0" <?xml version="1.0" <?xml version="0.0" C
encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> encoding="ISO-8859- encoding="ISO-8859- encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
1"?> 1"?>
190 Every bit of data has to start and end with an identical tag <TagName>Data</TagName> </TagName>Data<Ta </TagName>Data</Ta <TagName>Data<TagNam A
gName> gName> e>
191 Deletion of XML Map is done through __________. Directally Delete Command Delete Button XML Maps Dialog Box None of the above C

192 Excel works primarily with ________ types of XML files. 3 2 1 4 B

193 Method of tax calculations shall change according to _________. Annual Income DOB status of assess All of the above. D
194 ________ is a process used in statistical analysis in which a predetermined number of Snowball sampling Sampling Systematic sampling Simple random sampling B
observations will be taken from a larger population.
195 In __________, Individuals are selected at regular intervals from a list of the whole population. Clustered sampling Sampling Systematic sampling Simple random sampling C

196 In ______________ each individual is chosen entirely by chance and each member of the Snowball sampling Convenience sampling Systematic sampling Simple random sampling D
population has an equal chance, or probability, of being selected.
197 Which method is commonly used in social sciences when investigating hard to reach Quota Sampling Sampling Snowball sampling Simple random sampling C
198 __________ are useful for quick reading and easy understanding, particularly for top Balance sheet Summary reports IRR NPV B
199 Popular methods of capital budgeting include _________ and payback period. discounted cash flow internal rate of return net present value All the above D

200 _________ is the value of all future cash inflows less future cash outflows as on today. Net present value Working capital IRR PMT A

201 ___________is the process of defining and analyzing the dangers to individuals, businesses and Sensitivity analysis Risk analysis Qualitative risk analysis Scenario analysis B
government agencies posed by potential natural and human-caused adverse events.

202 __________ which is used more often, does not involve numerical probabilities or predictions Sensitivity analysis Risk analysis Qualitative risk analysis Scenario analysis C
of loss.
203 ________ are generally used to present information in a simple and better way and also be Graphs Sparklines Both A& B Charts D
used to analyse the risk in a better way.
204 It is a technique used to determine how different values of an independent variable will Decision Tree analysis Sensitivity analysis Both A& B Neither A &B B
impact a particular dependent variable under a given set of assumptions.

205 _______ involves computing different reinvestment rates for expected returns that are Scenario analysis Sensitivity analysis Decision Tree Analysis None A
reinvested during the investment horizon.
206 Which function that is used to calculate the payment for specific loan terms ____________ SUMIF() PMT COUNTIF() None of the above B

207 ________helps to break down the Return on Equity Du Point Analysis Return on Investment Profitability Ration None of the above A

208 _______ is a common method for financing property, facilities, and equipment. Mortagage Leasing Rent All the above B
209 Which option can be used to split windows into four in ms excel 2010? Format -> Window Window -> Split View -> Window -> Split View -> Split B

210 How to restrict the values of a cell so that only a list can be entered in a cell? Settings Tab under the Tab Settings Tab under the Settings Tab under the All of the above B
Format -> Cells tab Data -> Validation tab Data -> Filter -
>Advanced Filter
211 What does the COUNTA() function do in MS Excel 2010 ? Counts cells having alphabets Counts empty cells Counts cells having Counts non-empty cells D
212 If the value in A1 is "ITT" and in B1 is "ICAI ", which function in Excel will return " ITT @ ICAI A1+ "@" + B1 A1 # "@" # B1 A1 & "@" & B1 A1 $ "@" $ B1 C
" in cell C1?
213 Which of the following function will return a value of 7? ROUNDUP(7.4999,0) ROUNDDOWN(7.4999, ROUND(7.4999,0) Only B & C D
214 A tiny chart embedded in a worksheet cell that provides a visual representation of data is a Bar Chart Sparkline Pivot Chart Pie Chart B
215 _________is a graphical equivalent of a pivot table, which is used to visualise PivotTable report Bar Chart Pivot Chart Sparklines None of the above B
summary data
216 To frequently print a specific range of cells on a worksheet , the option used is Pagelayout -> Page Setup -> Pagelayout -> Print Page Setup -> Print Print Area A
Print Area Area Area
217 Non-excel files can be opened in MS Excel using the Add Ins Developer Tab Text Import wizard Analysis Tool Pak C
218 _____is a text concatenation operator. # $ & * C
219 Which of the following is correct? AVERAGE(4,5,6,7) AVERAGE(A1,B1,C1) AVERAGE(A1:A6,B1:B6 All of the above D
220 ___ function in MS-Excel returns the remainder after number is divided by divisor. MOD() INT() DIV() REMAINDER() A

221 EXCEL Work in ________ Mode 3 5 7 11 A

222 In Ms-Excel 2010, ______ is Last Column Name? XWE XFD XAA AAA B
223 In Excel 2010, the default criteria setting for AutoFilter in each field is __________. Top10 Bottom10 Top half All D
224 Subtotal option is in __________ group of Data tab in Excel 2010. Sort & Filter Outline Data Tools Calculation B
225 Which of the following cannot store connection information of an external data source in Workbook .odc file .htm file .udcx file C
Excel 2010?
226 The default pivot chart type in Excel 2010 is a ________ chart. Column Line Scatter Bubble A
227 To consolidate Excel data, ________________________ is used when worksheet data does not have a Consolidation by position Consolidation by Consolidation using 3-D Any of the above C
consistent layout or pattern. category formulas
228 In Excel 2010, the __________ function is used to generate a forecast. TREND STANDARDIZE CORREL GROWTH A
229 ______function calculates the payment for a loan (installment) based on constant payments PV NPV IRR PMT D
and a constant interest rate.
230 __________ are easy-to-use filtering components that enable the user to quickly filter the data Sparklines Slicers Macros Data Forms B
in a PivotTable report in MS-Excel 2010.
231 In Excel 2010, range C3:C6 indicates _______________. Cells C3 through C6 Cell C3 and Cell C6 Cell C4 and Cell C5 None of the above A
232 Keyboard shortcut to show a shortcut menu in MS Excel 2010 is _______________. Shift + F10 Shift + F1 Shift + F11 Shift + F12 A
233 To select multiple non-adjacent cells in an Excel 2010 worksheet, click them holding _________ Ctrl Alt Shift Ctrl + Shift A
234 A quick way to return to a specific area of a worksheet in Excel 2010 is to type the cell Name Box Formula Bar Zoom Box Sheet Tab A
address or range name in the ____________.
235 In MS-Excel 2010, the Name Box shows the ________________________. Name of the workbook Name of the Name of the cell or Formula in the cell C
currently working on worksheet currently range currently currently working on
working on working on
236 In Excel 2010, what is represented by the small black square in the lower-right corner of an Copy handle Fill handle Insert handle Border B
active cell or range?
237 Suppose we accidentally erased a record in an Excel worksheet. Which command can be Insert Replace Paste Undo D
used to restore it immediately?
238 Excel 2010 offers up to____________sort levels. 32 64 60 80 B
239 Which feature in Excel 2010 enables us to find the input values needed to achieve a goal or Goal Seek Consolidate Data Validation Subtotal A
240 The INT function________ Rounds a number to a desired Rounds a number Rounds a number up Calculates interest B
multiple down to the nearest
241 Which of the following statements about scenarios is not true? A scenario is a set of values A workbook can have Scenarios provide a Scenarios help to perform B
saved with the workbook. one scenario per way to see different what-if analysis.
sheet. solutions for worksheet
242 What is a scenario summary report? A formatted description of A formatted defined A worksheet with a A worksheet with A
each scenario on a separate range of Solver and separate thumbnail for separate macros for each
worksheet Goal Seek solutions each formula scenario
243 What does Solver uses in its dialog box? Arguments Limitations Constraints Parameters D
244 What term describes a feature that gives Excel enhanced capability? Trendlining Enhancement bit Thumbnail Add-in D
245 What dialog box allows you to change a field name in a PivotTable? Field Options Field Pane Field Settings Field Structure C
246 Why are PivotTables considered interactive? They allow you to add They allow you to They allow you to They allow you to print B
dynamic data. rearrange row and generate e-mail the reports with various
column data. enabled reports. settings.
247 Identify the need for controls and auditing in a computerised environment. Absence of input documents Lack of visible Accessibility of data and All of the above D
transaction trail computer programs

248 Grand totals calculated for any code on a document in the batch are called….. Financial totals Record totals Document totals Hash totals D
249 Control that checks if correct sequence of commands and update parameters are passed Table level Data Integrity Batch check System test B
from the application software to the database.
250 With respect to data integrity control, when monetary transactions are processed against Sequence account Data account Suspense account Update account C
master files without a match, we should maintain a ….
251 The system test that tests the top-level modules first and then the lower modules are Bottom up test Hybrid test Stub test Top down test D
simulated with dummy modules to check the interfaces is called ….
252 Identify the audit technique that examines each transaction as it passes through the system. Embedded code Program code Database Analyzers Database code A

253 The Core Image Comparison audit technique compares the…. Database with master table Executable program Transaction data with Module programs with B
with master copy master transaction snapshots

254 The technique used by an auditor to list unused program instructions is….. Modelling Analyzing Mapping Tracing C
255 The sample data created and used for the purpose of testing the application system is Test data Table data Item data Record data A
256 The test data (dummy unit) implemented in the normal processing of the system over a Integrated Test Facility Black box Test Facility Graph testing Whitebox testing A
period of time is known as….
257 The test data generated with correctness proof, data flow analysis and control flow analysis Test item block Test data pack Test program pack Test record pack B
tools is called….
258 The organisational, management, maintenance and access controls are categories of …… Application controls General controls Check controls Input controls B

259 When a real-time system is simulated to generate the same output as the real-time system, Parallel trailing Tracing parallel Parallel coding Parallel simulation D
the technique is called….
260 When an auditor expands the extent of substantive tests to determine the impact of defects Cross reference lister Formulate flaw Correct lister Formulate correct B
on the attainment of program objectives, the methodology is…. hypotheses hypotheses
261 This is an important control in systems that use digital signatures for authentication Public audit trails Random audit trails Sample audit trails Data audit trails A
262 Selecting transactions based on a sampling rate is called …. method. Transaction sampling Systematic sampling Simple sampling Demographic sampling B
263 The capability of the generalized audit software to read different data coding schemes, File size File data File access File reorganisation C
different record formats and different file structures is….
264 The audit software capability of frequency analysis is to…. Sort and merge files Sampling nth item Formatting output Classify data on a criteria D

265 The audit functions of attributes sampling, variables sampling, stratified sampling are Stratification Selection Statistical Reporting C
included in …. functions.
266 Identify the functional limitation of a generalized audit software that enables evidence Ex Post Auditing Only Analytical review only Limited ability to Limited ability to Verify A
collection only on the state of an application system after the fact. determine Propensity Processing logic
for Error
267 The purpose-written audit programs are used for….. Sorting, creating, and printing Data retrieval, code Reading data, selecting Specific tasks with original D
files comparison and analyzing or modified programs

268 Picture of a transaction as it flows through the computer systems is called….. Program Track Snapshot Picture C
269 The application controls are …. Input controls Processing controls Both A and B Neither A nor B C
270 Identify the type of audit when auditors are members of the systems development team. General audit Post audit System audit Concurrent audit D

271 Identify the field check - "If a set of values is defined, is the input data one of these defined List Range Slab Digit C
272 The field check that conforms if data input for a field is in a particular format. Format mask Data mask Field mask Input mask A
273 The field check on a processed data that fails if a field is not initialized to zero or errors Range Sign Overflow Serial C
occur during calculation is……
274 The validation checks applied to a field depending on its logical interrelationships with the Field checks Record checks Batch checks File checks B
other fields in the record are called …..
275 A group of records or transactions that are contiguous constitute ….. Physical batches Logical batches Block batches Transact batches A
276 ………… the type of batch check (group of records) for all input records of a particular type Control totals Serial number Transaction type Sequence check C
is done.
277 DB2 is an example of __________ ODBMS RDBMS DBMS None C
278 ____________is used to Modify/Change Data in Table Update Query Process Query Insert Query None A
279 MS-Access is _________________ DBMS RDBMS ODBMS None A
280 Which of the following is not a data type in MS-Access? Number Character Memo Date B
281 To make changes in MS-Access form should be opened in __________________ Form view Form Design Change Form None B
282 _______layout of a form displays one record at a time Tabular columnar Datasheet None B
283 In SQL, DML stands for _________ Data manipulation language Data mathematical both a and b None A
284 To see more than one record at a time in a form we use _______ Tabular columnar both a and b None A
285 The default query invoked by ms-access is Update Query Select Query Delete Query None B
286 __________ software serves as the Intermediary between the user and the database DATABASE DBMS O.S None B
287 Distributed database have now come to know as a __________ database Client data base Server data base Client-Server database None C

288 DDL Stands for -. Data Design Language Define Data Language Data Definition None C
289 In DBMS, view level data abstraction is known as __________ Internal Schema Conceptual Schema External Schema None C
290 In DBMS, Normalization concept responsible for _______________ Increase data duplication Reduce Redundancy Increase Efficiency All B

291 one 2 one, one 2 many and many 2 many Relationship exist in _________ model Hierachical FLAT FILE SYSTEM Relational model None C
292 Record is also known as ________ in a Relational data base Attribute Entity Tuple None C
293 ____________ is extention of ACCESS DATABASE .mdb .dbf .accdb None C
294 Default length of numeric data type is ____________ 255 char 16 chra text long Integer D
295 Default value option in field property use for ________ enter a value automatically for checking for validation check None A
296 Value of Report Header exist on ___________ page of report every first last None B
297 __________ is an action or set of actions that you can use to automate tasks program check macro All C
298 SQL is a _________ Language Programming Non-Procedural Application None B
299 Which one is the Second Level of Data Abstraction? Physical level Logical Level View Level None B
300 Memo data type store _________ number of characters. 256 1000 16536 63999 D
301 __________ data type field can't be updated YES/NO HYPERLINK MEMO AUTONUMBER D
302 A Record is also commonly called as a _________ column field tuple None C
303 Most database operations that we do manually can be automated by using Program query form macro D
304 _________ are what we use to summarize and present data in the table Report Query Form Macro A
305 A database tabel is similar in appearance to a _______ MS-WORD Excel/spreadsheet Powerpoint None B
306 SQL is considered to be a _______ 3 GL 4GL 5GL None B
307 SQL is considered to as an ideal Language for _______ Java Internet Database Visual Basic C
308 DBMS that supports a database located at a single site is called a _____ Multiuser DBMS Distributed DBMS Centralized DBMS Database C
309 DBMS that supports a database distributed across several different site is called a _____ Client-Server database Distributed DBMS Multiuser DBMS Centralized DBMS B

310 The _________key does not accept Duplicate and Null values in Field. key field Primary key Reference Key None B
311 ______ is often implemented as an array of records Record Tuple Tabel Attribute B
312 In MS-Access 2010,the ________ control in the form lets the user insert a picture into it. Title Logo Picture Graphic B

313 Which query should be used to retrieve the following information from table of databases Search Query Make Table Query Aggregate Query Select Query D
"Which employees earn more than Rs.30,000 a month?"
314 Queries in MS-Access 2010 can be used as ________________________. View, change and analyze data A source of records for Both A and B Neither A nor B C
in different ways forms and reports

315 What is a form in MS-Access? It is a printed page where It is a Data Entry It is a part of database None of the above B
users will enter data Screen to make used by the analysts to
viewing, entering and draw conclusions
editing data in the
database table
316 Which of the following degree of relationship cannot be applied in MS-Access 2010? One-to-One One-to-Many Many-to-Many Many-to-One D

317 In an ER model, a/an ___________ is any object, place, person, event or concept about which an Entity Attribute Relationship None of the above A
enterprise records data.
318 The process of arranging data in a logical sequence is called ____________. Classifying Filtering Sorting Summarizing C
319 If some chunk of data is stored at two places in a database, then ___________. Storage space is wasted Changing the data at It can be more easily Both A and B D
one place only will accessed
cause data
320 In MS-Access, what data type can be used for a phone number field in a database? Number Text Memo Any of the above B
321 E-R Diagram is ________________ Model. Conceptual Model Structural Model Object Model Interface A
322 Which of the following can be a primary key in an employee database? Employee Code Employee Name Date of Birth Joining Date A
323 Which of the following is a Database Management System? Java Oracle Lotus 1-2-3 MS-Outlook B
324 Which of the following is not a data type in MS-Access 2010? Memo Yes/No Image AutoNumber C
325 Which of the following is a New data type in MS-Access 2010? Memo Yes/No Calculated Field AutoNumber C
326 In MS-Access 2010, __________ queries are best suitable to summarize information and Crosstab Parameter Action None of the above A
looking for trends.
327 Which of the following is not a section in Report Design view in MS-Access 2010? Report Header Section Page Header Section Detail Section Summary Section D
328 Which of the following is not an action query in MS-Access 2010? Select Delete Make Table Update A
329 In MS-Access 2010, which data type is best suitable for storing the price of a commodity? Text Number Currency AutoNumber C

330 In MS-Access 2010, which of the following data type creates a field that allows the user to OLE Object Memo Hyperlink Lookup Wizard D
choose a value from another table or from a list of values by using a list box or combo box?

331 In a table, _____________ uniquely identifies each record that is stored in the table. Unique Key Foreign Key Primary Key Record Key C
332 _________ is used to insert values in Table directly. Query Report Form None A
333 DCL provides commands to perform actions like _________. Changing the structure of Creating views and Authorizing access and Inserting, updating or C
tables indexes other control over deleting records
334 A database _______ presents summarized information retrieved from a table in a Form Query Macro Report D
preformatted, attractive manner.
335 In MS-Access 2010, which type of query extracts the data from one or more existing tables Parameter query Update query Crosstab query Make Table query D
and puts them into separate table?
336 In an MS-Access report, in which section we can keep the count[Sales] to calculate the total In the Report Header Section In the Report Footer In the Page Footer In the Month Group Footer D
sales for each month? Section Section Section
337 What is the first step in creating a form or report using the Form Wizard or the Report Selecting the fields that we Selecting the Reading several screens Selecting how the form or B
Wizard in MS-Access 2010? want to appear in the form or underlying table or of mostly useless report should be
report query on which we information and formatted
want to base the form clicking next
or report
338 Which of the following is not an advantage of using a DBMS? Data independence Data integrity and Decentralized data Reduced application C
security development time
339 ___________ provides in Access 2010 is used to convert database tables to the normalized form. Table Analyzer Wizard Database Analyzer Form Analyzer Wizard None of the above A
340 Which Ribbon command tab includes the Table Analyzer Wizard in MS Access 2010 ? Create External Data Home Database Tools D

341 A Junction Table creates a _______________ relationship between two tables. One-to-One One-to-Many Many-to-Many None of the above C
342 The Primary key of one table and the matching column in another table is known as Matching Key Foreign Key Index key None of the above B
343 In SQL, having clause is used for _________ For ordering records specifying conditions updating records None B
with group by clause

344 To compact the database in MS Access 2010, the database must be opened in the ___________. Inclusive Mode Exclusive Mode Normal Mode Save Mode B

345 In MS Access 2010,_________ help protect a database from system failures and against Backups Save Database Save As Databse None of the above A
mistakes that the Undo command cannot fix.
346 Improving the performance of a database in MS Access 2010 used______________ tool. Performance Analyzer Hi-tech Analyzer Online Analyzer None of the above A

347 The _________ can be used to create reports on database objects for planning and modifying Table Documenter Database Documenter Query & Report None of the above B
database design. Documenter
348 Use _____________ to grant or revoke permissions or to change the owner of database objects. User and Group Accounts User-level Security User and Group None of the above C
Wizard Permissions
349 _____________ commands are used to enforce database security in a multiple user database Security Grant and revoke Select Create B
350 Which SQL clause is used to retrieve data from database? SELECT WHERE FROM INSERT A
351 The __________clause is used to filter records in database. SELECT WHERE FROM INSERT B
352 DCL(Data Control Language) used for Entering Data Defining Data Controlling/Accessing All C
353 __________is Example of DBMS Word Excel Access None C
354 What are the features of the Payroll Software provide by the ICAI. Recruitment Management salary Process Time & attendance All of the above D
355 Which are the transaction supported by the Billing and Accounting software ? Billing Previous years Cash receipt All of the above D
pending bills
356 The software provide creating,printing and sending bulk individual mail eSecretary software Contact Management Template Management All of the above A
is_______________________. software software

357 The feature Archive is available in K-DOC application for the purpose of____________. To create new file To save file To cut & paste the None of the above C
completed and old
358 Employee Information Portal feature in Payroll Application provide employee to view Personal profile PAN Number PF No,online All of the above D
their________________. submission of loan etc

359 Which is not a feature of ICAI-ROC application ? Generation of forms as per Maintain Minutes Calculate the filing fee Bank Receipt D
formats and requirement of Book
360 The Payroll application supports three methods of salary disbursement are________________. Salary Paid in Cash Salar paid by Salary credited to Bank All of the above D
361 Which Tools and Utilities is not supported by Payroll Application ? MIS Export Journal TCS Backup utilities C
362 The software provide the facility to generate bills,receipts,vouchers and clients outstanding Billing & Accounting softwatre Payroll Software K-DOC application ICAI-ROC application A
etc is______________.
363 A software which provide the structured file management and knowledge mamnagement ICAI-File management K-DOC application Knowledge None of the above B
is_____________________. application Management Software

364 The software provides a complete package to manage secretarial requirements & generates Billing & Accounting softwatre Payroll Software K-DOC application ICAI-ROC application D
forms as per MCA21 requirements
365 The ICAI-ROC provides the facility to prepare________________. Auto filing of eForms Shares Annual Returs forms All of the above D
366 The software which provide the Contact Management,Correspondence Management, eSecretary software Contact Management Template Management All of the above A
simplified Mail/Email etc. software software

367 Correspondence feature of eSecretary application provide facilities are______________. Templates Blank document Outside document All of the above D

368 To create New Contact and access Contact features are available in which application ? eSecretary software Contact Management Template Management All of the above A
software software

369 _____________________ is comprehensive package that combines Income Tax,Service Tax,e-TDS.e- Tax Application K-DOC application Tax Suite Application All of the above C
AIR etc.
370 The financial transactions are to be …………. leading to different steps in Accounts Collected and computed Sampled and stratified Grouped and Assets and liability C
Compilation. summarized
371 The methods LIFO, FIFO, Moving Average are used to …. Value closing stock Value clearing stock Value expense stock Value income stock A
372 The report prepared taking the asset and liability type accounts from the Trial Balance is P & L statement Income statement Balance sheet Asset sheet C
373 The report that depicts operating profit/loss for a period is ….. Trial balance Trading account P & L statement Suspense accounts C
374 The day book contains transactions relating to ……… Income or expenditure Sales or purchase Asset or liability Profit or loss B
375 The Bills Receivable details are maintained in a …….. Journal sheet Voucher debtors Sundry debtors Original entry C
376 Creditors ledger has details of your dues to …….. Customers Assets Liabilities Suppliers D
377 The sundry debtors are placed in the Balance sheet on the …… Income side Assets side Expense side Payable side B
378 The first step in Tally before any transaction is entered or saved is creating a ……… File Company Project Application B
379 To configure country specific details use the function key…… F10 F2 F12 F11 C
380 Identify the security mechanism used in Tally. Tally Secure Tally Pack Tally Group Tally Vault D
381 The basic document where transactions are entered chronologically is…. Ledger Journal Voucher Trial Balance B
382 After selecting a company in Tally, you will be in the…… Accounts of Tally Gateway of Tally Entry of Tally Groups of Tally B
383 Tally software is based on ……… accounting system. Sales Production Mercantile Manufacture C
384 Identify the primary group of capital nature that uses bank account and cash in hand as sub Fixed assets Current assets Loan assets Capital assets B
385 All financial entries in Tally are done using……. Vouchers Groups Journal Ledgers D
386 The Direct expenses, Purchase account, Direct income are primary groups of ….. Capital nature Expense nature Revenue nature Income nature C
387 The option to delete a sub-group is admissible through the menu…… Alter Delete Display Shift A
388 The behavioural attributes of this group cannot be changed. Sub-group Ledger-group Primary-group Alter-group C
389 Credit limits for personal accounts and branches can be done in the ledger mode…… Single Multiple Sub-group Alter-group B

390 We are not allowed to delete a ledger from this mode. Single Sub-group Alter-group Multiple D
391 All account heads except Cash and Bank are placed in the…… Sub Ledger master Group Ledger master General Ledger master Journal Ledger master C

392 These are the basis for analysis by potential investors, banks etc. Journal and Ledger P & L Account and P & L Account and Voucher Account and C
Journal Balance Sheet Balance Sheet
393 Identify the primary group of capital nature that has the sub-groups: Bank OD Account, Bank Expenses Income Assets Loans D
OCC Account.
394 The primary document for recording all financial transactions in Tally is the…… Journal Trial sheet Voucher File C
395 You can customize the voucher entry screen using the function key……. F13 F12 F10 F11 B
396 Identify the voucher type that records fund transfers between cash and bank accounts. Credit Note Payment Receipt Contra D

397 This voucher type records adjustments between ledgers. Sales Receipt Payment Journals D
398 The use of classes for payment, receipt and contra vouchers enables data input in …… Double entry mode List entry mode Choice entry mode File entry mode B

399 The details of a voucher entry can be given in the ……. Comment Memo File Narration D
400 The credit note voucher can hold account types: …….. Sales account, Sales tax Ledger account, Bank Suppliers account, Buyer's account, Cash A
account account Purchases account account
401 The suffix and prefix details for the voucher type can be made applicable only from the ……. End of a month First of a year First of a month End of a month C

402 The voucher used to record all bank and cash payments is ….. Credit Note Contra Sales Note Payment D
403 The accounts that the business owns is called …. Liability Income Sales Asset D
404 Tally's age-wise analysis considers the voucher's …… Previous date Effective date Current year Configured date B
405 Arrange the steps in generating the books of accounts. 1, 2, 3, 4 1, 3, 4, 2 2, 4, 3, 1 3, 4, 2, 1 C
1. Create Trial balance
2. Create new ledgers
3. Generate Day Books
4. Update journals for financial transactions
406 For day-to-day transactions the voucher types used are Credit purchase Cash purchase Both A and B Contra purchase C
407 Say for example a payment is made to a creditor ABC - Rs.10000 by cash, it can be entered Loan Payment Receipt Sales B
into the voucher type…..
408 Identify the purchase voucher type, the transaction for purchase of 10 CPUs,10 monitors by Credit Purchases Cash Purchases Expense Purchases Debit Purchases A
409 Identify the voucher type to be chosen for the sale of computers to Anand by cash @ Cash Ledger Sale Sheet Stock Journal Purchase Voucher C
Rs.210000 per unit.
410 A bank overdraft repaid by cheque at Rs.25000 can be made in the voucher….. Payment Receipt Debit Contra D
411 The financial statement that consolidates ledger balances is ….. Balance sheet Profit & Loss Trial balance Journal C
412 The F9 function key in the left side of the Gateway of Tally screen displays the…… Accounting reports Inventory reports P & L reports Expense reports B
413 The option on the Gateway of Tally that will generate the P&L account statement is….. Net Loss Net Income Net Profit Net Account C

414 The expenditure for running the business for a period is ….. Expense Example Taxes Income A
415 This displays the balance daywise for a selected voucher type. Record book Ledger book Journal book Day book D
416 The feature in Tally to analyze accounts of a company is….. Ratio analysis Account analysis Data analysis Transaction analysis A
417 The age-wise statement is displayed based on…… Income Payables Expenses Loans B
418 The ratio analysis of receivables can be done based on…… Bill date Effective date Voucher date Previous date A
419 Name the statement that helps the management in the decision making process. Data flow Funds flow Stock flow Cheque flow B
420 Identify the budget type which is chosen where transaction amounts are to be monitored. On closing balance On net credit flow On net transactions On net cash flow C

421 Choose the budget type to be used where bank accounts balances are to be monitored. On closing balance On net credit flow On net transactions On net cash flow A

422 The management that needs to consolidate the accounts of its various enterprises uses ……. Consolidate company Group company Set company Alter company B
in Tally.
423 Identify the user who can access audit trails in Tally. Owner Data Entry operator Accountant Administrator D
424 Identify the accounting feature in tally that facilitates splitting financial years for a company Month-less accounting Yearly-entry Period-less accounting Transaction-number C
data. accounting accounting
425 Identify the account type by the rule: "Debit the receiver and credit the giver". Real accounts Personal accounts Nominal accounts Expense accounts B
426 The tracking of changes in vouchers and ledger masters is done by….. Tally Vault Tally Audit Tally Report Tally Group B
427 Tally can import data from other programs and creates a log about the activity in the file….. Tally.imp Tally.cfg Tally.exp Tally.ole A

428 Import and export of data between Tally and other programs is possible with the help of….. OLE DBMS ODBC MS-XLS C

429 The manual option of voucher numbering leads to….. Auto numbers Duplicate number Sequence number Range number B
430 The Tally audit trail tracks changes made to vouchers that are ….. more than 30 Days old less than 30 Days old more than a day old more than a week old A

431 The ratio analysis of Bills Receivables or Bills Payables can be displayed with the function F5 F8 F12 F6 D
432 The test data generated with correctness proof, data flow analysis and control flow analysis Test item block Test data pack Test program pack Test record pack B
tools is called….
433 When a real-time system is simulated to generate the same output as the real-time system, Parallel trailing Tracing parallel Parallel coding Parallel simulation D
the technique is called….
434 When an auditor expands the extent of substantive tests to determine the impact of defects Cross reference lister Formulate flaw Correct lister Formulate correct B
on the attainment of program objectives, the methodology is…. hypotheses hypotheses
435 This is an important control in systems that use digital signatures for authentication Public audit trails Random audit trails Sample audit trails Data audit trails A
436 The first document where the transaction is entered is called a ….. Ledger Liability Voucher Expense C
437 Selecting transactions based on a sampling rate is called …. method. Transaction sampling Systematic sampling Simple sampling Demographic sampling B
438 The capability of the generalized audit software to read different data coding schemes, File size File data File access File reorganisation C
different record formats and different file structures is….
439 The audit software capability of frequency analysis is to…. Sort and merge files Sampling nth item Formatting output Classify data on a criteria D

440 The audit functions of attributes sampling, variables sampling, stratified sampling are Stratification Selection Statistical Reporting C
included in …. functions.
441 Identify the functional limitation of a generalized audit software that enables evidence Ex Post Auditing Only Analytical review only Limited ability to Limited ability to Verify A
collection only on the state of an application system after the fact. determine Propensity Processing logic
for Error
442 The purpose-written audit programs are used for….. Sorting, creating, and printing Data retrieval, code Reading data, selecting Specific tasks with original D
files comparison and analyzing or modified programs

443 Picture of a transaction as it flows through the computer systems is called….. Program Track Snapshot Picture C
444 Identify the type of audit when auditors are members of the systems development team. General audit Post audit System audit Concurrent audit D

445 The document used for posting of accounting transactions is …….... Voucher and journal Ledger and trial Balance sheet and trial Journal and ledger D
balance balance
446 When the debit total is greater than credit total, the amount appears in the …….. column. Income Debit Credit Expense B

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