Neisseria Gonorrhea Slide

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Neisseria gonorrhoeae is named for Albert
Neisser, who isolated it as the causative agent of
Origin the disease gonorrhea in 1878. Galen coined the
term "gonorrhea" from the Greek gonos which
means "seed" and rhoe which means
"flow"Thus, gonorrhea means "flow of seed", a
description referring to the white penile
discharge, assumed to be semen, seen in male
Domain & kingdom:
Neisseria gonorrhoeae belongs to domain and kingdom of bacteria

Neisseria gonorrhoeae belongs to Pseudomonadota. Pseudomonadota is
a major phylum of Gram-negative bacteria and the Neisseria gonorrhoeae
belongs to this because it is also a major phylum of gram-negative

Members of this class are facultatively a class of Gram-negative
bacteria. Neisseria gonorrhoeae belongs to the Betaproteobacteria.

The Neisseriaceae are a family of Pseudomonadota. Neisseria
gonorrhoeae belongs to this group.

The Neisseriaceae are a family of Pseudomonadota, within the Neisseriaceae order. The Neisseria
gonorrhoeae belongs to The Neisseriaceae.

Neisseria is a large genus of bacteria that colonize the mucosal surfaces of many animals. There
are two pathogens in Neisseria and one of them belongs to Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Neisseria
species are Gram-negative bacteria included among the Pseudomonadota.

Neisseria gonorrhoeae

Neisseria gonorrhoeae belongs to the genus Neisseria within the family Neisseriaceae.
Under a microscope, it is a kidney-shaped Gram-negative, non-spore-forming, non-
motile, encapsulated, and non-acid-fast bacteria. For growth, it needs an aerobic
environment with extra CO2 and enriched media, like chocolate agar. It produces β-
lactamase and is oxidase positive. After 18 to 24 hours of incubation, tiny, smooth, and
unpigmented colonies form. Neisseria gonorrhoeae comes in 70 different strains.

1. EXTERNAL MEMBRANE PLASMA= separates the interior

of the cell from the outside environment
2. PEPTIDOGLYCAN = t helps protect bacterial cells from
environmental stress and helps preserve cell
morphology throughout their life cycle.
3. MESOSOME= carry the enzymes for aerobic respiration
and increase the surface area for the same.
4. PROTEIN MEMBRANE INTEGRAL= roles in movement of
molecules across them and the transduction of energy
and signals.
5. PILLI= to attach a bacterial cell to specific surfaces or
to other cells.
Neisseria gonorrhoeae is the bacteria that causes gonorrhoea.
Typically, it affects the urethra, cervix, rectum, throat, or
conjunctiva epithelia, resulting in discomfort or agony as well as
purulent discharge.

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