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TOUCHSTONE TWO (A2 - B1) Score  


1. A. Choose the co rect answers.

___ you get regular exercise?

A Do

B Are

C What do

2. A. Choose the co rect answers.

___ your f iend studying for exams?

A When are

B Is

C Does

3. A. Choose the co rect answers.

___ your children eat a lot of junk food?

A How do

B Are

C Do

4. B. Complete the conversation.

A How ___ with stress?

B I take a lot of hot baths.
A you cope

B you are coping

C do you cope
5. B. Complete the conversation.

A Are you eating a lot of fast food these days?

B Yes, ___. I really don'thave time to cook.
A I´m

B I am

C I do

6. B. Complete the conversation.

A Do you snore?
B No, ___. At least, I don't think I snore.
A I don´t

B I´m not

C I´m not sno ing

7. B. Complete the conversation.

A What are you doing to stay in shape?

B I'm ___ a karate class.
A taking

B take

C takes

8. B. Complete the conversation.

A Are you eating a healthy diet?

B Yes, I am. ___ any fast food.
A I ate

B I´m not eating

C I eat

9. A. Choose the co rect answers.

I think I'm ___ sick.

A got

B getting

C get
10. A. Choose the co rect answers.

I eat pretty healthy food. ___ f uit and vegetables.

A I´m loving

B I love

C I don´t love

11. A. Choose the co rect answers.

I like ___. They help me lose weight.

A snacks

B diet d inks

C sweets

12. A. Choose the co rect answers.

I need to ___. So I'm sta ting a special diet.

A lose weight

B relax

C exercise

13. A. Choose the co rect answers.

I sneeze all the time. I have ___.

A a stomachache

B allergies

C a cough

14. A. Choose the co rect answers.

I never ___ when I have a cold. I seldom use it at all.

A a make an appointment

B take a bath

C take medicine
15. A. Choose the co rect answers.

My sister had ___. She had a fever.

A a toothache

B a cough

C the flu

16. B. Complete the conversation.

A I'm not sleeping well these days.

B ___
A You're lucky.

B Really? How come?

C Not me! I always dream.

17. B. Complete the conversation.

A I usually have really vivid dreams.

B ___ What are they about?
A Really?

B You did?

C How about you?

18. B. Complete the conversation.

A My f iend says that he only sleeps four hours a night.

B ___ Does he feel tired du ing the day?
A That's cool.

B You poor thing.

C Are you se ious?

19. B. Complete the conversation.

A I can fall asleep easily. I can even sleep while I'm standing.
B ___ How often do you do that?
A That's too bad.

B You're kidding!

C You poor thing.

20. B. Complete the conversation.

A I have a lot of trouble falling asleep, and I wake up several times du ing the night.
B Gosh! ___
A So, you're only getting a few hours' sleep?

B So, how much sleep do you need?

C So, do you wake up early?

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