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For this review, I have chosen a text that is circulating regarding the explanation of
taboo. Based on the text, we are able to acknowledge that taboo is a difference or beliefs that
can be found in different cultures and races. According to Radcliffe-Brown, A. R. (2014), the
Polynesian word "tabu" is where the English term "taboo" comes from (with the accent on the
first syllable). The word "forbid" simply means "to forbid" or "forbidden" in Polynesian languages
and can be used to refer to any kind of restriction. In addition, the meaning of taboo is also
somewhat expanded in the field of social science to mean a strict prohibition against any area of
human activity or sacred or forbidden custom based on moral assessment and religious beliefs.
"Breaking the taboo" is usually condemned by society in general, where it is not just part of the
culture. In the text, there are four main points that are discussed, which is the origin of taboos,
taboos today and the examples of taboos.


First, the text tells us as readers that not everyone needs or must follow every taboo that
has been outlined and set in a certain place. However, it is more to create a balance between
two important things in this life. For example, in some communities, premarital sex is frowned
upon. However, this is different between each race and religion regarding their different view of
this matter. In fact, the Chinese allow this so that both couples know about their fertility in order
to have children. Based on my understanding about taboo, it is not something that forces, but it
is a way of life to make people more disciplined and careful in everything. Hence, people can
live a safe and prosperous life.

However, now taboo has a slightly different definition. It is more about things that people
do not want to know and talk about. This is so because, it may be that the matter touches the
sensitivity of some people. People are often worried when it comes to talking about something
sensitive because it will have the tendency to hurt the other parties or sound rude. For example,
regarding women's menstrual leave. Most women are embarrassed to tell men about this. This
situation usually happens when a male friend asks about the woman's daily prayer, but the
woman is embarrassed to reveal that she is menstruating. Meanwhile, women do not need to be
too ashamed to talk about this matter. This is because it is important to know about the basics
of women's menstruation so that it is easy to understand the woman's condition and situation.
In the debate of this matter, I have gone through all sorts of taboo as a Malay person
and there a lot of taboo that are circulating with Malay people. One of them is taboo regarding
the jungle. Majority of the Malays believe that jungles have a lot of rules that are compulsory for
people to obey when entering the jungles. This kind of thing is also taboo. For example, each
person that enters the jungle will have to behave themselves to avoid themselves from being
disturbed by the spirit of the jungle, or worse, kidnapped by those so called the spirit of the
jungle. They believe that the spirits of the jungle will look at all of their actions very closely while
they are in the jungle. This is because these so-called spirits of the jungle do not like humans
who like to make noises and misbehave in their place. This will make them angry. Even worse,
they will interfere with the activities that are being carried out. In addition, there are also many
Malays, especially the youngsters, who believe in the custom of asking permission from gods or
spirits before entering the forest instead of reading a prayer to enter the forest as taught in
Islam. They believe that in this way, they will not be disturbed by any elements or evil forces. As
for information, this belief is actually not correct and was only invented by our ancestors long
ago. This prohibition is actually made to educate today's generation that every human being
should always take care of their behavior no matter where you are, especially when you are in
an area that is rarely visited.

Overall, the text is very informative. I suggest that more people read this text so that they
know more deeply what taboo really is. There are necessary and unnecessary taboos to follow.
This depends on the situation in a certain place or in a society. This is said to be so because the
world is becoming more advanced and does not depend too much on traditional methods alone.
The information found in the text is very useful for the community. Although the text is simple,
the filling in it is very dense. I am sure that every reader who reads this text will also say the
same thing.

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