Article Music

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Music as an escape route

Let's begin by saying that music is a universal language that can be understood by
everyone, we can even find it in nature, such as the rain or the wind and not only in
instruments. Even from the point of view of investigations, experts reported how music is in
the air and in the disposal of everyone even for the younger ones, which could even cause a
negative impact in their childhood. Anyway, do you remember what type you used to listen to
when you were younger?

Because I only remember that since I was little I have grown up with music from the radio,
“Cadena 100” which produces pop songs in two languages, Spanish and English.
On the other hand, I hadn't discovered the impact of music on myself until some time ago
when I realized how music was the easiest way to relieve my anxiety or my bad mood.

It seems incredible how simultaneous notes can form together a melody that makes me
forget a tiny second from reality. Although this has only happened to me with a few songs
like “Counting Stars”, “Beggin´ On Your Knees” and “Safe Sound”.

To sum up, I believe that music is there for you, for the people who need to get the message
of a song or for those who can relate to some song lyrics without being judged etc.. Do you
feel the same way and would you imagine your life without music?

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