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New Light On Vimana Shastra (2012)
Posted by Enrico Baccarini on January 15, 2013
in History, Information, vaimAnika prakaraNam, वैमािनक करणम्
as Amsubodhini, Baudhik Sampada, C. V. Ramprasad, Dr. D J Tilak, G V
Sarma, New Light On Vimana Shastra, Shri K N N Sastry, Subbaraya
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New Light On Vimana Shastra

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article by C. V. Ramprasad from Baudhik Sampada Arun on New Light On Vimana
  Shastra (2012)
Anmol bansal on New Light
On Vimana Shastra (2012)
The world first came to know regarding the existence of the manuscript
Anmol bansal on New Light
on Vimanas by Maharishi Bharadwaja through the report of Shri K N N
On Vimana Shastra (2012)
Sastry the Mysore representative of Press Trust of India, filed on
R. S. S. Raju on New Light On
25.08.1952 and published in all the leading dailies of India and later
Vimana Shastra (2012)
picked up by the other dailies of the world.
Ajaysingh Thakur on New
Later in September 1952 another article which received wide attention Light On Vimana Shastra
is the reported successful experimental flight of MARUTSAKHA Vimana (2012)
by Shivkar Bapuji Talphade in the year 1895 on the Chowpatty beach in
the Vande Matram a Gujarati Daily. However  highly informative
article  on Vimanas coupled with in depth analysis by the Late G V
Ketkar,  the learned Editor of Kesari and Maratha of Pune, few days
later    went unnoticed by the Press. I have drawn much of my
information for the present article on Ketkarji’s articles.I wish to  place November 2017
on record my sincere thanks to Dr. D J Tilak the Editor/Trustee of March 2017
Kesari for having permitted to use the material for my research. March 2015
January 2015
Shivkar Bapuji Talphade: The current story regarding Shivkar Bapuji December 2014
Talphade is  that  he successfully flew an unmanned  plane named December 2013
Marut Sakha  in the year 1895 in Mumbai  on  basis of his study of November 2013
Rigveda Richas and the commentary of Maharishi Bharadwaja thereof.
According to investigations carried out by me,  the  first New Light On October 2013
Vimana Shastra  reference to experimental studies of Marut sakha July 2013
appeared in  an article authored by Mr. Lalubhai Kansara of Valsad  in January 2013
an  issue of Vande matram, a Gujarati Daily in September 1952. A December 2012
similar story was published in Maratha on 3rd October 1952, the Pune November 2012
newspaper under the caption ‘First inventor of Aeroplanes an Indian September 2012
The article starts  as under The Vividha vritta:’ a well known Marathi July 2012
weekly published at 364 Thakurdwar Bombay 2 in its issue dated 14th May 2012
September 1952.  On page 9  gives the following information in an April 2012
article with the above caption. March 2012
The summary of the article is as under: February 2012
January 2012
Shivkar Bapuji Talaphade a teacher in the School of Arts  and a scholar February 2011
of Vedas and Sanskrit demonstrated an  aeroplane he prepared
according to the vedic mantras at the Town Hall, Bombay.  As this was
highly appreciated by the public he continued his researches. In the
year 1895,  he prepared an airplane named Marut Sakha based on
Bharadwaja’s work on this subject,  and demonstrated that it could Categories
reach nearly to an height of 1500 ft. in the presence of  the Great History
Sayaji Rao Gaikwad, the then Ruler of Baroda, the late Justice M.G. Information
Ranade and Late Lalji Narayanji a prominent merchant of Mumbai News
.They were very pleased with the equipment and gave reward to the Research on Vaimanika
inventor. Reviews
Based on  Bharadwaja ‘s work he came to the conclusion, that  the  Uncategorized
machines required for Vimanas  came into full operation, when the vaimAnika prakaraNam
power of mercury aided by sun rays and another chemical called Videos
“Naksha Rasa” were blended together.  This energy seems  to be stored वैमािनक करणम्
into something like an accumulator or “Storage batteries” .  The
aeroplane itself apparently had to await a favorable wind in order to
take its flight from the ground. This  plane was said to be eighth type
of Vimana (aeroplane) described by Bharadwaja and was called by him
by the name of “Marut Saka” (Friend of the wind) .Shri. Talpade died in Meta
1917 at the age of 53.  His descendents thereupon  sold all his Log in
materials to Rally Bros an important firm of exporters operating in Entries RSS
Bombay at that time. On this article the late G V Ketkar in his articles  Comments RSS
on 22nd
February 1953 made thefollowing observations:
‘The news of the successful flight in 1895 is not trust worthy  as the
same  does not find mention in Prahin Viman kalecha Shodh a book
authored by Talphade and published in    1908 and in Arya Dharma a
monthly edited by Talphade from 1904 to 1908’ . The Town Hall was
opened for exhibition in the year 1905. Two important points missed
out by present day scholars of Vimanas  and pointed out by Ketkarji is
that Talphadeji  having conducted experiments  on Marut Sakha after
1908, consequent to his meeting with Subbarya Shastri could not be
ruled out as there is a mention of Marut sakha as the 72 nd Adhikarana
of Vimana Shastra    and that there are eight types of  Vimanas
according to Kansaraji’s articles.’
Pandit Subbaraya Shastri and Late Talphade:
The author of Vaidik Sampati (1932) in his work has stated that
according  to Amsubodhini there are eight types of Vimanas ,Marut
Sakha been the eighth. Luckily in Bangalore I was able to get a
photocopy of  Pandit Subbarya Shastri’s(expounder of Vimana Shastra)
autobiography and a photocopy of Bhautik Kala Nidhi   due to the kind 
permission of  the Late Dr. B V Raman(in this the kind help of  the Late
Dr.S R N Murthy is acknowledged) .
In his autobiography (published in 1972) ,Shastriji states that he made a
trip to Bombay to help Dr.Talphade in his experiments on Vimanas and
that he died while the experiments was going on. Shastriji also states
that Dr. Talphade could have been aware of his work on Vimanas
through newspaper /magazines based on his lectures on Vimanas . (This
is corroborated by an article published in Bhautik Kala Nidhi(BKN), a
monthly on Vimanas from January 1911.) On analysis of the
autobiography, this incident can be placed between 1917-1918.
According to available records Talphade died on 17-09-1917.
As for Marut Sakha,  Shastriji’s has  given the information of Marut
Sakha in BKN as under:
The air possesses heat and velocity. These two can be separated  with
the help of certain Yantras (machinery) as mentioned in the Yantra
Adhyaya . The air contains Seethaghana and Ooshnaghana or
condensation by different process of cold and heat. All those Vimanas
which  can be worked by Ooshaanghana after destroying Seethaghana
go under the name Marut Sakha Vargam. Shastriji gave detailed
information on Vimanas to  Dr. Talphade during his personal meetings
as stated in the autobiography.
The autobiography has not given any details of the Vimana prepared by
Dr. Talphade . It is quite sad that no scholar perused the line suggested
by Ketkar. My reasons for identifying Talphade and Dr. Talphade as one
and the same person is that the both were residents of Mumbai, period 
of death is the same and according to my studies during the last twenty
five years, no name of Talphade has come to my notice who was
interested in study of Vimanas like late Shivkar Bapuji Talphade .It may
be noted that surname Talphade is found among Pathare Prabhu only.
Regarding the  experimental studies  of Dr. Talphade, Subbaraya Shastri
writes in his
autobiography as under :
Had providence been a bit more favorable there was every likelihood of
his being successful to make the Indian percept Vimana an object of
reality .Further on Dr. Talphade he writes  “ This was the end of the
career   of an enterprising Scientist ,who for  the first time , in this age
of Kali, was able to prove to the world that the Vimana was not merely
an object of mythology or a toy of the fairy tales, but which under
suitable conditions , could be brought into existence and made a reality
and marketable commodity. An important event took place in 1918. On
this Late Devudu Narsimha Shastri , a close associate of Shastriji wrote
for Shilpa Sansar ( a weekly for propagation of ancient sciences and
edited by the Late Major
N B Gadre) 31.12.1955 as under:
Sri Sastry was prevailed upon by Sri Puttanna Chetty , who was an
ardent admirer of Sri Sastry , to produce blue prints of the Vimanas he
was talking about and he did with few notes.  When Lord (then Mr.)
Montague visited India in about 1918, this subject was put before the
Government in Bombay by a Parsi gentlemam with the result Sri Sastry
was put under arrest and only influence with the highest level could
save him from further prosecution. Naturally from that time onwards
,caution made him talk that he was only a theorist.
A letter of Sardar M V Kibe, of Indore. published in Kesari  on
24.10.1952 and refereed to by Ketkarji  states that the Late     
Purushottam Vishram Mavji wanted to conduct experiments on energies
used to run the Vimanas. He intended to spend one crore rupees for the
same. Due to loss in his business and his death in 1929 the project did
not take off. Mavji been influenced by the above experiment by Dr.
Talphade cannot be ruled out . It may be noted that Mavji had helped
Talphade financially earlier and stopped the same after a scientific
review of his work (Ref :Kesari 10th May 1953, Article by Pandit S D
Satawelekar)  It may be noted that according to the autobiography  a
publication committee was formed in Mumbai to publish the works
available with Shastriji. immediately after the death of Dr. Talphade.
This is a pointer to the fact that  Dr. Talphade’s experiments results
were encouraging and not a failure  as claimed by some scholars.
Shastrjii and his source of Knowledge:
The knowledge of Bhautik Shastras was transmitted to Subbaraya
Shastriji by his guru Yogi Bhaskaranandji also referred to as Guruji
Maharaj in writings of Shastriji somewhere between 1879 to 1885. In
fact he deferred the publication of Vimana Shastra and other ancient
works as his Guru had not given him permission, though the Late Prof. B
Suryanarian Rao was requesting him to help him publish the same from
1885 the year they first met . Prof Rao published  the same in  about 18
issues through  Bhautik Kala Nidhi a monthly specially started by Prof
Rao to acquaint the public with
the rich ancient scientific tradition available with Shastryji  from
January 1911 onwards. The scientific  and research community should
be thankful to Late Prof B Suryanarayana Rao founder editor of
Astrological Magazine for having discovered a Gem called Pandit 
Subbarya Shastri for us. Subsequently Shastriji came into contact with
people. He was appointed as a Lecturer on Hindu Religion subjects by
the Government of Mysore on 27th November 1902. This disproves the
theory that he was not a Pandit.
SR NO Name of text Author Commentor
1 Agatatwa Lahiri Aswalayana Bodhananda
2 Amsubodhini Bharadwaja Bodhanada
3 Yantra Saraswa Bharadwaja Bodhanada
4 Sakti Tantram Agastya Bodhanada
5 Aaptatwa Aswalayana —–
In BKN he wrote articles on the following subjects:
The above should remove the misconception that Shastriji dealt only
with Vimanas. In fact in BKN he writes that the suggestions in the
article on Agattawalahiri should be welcome by all lovers of national
prosperity as  it would help in improved cultivation and increases
returns.The experimental studies on Amsubodhini  is published in the
last issue 41 of Bharatiya Bhaudik Sampada. The source  text was
published in the year 1931 from Mumbai. A vigorous search should be
conducted to retrieve all the 18 issues of BKN. This will help scholars to
understand ancient sciences’ Shastra better  In it he has giving a
detailed description of Bhamani Vimana the seventh Vimana according
to Bharadwaja.  Only the English version appeared in the year 1940 in
Astrological Magazine and  republished in the year 1960 from Saraswati
Mahal Library, Thanjavur. Copy is supplied by shri G.G.Joshi Shilpa
Sanshodhan Pratisthan Nagpur. This Vimana uses 13 Manis and certain
oil as fuel. At the request of the publication committee Shastriji took
to the work of dictating the Vimana Shastra.  On non publication of
Vimana Shastra,  Subbaraya Shastri writes in Prastana
trayee as under:
In course of time an humble attempt was made to bring out the Vimana
Shastra or a scientific work dealing with air-ships and other scientific
works but the Lord Almighty being unwilling not only nothing could see
the light of day but the attempt had to be abandoned. However the
massive amount of money that his disciples were looking for did not
come their way. On this B Subbanna retired Judge of the  Chief Court
of Mysore writes in his foreward for Prastahana Trayee as under “If
indeed the Government of Mysore who were approached for assistance
on behalf of Panditji had accorded their patronage several volumes of
great interest and value could have been placed before the public by
this time’’ The publisher of two of Subbaraya Shastri’s work Rasiklal R
Mody states  that the Manuscript of Vimana Shastra was lying with a
gentleman who was not allowing its publication. After sometime the
manuscript came back to Shastriji, he died. (ref Ketkar Kesari 1953).
The information  on Yantra Vimana Shastra published in 1932 in the
text Prasthana Trayee  is as under:
This Shastra in 8 chapters is expounded by the revered Bharadwaja
Maharshi.  In it the 28, 339 kinds of vehicles and yantras useful in
traveling on land, 783 kinds of vehicles such as Nauka, Dauka, Dola,
Jala, etc useful in visible and invisible voyages on the surface of water,
below water, on the land below water etc.,  in seas, oceans and like ;
the 101 varieties of air-ships classed under the three groups viz.
Mantric, Tantric and Kritaka or artificial ones, useful in flying in air by
the celestial beings, Gandharvas, Yakshas, Rakshasas, Kinnaras,
Kimpurushas, human beings and so  on ; machinery and others
appliances to produce and store one thousand kinds of electricity of
subtle, gross, visible invisible kinds; machines which  attract metals
such as gold, copper, silver, iron etc; Printing press, Lethographs,
Paka, Yantra, Kuttinee yantra, Shodhana yantra and also machines to
extract oils, acids, essences etc and those which attract sound, likeness
of things (photographs), shadows, ideas, transmitting messages etc are
dealt with. According to Shastryji Madhusudana Sarawati, a learned
personage who lived eight centuries ago revived the scientific texts
from the bits available in his time and wrote the Prastana Trayee . This
text gives information of about 42 scientific texts of ancient India. I
request scholars to study this work  and come out with their conclusion.
The eight types of Vimanas are as under:
SR Names of sub Type
Name Of Type Fuel used
NO Vimanas
Shakti, Garbho, Vegayut
1 Electrical energy Mandali, Panchapa,
Five Major Elements,
2 Bhuta Vargam Pancha mahabutas Fire, Air, Water, Earth,
Viswasa, Paribhadra,
Propelled by steam or
3 Dhoom Vargam Garuda AjaMukha,
Oils of certain seeds
of some trees like
Panchasikhi, shirvaLI, panchmukhi,
4 SikhedgamaVargam Sikhari,Sikhavali, Bhairavi, Nandaka,
Kundasikhi, Brindavana
as in vanaspati
Prabhavati, Jyochanka,
Propelled by solar
5 Amsuvaha Vargam Amsugarbha,
Mayoorka, Saharaksha
Using Manis falling
from constellation
6 Taramukha Vargam Tarakasha,Sumangala
called Manigarbha
Using natural and
7 Manivahak Vargam Bhashamanasha,Bhamati
artificial Manis
Kurma, Varaha, Matsya,
8 Marut Sakha Details given above
Narasihma, Marudvridha
It may be noted that the above classification form part of the sixth
chapter from the 63 rd adhikarna onwards. From this is clear that till
the 62 nd adhikarna the actual working of Vimanas has not been
discussed. The present published texts gives the description of 4
Vimanas not mentioned above. The adhikarna list mentions them. 
Except Tripura the others are not even mentioned even as adikarna.
They have been mentioned as part of Jatyadhikarna(varieties of
aircrafts).It is quite possible that he would taken it from some other
commentaries to give a better picture of these aircrafts.
In Amsubodhini’s translator’s note, late G V Sarma writes as under:
The  English portion of this  work is only a commentary and not a
translation in the strict sense of the term. For many of the explanations
of the original sutras or aphorisms , not found in the Bodhananda’s
commentary given in this work , have been taken from other
commentaries on the work , by the expounder of this shastra,  Pandit
T. Subaraya Shastriji, who is therefore the real translator of this work.
This can be applied for Vimana Shastra as well. It is well known that
the late G G Joshi took the reported experimental studies on Marut
Sakha as a non event, based on Pandit Satawelekar ‘s article in
Kesari(10 May 1953.  It appears that he did not have faith in the
contents of Vimana Shastra due to its Yogic origin.
However present experimental studies shows that  it is quite possible
that the successful experimental studies on Chumbak Mani based on
Vimana Shastra conducted at IIT Mumbai in the seventies was not
known to him and autobiography of Shastriji not available to him. Had
it been known , he would have revised his stand. (The article on
Bhamani published from Thanajavur was in his collection .)This
however does not lessens his contributions to ancient sciences. He will
always be source of inspiration to me.
In short we have to conclude that Talphade was the first experimenter
on Vimana Shastra. In this regard it is worth mentioning that  the late S
V Shetty wanted to construct a modern plane in 1916 for which
permission was denied. In this background the experiment may have
been known to  a limited circle. It is possible that Kansaraji got his
information from this circle as the Marut Sakha been the eight aircraft
is correct . Use of solar rays as a source of energy has been mentioned
by Kansaraji. This was not known to modern science when Kansaraji
wrote his article in 1952. However as stated above Chumbak Mani was
prepared on the basis of Vimana Shastra. Hence Kansaraji’s article
cannot be dismissed outright.   It is necessary to make further research
to see whether Kansarji wrote any article giving the source of his
information. The readers are familiar with the metallurgical and
ceramic marvels of Vimana Shastra. However constructing a Vimana is
still a distant dream given the little information the present published
texts gives us. In this background had the present scholars/scientists
access to Talaphade’s notes, things would have been different. I
request scholars specially from Mumbai , Bangalore and Chennai to
trace Shastriji’s and Talaphade’s writings and notes. I  have  not been
able to incorporate all the information, given the space constraints.
Presently I am trying to collect all published works of Pandit Subbaraya
Shastri. I request readers to help me in this regard.
Any constructive criticism / comments  on the article are welcome.
... other posts by Enrico Baccarini


amit k singh says:

February 17, 2013 at 11:58 pm
dear sir,
this is amit k singh and am a trainee pilot with indira gandhi rastriya
uran akademi fursatganj raebareli up.the provided information is
quite informative.i have some query regarding vimana shastra,could i
get original manuscript of vimana shastra of maharishi bhardwaj.
» Reply to this Comment «

Mudit says:
April 24, 2013 at 1:57 pm
Dear Mr. Amit,
I am a student and i will be starting my first year next year,
If you are interested then please do let us work together and restore
India’s glorious heritage from its ashes.
» Reply to this Comment «

Suraj Singh says:

August 4, 2013 at 9:35 pm
Dear Amit,
I am very thankful to you for this post,and it is very necessary to
let our youths to know that we were the best,we are the best,and
we will be the best,through tremendous knowledge,which our
ancestors have and it is our duty to let them know…
Kindly Share some more facts about Indian knowledge.
I will be very great full to you.
» Reply to this Comment «

Yashwanth says:
May 9, 2016 at 9:55 pm
yes brother excatly, of late Ive been searching our past and it just
astonishes me, the things like metalurgy, ancient warfare, yoga
and its various forms, time space cosmos etc., and the vast
amount of knowledge that is stolen and appropriated by the west.
and even in the last century lot of it had been appropriated and
not given credit. what pains me and many is that not even a
single achievement is taught in our history books and our history
books still contain the colonial falsities which have thoroughly
disproved. they are even pumping in more falsities. It stems the
confidence in any child reading it. we as this generation of
Indians need to change this immediately. this Bharathvarsh, the
mother of all civilisations is truly the mother Goddess.
» Reply to this Comment «

Gopi says:
March 26, 2015 at 1:28 pm
Hey I also interested
» Reply to this Comment «

sai prabhakar says:

September 22, 2015 at 2:46 pm
hiii dis is prabhakar from hyderabad and i am also interrested to
work with you on this ancient project if you are interested then
contact me i am studying my btech 3rd year aeronautical
engineering in hyderabad my details are
name: d.sai prabhakar
phone no :8790819893
mail id :
kindly help us give me any information if you have about di thank u
» Reply to this Comment «

Vitul Goyani says:

May 14, 2013 at 12:28 pm
I think British government was taken
» Reply to this Comment «

Khoobi says:
September 11, 2015 at 2:28 pm
If anyone has a copy of Vymanic Shastra in Sanskrit/Hindi and
English translation side by side then I would be very interested.
Please send me on Thank you very much
» Reply to this Comment «
sai prabhakar says:
September 22, 2015 at 2:42 pm
hiii amit i am persuving my btech 3rd year aeronautical engineering i
am also interested in this ancient work did u get that original book if
u r interested sir the we can do that project combinely as in our
college also that research work has been started on this project and
we are working on it if you have any informayion then please let us
know it will be very helpful to us sir ..
my name is D.sai vara prabhakar and my number is +918790819893
and 9032383880 and i am from hyderabad please help us sir thank
» Reply to this Comment «

Arjun says:
May 8, 2013 at 12:53 am
i was wondering can a tesla coil be used in anyway to power a vimana
» Reply to this Comment «

pranavah says:
May 8, 2013 at 8:53 pm
Hi Arjun, (
It might help some way, but need to find out yet.
» Reply to this Comment «

bhrugu says:
July 29, 2013 at 10:50 am
» Reply to this Comment «

karthikeyan krishnan says:

March 23, 2014 at 2:53 pm
my self venkatakrishnan, lot of our ancient cultural and vedic
concepts are very much advanced science and technicaly that might
be the limit. kindly try to approach our vedic concepts with
scientific baground instead of thinking it as an old concept. am a
prohit and am done my msc psychology.
thanks and regards for your question dear
» Reply to this Comment «

Samarjit Baruah says:

May 9, 2013 at 12:39 am
Thanks for maintain this informative site. It would be great if clear
references are given to the articles that had been published regarding
the first test flight at Chowpatty with dates and publishing
newspaper/magazine. It is also very unfortunate that the IIS,
Bangalore has outrightly rejected the Vimanika Shastra contents. I
believe the rejection stems from two things –
1. The diagrams made from the text was by T.K. Ellappa. These
diagrams were added later on. The study by IIS may have found the
diagrams incorrect which may merely mean that the translation from
text to diagram made by T.K Ellappa was incorrect.
2. The text was originally in Sankrit and there may have been faults
during translation to English.
3. Modern science is not yet mature enough to understand all of the
techniques mentioned in the Vimanika Shastra. For example, the
Shastra speaks of using solar energy and Liquid Metal (probably
Mercury) which are now being used as energy sources propulsion fuels
only recently. 100 years back, someone speaking about using mercury
or sunlight as fuels would have been rubbished. Same way, the other
techniques in the shastra are being rubbished by IIS today. But 20
years from now, these may get authenticated.
I fear that when in the future, an actual plane or spacecraft is made
with use of one of the Vimanika shastra propulsion techniques, the
technique will bear the name from someone from the west and our
Vimanika shastra will go into oblivion.
Thanks for reading the comment!! Jai Hind!
Samarjit Baruah
Guwahati, Assam
» Reply to this Comment «

arpad says:
November 28, 2014 at 11:42 pm
As always is the case some people sitting on a treasure and don’t
have the true wisdom to do anything whit it .the very same reason
they prevent others more wise to help to help your
countrymen to achieve the greatest( I talk here size )flying machines
this word i have the machine need the spirit to fly so you see the
idea simple but to intercept the spirit that is the great achievement.
When you know this you can make 100 type of flying birds and does
not matter how many mistakes are in any books a man who knows
books are cheap paper one sugestion I still have find the man who
knows your success will be faster Arpad
» Reply to this Comment «

Yashwanth says:
May 9, 2016 at 9:59 pm
excatly brother. THis appropriation has happened many a times in
past millenia. It should not be allowed to happen at least after the
next decade. We Indians are taught such false history, which is
literally of no value. It makes us feel inferior. This has to go and
true history has to be taught. We should unite and make this hapen.
» Reply to this Comment «

Samarjit Baruah says:

May 9, 2013 at 12:42 am
Please excuse my typos in the comment posted above.
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shashikant kumar says:

May 16, 2013 at 10:02 am
Any one having bhardwaj viman shastra in hindi or Sanskrit.
» Reply to this Comment «

bhrugu says:
July 29, 2013 at 10:52 am
Where to search for Vaimanika Shastra Book, I want to buy, but not
able to find over the internet, Pls help,
No Specific Information about from where it was founded, so that i
can followup, Auther of this Blog pls help!
» Reply to this Comment «

Sumeet says:
August 30, 2013 at 9:18 pm
The very first translational error in VS is that soma,shoundalika and
mourthwika are infact mineral ores and not metals.Also Raajaloha is a
modification of Iron that is very easy to manufacture.Several other
alloys are also easy to decode.I wonder how people call it hoax.Even
scientists at IISC failed to understand.
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September 15, 2013 at 9:25 am
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wagish pandit says:

November 1, 2013 at 7:56 pm
Avadhut ji meine bharat ki purani science and technology par
research kar raha hoon.sabse jyada rahasayamaya aur vivaspad
vaimanika shastra hai. mein kafi kuch iske bare mein khoj raha
hoon. aap ek AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE ENGINEER hai aur iske bare
mein kafi kuch batein khojne mein meri help kar sakte hai. to mei
apse request karta hoon agar aap meri help karna chahte hai toh
meri id hai aap please contact karein.
» Reply to this Comment «

mohit mittal says:

December 18, 2014 at 3:06 pm
pandit g agar aaoki reaserch kuch kamyab hui ho to mere sath
share kare .meri id hai
» Reply to this Comment «

Sanjay Shinde says:

November 4, 2014 at 1:43 pm
I also doing research on this if you have any information you can
contact me.
Sanjay Shinde
» Reply to this Comment «

Girish Shah says:

November 3, 2013 at 8:29 am
I would like an English or Hindi or Sanskrit version of the Vaimanik
Shashtra. Any one know if it is print.
» Reply to this Comment «

Girish Shah says:

November 3, 2013 at 8:34 am
I just read on Wikipedia the following. Is it really an early 20th
century text? I thought it was very ancient. Can some please clarify.
Vaimānika Shāstra
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(Redirected from Vaimanika Shastra)
This article contains Indic text. Without proper rendering support,
you may see question marks or boxes, misplaced vowels or missing
conjuncts instead of Indic text.
Title page of the English translation of Vyamanika Shastra published
in 1973
The Vaimānika Shāstra ( वैमािनक शा , lit. “shastra on the topic of
Vimanas”; sometimes also rendered Vimanika, Vymanika) is an early
20th-century Sanskrit text on aeronautics obtained by psychic
channeling and automatic writing. It makes the claim that the
vimānas mentioned in ancient Sanskrit epics were advanced
aerodynamic flying vehicles, similar to a rocket.
The existence of the text was revealed in 1952 by G. R. Josyer who
asserted that it was written by Pandit Subbaraya Shastry (1866–1940),
who dictated it during the years 1918–1923. A Hindi translation was
published in 1959, while the Sanskrit text with an English translation
was published in 1973. It contains 3000 shlokas in 8 chapters which
Shastry claimed was psychically delivered to him by the ancient Hindu
sage Bharadvaja.[1] The text has gained favor among proponents of
ancient astronaut theories.
A study by aeronautical and mechanical engineering at the Indian
Institute of Science, Bangalore in 1974 concluded that the aircraft
described in the text were “poor concoctions” and that the author
showed a complete lack of understanding of aeronautics. The study
also states “The Rukma Vimana was the only one which made sense.
It had long vertical ducts with fans on the top to suck air from the top
and send it down the ducts, generating a lift in the process.” [2]
» Reply to this Comment «

pranavah says:
November 3, 2013 at 4:09 pm
Hi Girish Shah,
We agree that the IISc had given such a report. The Recent results
from multiple Research institutes including IISc proved that the
previous conclusions from them were wrong.
Infact in 2012, around Septemper – October, there was a conference
held in Uttaradi Math, Bangalore, on Vaimanika Shastra, where
professor a from IISc came with his students studying on Vaimanika
Shastra, another person an retired Aeronautical Engineer, had his
team explaining the Shakuna Vimana (Bird like Aricraft) and also
brought a model that flew across.
Quad-copter is infact the description of Rukma vimana, – Consider
this being latest technology, but how were they explained in a book
that was published first in 1950s and later with English translation in
1970s. Also, we would suggest to read the book Rediscovery of
Vaimanika Shastra – A project study conducted by wg. Cdr. M.P.Rao,
etc. of Aeronautical Society of India on behalf of Aerospace
Information Panel of Aeronautics Research and Development Board,
B-Wing, Sena Bhavan, New Delhi 110011, India. –
you need password for this, once downloaded from links provided on
the page, please follow instructions as per the web page.
» Reply to this Comment «

girish shah says:

November 7, 2013 at 10:21 am
Thanks for your response. I hope someone who is knowledgeable
can take the initiative to change the contents in Wikipedia. It is
important that Wikipedia reflect the truth. Westerners do tend to
downplay India’s achievements. More apalling and depressing is the
the fact that many indian scholars tend to put down India .
However, my question is whether there is any other ancient text
about Viman? I know there are references in Ramayan and sporadic
references in other texts.
1) Is this a fact that there is no dedicated text or book on Vman
other than the Vymanik Shastra.
2) what is the role of Rishi Bhardwaj as far as Vimans are
3) Is there any estimate on the time period when he lived?
I am also trying to find information regarding the discovery of the
city of Dwarka under the gulf of Cambay. Do scholars now agree
that the underwater city is Dwarka?
please share any information you have or please direct me to any
resource you are aware of. i hope you dont mind my questions.
Thanks for your time and Namaste.
» Reply to this Comment «

pranavah says:
November 7, 2013 at 10:54 pm
Hi Girish,
The vimanas listed in Ramayana is not related to the ones that
are flying in this yuga. they are called mantra vimanas (which
flew with mantra shakti), where as the ones in this yuga is called
yantra vimana (ones that use engines). In fact, even in dwapara
and satya(krit) yugas there are references of vimanas which are
tantra and tapo/satya shakthi vimanas respectively.
Getting back to books on vaimanika shastra, yes there are 2
references, both said to be by same Rishi, and have similar
shlokas, one with the hindi translation is called brihad vimana
shastra (the larger version) other is called vaimanika prakaranam
or vaimanika shastra (with english translation published in
Amshubhodhini and other related books are available with as the
references, however, there is no trace of DarpraNaprakarana, or
yantrasarvasva or valmiki ganita available now, however, there
are chances of these books available in countries western or
eruopean countries.
Another point here, We need to know that most of the knowledge
in Bharatha varsha was not recorded in books they were thought
in the form of shruthi hence, there might be unrecorded
documents on this.
Maharshi Bharadwaja is considered the one who learnt the shastra
from Guru Dakshina murthy (Knowledge form of Lord Shiva) and
authored the vaimanika shastra.
There are scholars working on the estimation of the time period
of the Maharshi Bharadwaja, however, the time with respect to
British is not proper, the vaimanika shastra was authored in kali
yuga, and it was between 1000BC to 500BC as per one of the
estimations. We do not have proofs for this however, with respect
to the way the text is rendered, it is considered older than what
was initially judged.
Getting to proofs of dwaraka, there yes, people do agree with the
existance of dwaraka with proofs of photographs that were taken
in the first mission, there are documentaries that are published
on that, you can look for them, additionally, the Story of India
bbc Michael wood is a good reference for this.
Also you might refer the below books:
S. R. Rao, The Lost City of Dvaraka National Institute of
Oceanography (1999) ISBN 81-86471-48-0
S. R. Rao, Marine Archaeology in India, Delhi, Publications
Division (2001) ISBN 81-230-0785-X.
A. S. Gaur, Sundaresh and Sila Tripati, “An ancient harbour at
Dwarka: Study based on the recent underwater explorations”,
Current Science, Indian Academy of Sciences (May 10, 2004).
» Reply to this Comment «

anant says:
September 22, 2014 at 11:02 am
josyer ne vaimanik shastra ke bare main likhte samay apne hito ka
dhyan rakha hai. it is an ancient text.
» Reply to this Comment «

Yashwanth says:
May 9, 2016 at 10:03 pm
please do not believe wikipedia. all that enetrs wiki is leftist and
western indologist”s propoganda. Do your own reaserach. There are
lot of resources. there is David frawley, Dr Rajaram, sanjeev
Sanyal’s youtube and books, AJIT VAdakayil’s blogs and many others.
on this aspect See youtube videos on history channel.
» Reply to this Comment «

girish shah says:

November 18, 2013 at 8:34 pm
Thank you
» Reply to this Comment «
Me says:
July 6, 2014 at 3:13 pm
Good day,
Where can i find a pdf copy of Yantra Sarvasva, the complete volume?
Thank you,
» Reply to this Comment «

vaimanika_admin says:
October 11, 2014 at 3:06 am
It is yet to be discovered as to where is yantra sarvasva?
» Reply to this Comment «

B.R.PRASAD says:
October 12, 2014 at 5:07 pm
Dear Friends,
I was so passion about flying at my child hood my sister said that she
saw a ancient vimana passing though clouds,I wonderd.. And i used to
watch movies flying based.. Later i disided to become pilot gone
through medical test went to Philippines that was my first flight i feel
the controls but one thing i honestly saying it doesn’t sense me flying
not a real joy according to me flying is not a rush in to air its flot
naturally just like a bird…right now what we are flying is not a real
aircraft its just for commercial….
This above story tells you if a man decided he can do it…
But i didn’t yes i didn’t yet taste the real fly i tried even
paragliding still i didn’t
I use to believe that their that which is realstic days passed then i
come to know about bardwaj vaimanika sastra… I really want to know
facts about this sastra not only that i want to built one … Yes iam
agree i am half knowledge person…but my question is who write the
Ramayana and who is? Then y cant we? I know we need to spend a lot
of time i am ready to built by useing our ancient sastras… Who are
rest they can join me lets begin with what is nesasary … Guys join our
hands togather email me
» Reply to this Comment «

Anurag Chauhan says:

October 25, 2014 at 9:58 am
Found a pdf containing Vimana Shastra
Click here
» Reply to this Comment «

amitava says:
October 26, 2014 at 9:35 pm
Hi,friends….from the childhood i am bitter objectioner of tv serial
“The mahabharata”.. becouse according to my grandmother’s mom,
the story of ramayana and mahabharata is about 3,50,000years old
the atomic war of kurukshtra. by her story she used to describe about
arjuna( one of pandavas of mahabharata) destroy “hirramba nagari”
returning timeto earth which situated between earth and swargolok.
thats point of time indian space commanding officer is my only aim…
but it is not possible to made a space city in 2014, but i will hopr so…
weating for the day till the last breadth….
» Reply to this Comment «

shubham says:
January 11, 2015 at 12:55 pm
actually it is said that arjun has contact with mayan’s situated in
todays america. and in this long jerney there was a beautifull island.
which was considered as an heaven. this was some possibillities
which may be correct
» Reply to this Comment «

sachan ghosh says:

November 18, 2014 at 8:31 am
hello ,
i m sachan and i want to collect our ancient text written by our
maharishi. and i m worried about that western countries are working
on our texts but we r not even what we have to look which is
provided by western scientist, how we can get those articles in the
original forms.
plz share the info in my mail or my contact no.8802278720
» Reply to this Comment «

Shivani Jain says:

November 27, 2014 at 10:30 am
What happened to all the discussion’s above, did anyone find the
original book. Are people still working on these projects and was
there any further finding. I saw a programme on one of the news
channels today on this subject where the panditji spoke about vimana
shastra and I searched the Web and got to this page
I want to know if anyone is aware of how old this vimana shastra book
» Reply to this Comment «

shubhashish says:
February 4, 2015 at 3:02 am
we have all original book,
» Reply to this Comment «

sai prabhakar says:

September 22, 2015 at 3:31 pm
hii sir can you mail me the original book my mail id is plss sir mail me
» Reply to this Comment «

manish chauhan says:

December 13, 2014 at 12:59 pm
Sir i want real vimanika book in hindu jo 100% pure ho plz nd if u r
working on this plz i wana work nd study wid you….7351308003 or
give me some great person who working or research for vimanika
» Reply to this Comment «

rahul says:
December 28, 2014 at 5:58 pm
if any one finds the original book please tell me at
» Reply to this Comment «

vaimanika_admin says:
January 6, 2015 at 5:34 pm
Rahul, I have a copy, however not in soft form, please Let me know
where you stay. Contact me at:
» Reply to this Comment «

sai prabhakar says:

September 22, 2015 at 3:36 pm
hii sir i am from hyderabad we are doing research on vaimanikha
sir can you please send me the copy of original copy of the
“vaimanikha sastra” plss sir my contract no is 8790819893.
please help me sir
» Reply to this Comment «


December 30, 2014 at 3:50 pm
MOB 9451494054,8090993425
» Reply to this Comment «

shazaam says:
January 27, 2015 at 9:19 am
Please do not use this thread for your personal advertisements…
» Reply to this Comment «

shubham says:
January 11, 2015 at 12:50 pm
i am in search of karnkaustubh ,by its reference russia devloped first
space launcher.
» Reply to this Comment «

shazaam says:
January 27, 2015 at 9:21 am
I have a copy of Vaimanika shastra in pdf. Please post your email
address and I will send it across from a broadcast email address.
*** I am not sharing my email address just to avoid any controversy.
» Reply to this Comment «

Shubham Gupta says:

February 7, 2015 at 3:38 am
» Reply to this Comment «

sachin pujari says:

February 27, 2015 at 4:31 am
I am studying on Vaimanika shastra if you hvae Vaimanika shastra
Documents Please give Vaimanika shastra documents
» Reply to this Comment «

Jorge Oro says:

March 30, 2015 at 8:48 pm
If possible, send me a copy! Thanls a lot
» Reply to this Comment «

Giri prasath says:

August 23, 2015 at 3:40 am
I my vry interested in tis
Pls snd me this book’s pdf if u got
My id:
» Reply to this Comment «

sai prabhakar says:

September 22, 2015 at 3:38 pm
hii please send me the vaimanikha shastra pdf to my id my mail id is
thanking you sir
» Reply to this Comment «

shubhashish says:
February 4, 2015 at 2:59 am
dear all
we have a grup working in this topic science 2012 ,
if any one want to work with me , or our grup
mail us on
or call me on 9971666560….
i will provide u complete tex pdf book and other study material about
» Reply to this Comment «

Arvind Goyal says:

April 29, 2016 at 6:49 pm
Dear all,
I would be grateful if somebody having English, Hindi or Sanskrit
Version of Vaimanika Shashtra or anything relating to it, shares the
same with me.
You may please forward the same at
I have been studying the relevant information for quite some time,
and am very fascinated to study our ancient history and technology.
Thanks in Advance.
Arvind Goyal
» Reply to this Comment «

Arvind Goyal says:

April 29, 2016 at 7:03 pm
Shubhashish Ji,
See also for Rigveda-digbhashya-bhumika by Sh. Dayanand
Saraswati…… It carries a chapter on Aerial Vehicles as described in
Vaimanika Shastra.
Please share if you find it at
» Reply to this Comment «

Shubham Gupta says:

February 7, 2015 at 3:32 am
sir i am a 22 year old boy who is interested in ancient history and
inventions from childhood but don’t have sources from starting to go
for all this and study all things as u know that for all this there we
have to give just like whole life…
but recently i watch the movie hawaizaada and got curious about all..
so just can anyone send me pdf of that book too …
and also share some knowledge with me
..ill b glad if koi b help kare…
my email is
» Reply to this Comment «

Pratima says:
February 12, 2015 at 8:32 pm
I went to Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum Washington DC
@ where first model of right brothers are available to display.
Same gallery showed their mark-list as well when we asked museum
guide why they need to put mark-list (?obviously as a evidence of
their intelligence ) He said they were having just a cycle shop and not
any other engineering background.
So people of his own country questioned that how can he invent a
plane?. When I dig more I came to know that his father was travelling
outside of his country for many years.
I immediately sense that he might have came to India that time and
took rights from “Talapate” (as once published in Sakal news paper)
Exact evidence can be found if somebody willing to do so.
» Reply to this Comment «

Bollapra Bhaskararao says:

March 13, 2015 at 6:52 pm
This type of plane flying is a miracle rather than scintific venture.
We can see a car leaping into air of excessive power is suddenly
» Reply to this Comment «

karthik says:
February 26, 2015 at 7:47 am
I want this shastra,,
I anyone has got its PDF please send to me,,
my mail is
» Reply to this Comment «

Bollapra Bhaskararao says:

March 13, 2015 at 1:29 am
Every thing in ancient INDIA is trash to some half knowledged
fellows.Do U forget the contribution made b y Aryabhata or Varaha
Mihira or Chanakya.? Some have to be accpted without proof .Many
hypotheses, theories were accepted, like that. E =m ( c square) was
not verified till late , Theorey of relativity took years to be accpted,
Newtons Photon theorey disapproved first again consolidated.Many
laws cannot be verified. Simlarly see the case of Valmiki, Kalidas
what did they. study? Unnecessary glorifications hould be treated as
fiction and enjoy
» Reply to this Comment «

santhosh kumar.s says:

April 15, 2015 at 3:40 pm
could you please send me a copy of bharadhvaja shastra or vimanika
shastra ujent
» Reply to this Comment «

bala says:
April 22, 2015 at 11:29 am
it is mentioned in resent research that vimanas mentioned in the
vimanika sastra are impossible to fly and they breaks Newtons law of
motion. in my perspective if the dont break the NLM they can not fly
beyond our atmosphere….
» Reply to this Comment «

ma advait says:
May 25, 2015 at 6:51 pm
We in nithyananda gurukul want to learn this science
Please help me in building one
» Reply to this Comment «

Kishor Kunal says:

July 3, 2015 at 7:18 am
I am devotee of vishnu, and currently working in HCL, from childhood
i am reading all books related to aur religion because my father have
shop of religious books, but i need some research work on vimanika, i
have a good people group working in embedded and aeronautics, just
i need some guidance .. which i am finding from past one month, with
relted original copy of vimaika shastra in sanskrit the original one, i
can translate it, and i am ready to involve in it till i find a good
result. my mail is :
contact: 07092354513
» Reply to this Comment «

shanawaz says:
August 3, 2015 at 5:56 am
Im very much interested to learn about our ancient vimanas… can
anyone send me a copy of the book in english version pls..
» Reply to this Comment «

vaimanika_admin says:
August 22, 2015 at 4:52 am
We are still waiting to get the rights to upload the book online. As it
is copy right protected, we would have to purchase the book from
the publisher in Mysore or get it from Vedanta Book house in
Chamarajpet, Bangalore.
» Reply to this Comment «

sai prabhakar says:

September 22, 2015 at 3:50 pm
respected sir what is the name of the publisher of the vaimanikha
satra book sir kind ly mail me the details of the publisher to my
mail id :
» Reply to this Comment «

Ajaysingh Thakur says:

December 4, 2016 at 7:05 pm
I was searching these text from years and found a PDF document
which is copyrighted. And don’t know who is the author or creator
of the document.
» Reply to this Comment «

Ajaysingh Thakur says:

December 4, 2016 at 7:08 pm
The book is also with a famous library in Maharashtra, but they
don’t allow to be copied or read.
» Reply to this Comment «

shanawaz says:
August 3, 2015 at 5:58 am
my mail id is can u send the pdf version
» Reply to this Comment «

H.A khumkar says:

September 11, 2015 at 6:22 am
can u send the more information about Dhoom Vargam & Amsuvaha
Vargam i will conduct experimental project in 4th year BE-mech ……
pls send me
lot thanks for giving historical information…………..
» Reply to this Comment «

bajrang matoria says:

September 28, 2015 at 8:24 am
muje viman sastr chahiye hindi me muje phone kre mere no.
» Reply to this Comment «

prashanth says:
October 1, 2015 at 3:10 pm
Is this book helpful for future plans,
» Reply to this Comment «

Alages Waran says:

October 9, 2015 at 2:31 pm
Feeling proud to know about our past, But i dont knw what to do
» Reply to this Comment «

mukesh singh says:

October 25, 2015 at 6:16 am
kya is shastra dwara ham viman rachna ke sakte hin?
» Reply to this Comment «

swadeep sohani says:

November 30, 2015 at 5:32 pm
guys, i have recently started research on vimana shashatra and i
found one place on internet where i got some notes of real vimana
shashatra. i found only six chapter with English translations with 10
Sanskrit pages too and also some file extensions for eBook too i have
these three file extensions, but problem is that they are new to
windows. i have stored them. no new path to vimana shashatra here.
» Reply to this Comment «

swadeep sohani says:

November 30, 2015 at 5:35 pm
guys if you all are serious than we should start work on this. my
whatsapp no. is 9165956362. u can contact to me and chat on
whatsapp for further steps.
» Reply to this Comment «

p.vinayak says:
January 28, 2016 at 7:22 am
dear sir,
i am proud on my indian hrishis of aryavarta thanks for ure giving our
religious text knowledge …………….i want to reserch with u
» Reply to this Comment «
Nilotpal Giri says:
June 1, 2016 at 5:57 pm
so when we all going to meet…..????
» Reply to this Comment «


July 3, 2016 at 6:32 am
sir please,
would anyone provide me any information about its material and it’s
any part which is related to it but is not on the site.
I know very well that this project is confidential for its researchers.
» Reply to this Comment «

vaimanika_admin says:
July 26, 2016 at 3:42 am
» Reply to this Comment «

Ajaysingh Thakur says:

December 4, 2016 at 7:12 pm
Mr. Amit we are Indians and have more appropriate approach to
the meaning of Sanskrit. So if we could get the code of PDF or if
you have Sanskrit edition pls let me know.
» Reply to this Comment «

Rajath KM says:
July 13, 2016 at 10:42 am
First i like to thank author for such fantastic information. Its happy to
see light been throne on our precious shastras, it will defiantly show
better path in future and bring glory to our country and to our
I have seen this kind of work has been carried by foreign countries
more than ours, its time to gather of like minded people to do
extraordinary. I’m too interested in such kind of work so recently i
started gathering information about ancient tech. I’m also interested
to be part of your team and contribute.
My contact:
» Reply to this Comment «

Gaurab says:
August 12, 2016 at 5:53 am
people here are laying more emphasis on vimanika shastra. but the
fast is that the vimanika shastra book does not have much information
on how to build the vimans completely. most of the method of
purification of metals and alloy and the metallurgy process by which
we can build the murcury vortex engine is provided in the vedas.
for example, the vedas regard mercury with very importance.
solidified mercury shiv linga is very powerful tool for worship. a liquid
mercury alloy with ferrosoferic compound which is adhesive with
mercury and can form a homogeneous mixture with mercury can be
used in the vortex engine. spinning the mercury in a glass tube (as
stated in vimanika shastra) using a series of electromagnets will cause
a whirlpool or vortex and will negate/bend the gravitational fields. In
adition the this, ever heard of acoustic levitation? Vimanika sastra
also describes the use of asoustics which give sounds like So,Ma,Om,
etc in the order 1,64,768 etc for levitation.
» Reply to this Comment «

d.mahesh says:
August 26, 2016 at 1:07 pm
My name is mahesh btech 4th year in EEE from hyderabad.
Sir,I interested to invite a new vimana,sir I want to join in your
project sir.
My contact details. 9912400465,
» Reply to this Comment «

Swadeep sohani says:

September 7, 2016 at 11:21 am
guys swadeep here again, i have found a new information about
vimanika shashtra, that is it is only a small part of actual scripts
about vimana and machines by maharishi bhardwaj, that is
“anshubodhini” and i have also found news about vimanika
shashtra,that is VYMANIKA SHASTRA
REDISCOVERED sharing website
» Reply to this Comment «

Swadeep sohani says:

September 7, 2016 at 11:22 am
guys wants to be a part of research about vimanas please contact me
on and 9165956362
» Reply to this Comment «

R. S. S. Raju says:
May 15, 2017 at 6:33 pm
Sir heard about vimana sastra want to do reaserch about this old
technology how to do it
» Reply to this Comment «

Anmol bansal says:

May 20, 2017 at 2:58 pm
Good morning sir
There is a mention of other texts such as Darla shastra etc and
mention of other properties of sun rays . Sir I wanted to ask if there
are any remaining such texts other than vimanika shastra.
» Reply to this Comment «

Anmol bansal says:

May 20, 2017 at 2:59 pm
Sorry darpan shastra
» Reply to this Comment «

Arun says:
June 30, 2017 at 2:21 pm
Sir i am arun i am also intrusted in vimana pls help attain knowledge
about them
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