Creek PDF

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GEORGIA The Creek did not like to waste
things. They used some animals for
The Creek lived in many parts more than just food. Deer skin made
of Georgia but they liked to build great clothing. The Creek used the
their homes close to rivers. skin for shoes and clothes. Women
That’s how they got their name! used the
Rivers made a great place for skin to make wraparound skirts and
towns and villages. The Creek the men wore breechcloths and
could fish from the rivers and leggings. Breechcloths were long
animal skins worn to cover
travel on them in canoes.
someone’s front and behind. Men did
not wear shirts unless it was cold out.
Their shoes were called moccasins
(mock-uh-sins). Men also painted
their faces for battle.

Creek homes look nothing like the
kind of house people live in today. The
TOOLS Creek used things found in nature to
The Creek used many tools in the build them. They used mud and twigs
past to make their lives easier. They to make the walls. The roof was made
used bows and arrows for hunting. with tree bark and plants. The Creek
When fishing, they would use would also leave a hole in their roof!
spears, nets, and hooks made of This way smoke from their cooking fire
animal bone. had a way of getting out.


and women had different jobs in a
Creek home. The Creek women did
the farming. They would grow food
like corn, squash, beans, pumpkins,
and more. Plus, they did most of the
childcare and cooking. The Creek
men would bring food by fishing and
hunting. They would also sometimes
go to war to protect their families.
Both men and women could tell
stories, do artwork, and play music.

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