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Lesson Title: Dance- Exploring Different Ways of Moving Subject: Dance

Grade: 6 Learning Goals: Today we will explore different ways of moving.

Success Criteria: You know you understand when you think about how you
like to move and use that information to create a “signature move”

Ontario Curriculum Overall Expectations:

● A1. Creating and Presenting: apply the creative process to the composition of short
dance pieces, using the elements of dance to communicate feelings and ideas;
Ontario Curriculum Specific Expectations:
● A1.3. use guided improvisation in a variety of ways as a starting point for choreography
● A1.4. combine the elements of dance in different ways to communicate a variety of
● A1.5. identify and give examples of their strengths and areas for growth as
choreographers and audience members

Assessment For Learning, Materials/Resources:

Checking for Understanding & ● Portable speaker, iPhone
Feedback ● Playlist of songs for Activity #2
Assessment of learning and checking ● Open space (outside or in class with desks
for understanding throughout moved)
class-wide discussions. Observation
and circulation while students are
working, Exit Card to be completed
and submitted at the end of the lesson.

Accommodations / Modifications:
Movements can be adapted by
individual students
Time: 10 minutes Introduction: Motivational Hook
● Activity #1: Road Trip
Groupings: ○ The primary objective is to explore locomotor movement as a
whole class class, while learning new things about one another and
discovering common interests.
○ Divide the space into a series of ‘maps’ that will change each
round, start each round with students in a ‘neutral territory’
○ Assign places to the map each round and designate a
movement or allow students to create their own movement
○ Review ‘count of 8’
■ Each time you move on the map, I want you to move
for 2 counts of 8. That means I am going to count to 8
twice, and I want you to be in your spot when I finish
counting. Try not to finish your movement before I finish
counting, if you get to your spot early, keep moving!
○ Round 1: What is your favourite ice cream flavour?
■ Chocolate, cookie dough, mint chocolate chip,
■ Movement- hop on 1 foot
○ Round 2: Which is your favourite place to go?
■ Beach, mountains, amusement park, city
■ Movement- move the way that you think someone
might move when they are on vacation (swimming,
slow and relaxed, happy and excited, airplane, on a
roller coaster, etc)
○ Round 3: What is your favourite sport?
■ Soccer, hockey, swimming, biking
■ Movement- move the way that you think an athlete
would move (quick, strong, powerful, confident)
○ Round 4: What is your favourite season?
■ Summer, fall, winter, spring
■ Movement- move like it is a windy day
Time: 25 minutes Lesson:
● Activity #2: Dancer and Mirror
Groupings: ○ What are some of the different ways you moved in the first
whole class and activity? What are some other ways that you can move? (ex:
small groups whole body, space, fast or slow), how might you move to a
fast/upbeat song vs a slow song?
○ Find someone and go toe to toe
○ Each partner gets a number (1 or 2), make sure you remember
your number!
○ 1- Dancer, 2- Mirror (copies dancer)
○ Teacher plays music, dancer adjusts their movement, mirror
○ Switch so everyone gets a turn
● Activity #3: My Signature Move
○ The primary objective is to encourage students to express
themselves in the creation of a ‘signature move’ and to
develop empathy and understanding by trying one another’s
special movement expressions
○ When I say go, in your groups from Activity 2, find another
■ Should be 5 groups of 4 and 1 group of 6
○ Consider what you like most about movement. Whether you
are a dancer, or you participate in other types of movement like
yoga or soccer or karate, or even walking, running, and
skipping. Think about your favourite steps or ways of moving.
Do you like to move slowly or quickly? Powerfully or softly? Big
or small movements? Simple or complex? Do you like to move
individually, or as part of a group?
○ Think about your answers to all of these questions, and all the
different ways you have moved today. I want you to use this to
create a ‘signature move’, that sums of what you like about
○ Spend some time creating your signature move and talking
about it with your group, then, teach your group how to do your
signature move
Time: 10 minutes Closing:
● Movement Exit Card
Groupings: ○ Spend some time filling out the Google Form Exit Card in the
individual work workspace! :)

Notes / Lesson Reflection:

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