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1/2/2023Professional Development

● Welcome Back
● Celebrations and Welcome Student Teacher
● How to navigate behavior (New phone Policy, No McDonald’s this semester)
● Library update w/ Mel

1/112023 Leadership Department Meeting

● Attended department lead meeting in which the following items were discussed:
○ Celebrations
○ Announcements
○ Reviewing new cell phone/earbud policies, STAR qualities matrix
○ Review the Course Description Handbook timeline
● Participated in the data deep dive with two other staff members using Parent Teacher Conference
data from the Fall semester identifying trends in what the data is telling us, and brainstorming
possible solutions

1/12/2023 CTE PLC Meeting

● Grant Proposal Updates
● What is in the works for the semester?
● How can Michelle Smith Support?
1/19/2023 Freshman Class Meeting
● Fundraising strategies with Freshman class leadership team.
1/20/2023 FCS Department Meeting


● What’s going well? What do we need support on?
● Any new?
● Update--grant money usage
● FCCLA dues Google Form for parents (per Stacey email)
○ WHS/SHS proposal (SHS has already submitted theirs)
● FCCLA SLC commitment form, due date, amount of deposit ($)
● STAR Qualities Unified Improvement Plan Goal (Department Collaborative)
○ Determine start date
○ Checkpoints, reflection dates
○ Artifacts?
● 8th Grade Info. Night Open House/Curriculum Fair Thursday, 3/2, 6-8pm
○ FCCLA/ FCS Leadership sign up to man table
○ Determine food demo by ProStart
○ Create digital/print promotional pamphlet to families
Action Items:
● All: PD cycle
● All: Get updates for our course fees to ensure we are collecting monies from all students
1/26-1/28/2023 CATFACS
● Professional Confrence
● Building on resources and networking opportunities.
● Providing new and improved information on several aspects of FCS
● Professional Development Hours.

2/9/2023 FCS Department Meeting

● Liz CPR Cert for Kids
● What’s going well? What do we need support on?
● Any new?
● FCCLA SLC commitment form, due date, amount of deposit ($)
● STAR Qualities Unified Improvement Plan Goal (Department Collaborative)
○ Determine start date
○ Checkpoints, reflection dates
○ Artifacts?
● 8th Grade Info. Night Open House/Curriculum Fair Thursday, 3/2, 6-8pm
○ FCCLA/ FCS Leadership sign up to man table
○ Determine food demo by ProStart
○ Create digital/print promotional pamphlet to families

Action Items:
● All: PD cycle
● All: Get updates for our course fees to ensure we are collecting monies from all students

2/8/2023 Student Support in the Libary before school
● Supporting students Academically before school in the library.

2/13-2/15/2023- Parent Teacher Conferences

● Contacting and meeting with parents about their student’s progress in my class. Offering support
to the family and student.

2/16/2023- FCCLA Nutrition Night

● Being supportive of my FCCLA students by supporting them to bring the community together by
doing a nutrition night for kids and adults.
2/24/2023- FFA Teacher Appreciation Breakfast
● Being supportive of our FFA students by coming to support the breakfast that they have provided
for teachers during FFA Week.

2/27/2023- FCS Department Meeting

● Check-in
● Support
3//29023 Leadership Department Meeting
● S-T-A-R Celebrations
● Dept. Updates/WHS Announcements
● Discussion- Ext. Advisory SAT/PSAT Practice & Senior Check-in 3/20-21
● Discussion- Budget Requests 2/16
● Takeaways & Next Steps
3/10/2023 Professional Development
● Worked on Learning Targets as Staff
● Helped with Little Wizards Daycare
○ Staff daycare service for their kids while they attend meetings, plan and attend
3/10/2023 WHS Basketball Final Four Game
● Supported our basketball team as they were in the final four in Denver.
● Students were shocked that I had attended the games.
3/13/2023 PTAC Meeting
● Survey of Parents, Staff, and Students on school climate and culture.
● Racism issues at WHS
● Brainstorming ideas to come together
○ Challenge day possibility
○ Conflict with female’s also being talked about in a negative way.
3/16/2023 WHS Production of Chicago
● Supported my students in the theater side of creativity.
● Students did amazing jobs
● Went on opening night
3/22/2023 Leadership Department Meeting
● S-T-A-R Celebrations
● Dept. Updates/WHS Announcements
● Ldrshp. Dev.- Learning Communities
● Discussion- Character Counts Data & Action Plan
● Takeaways & Next Steps

3/23/2023 Pelican Jo’s Fundraiser for Make a Wish through WHS
● Students Passion Project with Make a Wish.
● Supported and donated to the cause!

4/6-4/8 /2023 FCCLA State Conference (Advisor fill in)

● I was available to 10 students for the full three days.
● Helped prep students on their state projects.
● Stepped in and judged events for competition
● Encouraged and supported students when needed.

4/11/2023 School Store Grand Open

● Supported the opening of the store led by students
● Helped develop prototypes for the store
● Designed decorations with my class.
4/12/2023 SAT Monitoring
4/13/20203 PSAT Monitoring
5/4/2023- WHS Fashion Show
● Supporting Teal’s Fashion Students
● Students have been making garments all semester!

Every Day Advisory Committee Meetings M-F

● Going over advisory curriculum.
● Planning the next couple of weeks of lessons, activities, and ELO opportunities.

Filing in as a Sub for periods that I don’t teach

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