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PAPER 4 Reading and Use of Engiish | PAPER 2 writing, = PAPER 3 Ustening. 70 Pants _ the other cendidate to discuss ‘an issue and roach 2 decision. ‘The examiner will give you ‘mind map containing the Issue for discussion and 2 ‘ow key points to help you. ‘You have three minutes for ‘the main ciscussion, so there is time to really explore the ‘issue in detall. As wll a6 ‘ving your own opinion, you ‘need to involve and interact ‘withthe other candidate. ‘After the discussion, the ‘examiner will ask you to reach ‘2 decision together about an “sspect of the topic. Remember ‘that there is no corract answer ‘here, and that iti acceptable to disagree. ‘Remember that this par of ‘the tests for you to show the ‘examiner how well you can ‘express your views. discuss ‘an issue, negotiate and come {0 an agreement with snotmer Part 4 (2 minutes) ‘The examiner will ask you a few questions about yourself and about 2 general topic. For example, the examiner may ask you: ‘+ How many people are there in your immediate family? ‘+ What quality do you most like in other people? + Do you think people should continue to study new things throughout their lives? Part 2 (4 minutes) ‘You will each be asted to talk on your own for about a minute. You will each be iven three different pictures to talk about. After your partner has finished speaking, ‘you will be asked a brief question connected with your partner's photographs. Important occasions (compare, contrast and speculate) ae Turn to pictures 1~3 on page 175, which show different occasions. (Candidate A\, it's your turn first. Here are your pictures. They show various important occasions. ''d like you to compare two of the pictures and say how the people appear to be feeling and why. They could also be experiencing some negative emotions. What ‘might these be? (Candidate B), which of these do you think is the most important occasion? Why? ‘Shopping experiences (compare, contrast and speculate) Turn to pictures 1-3 on page 176, which show different shopping experiences. Now, (Candidate 8), here are your pictures. They show different shopping experiences. ''d like you to compare two of the pictures. Describe how these shopping ‘experiences differ and whether each method of shopping is suited to a different type of person. Why (not)? (Candidate A), which method of shopping do you personally prefer? Why? Part 3 (4 minutes) ‘Look at page 177. which shows some general points about employment status. Here are some points about working full-time for a company versus working for ‘yourself for you to discuss. First you have some time to look atthe task (Pause 18 seconds) Now tai to each other about the benefits of each employment category and whether you think one is better than the other. Why? Now you have 8 minute to decide what qualities a person would need in order to be ‘successfully self-employed. Part 4 (5 minutes) The examiner will encourage you to develop the topic of your discussion in Part 3 by ‘asking questions such a ‘+ What kind of careers do you think are best suited to self-employment? * There has been a growing trend of self-employment in the past ten years. Why do ‘you think that is? conbridige notish: Aevances Test 3 >> PAPER 4 Speaking bis 3. » PART 2 Candidate A 8y all appearances, these people are thrilled. ‘You can tell that they're incredibly happy. ‘The look on her face is pure delight. Their happiness really shines through. ‘They're clearly overjoyed, and probably quite proud too. Their delight is obvious. It's possible that they also feel a title nervous. ‘They may be experiencing some anxiety as wel ‘These are big steps which can be quite overwhelming, Deep down they could feel just a bit uneasy t00. + How do these people appear to be feeling, and why? + What kind of negative emotions do you think they might be feeling?” best day of ther lives bride and groom bundle of joy cxlebration eeply in love. frsttime home buyers Biren cepacia tac and in hand happy and healthy new baby ome is where the heart is ome sweet home marital bliss TaNgRyE parental responsibilty patter of tiny feet ‘lace to call their own ‘ie the knot wedding reception Ccamibrige English: Advanced Tests Materials for Paper 4175; fas >) PART 2 Candidate This one appears to be quite an expensive shop. ‘The woman shopping here is presumably very wealthy. ‘You can tall from the interior thet it's quite an exclusive place. Here we have an outdoor market with various stalls This one appears to be a more casual shopping experience. All kinds of people enjoy browsing st markets lke these. You ean find everything from ‘antiques to junk. You can shop online in the comfort ‘of your own home, ‘Online shopping has become ‘extremely popular. | think this is probably the most convenient way to shop. You can find some real bargains online. at the touch of a button ‘bohemian brice-brac click of the mouse crafts credit card fraud Gelivered to your door ‘designer goods ‘e-commerce fa market hagale high-end store interesting artefects opulence personal service ‘quick and easy shipping costs something might catch your eye street vendors + How do these shopping experiences differ? + Is each method of shopping suited to a different type of person? Why? When you're in @ salaried job you have the benefit of 8 team environment, which i¢ 2 {900d thing, | think. ‘That's true; you have the suppor of @ manager and also of your collesoues. It seems to me that employees have a more structured work day. You can count on receiving a regular salary when you work for a company. can't you? Wa vali point, and it helps with financial planning (On the other hand, it you're selt employed you have much more flexibility. Don't you think i's a lot of responsibility to stay on top of things? ‘Buti’ your own business | imagine you would be motivated to run it well 1 expect it must get lonely sometimes, being self-employed ‘Some people probably would feel lonely, but not necessarily everyone. People who work for themselves can go out to lunch and do other social things. be left to your own devices treelancer bbe your own boss ‘get burned out bite off more than you can chew ‘goal-oriented. ‘bureaucracy independent cash-flow problems lack of commuter stress climb the corporate ladder ‘manage all aspects of the business ‘common goals management style ‘company policy nine to five corporate environment office polities isciplined rat race dress code riven ‘endless meetings focus on what you enjoy employed full-time _ by a company, or to. work for yourself (be self-employed)? _

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