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Part 1. Reflection on what I did well.

In order to get ready for the exam, I thought about why the correct answers on the
quizzes were correct and the incorrect answers were incorrect. I go to lectures. To help
me prepare for the exam, I also watched all of the Echo 360 videos. I was nervous
during the exam, but I managed to finish it.

Part 2. Reflection on what I will improve.

I'll go over the list of questions I didn't get credit for again for the retake. I will also make
an effort to better manage my time so that I do not misread questions. I'll also be paying
closer attention in class. Perhaps I'll find a more peaceful location to take exams.

Part 3. Annotations of questions I did not earn credit on. I did not earn full credit on 17
questions; 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 19, 20

3. (Chapters 15 and 16, Select all that are correct) Transcription is regulated in both
prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Not in eukaryotes, but only in prokaryotes transcription
can be regulated by

A. changes to the transcription of several related genes as a unit in one operon.

@Yes, the correct answer is because only changes to prokaryotic transcription
B. repressors binding to or being released from operators.
@Correct because it had been released from operators.
C. moving the nucleosomes so the RNA polymerase has access to the promoter.
@It is correct because it moves the nucleosomes, allowing the RNA to access
the promoter.
D. activators binding to enhancers at a distance from the gene that will be
@It is correct because it moves the nucleosomes, allowing the RNA to access
the promoter.

4. (Chapter 14, Select all that are correct) In eukaryotes, DNA replication
A. requires a different type of DNA polymerase on the leading versus lagging
strands because each DNA strand has a 5’ and a 3’ end.

@wrong because it not does not require a different type of DNA

B. results in two double helices, each with one old and one new DNA strand, after
one round of replication of one double helix.

@correct because it results in double helices

C. requires helicase, primase, RNA polymerase I, a spliceosome, and ligase.

@wrong DNA replication requires DNA polymerase and ligase
D. makes new DNA strands by adding deoxyribonucleotides to the 3’ end of both
the leading and lagging strands.
. @correct DNA replication makes a new DNA strands
5. (Chapter 16, Select all that are correct) The lac operon
A. includes genes that make proteins to process lactose as an energy source.
@correct because lac operon makes gene and gene make protein out of it to
B. includes a promoter where RNA polymerase initially binds and then can move
past the operator to transcribe the genes when there is no repressor bound.
@correct because it includes a promoter where RNA polymerase initially binds
C. is transcribed more when the repressor is bound to the operator, then when the
repressor is not bound.
D. is transcribed more when the cell needs to make lactose than when there is a lot
of lactose in the environment.
@correct because it transcribed more when the cell needs to make lactose

6. (Chapter 8) Which of the following happens FIRST during the light-dependent

reactions of photosynthesis?

A. creation of a proton gradient by the b6-f complex.

@incorrect it’s not created by b6-f
B. synthesis of oxygen and hydrogen from water.
@correct because it’s formed of oxygen and hydrogen from water.
C. Reduction of NADP+ to NADPH by the reductase
@incorect it’s reduction of NADP
D. addition of more energy to the electron using photosystem I
@incorect Photosynthesis utilizes a different energy carrier, NADPH,

7. (Chapter 16, Select all that are correct) The amount and types of proteins in a cell
must be regulated because

A. every gene needs to be made in every cell at least once a day to avoid the
accumulation of mutations.

@inccorect because every gene does not need to be made in every cell

B. the needs of each cell changes over time and in different environments.

@correct because each cell has to change over time

C. every cell has all the genes for its species, but it would waste energy to make
proteins from all of them all the time.

@correct because every call has all the genes for species and Every cell has the
same DNA.

D. regulation allows cells to acquire specialized functions based on the proteins


@correct because Regulation enables cells to become specialized.

8. During elongation of translation, why does the formation of a peptide bond and
cleavage of the amino-acyl bond of the amino acid to the tRNA have to happen before
the ribosome and tRNA molecules translocate along the mRNA? If the peptide bond is
not made and the tRNA released before translocation,

A. the incomplete protein will fall out of the E site with the tRNA.
@ correct because tRNAs are frequently held in the E site until the next
aminoacyl tRNA binds to the A site.
B. there will not be any energy left for translocation.
@incorrect there will be energy for translocation
C. the protein will have molecules of tRNA hanging off the side of protein, one for
each amino acid.
@incorrect because if the peptide bond is not made and the tRNA is released
before translocation, will not have molecules of tRNA
D. a new anticodon on a tRNA will not complementary base pair with the codon in
the A site correctly.
@incorrect incorrect because if the peptide bond is not made and the tRNA is
released before translocation will the complementary base pair with the codon in
the A site

9. (Chapter 15, Select all that are correct) Eukaryotic transcription

A. opens the double helix of DNA, facilitates complementary base pairing of new
nucleotides, makes a phosphodiester bond, and rewinds the DNA.
B. continues while translation of the mRNA being transcribed begins.
C. requires initiation at the promoter, elongation of the mRNA, and termination at the
terminator DNA.
D. requires DNA polymerase, ligase, helicase, and single-strand binding proteins.

10. (Chapter 15, Select all that are correct) Assume none of the changes described in
the answers add or remove any stop codons. Which of the following would cause
frameshift mutations?

A. Adding 27 nucleotides to a DNA coding region

B. Deleting 2 nucleotides from a DNA regulatory region
C. Adding 14 nucleotides to a DNA coding region
D. Deleting 31 nucleotides from a DNA coding region

12. (Chapters 4 and 14, Select all that are correct) Which of the following are true of

A. DNA is too big to leave the nucleus of eukaryotic cells.

B. DNA is found associated with ribosomes in the cytosol during translation.
C. DNA stores genetic information in the sequence of specific nitrogenous bases.
D. DNA is modified by glycosylation in the Golgi apparatus.
@incorrect DNA is modified using methods such as genetic engineering and
gene editing.

13. (Chapter 14, Select all that are correct) in eukaryotes, DNA replication

A. always adds new nucleotides to the 3’ end of the new strand, which results in a
leading and lagging strand.
@Correct because it always nucleotides to the 3’ end when it comes to making
up to new strands
B. is semidiscontinuous, which means that the leading strand is made by
hydrolyzing Okazaki fragments.
@Correct because DNA replication is referred to as'semi-discontinuous' because
one of the strands is continuously synthesized.
C. always copies both strands of the DNA, unlike transcription, which only copies
the template strand.
@True, but it always copies both strands of DNA.
D. is semiconservative, which means that each of the two DNA strands of the new
double helix has some new and some original DNA.
@incorrect because an existing DNA strand is used to generate a new strand.

14. (Chapter 8, Select all that are correct) During the carbon fixation reactions

A. Intermediates are synthesized that can be used to make glucose and other
@correct, during the carbon fixation reaction, Intermediates are generated.
B. More ATP is synthesized than is broken down into ADP and Pi.
@correct, during the carbon fixation reaction, the ATP synthesized is broken into
its component ADP.
C. FADH and NADPH are synthesized.
@correct, during the carbon fixation reaction FADH and NADPH are synthesized
D. Rubisco catalyzes the fixation of carbon from carbon dioxide.
@incorrect, Carbon fixation refers to the process by which CO2 is "fixed"

15. (Chapter 15, Select all that are correct) Codons

A. bind anticodons by complementary base pairing while the mRNA and tRNA are
held by ribosomes.
@correct, codons bind anticodons via complementary splicing.
B. recognize the amino acid on a new tRNA by complementary base pairing to the
amino acid and recruit that tRNA to the ribosome.
@incorrect, does not recognize the amino acid
C. are found on the tRNA.
@correct, foudn in tRNA
D. each have exactly three ribonucleic acids, which code for one of the 20 amino
acids or a stop signal.
@correct each have three ribonuclic
16. (Chapter 16, Select all that are correct) In eukaryotes, the amount of a functional
protein would increase if
A. the nucleosomes near the gene for that protein were loose and open, instead of
packed tightly.
@correct, In eukaryotes, the amount of a functional protein would increase if
gene for protein loose and open.
B. the rate of degradation of the protein of interest increases.
@incorrect, In eukaryotes, the amount of a functional protein would increase if
protein of interest increases
C. the rate of transcription of the protein of interest decreases.
@correct, In eukaryotes, the amount of a functional protein would increase if
If the protein decreases.
D. the RNA polymerase binds to the promoter for the gene for that protein more
@correct, In eukaryotes, the amount of a functional protein would increase it
more protein frequently binds.

17. (Chapter 8, Select all that are correct) BOTH cellular respiration and photosynthesis
A. synthesize and break down ATP.
@correct, BOTH cellular respiration and photosynthesis are synthezie and down
B. convert chemical energy to concentration gradients and back to chemical
@correct, convey chemical energy to concentration to chemical energy.
C. fix carbon dioxide into glucose.
@correct, utilize in carbon dioxide and water during photosynthesis.
D. result in the products ATP and water.
@ Incorrect, resulthin oxygen and carbon dioxide.
19. The enzymes in the tRNA synthetase family
A. charge the tRNA by adding one specific amino acid to each ribonucleotide of
the anticodon.
@incorrect, does not charge the tRNA
B. can add any of the amino acids to any of the tRNA molecules, which increases
the efficiency of translation.
@incorrect does not addy amy od the amino acids
C. recognize the anticodons on the tRNA by complementary base pairing of the
codon on the synthetase to the anticodon.
@incorrect does not recongize the anticodons ont he tRNA
D. each add a specific amino acid to specific types of tRNA molecules so the
mRNA is translated to the correct protein.
@correct, each single adds a different amino acid to different types of tRNA.
20. (Chapter 8, Select all that are correct) Photosynthesis
A. results in the production of water from oxygen and hydrogen.
@incorrect photosynthesis as a result of which water is produced
B. is essential for converting the energy from light to chemical energy in ATP and
@correct is not required for energy conversion.
C. uses the energy released by the carbon fixation reactions to drive the synthesis
of ATP.
@incrrect, does not uses the energy by carbon fixation
D. is essential for converting carbon dioxide to glucose in the carbon fixation
@correct, It is required for the conversion of carbon dioxide.

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