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3 Month Study Plan for CSS Exam Preparation

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CSS registrations for the 2022 cycle are now open so the question of how to prepare for the CSS exam in just 3
months, must be lingering in your mind. You must have, of course, heard your peers talk about how a minimum of 6 Written By Awais Ar…
months of preparation is required to pass the CSS exam. Although having time in hand is not a bad idea, these
estimations of the “minimum” time needed are often fueled by hysteria and anxieties about the exams.
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In truth, it is more than just possible to prepare for the CSS in even 3 months, provided you set and follow a
rigorous study schedule and are willing to devote a significant part of your day to your studies.

Although a more personalized study plan can be developed for each prospective candidate, based on their
O ered Courses
specific situation, we can definitely get you going with a comprehensive and holistic study plan for your CSS
preparation. MDCAT


3 Month Study Plan for CSS
Month Week Preparation Schedule

November 1-5 English Essay CA

6 - 10 English Precis and Composition
11 - 15 Islamic Studies

16 - 20 General Science and Ability UNIVERSITY COURSES

21 - 25 General Science and Ability

26 - 31 Pakistan Affairs

December 1-6 Pakistan Affairs

7 - 12 Optional 1

13 - 18 Optional 2

19 - 24 Optional 3

25 - 31 Optional 4

January 1-5 Optional 5

6 - 10 Optional 6

11 - 15 Current Affairs

16 - 20 Current Affairs

20 January onwards: REVISION

The study plan above is the bare bones of your guide to passing the CSS exam, with just 3 months worth of
preparation. However, a few words of caution are necessary here:

1. This schedule has been designed bearing in mind Nearpeer’s CSS Online Preparation Courses and their
structure, which allows for such a fast-paced, yet comprehensive run-through of the CSS syllabus.

2. The work required each day is substantial; a 3-month study plan for CSS will be quite rigorous on a daily basis, so
be prepared to commit most of your energy to it.

3. A more detailed study plan for CSS, including day-to-day breakdowns of the individual subjects, has already
been built into the structure of our CSS courses. All you need to do is follow it in order.

Daily Study Plan for the CSS Exam

The table below summarizes the distribution of workload on a daily basis, for this 3-month study plan.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday   Saturday Sunday

Study: 6-8 Study: 6-8 Study: 6-8 hours Study: 6-8 Study: 6-8 Study: 6-8 Break: A
hours of hours of of study Break: hours of study hours of hours of study break from
study Break: study Break: Take a 30- Break: Take a study Break: Break: Take a Study Practice
Take a 30- Take a 30- minute break 30-minute Take a 30- 30-minute Essay: Utilize
minute break minute break after every 3- break after minute break break after this day to
after every 3- after every 3- hour interval every 3-hour after every 3- every 3-hour practice 1
hour interval hour interval interval hour interval interval essay and 1

Although it is essential to get those 6-8 hours of study every day, do not do so at a stretch, without taking breaks.
The mental saturation coupled with a decline in attention span greatly diminishes the effectiveness of your study.
You will be unable to absorb or retain the information you read, which is one of the most counter-productive things
you could do.

For this reason, we have recommended taking 30-minute breaks after every 3 hours. However, feel free to further
divide those 30 minutes into smaller intervals if you prefer taking shorter breaks. Regardless of how you decide to
structure them, taking breaks is essential and we cannot stress this enough.

General Guidelines on Following This CSS Study Plan

As you can probably see by now, comprehensive CSS preparation in just 3 months takes a fair amount of effort and
dedication. The process can get quite draining, especially if you have no support.

As we have seen and experienced firsthand, the challenges aspirants face, we thought it best to share these
additional tips on following our CSS study plan:

1. Juggling a job and CSS preparation can become very hectic, especially on the weekdays. For those of you who
find themselves in such a situation, adjusting the daily schedule to get in more hours of study on the weekends is a
good technique.

2. The sooner you start preparing the better! Don’t wait to finalize your optional subjects or the start of the next
month. Every day you save now will be an invaluable time in the revision period, before the exam. This is when you’ll
iron out all the creases in your CSS preparation, and focus on areas you know you struggle with.

3. Don’t panic if you start falling behind according to the plan. You can figure out a way to make up for a lost time as
long as you keep following the order laid out for you. Skipping ahead to other subjects, before time, is not a good

4. Do not compare your pace of studying to your peers’. Everyone has their own rhythm of work, and the study plan
we have shared accounts for this variation. Flexibility is built into it, which is why there is no point in triggering your
anxieties by getting into a rat race with your peers.

5. Daily checklists are a great motivator. The satisfaction of completing daily tasks can help keep morale high. So at
the start of each day, we recommend you make a checklist of tasks to be completed, according to Nearpeer’s
course structure.

We hope going through this article has soothed your nerves; you’re now already much better equipped to prepare
for the CSS in 3 months than you were before seeing this study plan. All you need to do now is commit to it and
follow it to the letter.

If you need any guidance regarding the CSS in general, or if you’d like to personalize and optimize the CSS study
plan for you, please feel free to reach out to our dedicated team of counselors over WhatsApp at 0311-1444734!

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