Student 2 - P

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Student 2: P.W. P.W. is a second-grade student who performs well academically. He has good background knowledge in a variety of areas and can apply it to his schoolwork. He participates in all classroom activities and is helpful towards his teacher and classmates. P.W. is talkative child and has a lot to contribute to group discussions. He enjoys using his free time to pick a variety of different books to read from the book boxes provided in the classroom. P.W. read a cold read story titled, Kara, taken from FastBridge in the second-grade mid-year section. The story was typed on one page in paragraph format and consisted of 234 words. Based on this reading, his accuracy percentage was 97%. His self-correction rate was 1:4 and his fluency calculation was 106 wcpm. On the recall details portion of the assessment, P.W. recalled a total of seven details which gave him an accuracy score of 7/20. On the comprehension questions portion of the assessment, P.W. answered nine questions correctly which gave him an accuracy score of 9/10. The total synthesis items recalled were six which gave P.W. an accuracy score of 6/6. Based on these three accuracies scores his recall rating is comprehensive recall. Our school does not currently utilize running records or give students a reading level. Since P.W. was able to read the cold passage at a fast rate and with 97% accuracy he is currently reading at grade level. He did not have many decoding challenges and was able to read the passage for meaning. Based on all of this information, his reading level would be considered end of the year for second grade. P.W. only made 6 errors in his 234-word passage. Half of his mistakes were changing the verb to a word that looked very similar but didn’t change the meaning. For example, he substituted will for would, could for would, and need for needed. He also substituted was for would and brought for bought, however, he was able to self-correct those mistakes when he could hear that it didn’t make sense. P.W. substituted the word | for It and inserted the word “and.” He also repeated part of a sentence twice which tells me that he was probably just reading too fast and needs to slow down, as well as pay attention to details like punctuation. The strategy needed most for P.W. is to slow down the speed at which he reads. He often reads right through the punctuation and makes simple mistakes that he should not be making. Pausing for punctuation would help P.W. slow down the speed at which he is reading and give him some extra time to comprehend the meaning of the text. If P.W. did not rush while reading, he would probably eliminate his need to self-correct as often P.W. read very fast and often did not pause for punctuation. Practice reading texts with a variety of punctuation aloud would help him become more aware of the importance of punctuation for understanding of meaning. The teacher could model appropriate pausing and expression in her read-a-louds. Another next step for P.W. would be to introduce new vocabulary words in order to prepare him for reading at a higher level. He should be encouraged to read texts which challenge him with new vocabulary and have more sophisticated plots. Student Z- PW, Student Copy Level 2 Screening Form 2 Kara - Boyes —— - _ Excors| _Kara decided fo build a tree house. There wos 3 large oak tree in her back yard. She thought it would be perfect for a tree house. Fifst, she had fo decide how the tree house would look. Iineededa | 106, four wail, and a door. It would need windows so she could see | the yard. It would need a rope ladder to use for climbing. Kara asked her father to help her build her tree house. Her father told her fo draw a picture of it. Then, she could sit with her father arid make plans. Kara went to her room to get paper and crayons.) He sat down at her desk and began to draw. Whenshe =! was done she put her crayons away. Next, Kara took the drawing to her father. He looked at the drawing of the tree house and smiled. He told her that they should make list of supplies. The supplies were things they would néed fo | build the house. e. They needed wood, rope, and nails. \ “they Sook th the Yo the hardware store. They bought woed for the houseland rope for the |adder. They bought nails to put the house together. They aid for their things and went home. Kara I helped her father carry the supplies to the backyard. It was late and gelling dark outside. They would start building the tree house tomorrow. (ee lo Evvors| Recuracy Percentage: 91% 234 words| Self Correction Rate. [1:4 Fluency Calculation: \Olo (© 20%, ona Eon ne, AR Reson. Screening Administration Teacher Copy Kara Level 2 Screening Form 2 START TIMER Recall Detail Pretend | am a friend who does not know the story you just read. Recalled Start from the beginning and be sure to tell me all of the important parts. | Correctly Check if Paragraph 1 1, Kara decides to build tree house = 2. Will use oak tree in yard 3._Decides how it will look 4, Needs roof, four walls, windows 5,_ Rope ladder for climbing Paragraph 2 6._Asks her father to help 7._ Father tells Kara to draw it 8,_ Then they can plan together; They plan the tree house 9. Kara gets / puts away paper and crayons 10. Kara draws picture of treehouse Paragraph 3 11. Takes drawing to father 12. He looks at drawing; he likes it/ smiles = 13. Make list of supplies 14, Supplies needed to build 15. Need wood, rope, nails Paragraph 4 16, Take list to hardware store; Go to store 18. Go home 17, Buy wood, rope and nails/pay for supplies [i & = 19. Take supplies to backyard 20, It is late / dark so will start building tomorrow Is there anything else you want to say? STOP TIMER Total Detail Items Recalled: FC —L Total Seconds: Correct Per Minute cross! Recalled Tot Secons)60 Screening Administration Teacher Copy Level 2 Screening Form 2 Kara START TIMER- if desired ce rehensiol stions Check Box Now I will ask you some questions about the story. if Recalled Think about the story you read when answering these questions. Correctly 1, | At the beginning of the story, what did Kara want to do? (TK) Answer: Build a tree house. — 2. | Why did Kara want a tree house? (EK) 12 3¢¢ Mio bes Answer: To play by herself or with friends; She had a perfect tree available. 3. | Why did she need a rope ladder? (TK) Answer: For \bing; To get or climb to the treehouse. _— 4, | Why did Kara ask her dad to help build the tree house? ( EK) Answer: She was too little to do it herself, She needed help / permission; It was too difficult / dangerous to do it herself. neede aeatse hak | +7 5. | At one point in the story, why did Kara go get paper and crayons? (TK) Answer: Her father told her to draw a picture of the treehouse. 6. | Why did Kara’s father ask her to draw a picture of the treehouse? (EK) “Answer: So they had a plan; So he understood what she wanted the treehouse to look like. a 7. | Why did Kara and her dad go to the hardware store? (TK) “Answer: To get supplies to build the tree house. _ 8. | Why did they make a list of supplies before going to the store? (EK) a Answer: So they would know what they needed to build the treehouse; So they would not forget anything. 9. | Why did they put the supplies in the back yard? (EK) = “Answer: Because that is where they would build the tree house; The tree was there. 10.| Why did they start building the tree house the next day? (TK) — “Answer: It was late and getting dark when they got home from the hardware store; They cannot build inthe dark, Tt was _ncyitime ‘STOP TIMER —if using Accuracy geanevis ALIO Total Seconds: Correct Per Minute (rou! Resales To Seconds)*60 1 202, inate Eavatn, et gh Reson Screening Administration Teacher Copy Level 2 Screening Form 2 Recall Synthesis Did the child demonstrate understanding of the following story information? A. Kara wants to build tree house. (Line 1) — B. Kara thinks about where it goes / how it looks. (Lines 2, 3, 4 OR 5) = C._Asks father for help. (Line 6) - D. Draws plan for the tree house. (Lines 7, 10 OR 12) - E. Gets supplies to build treehouse. (Lines 13, 16 OR 17) —_ F, Will start building tree house the next day. (Line 20) — Total Synthesis Items Recalled: _(O_ Accuracy (cones) fe Correct Per Minute croal syitsis ims Rested Total Sons om Dei Rca), Recall Rating Please rate the thoroughness of the child's recall Check one Comprehensive Recall — Somewhat Comprehensive Recall Less than Comprehensive Recall Not a Comprehensive Recall (©2021, mint Eaeaton, ALR Reson Screening Administration

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