Early Ecological Outcomes of Natural Regeneration and Tree Plantations For Restoring Agricultural Landscapes

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Ecological Applications, 28(2), 2018, pp.

© 2017 by the Ecological Society of America

Early ecological outcomes of natural regeneration and tree

plantations for restoring agricultural landscapes

Department of Forest Sciences, “Luiz de Queiroz” College of Agriculture, University of S~ao Paulo,
Padua Dias Avenida 11, Piracicaba, SP 13400-970 Brazil
Institute of Biology, University of Campinas - UNICAMP, Cidade Universitaria Zeferino Vaz - Bar~ao Geraldo,
Campinas, SP 13083-970 Brazil
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut 06269-3043 USA

Abstract. Mixed tree plantings and natural regeneration are the main restoration
approaches for recovering tropical forests worldwide. Despite substantial differences in imple-
mentation costs between these methods, little is known regarding how they differ in terms of
ecological outcomes, which is key information for guiding decision making and cost-effective
restoration planning. Here, we compared the early ecological outcomes of natural regeneration
and tree plantations for restoring the Brazilian Atlantic Forest in agricultural landscapes. We
assessed and compared vegetation structure and composition in young (7–20 yr old) mixed tree
plantings (PL), second-growth tropical forests established on former pastures (SGp), on former
Eucalyptus spp. plantations (SGe), and in old-growth reference forests (Ref). We sampled trees
with diameter at breast height (DBH) 1–5 cm (saplings) and trees at DBH > 5 cm (trees) in a
total of 32 20 9 45 m plots established in these landscapes. Overall, the ecological outcomes
of natural regeneration and restoration plantations were markedly different. SGe forests
showed higher abundance of large (DBH > 20 cm) nonnative species, of which 98% were
resprouting Eucalyptus trees, than SGp and PL, and higher total aboveground biomass; how-
ever, aboveground biomass of native species was higher in PL than in SGe. PL forests had
lower abundance of native saplings and lianas than both naturally established second-growth
forests, and lower proportion of animal dispersed saplings than SGe, probably due to higher
isolation from native forest remnants. Rarefied species richness of trees was lower in SGp,
intermediate in SGe and Ref and higher in PL, whereas rarefied species richness of saplings
was higher in SG than in Ref. Species composition differed considerably among regeneration
types. Although these forests are inevitably bound to specific landscape contexts and may pre-
sent varying outcomes as they develop through longer time frames, the ecological particulari-
ties of forests established through different restoration approaches indicate that naturally
established forests may not show similar outcomes to mixed tree plantings. The results of this
study underscore the importance that restoration decisions need to be based on more robust
expectations of outcomes that allow for a better analysis of the cost-effectiveness of different
restoration approaches before scaling-up forest restoration in the tropics.
Key words: active restoration; ecological monitoring; forest biomass; forest succession; passive restora-
tion; restoration ecology; second-growth forests; tropical forest restoration.

INTRODUCTION 2011). The scale of restoration initiatives also affects the

degree of intervention. Lower levels of intervention are
Selection of the best restoration approaches is largely
adopted when ecosystem recovery is planned for larger
defined by the potential for autogenic regeneration of
spatial and temporal scales in landscapes that offer
the target site and by management objectives, both of
appropriate conditions for natural regeneration (Chaz-
which determine the level of intervention required to fos-
don and Uriarte 2016), while more intensive and costly
ter ecosystem recovery (McDonald et al. 2016). Because
interventions have been employed in restoration projects
of the spatial variation of these two driving factors, a
requiring faster results but at smaller spatial scales, as in
wide gradient from passive to active restoration is
the case of mandatory projects to comply with environ-
observed, ranging from land abandonment and site
mental laws (Brancalion et al. 2016). For tropical for-
protection to highly costly interventions to reconstruct
ests, a number of science-based guidelines have been
ecological communities in degraded sites (Holl and Aide
developed to guide the selection of the most appropriate
Manuscript received 24 March 2017; revised 7 October 2017;
restoration approach by practitioners, with the goal of
accepted 19 October 2017. Corresponding Editor: Yude Pan. increasing restoration effectiveness and cost reduction
E-mail: ricardogoce@yahoo.com.br (Holl and Aide 2011, Stanturf et al. 2014).

 Ecological Applications
374 CESAR ET AL. Vol. 28, No. 2

Natural regeneration without human assistance is the had higher aboveground biomass due to the planted
most widely used restoration approach for restoring trees. These differences may emerge from the compar-
tropical forests (Chazdon and Guariguata 2016), while ison of passive and active restoration in conditions
mixed-species tree planting is preferred for active where the potential for autogenic restoration was natu-
restoration (Holl and Aide 2011, Rodrigues et al. 2011). rally low, thus limiting the full potential of natural
These contrasting approaches can potentially affect the regeneration to recover forest structure and diversity,
structure and composition of restored forests, with which is known to take several decades or more (Martin
implications for expected outcomes and rates of recov- et al. 2013, Chazdon 2014).
ery. During natural regeneration, for instance, the The ecological outcomes in single species tree plant-
species pool is limited by the interaction of natural local ings are influenced by the composition, management
dispersal and colonization processes, vegetation cover in treatments, harvesting cycles, and context (Lamb 1998).
the surrounding landscape, and micro-site conditions for As an alternative to mixed tree plantings, single species
tree species establishment (Holl et al. 2000, Hooper plantations consistently house less native plant biodiver-
et al. 2005). Human activities, such as seed collection sity than second-growth forests in their understory, but
and seedling production in nurseries, overcome dispersal such plantations accumulate biomass at faster rates
limitations of species that will be introduced in mixed (Barlow et al. 2007, Bonner et al. 2013). Evidently, the
tree plantings in restoration sites, allowing the species results of these comparisons are context dependent.
composition of the restored forest to vary independently This study compares early outcomes of natural regen-
of the natural potential of tree species to recolonize the eration and mixed tree planting in scenarios where both
site (Brancalion et al. 2012). restoration approaches succeeded in reestablishing a for-
The contribution of landscape dynamics also differs est community. We compared structure, species richness
between these restoration approaches. Whereas natural and composition of saplings and trees in forests under-
regeneration is favored in closer proximity and connec- going restoration established through mixed-species tree
tivity to forest remnants (Barnes and Chapman 2014, plantings with natural regeneration in pastures and
Arroyo-Rodriguez et al. 2015, Sloan et al. 2015), mixed Eucalyptus spp. plantations. We also compare these sec-
tree plantings are commonly established in sites further ond-growth forests with old-growth “reference” forests
from remnant forests or in landscapes with reduced near the study region. We expected that second-growth
forest cover with low levels of seed rain (Rodrigues et al. forests naturally established on pastures and abandoned
2009, Holl and Aide 2011). Eucalyptus plantations will show, when compared to
Economics and ecology are integrated into decision mixed tree plantings:
making frameworks to select restoration approaches in
different socio-ecological contexts (Holl 2017). Thus, (1) Higher abundance of tree saplings and climbers,
understanding the ecological outcomes of natural regen- because tree plantings are usually carried out in less
eration and mixed tree planting in contexts in which both resilient areas, more isolated from seed sources (Holl
are needed and viable is a first step towards the selection and Aide 2011); and because mixed tree plantings
of restoration approaches with higher cost effectiveness, may require more time to support understory colo-
an emerging challenge for up-scaling forest restoration nization by seeds produced by planted trees.
efforts globally (Birch et al. 2010). Although natural (2) Lower abundance of bigger trees and reduced
regeneration has considerably lower costs (but see Zahawi aboveground biomass (AGB) of native species, since
et al. [2014]), few studies have compared the ecological management interventions (fertilization, weeding,
outcomes between this approach and tree planting while control of leaf-cutter ants, isolation from fires and
controlling for other factors (such as forest age, soil type, cattle grazing, and regular spacing) will favor tree
and prior land use), thus preventing more accurate cost- growth in mixed tree plantings, in contrast with self-
effectiveness analyses (but see Gilman et al. 2016). organizing, second-growth forests.
The few comparative publications to date have shown (3) Lower species richness, due to the reduced species pool
marked differences between natural regeneration and in agricultural landscapes and the high diversity of spe-
mixed-species restoration plantations. Overall, young (5– cies introduced in mixed tree plantings in the region.
10 yr old) mixed tree plantations show higher tree species (4) Higher proportion of abiotic-dispersed trees and
richness and lower canopy openness than naturally estab- more pioneer species, because practitioners favor
lished forests in Australian wet tropics uplands (Shoo biotic-dispersed species (P. H. S. Brancalion, per-
et al. 2016), Andean Ecuador (Wilson and Rhemtulla sonal communication) and a balanced proportion of
2016), humid forests of Costa Rica (Holl et al. 2013, Holl fast- and slow-growing species in mixed tree plant-
and Zahawi 2014), and seasonal tropical forests in Brazil ings in our study region (Rodrigues et al. 2009).
(Brancalion et al. 2016). In contrast, Gilman et al. (2016) (5) A more similar composition to old-growth forests,
observed that species richness and composition of natu- since composition of second-growth forests will be
rally recruiting individuals in the understory of mixed tree essentially determined by the same regional species
plantings vs. spontaneously regenerating forests were sim- pool, while plantations introduce species that are
ilar in wet forests in Costa Rica, but mixed tree plantings outside the regional species pool or are locally rare.

METHODS favors forest regeneration in slopes that can no longer be

used for mechanized production (Molin et al. 2017).
Study site
We studied second-growth forests established without
Landscape selection for sampling forests undergoing
human assistance and mixed tree species plantings in the
Corumbataı river basin of S~ao Paulo State, southeast
Brazil, in seasonal semi-deciduous tropical forests of the To locate second-growth forest in the 1,700 km2 Corum
Atlantic Forest biome. Old-growth, reference forests bataı River watershed, we selected six landscapes follow-
were sampled as close as possible from the Corumbataı ing the diversity variability analysis proposed by Pasher
river basin, because no single conserved forest was found et al. (2013). First, we divided the basin into 1 9 1,
within it (23.8  4.9 km [mean  one standard devia- 2 9 2, 3 9 3, 4 9 4, and 5 9 5 km square grid cells. For
tion] from the basin, minimum 17.2 km, maximum each grid size, we calculated the Shannon landscape diver-
28.5 km). The climate of the region is classified as Cwa sity index (McGarigal and Marks 1994) based on a 30-m
according to the K€ oppen classification (Alvares et al. resolution land-use map from 2002. Finally, we plotted
2013), with dry winters and wet summers, mean annual the mean landscape diversity index of each grid size
precipitation of 1,367 mm and mean temperatures of against the cell size. This method identified the 4 9 4 km
20.5°C (minimum and maximum monthly averages of cell (16 km2) as the smallest cell grid that shows no varia-
15.6° and 29.5°C, respectively). Altitude varies from 470 tion when compared to landscape diversity index of larger
to 1,060 m above sea level. The basin occupies an area sizes, thus representing the landscape diversity of the study
of 1,700 km2 and the main soil types are Acrisols (44%) area.
and Ferralsols (22%). The basin is an ecotone between Using the 4-km square grid cell, we submitted the study
the Atlantic Forest (42% of the basin) and Cerrado region to a moving window analysis and calculated, for
(tropical savanna, 58%). The seasonal semi-deciduous each pixel, the proportion of sugarcane, pasture, and
forests characterize the “interior” biogeographical zone native forest cover of a sampling window centered on it.
of the Atlantic Forest, the second-most threatened of Finally, we selected six of the 4 9 4 km landscapes that
this biome, with only 7% native cover remaining had, in 2008 (latest image available), at least 70% of agri-
(Ribeiro et al. 2009). The recent increase of native forest cultural matrix and at least 10% native forest cover. To dis-
cover in some regions in this biome (Baptista and Rudel tribute the six selected landscapes more evenly across the
2006, Rezende et al. 2015) provide a unique opportunity study region, three landscapes were chosen randomly in
to study the dynamics of tropical forest regeneration in the southern part of the basin and three in the northern
highly deforested agricultural landscapes. part of the basin. For more details, see Ferraz et al. (2014).
Most of the deforestation occurred in the 19th century
for coffee plantations, which subsided in the early 20th
Experimental design
century when coffee was gradually replaced by pastures
and intensive agriculture in flatter terrains, mostly sugar- In the six chosen landscapes described previously, we
cane plantations. During the 1970s, the region developed located second-growth forests that established without
industrially, resulting in the migration of the rural popu- human assistance on planted cattle pastures (hereafter
lation to urban centers and land abandonment followed SGp) and in Eucalyptus spp. plantations abandoned after
by forest regeneration in some areas unsuitable for mech- harvesting (hereafter SGe), the two most common prior
anized agriculture (Dean 1977). This contributed to a land uses of second-growth forests in this region. When
doubling of native forest cover in the six landscapes ana- we refer to both of these second-growth forests together,
lyzed in this study (described in Landscape selection for we use the abbreviation SG. We identified SG forests that
sampling forests undergoing restoration) from 8% to 16% were present in the 2008 satellite imagery but not in the
between 1962 and 2008 (Ferraz et al. 2014). Currently, 1995 imagery; since data gathering occurred in 2015, we
the main land uses in the Corumbataı watershed are pas- estimated that sampled SG forests were 7–20 yr old.
tures and sugarcane fields, occupying 43.7% and 29.4% Before the establishment of SGp, pastures had low pro-
of the basin, respectively. Native forest remnants, active ductivity (i.e. fewer than two animals per hectare, with-
Eucalyptus plantations for firewood and timber, and out regular fertilization or other inputs), harbored very
other land uses (buildings, roads, water bodies, other few isolated native trees, and were covered by nonnative
agricultural plantations, etc.) occupy 12.4%, 7.3%, and fodder grasses, mainly Urochloa spp. In SGe, Eucalyptus
7.2% of the entire basin, respectively. Native forest cover spp., a nonnative species, was hand planted and har-
in this region is represented by a mosaic of disturbed vested using a chainsaw (which probably occurred 6–8 yr
remnants of different sizes and levels of human-mediated after planting). Some of the harvested eucalyptus
disturbances, mostly resulting from cattle grazing and resprouted, resulting in a mixed community of resprout-
recurrent fires coming from sugarcane fields, which were ing Eucalyptus spp. and naturally regenerating native
burned historically before manual harvesting. More trees. Except for the resprouting Eucalyptus spp. in SGe,
recently, burning of sugarcane fields was legally prohib- no seedlings were planted in SG forests and all individu-
ited and mechanized harvesting has predominated, which als sampled originated from natural regeneration.
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High-diversity mixed species tree plantations (here- rivers or water reservoirs and all, except one, was sur-
after PL) of the same age range (7–20 yr) were identified rounded by large sugarcane plantations. The forest stand
in the same study region (basin) but not in the same 16- area where each plot was installed was 21  4 ha for
km2 landscapes where we sampled SG forests, due to the SGp, 50  10 ha for SGe, and 48  36 ha for PL.
lack of mixed tree plantings for restoration plantings in Finally, we identified old-growth conserved forests
these small landscapes. These tree plantings were typi- (Ref) of the same vegetation type in other agricultural
cally established by sugarcane mills to comply with landscapes near the study region. We selected four forests
Brazilian environmental law (see details in Rodrigues with no history of large disturbances in the last 100 yr,
et al. [2011]). Mixed tree plantings were established in protected from human and cattle encroachment and
sites used for decades for intensive sugarcane cultivation, belonging to relatively large forest areas for the regional
where low potential for autogenic recovery limited the context (50–250 ha), where small remnants predominate.
use of passive restoration approaches. Over 50 species of We installed a 20 9 45 m (900 m2) plot to gather vege-
native tree seedlings were planted in a 3 9 2 m spacing tation data in seven SGp forests, 11 SGe, and 10 PL
(1,666 seedlings/ha; Rodrigues et al. 2011). Mixed tree (hereafter collectively referred as “regeneration types”),
plantings were protected from fire, fenced to prevent cat- and in four Ref sites, totaling 32 plots. To avoid pseudo-
tle invasion, and planted seedlings were fertilized and replication, we did not place plots in forests with the
weeded for 2–3 yr after planting. same previous land use located in the same continuous
Given that natural regeneration is more likely to occur forest remnant, or in the same continuous planting area
near existing forest remnants (Rodrigues et al. 2011, for PL. In each 900-m2 plot, we measured the diameter
Sloan et al. 2015) and on slopes (Molin et al. 2017), at breast height (DBH) and identified to the highest taxo-
mixed tree plantings for forest restoration usually occur nomic level possible all living rooted trees and shrubs
in more isolated areas with low resilience (Rodrigues DBH ≥ 5 cm (hereafter trees). We carried out superficial
et al. 2011); accordingly, the landscape context of SG excavations to confirm if stems of the same species next
and PL forests differed (Fig. 1). Among the 18 SG to one another belonged to the same individual tree and
forests sampled, only one was not adjacent to a native we measured all stems DBH > 5 cm of the same tree.
forest remnant. On the other hand, the average distance Additionally, we installed a 4 9 30 (120-m2) subplot at
of the seven PL forests sampled from the closest native the center of each plot to count and identify all trees and
forest remnant was 1,275 m (minimum 10 m, maximum shrubs with DBH 1–5 cm (hereafter saplings). All sam-
3,300 m); all PL forests sampled were <100 m from pled individuals were classified according to successional


B) C)

FIG. 1. (A) Location of the selected landscapes in the Corumbataı basin, S~ao Paulo State, Brazil. (B and C) High-resolution
satellite images showing overall landscape context of mixed tree plantings for forest restoration (B) and naturally established
second-growth forests (C) sampled in this study. Each regeneration type is highlighted in red in the bottom figure. Note that
second-growth forests are next to existing forest remnants while tree plantings are located along riparian zones within sugarcane
plantations, more isolated from forest fragments.

group (pioneer or non-pioneer), dispersal syndrome curve for this regeneration type. We used the function
(animal-dispersed, abiotic dispersal, or not classified) and indval to identify indicator tree species in each regenera-
species origin (native or nonnative to the study region, tion type with indicator value > 0.5 and P < 0.05. To com-
Swaine and Whitmore 1988, Crees and Turvey 2015). We pare species composition of saplings and trees among
evaluated whether individuals sampled in PL were intro- regeneration types, we calculated the Chao–Jaccard dis-
duced during planting or established naturally by observ- similarity index (Chao et al. 2004) between each plot and
ing the distribution of individuals in the planting lines. created a graph using nonmetric multidimensional analysis
Additionally, we estimated liana abundance by walking to visualize similarity among plots of different regenera-
two 45-m transects in each plot and counting the number tion types using the mds function. We considered only
of touches of lianas with diameter >1 cm in a 2-m high native species to calculate rarefied species richness, and
pole, a method adapted from Vidal et al. (1997). In two both native and nonnative species for indicator species and
PL plots, we were not able to sample lianas and saplings. nonmetric multidimensional analyses.
Trees that could not be identified due to the absence or
difficulty to sample vegetative or reproductive material
Data analyses
were not considered for calculating species density, diver-
To analyze forest structure, we divided all sampled sity, rarefied richness, and composition, while unidenti-
trees into three diameter classes based on their largest fied morphospecies for which vegetative material was
stem: 1–5, 5–20, and >20 cm; the first class was sampled collected were included in these analyses. Given that non-
in the 120-m2 subplot, while the others were sampled in native tree species and pioneer native species are well
the larger 900-m2 plot. We analyzed the abundance of described and easily identifiable in the field, we classified
trees in each diameter class per plot separately for native morphospecies that were not identified and trees that we
and nonnative species. We estimated AGB of each stem could not collect vegetative material, due to the absence
based on the equation developed by Chave et al. (2014) of vegetative material or difficulty to reach the canopy, as
that requires wood density. Data on wood density of the native non-pioneer species in order to analyze abundance,
sampled trees were obtained from several references, but AGB, and proportion of pioneers. Given the low number
mainly from Chave et al. (2009) and Zanne et al. (2009). of repetitions and the distance from other regeneration
When wood density data was not available for a given types, Ref forests were not included in the statistical
species, we would use the following wood density values, comparison of structure, biomass, species density, liana
in this order: (1) average of the species of the same genus abundance and proportion of biotic-dispersed trees and
sampled in this study, (2) average of species of the same pioneers among regeneration types, but the data obtained
genus in Zanne et al. (2009), or (3) average of the species in these forests are included in the results for reference
of the same family sampled in this study. For species and discussion purposes. Datasets and R scripts for data
identified only to the genus or family level, we followed analyses can be found in the supplementary file Data S1.
the steps mentioned previously. For unidentified mor-
phospecies, we considered wood density as the average
density of all species sampled in the study site. We used a
specific equation developed locally to estimate AGB of
Forest structure
Eucalyptus spp. trees (Campos et al. 1992).
Aboveground biomass of trees, abundance of native We sampled a total of 1,025 saplings and 3,167 trees, of
and nonnative species for each diameter class, species which 68 (6.6%) and 410 (12.9%) belonged to nonnative
density of native species, liana abundance, and propor- species, respectively. We could not identify to the species
tion of pioneers and animal-dispersed native trees and level 143 (13.9%) and 198 (6.0%) of all saplings and trees,
saplings were compared among regeneration types using respectively. Overall, abundance of saplings of native spe-
ANOVA and means were compared by the Tukey multi- cies differed among regeneration types, being higher in
ple comparison procedure (a = 0.05) when data were SG forests (Appendix S1). Most of the saplings (87.9%)
normally distributed. We used a general mixed model in PL were planted, with low abundance of spontaneously
considering the logarithmical distribution when data regenerating individuals. Forests of different types had
were non-parametrically distributed. In both cases, similar abundance of trees DBH 5–20 cm, but SG showed
means between regeneration types were compared by the lower abundance of larger native trees (DBH > 20 cm)
Tukey multiple comparison procedure (a = 0.05). when compared to PL (Fig. 2). Liana abundance differed
Rarefied species richness, indicator species and species among regeneration types, being lower in PL, whereas
composition analyses were carried out using the R package SGp and SGe did not differ (Appendix S1).
vegan (Oksanen et al. 2016). We included Ref in these The abundance of saplings of nonnative species was sim-
analyses. Rarefied species richness accumulation curves ilar among regeneration types; no Eucalyptus saplings were
were developed for trees and spontaneously regenerating found in any of the sites (Fig. 2; Appendix S1). However,
saplings of each regeneration type using the function rar- SGe had the highest abundance of nonnative tree species
efy. Given the low abundance of spontaneously regenerat- among the largest trees (DBH > 20 cm), mostly large
ing saplings in PL, we were unable to develop a rarefaction Eucalyptus spp. individuals. In SGe, resprouted Eucalyptus
 Ecological Applications
378 CESAR ET AL. Vol. 28, No. 2

FIG. 2. Tree community structure in 7–20 yr-old second-growth tropical forests established over pastures (SGp) and Eucalyptus
spp. plantations (SGe), mixed-species tree plantings (PL) and reference forests (Ref) in agricultural landscapes of southeastern
Brazil. Abundance of native and nonnative species is shown in the left and right panels, respectively. Community was divided in the
three diameter at breast height (DBH) classes listed in the vertical axis of each graph at the left. Most nonnative trees in SGe are
resprouting Eucalyptus spp. Abundance of native species DBH 1–5 cm was compared using ANOVA (a = 0.05), while the abun-
dance of native species of other DBH classes and all nonnative classes were non-parametrical and a generalized mixed linear model
considering lognormal distribution of data was used (a = 0.05). In both cases, means were compared by the Tukey multiple compar-
ison procedure (a = 0.05). Ref forests were not included in statistical analyses. Boxplots with the same letter above them do not
differ statistically in each DBH class. N = 4 for Ref forests and N = 7, 11, and 10 for SGp, SGe, and PL forests, respectively. Note
that graphs have different scales. Middle line of box plots: median; lower and upper box edges: first and third quartiles, respectively;
lower and upper whiskers: minimum and maximum values, respectively; circles: outliers.

spp. represented 0%, 4.1%  2.2% and 64.0%  6.8% of of native trees were found among forests. Species density
trees with DBH 1–5 cm (saplings), 5–20 cm, and >20 cm, of saplings was higher in SG than in PL when we
respectively. included for planted trees in PL (Appendix S1). When
Aboveground biomass (AGB) differed among regener- considering only naturally regenerating saplings, PL had
ation types (Appendix S1). SGe showed similar biomass much lower species density than SG forests, with only
of native species to SGp, but less than PL, while total two non-planted species found in one plot.
AGB (native + nonnative species) was higher in SGe Rarefied species richness of trees was lowest in SGp,
than in the other forests (Fig. 3; Appendix S1). Virtually intermediate in SGe and Ref, and highest in PL (Fig. 4).
all AGB stocked in PL (97.3%) was from planted trees. All the 12 spontaneously regenerating saplings in PL
were represented by only seven species. Additionally, all
the 13 nonnative (to Corumbataı Basin) species found in
Species richness and composition
PL were introduced during planting. Rarefied species
For trees, we sampled a total of 56 families, 161 richness of saplings was similar between SG and lowest
genera, and 241 species (Appendix S2). For saplings, we in Ref. The few saplings in PL prevent reliable inferences
have sampled a total of 39 families, 100 genera, and 176 about rarefied species richness in these forests and
species (Appendix S3). Similar values of species density are mostly represented by planted seedlings, with only

services and conserving biodiversity in the highly modi-

fied agricultural landscapes included in this study. As
expected, the ecological outcomes in SG and PL were
markedly different in structure and composition, and dif-
fered from reference forests. These differences highlight
that, at least in this region, forests established through
spontaneous regeneration and mixed tree plantings are

FIG. 3. Tree community aboveground biomass in 7–20 yr-

old second-growth forests established over pastures (SGp) and
Eucalyptus spp. plantations (SGe), mixed tree species plantings
(PL), and old-growth reference forests (Ref) in agricultural
landscapes of southeastern Brazil. Gray and white bars repre-
sent aboveground biomass of native and nonnative species,
respectively. Error bars represent one standard error from total
aboveground biomass. Regeneration types were compared using
ANOVA (a = 0.05) and means were compared by the Tukey
multiple comparison procedure (a = 0.05). Bars with the same
letter above them do not differ statistically. Upper- and lower-
case letters refer to total and native species aboveground bio-
mass, respectively. N = 4 for Ref forests and N = 7, 11, and 10
for SGp, SGe, and PL forests, respectively.

twelve individuals of this size class belonging to seven

species found spontaneously in these forests (Fig. 4).
Species composition varied widely among plots, with
each regeneration type composed by a particular species
pool. Composition of SG and PL differed among them-
selves and from Ref (Fig. 5). We identified indicator spe-
cies of trees in each regeneration type (Table 1). Overall,
indicator species of SGp are shade intolerant and wind
dispersed, in SGe, they are shade tolerant and animal
dispersed, in PL they have a balanced distribution
regarding shade tolerance, but abiotic-dispersed species
predominate, and finally, indicator species in Ref forests
are predominantly shade tolerant, with both biotic and
abiotic-dispersed species (Table 1). The proportion of
trees with biotic dispersal was similar among regenera-
tion types, while the proportion of biotic-dispersed sap- FIG. 4. Native species accumulation curve of trees DBH >
lings was higher in SGe than in PL (Appendices S1, S4). 5 cm and DBH 1–5 cm in 7–20 yr-old second-growth (SG) for-
Proportion of pioneer trees was higher in PL than SGe ests established naturally over pastures and Eucalyptus spp.
plantations, mixed tree species plantings, and reference forests
and similar among saplings in all regeneration types
in agricultural landscapes of southeastern Brazil. Species accu-
(Appendix S1). mulation curves for trees DBH 1–5 cm represent only naturally
established trees, and only five regenerating individuals belong-
ing to two species were found in mixed tree plantings in this size
DISCUSSION class. Dotted lines represent one standard error from the mean
number of species. Trees DBH 1–5 cm in mixed plantings are
Both SG and PL forests promoted a rapid recovery of represented mostly by planted individuals, with only 12 trees
forest structure and housed many native tree species, thus belonging to seven species found spontaneously regenerating in
showing a potential contribution for supplying ecosystem this regeneration type.
 Ecological Applications
380 CESAR ET AL. Vol. 28, No. 2

unlikely to occur for decades and practitioners could not

rely on spontaneous regeneration. In the early succes-
sional stages sampled in our study, PL forests are provid-
ing habitat structure and housing dozens of native
species in agricultural landscapes where it is highly unli-
kely that forest could spontaneously establish in the
short- to mid-term. In spite of the restricted colonization
of native trees and lianas in young PL, mixed tree plant-
ings have shown positive successional development over
time in other forests in the same biome, with a gradual
increase in forest structure and diversity (Suganuma and
Durigan 2015, Bertacchi et al. 2016, Garcia et al. 2016).
These studies highlight that the limited recolonization of
mixed tree plantings understory by native species, as
found in PL in our study, may not compromise the long
term ecological sustainability of these plantings.
As expected for the early successional stages of SG
and PL, these forests differ in most attributes of struc-
ture and composition from Ref. While tree composition
in SG and PL are distinct from Ref, saplings in SG for-
ests tend to be more similar to Ref (Fig. 5). However,
the persistence of planted native tree species in restora-
tion sites is not yet fully understood (Suganuma and
Durigan 2015).

The role of Eucalyptus in natural regeneration

There is much controversy regarding the use of nonna-
tive species to foment the establishment of native tropi-
cal forests (Bremer and Farley 2010). However, recent
studies are reporting the positive effect of the initial use
of nonnative species to create a forest structure and
accelerate successional processes in degraded areas
(Brockerhoff et al. 2013, Catterall 2016). We observed
that resprouting Eucalyptus spp. increased rarefied spe-
FIG. 5. Two-dimensional nonmetric scaling plot of the cies richness in SGe, when compared to SG forests with-
Chao-Jaccard dissimilarity index for 7–20 yr-old forests estab- out Eucalyptus (SGp), probably due to two distinct
lished naturally over pastures (diamonds) and Eucalyptus spp.
processes. First, the establishment of an open, undis-
plantations (triangles), mixed tree species planting (squares),
and reference forests (circles) in agricultural landscapes of turbed, shaded understory may have allowed the contin-
southeastern Brazil. Data is show for trees DBH > 5 cm and uous accumulation of seeds in the soil and promoted
DBH 1–5 cm in the top and bottom graphs, respectively. We seedling and sapling recruitment. Compared to pastures,
computed only non-planted trees DBH 1–5 cm for PL. commercial Eucalyptus spp. plantations have less inten-
sive management, as some pastures are annually burned
in our study region. After harvesting of canopy trees,
complementary and fulfill different roles and conditions natural regeneration could then advance faster and with
in the process of restoring agricultural landscapes. higher diversity. Second, large Eucalyptus spp. individu-
Surprisingly, resprouting Eucalyptus spp. did not als may mimic the ecological role of native emergent
affect native species density and increased total above- trees, establishing a more complex vertical forest struc-
ground biomass without hindering biomass accumula- ture that attracts seed dispersers and creates favorable
tion by native species when compared to second-growth micro-site conditions for spontaneously colonizing seed-
forests without Eucalyptus spp. (SGp). Although Euca- lings (Johnstone et al. 2016). Lower sapling species rich-
lyptus spp. trees in our plots were reproductively mature ness in Ref may be due to more intense ecological filters
(as observed by the several fallen fruits in our plots), we in the shaded understory of old growth forests, as well as
have not found a single sapling of this species in SGe the reduced number of plots sampled in these forests
(Appendix S2). Over time, this nonnative species will (n = 4, Fig. 4).
gradually disappear from these forests. Populations of Eucalyptus spp. were mostly composed
Plantings were established in more isolated areas by few large individuals that increased total biomass of
after intensive agriculture, where natural regeneration is SGe when compared to SGp, while biomass of native

TABLE 1. Indicator species for forests that established naturally in abandoned pastures or Eucalyptus spp. plantations or by mixed
tree species plantings.

Regeneration type Shade tolerance Dispersal syndrome IndVal P

Abandoned pastures (SGp)
Moquiniastrum polymorphum (Less.) G. Sancho I A 0.83 0.001
Psidium guajava L.† I A 0.72 0.007
Machaerium hirtum (Vell.) Stellfeld I A 0.61 0.006
Luehea candicans Mart. & Zucc. I A 0.56 0.014
Machaerium nyctitans (Vell.) Benth. I A 0.54 0.021
Platypodium elegans Vogel I A 0.51 0.017
Abandoned Eucalyptus spp. plantations (SGe)
Eucalyptus spp. I A 0.93 0.001
Casearia sylvestris Sw. T B 0.54 0.020
Mixed tree species plantings (PL)
Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi I B 0.70 0.002
Citharexylum myrianthum Cham. I B 0.69 0.016
Peltophorum dubium (Spreng.) Taub. T A 0.63 0.004
Ceiba speciosa (A.St.-Hil.) Ravenna T A 0.56 0.004
Senegalia polyphylla (DC.) Britton & Rose I A 0.51 0.025
Clitoria fairchildiana R.A.Howard I A 0.50 0.010
Genipa americana L. T B 0.50 0.008
Inga vera Willd. I B 0.50 0.009
Reference forest (Ref)
Roupala montana Aubl. I A 0.72 0.002
Amaioua intermedia Mart. ex Schult. & Schult.f. T B 0.50 0.013
Calyptranthes clusiifolia O.Berg T B 0.50 0.019
Chrysophyllum gonocarpum (Mart. & Eichler ex Miq.) Engl. T B 0.50 0.008
Eugenia dodonaeifolia Cambess. T B 0.50 0.014
Galipea jasminiflora (A.St.-Hil.) Engl. T A 0.50 0.014
Ixora brevifolia Benth. T B 0.50 0.013
Maytenus gonoclada Mart. T B 0.50 0.007
Metrodorea nigra A.St.-Hil. T A 0.50 0.015
Savia dictyocarpa M€ ull.Arg. T A 0.50 0.012
Xylopia brasiliensis Spreng. T B 0.50 0.014
Notes: IndVal, indicator value of the species for that regeneration type. Shade tolerance: I, intolerant to shading; T, tolerant to
shading. Dispersal syndrome: A, abiotic dispersal; B, biotic dispersal. †Nonnative species.

species remained similar between these forests (Fig. 3). different restoration approaches are employed, and the
Indicating another benefit of a nonnative species in inherent features of these approaches should be consid-
accelerating carbon sequestration in second-growth for- ered when comparing their cost-effectiveness.
ests, without hindering other native species, at least in The lack of regenerating trees in the understory of PL
the early stages observed (Bonner et al. 2013). may compromise their future sustainability, as a conse-
quence of the collapse of forest structure following the
senescence of pioneer trees. At the same time, the
Naturally established forests and mixed species
absence of lianas in PL demonstrates that other plant
growth forms may have problems to recolonize restora-
The effect of restoration approaches could not be tion sites and lead to a less biologically complex restora-
decoupled from that of landscape context in our study tion community, with limited potential to conserve both
(PL are usually far more distant from remnant forests), plants and animals (Crouzeilles et al. 2016a, Garcia
so the observed ecological outcomes result from both et al. 2016, Mayfield 2016).
the restoration approach and the landscape context in Although further time may be necessary to assess if
which it is implemented. Although the influence of land- recruitment will increase as these forests age, the limited
scape and methods factors can be separated experimen- spontaneous regeneration of trees and lianas in PL may
tally, the reality of restoration projects will always reflect be caused by a synergy of local and landscape factors.
this combination of factors (at least in our study region), Local factors may include reduced seed bank, the lack of
since tree plantings are the preferred method of restora- seed production from planted trees, and reduced habitat
tion when natural regeneration is not a viable approach. heterogeneity promoted by fast-growing planted species
Thus, our findings reflect the typical condition in which (Holl et al. 2000), factors that may change as PL develop.
 Ecological Applications
382 CESAR ET AL. Vol. 28, No. 2

Landscape factors may include restrictions in seed and biodiversity conservation. Nevertheless, larger mixed
sources and dispersers, due to large-scale defaunation and tree plantings may also provide valuable ecosystem ser-
deforestation in human-modified landscapes of the Atlan- vices in isolated landscapes, such as in situ biodiversity
tic Forest (Sansevero et al. 2011, Crouzeilles et al. 2016b), conservation of planted tree species and habitat refugia in
which are intensified by the higher level of isolation in the highly deforested landscapes.
landscape of restoration plantations. If connectivity Given the low abundance of spontaneously regenerat-
increases in the landscape, these patterns may change. ing individuals and the dissimilarity in species composi-
Despite the benefits of silvicultural treatments like fer- tion with Ref, enrichment plantings may be needed to
tilization and weeding for enhancing tree growth applied safeguard the persistence of PL forests with limited
during PL establishment (Campoe et al. 2010), these for- understory regeneration (Cole et al. 2011, Bertacchi et al.
ests showed similar biomass to SGp, the latter regenerat- 2016), as well as to reintroduce climbers (Bourlegat et al.
ing without human intervention. Our results contrasts 2013). Complementary to introducing new species, the
with other works that observed higher AGB in mixed removal of nonnative trees from the canopy may promote
tree plantings (Holl and Zahawi 2014, Shoo et al. 2016) the development of natural regeneration in PL and SGe
and highlights the potential of naturally established sec- (Swinfield et al. 2016). Both approaches (SG and PL) can
ond-growth forests to develop structurally and sequester be strategically used to complement each other in agricul-
carbon from the atmosphere in relatively short periods tural landscapes. There is a considerable deficit for
(Chazdon et al. 2016). restoration in degraded and/or isolated areas that will
SG and PL differed greatly in species taxonomic and probably not support natural regeneration (Soares-filho
functional composition. As expected, PL had higher spe- et al. 2014), implementing mixed tree plantings in these
cies richness than SG, due to the introduction of over 50 areas will be important for carbon storage but may play a
tree species per planting in the study region (Rodrigues limited role for biodiversity conservation in the long term
et al. 2011), but species density at the plot scale was sim- unless landscape connectivity is improved. Finally, in lar-
ilar among regeneration types for both saplings and ger scales, differences in composition between SG and PL
trees. Abundance of nonnative trees was low (12.9% of may increase beta-diversity in agricultural landscapes
all individuals sampled), and is not a major source of (Rother et al., unpublished manuscript). In this context,
divergence among SG or PL forests. mixed tree plantings provide an opportunity to conserve
SG and PL also showed striking divergences in species endangered or dispersal-limited species.
composition. As expected, the human-oriented selection Finally, decisions have to be made on scientifically
of tree species for PL lead to higher levels of floristic dis- based expectations of ecological outcomes to allow a
similarities between SG and PL than between naturally better analysis of the cost-effectiveness of restoration
established forests with different previous land uses approaches. Simply comparing the costs of natural
(SGp and SGe) for both trees and saplings (Atkinson regeneration and mixed tree plantings is not sufficient to
and Marın-Spiotta 2015). Sapling composition in PL is support decision making, since the outcomes resulting
mostly composed by planted individuals and is more dis- from these approaches are not the same. Our findings
tinct from Ref than SG forests. However, there is overall reinforce that both restoration approaches have lessons
high variability among all forests sampled. to provide to each other, since the adoption of silvicul-
tural treatments to assist spontaneously regenerating
seedlings may greatly contribute to the development of
Implications for conservation
SG, while benchmarking the community assembly of SG
As climate mitigation policies become increasingly inte- by PL may increase their capacity to overcome the biotic
grated in international environmental agendas, carbon and abiotic filters operating in degraded sites, reducing
sequestration through natural regeneration and mixed tree the need for human assistance.
plantings becomes a promising strategy to remove carbon
from the atmosphere (Locatelli et al. 2015, Chazdon et al. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
2016). At least in agricultural landscapes, higher invest-
ments for tree planting in PL may not compensate the Funding for this research was provided by the FAPESP grant
additional gain in AGB considering the success of SG 2014/14503-7. S. F. B. Ferraz received funding from FAPESP
projects 2011/19767-4 and 2013/22679-5. P. H. S. Brancalion
restoration. If we consider only the costs for establishing thanks the National Council for Scientific and Technological
the studied second-growth forests ($0, as lands were sim- Development of Brazil (CNPq) for a productivity grant (No.
ply abandoned) and the implementation and maintenance 304817/2015-5). R. Cesar was supported by a fellowship from
costs of high-density mixed species restoration plantations the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education
in the region (~US$8,000/ha over a three-year period), we Personnel of Brazil (CAPES) for research grant (No.
believe that the cost-effectiveness of forest restoration for 88881.064976/2014-01). This work was also supported by the
PARTNERS Research Coordination Network grant no.
carbon stocking is far more favorable in natural regenera-
DEB1313788 from the U.S. NSF Coupled Natural and Human
tion (Chazdon et al. 2016). Former Eucalyptus plantations Systems Program. The authors also would like to thank the sev-
can be repurposed for promoting natural regeneration at eral volunteers during field work and the landowners that
virtually no cost, contributing to both carbon stocking allowed forest sampling in their properties.

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