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Euniel Quinto

AP English
Period 5
Global Citizen Essay
Since I was in eighth grade, ASGL has been my family. It is where I learned many things,
including how to take risks. ASGL’s mission is to teach students about how the world works and
prepare us to be ready for college. Its vision is to prepare students for adult life by teaching
students valuable life skills. Some of these skills are being open-minded, being reflective, and
Being a global citizen means that the person is aware of global issues and knows that
their actions and decisions can have an impact on the world. Kobe Bryant is the person that I see
as an example of a global citizen. He isn’t just a basketball player but also a person who has
helped and inspired people around the world. Kobe Bryant is a caring person because he cares
about the future of the youth which led him to create foundations that supported youth
development and education. He also invested in clean and green energy and advocates for
protecting our environment for our future generations. He also has an open-mind and is willing
to learn about new things and skills. He talked to different basketball greats like Michael Jordan,
and Kareem Abdul Jabar to learn more skills about basketball and also ask their advice about
what he should do to improve his game.
Studying at ASGL has helped me become a better global citizen than I ever was before.
When I first arrived at ASGL, I was a shy and closed-minded person who was scared to take
risks. However, my experiences at the school have helped me to overcome those fears, and I am
now a more confident and open-minded individual. ASGL's community has played a crucial role
in shaping me into a more open-minded person. Being exposed to different cultures,
perspectives, and experiences has taught me not to judge others based on their cultural
background. Because of that, I learned lots of things about other people's cultures and understood
that we all have different experiences that make us who we are. Furthermore, joining the Filipino
Club has helped me overcome my fear of taking risks, as the members provided a supportive
environment that encouraged me to take chances without the fear of failing.They told me that
they too feel afraid of taking risks but they still took it because they know that they’ll have each
others back which made me realize that Filipino isn’t just a club, it became my family throughout
the years. Overall, ASGL has been a big part of my personal growth and me becoming a better
global citizen. Because of the things I learned being part of ASGL, I can continue to become a
global citizen and use the things I learned to help other people like my old self to achieve their
potential and become better.

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