Samuel's Scrapbook: by Cas Stempinski

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Samuel’s Scrapbook

By Cas Stempinski
The locket my mother gave
me. More specifically,
where it would have been if
the poorhouse owner didn’t
sell it. The dust still lies
there. I tried to steal it back
from the pawnshop owner,
but he found me lying on
the streets. I now have to be
punished by becoming a
servant on a ship sailing to
the New World.
The photograph above is of the Susan
Constant, which is the ship that I have been
sent to board for the journey to the New
World. It is my punishment for taking back
what is rightfully mine.
This is the man who brought me aboard
the Susan Constant ship. His name is
Reverend Hunt. As his name suggests, he
is a reverend. He is a lover of peace and This is Richard, one of the
all things holy. He will be our saving boys that I have to bunk with.
grace when things go bad. He is really annoying. But not
as annoying as James
Brumfield, the other boy I
have to bunk with. James is
about 9, and he is here
because he will do anything
to get away from his
We arrived in Jamestown a few The natives came to our settlement again, but
days ago, but last night, our instead of battle cries, I hear “Wingapo!” Captain
settlement was ambushed by the
native people of this land. They Smith told me that “wingapo” is an Algonquian
killed so many of our men, and greeting, translating to “my beloved friend.” Then
now I must dig graves. We are I see boats laden with corn, and fruit. I realize
now deciding to build palisades.
that they are here to trade.
They have sent two women here. One The king has sent orders for us to crown Chief
who is already married, and one Powhatan as prince under his rule. Captain Smith
14-year old girl, Miss Ann Burras. She thinks that this is a bad decision. Captain Newport
was unmarried, and all of the men
forcefully placed the crown upon Chief Powhatan’s
were trying to take her hand in
marriage. She ended up marrying head. Chief Powhatan has commanded all of his
John Laydon,the carpenter, and they villages to immediately discontinue trade with us.
have a baby coming in nine months. Also, Ann and John Laydon’s baby has been born,
and they have chosen that their baby girl is going to
be called Virginia.
In loving memory
of John Ratcliffe

Captain Ratcliffe has been invited to

trade with Chief Powhatan. He tells us Captain John Ratcliffe was
that we should go to Point Comfort in captured and tortured by
case anything goes wrong, and if it was the Powhatan Tribe of
a trap. He takes a few settlers with native Americans. One of
him. Ann says that she doesn’t want to the colonists who escaped
go, so I stole baby Virginia, to lure and didn’t get their throats
Ann to Point Comfort. I am currently cut was able to escape and
writing this in a canoe that I took tell us that Captain
separately from the barge. Anne was Ratcliffe was killed. John
fuming and wanted to kill me when should have seen this trap
she found out that I stole Virginia and
took the baby to Fort Comfort.

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