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ovor willi











bim, ho could



"Adventures Reserved.]






op the

Love. Ronald's of conrso not follow youn. tedious lest it bocomo too closoly, civilisation <: tho nnmo Rou," and we will call him imply ho has ho wont at homo, and by which by which it tho bcciiiso been known so long to reader, Tliu havo two Ronalds. to may be inconvonient much moro rapid of civilisation was progress dared and friends had ovon to than his paronls doubt Jt was no by his strong hopo. oxpoditod his mother, and to hor assiduous attachment to his instruction. As lie became to devotion with his mothor hu moro longue, acquainted them thai ho thought ho rocollectod informed about tho place, but his impressions manytliings uko droanis than realities. Olio were moro worked in favour of his that strongly thing that I hough ho, deeply tanned, was, parents and Iho fact was certainly not a black by birth, bo their that he must son, waa graduallyim his mind. So careful woro thoy not upon proesod tluit ho soon on him, gavo to put any rostraint his old wild lifo. of amusefor np fretting Plonty wore found for ment and congenial occupation and often him. Ho especially enjoyed riding, father und to Iho went with his after the cattle, ho was a tolerably Within a year sheep-stations. Ho member of always recivilised society. mid tained to shoots, pulled a hatrod regularly thom tho "'them off his bod, throwing on iloor, tho blimkots and it to sloop botweon ; preferring boforo ho could bo prevailed on to wiar was long socks and boots. A coat ho would not put (in, a round nnd ho generally woro eiiViy-bag slung in which ho carried some his nook, blacks' fashion, He frequently little ho most valued. oxor thiugs and cised himself with tho of war implements tho tho as when ho livod with of chase, with often sham Wockogos, having fights and His aim was his friendly true, Jupiter. opponent had as much as ho couid do at times to launched at him by tho boy's avoid the weapons These used to terrify arm. exhibitions strong for lie used at times to got out of his mother, and aho feared for tho consequences temper, and but the lattor both to himself Jupiter, failed to koop cool, and faithful crenluro novor tho young to humour tiger, who wa3 as genorouB and wbon tho encounters woro as his father, make amonds for anything over ho would always ho did when nndor the influence of temper. could induce him to forego the exciteNothing of battle, so tho ment they wisely gavo up Sometimes when ho challenged attempt. individual would that Jupiter to fight, judicious lead his thoughts into another channel by saying in or fishing that ho would rather go shooting, the lake, which amusemonts had attracgreat a tions for and included diving him, generally at or swimming match, for ho was vory oxpert both. In course of time, Ronnld and Adit decided to their to send son Sydnoy to school, a3 ho a mid did not was big boy, getting was learn at homo nor seem inclined to ; ho with so disit would, many likely had boon his tractions. They preparing time beforo mind for tho chango for some thoy in a dofinito and to him form, put the matter when to thoir they oponed their surpriso, plans than otherwise to him, he seemed rather pleased that his at the idea. It was anticipated trouble with but master him, would have somo in Sydney with whom as his fathor had friends would him he would and who givo good stay, it ndvico, was hopod ho would bocoino amenable His father rodo with to tho necessary restraint. fafe on liim os and saw him as far Brisbane, bound for Sydnoy. board tho steamer Soveroign, well There two other passengers on board, wero Felina Robinknown to the roador. They wero also and hor pretty Florence ward, Blast, son, bound for Sydnoy. The occentric old lady was of her nioco to Sydnoy for tho advantages taking education than could be obtainod fota bettor her in Brisbane. and This was tho last trip of tho Sovereign, in connection will bo fresh of March, 1818, of many an old terrible bUooIc and on acconnt colonist, desolation homes by tho through so many spread of tho Sovoreign events of that day, by the wreck in the South Passago of Moreton Day. memory of tho
on tho verge of death, Tho ship hangs hovering and breakers roar beneath Hell yawnw, roclcB rise, on to heaven she flies, the surge, Uplifted half hurled in the skies Her shattered top thunders on the ground Then hendlong plunging, and the deeps resound Earth groans, air trembles, "
; !

Wreck Felina Ron in Wo will

Blast Steajieu


Sydney; Staut for Sovereign.-Aunt Marries Again.

" said so ho, My painful," " mo carry up to hor. did so, but with for The sailor somo difficulty, and he wbb otherwiso in his foot was sprained, used anything hut ho, too, having been jmvd when breakers, cast gontly by tho gigantic Tho sailor examined Roll's mid nshoro. limbs, found that the arm and leg co nplained of, wero ono above and tho otlior brokentho elbow, bolow tho knee The two mon had witnessed from the Bhoro, the noble save efforts to tho when tiley boy's
; .

turned kindly seo Florence and log aro arm


how seeing head round







that Galber.

The subject of tho following notico was, I beg ono of the old soa-kingp, to inform trading you, than half a to tho port of Hobart Town, moro century ago. associated namo onco was with Closely as his this placo, it best known fathers was to our by remarkable which connect his two events, with Tasmania the advonturous caroolfirstly, ; of 259 wreck of his ship the Phatisalam, tons, and secondly, on our his discovory during coasts, a of the remains of tho ill-starred futuro voyage do la Perouse, which ho of Admiral expedition lost amongst somo islands of proved to have been about 92 years the North now Pacific, ago, which the is connected with thu town by discovery whilst in our port, of many termination, unhappy scenes that his voyage disquioted As a ship commander, ho was unfortunate, to tho Colonial Times of April, having, according three vessels in his 1827, wrecked day, namely, the Caldor, St. and nt Hunter's Patrick, now, Bass' Straits Island, (on tho 9th of July, 1821), tho Bhip Phatisalam. This last disaster occurred whilst tho making from Calcutta to Hobart Town, ila voyago on tho former the 25th of January, but quitted bad woathor the to vory ship began coming on, leak badly in the of her early part protracted and long beforo this voyage hitherwards, sighting land sho was making 20in.of wator per hour. Hor was disastrous Hor crow voyago throughout. of Lascars Buffered so soveroly from the combined offocts of excessive and cold, overwork, that Bovoral of thom died. With Bomi-starvation, a diminished and Dillon made iho sickly crew, Hunters in July, after a todious early passage of fivo months. Tho woathor still over was no dreadful and tho violent. In as over, galo most this with a vessel stato of things, and leaky under ho mado for tho but tho gale him, land, still the ashore. Th3 hardoning, ship went tho 9th of July. ho beached hor must luvvo nook in which over boon a well sheltered ono, for sho lay there three further months, without suffering damage. After and tho losa of several great privations, mid moro of hi3 hands the captain by drowning, crow reached tho and wreck, George quitted a Town, in ono of tho ship's boats, after stormy of twelve passage days. As soon as tho loss of tho ship waa reported to tho authorities of Port a survey Dalrymple, of hor was but which did not tako ordored, until 11th of October, and on the 18th she placo was condoimiod. " In tho official of the Condemnation roport of the Phatisalam," ns it the surwas headed, " stato with tho view of preserving that, veyors as much of lier ns possiblo remaining cargo," " condemned hor to tho flames," a curious they

tho discovery containing, a woll gives (which lotter of the "ovory oxcitcd to enquiry, he with tho aid of liis natives, and Lascar, that at a tho Prussian interpreters, their thore distance of two days' sail (of canoes), a called existed of islands, collectively group " thoro where might bo had a multiMalicolo," obtainod tude of articles, by tho originally which he blacks from tho wreck of two vessels, relics of the lost French made no doubt wero suspicions




monogram Colonial the says oxccuted sketch name." Admiral's the learnod from


Times of it) Thus



agoo washed the forms high enough on tho beach, and prevented the thoy caught thom, or drawback from them out sweoping again, would havo perished. tlinv inovitnbly Floronco had no bono? but sho was broken, shaken and bru sod. In duo time, the terribly Riirvivors of tho catastrophe were convoyed to where Florones and her Brisbane, preserver wero nursed carefully at Neptuno Villa by Mrs. time before the sad Brandon, who had for some boen with her occurrence living Aunt Felina, old friond. of Iho four to the Only ono pot cats aurvivod trne-hoarted mislroBs' timo of their eccoiitiie, nu the short hut disastrous voyage. departure had fallen in love with and Jupitor Snowball, '' "Barkis" tho willin," happy pair had being to Boorooma Felina not being departed Aunt ; to procure another who was nillo help competent and trees and to climb polos, garden walls, ; and responfooling unoqiul lo tho whole troublo decided of such unruly on no1 sibility creatures, that death had mado in filling tile gips again determination :i hor domestic circle. Tho was and that, wiso tho wai alio ono, cousoquenco said-a doal becameit mut bo less great
I mor a and boar.iblc There was erotcholy, mutual attachment hetwoen Mrs Brnndou Btrong and Miss who had cast in their lot Robinson, Villa. Tho together at Neptuno right-down, conalmost maniior of Miss brusque Robinson, trasted with Mrs. Brandon's calm strangely The two ladies understood each other dignity. was their c'>ii3cquontly frioudship perfectly, oven whon tho nover disturbed, plain-speaking Folina llobinsou's temper was rufilod. runo-the MD of Uns tonostiial gleit and Mis Brandon s tender sphoio onie, Ron on Ins leg* aun firs' litoi illy placed stiitod his loturn to Booiooma tho fitliei on left ho ho did not d ly tho alamor Brisbano, till lie ha i been tho station heal of tho event on Ho would ab ut a foitiiiglit i lllmgly viy no and Floionco, but li to seo his son gone bick could then leave the station, not having pist woi* hand that his on poisonal loqiurod


and way out, two inanimate







ships. Tho story of the wrock, ns told by tho Mali who had twice visited colons to tho Lascar, was that them since he first settled at Tucopia, " vessols arrived at many years ago, two largo anchored theso ono of which at tho islands, and island of Whanoo, and tho other at Paiow" and that both wero drivon ashoro wrecked in a galo. in With d10 perfidy that sooins to bo inherent the Polynesian tho nativos of Whanoo savage, attacked tho seamon of tho ship instantly wrecked on their shores. Tho Frenchmen, half dofencoloss as woro at thoy tho momont, resented the and slow several of aggression, their assailant. But ultimately they wero too numorous to bo ovorpoworcd by multitudes a "not successfully resisted, and, says Dillon, soul out of this vessel." Tho singlo escaped wreckod at Paiow did hotter, and ship though attacked in Uko manner the crow, by tho blacks, instead of fighting, made with peaco thom, of which the terms woro kept by both sides. But tho Frenchmen soomod Boon to have sickened of tho wild lifo wero and thoy loading, work from thoir seclusion and sot to to escape ; boforo had built and rigged a small vessel long, tho romains of tho and sailed off from wrecks, with of the survivors she would as as many the until rest behind accommodate, romaining could bo them but she nssistanco sent was ; thoro or elsewhere. heard of no more, either Dillon for With this intelligence, sailed direct But tho to follow enquiry. Malicolo, up tho of the ship's on board, ho so cargo being that Dillon to further dolays, pursued objected his voyage. in the lattor Ho wa3 at Calcutta part of 1826 still and the subjoct of tho loss of Porouso was which to ho triod to uppermost in his thoughts, the attract attention through by appeals public h3 project official Indian But for an papors. a into tho fato of Porouso was for enquiry while but roceived. But tho Aaiatic coldly took tho at Calcutta at last it and Society up

which to many gave riso unpleasant botween thom. In ono of to Macquario at Sydney, 25th of reports conduct is described ns May, 1820, Cimitiero's " a to misconstruction, exhibiting tendoncy a want of judgment and and temporneo, a of the least exercise of tonacity authority even to tho extent of a suggestion, and a petulant, and latterly an insubordinate which havo tono, riao to several communications given unpleasant and as ho considers mo to havo attempted to circumscribe his and that ho is .authority, all that now it will bo justified doing appears, obvious to j'our that it will bo no Excellency for mo to exercise Liout. longer possiblo ovor Colonel Cimitiore tho control by which my comand by your instructions mission, Excolloncy's to mo, I judge to my official character to bolong and responsibility." Sorell further of complains his of tho interests of tho of neglect people and of tho grout preference ho gavo Launceston, Ho sooms to George Town, thus :-" to consider that in tho of tho establishment of infancy soldiors Goorgo Town, whero ho has and fifty hundred his attention io two convicts, to bo withdrawn from the bulk of the inhabitants and of the settlement with and that au property oxcollent boat crow his and for .own solely and a Government service, Houso, it authority,



Hoiiso of Commons this session. His increase rather than weakeu was to object of the Christian the sanctity Sunday by giving on of that the afternoon day to the wago of enjoying rational classes the same opportunity such ns which is and innocent recreation that the roach of the rest of tho now within only

THE The relative Trickett




RACE. Thompson,
between in tho

following to tlio and Bulletin, Tavern, givo



raco champion sculling which Hanlan, appears is




of the scale of memorandum following his to bo drawn rations, otc, by Cetowayo and Book of correattendants in a liluo appears African South noahs, spondence respecting issued :-For and women, recently Cetewnyo 151b. beef 91b. Gib. Bweot broad, (fresh), lib. 21b. sugar, potatoes coffee, (or other kind), 3oz. 301b. coal or 1001b 2candles.per week, The

wood week. native

wood (tho For four rations, 2oz. salt.

mon viz.,

preforonce), attendants, 4tb, moalie

1 bar four meal,

soap por ordinary Gib. fresh

meat, A of an landslip occurred at rocently Sheffield. Ouglitibridye, hill has slipped down

a visit to them, hardship occasionally in his letter of the 4th of March, boforo subho complains of the hardship of visiting mitted, and of the wholo Launceston, of tho settlers and convicts brought down to Goorgo Town, boing a when body of the latter arrive." Cimitiere a Frenchman and of his pecuwas liar inannor of mating out justice to the convict ho was classes when on tho Bench, n curious in a letter late Mr. account is of the given


character extraordinary Wharncliffo near side, The entire sido of a about 3ft towards tho five houses with it. river, dairying along 'I bree of tho houses but the woro unfinished, of the other two no occupants oxporionced inconvenienco from their removal. It is stated that somo in the courso of quirrymen " their work several and it is t ippod" springs, the water, betwoen tho poicolating thought rock and the occasioned the shalo, landslip, which has occurred The hill very gradually. is now to h iva come to a standstill, thought without whatever boon any damago having done. Thora is a rumour in circlos in political London that Lord Odo the British Russoll, a Ambassador at will have Borliu, shortly o^nferred on him. peerage which An invention architecture fluence mado by Dr. Gehring, will and at of invory considerably has been sculpturo in Bavaria.

j I

Putnoy, Novombor l8,1880. Tho mail leaves and to-morrow, a fow details of all that has you the last two wooks. I need transpired during not toll that the shock you wo got on the 15th was of iron. To enough to unnervo a man commence. You think I was ovor-con many fident when I wired which was you 'Balloon,' some seven Had it days to tho ovent. prior beon rowed a week before it could not was, wo ' havo lost. Hanlan and his was groen,' could havo done with mentors nothing him. His uneasiness them no end of trouble. gavo Ho had a cold, which caused a bronchial slight gathering. Thoy oasod him down for throe days, it had tho desirod offect and of completely I had at that time commis bim. curing your sion to put 2,000 on for Sydney and Adelaide market to bo dono Tho London immediately. n3 I was news full, having tho samo my33lf.

Boll's must




Cathcart's, of near Launceston. Invermay, After that Oimitiero was in command at saying tho North, ho says, " Ho spoko brokon English, and full of French ideas. Ho was the resident at Goorgo Town, and somo of magistrate his sentences on tho convicts, spoak passed volumes for him, 'What is tho viz., complaint ' this man V (to tho constable) I appro against hendod him for boing in the without his bush, master's nnd his conduct is consent, general ' bad.' So that is the Will against charge you. hear that?' 'What havo to you you B.ay.' ' sir.' Well tho I' 'Nothing, then, sentence shall pass on you for running into tho bushes is, that you aro to havo fifty and sont threo flogs, " calico months to Macquarie Harbour,


an Dr. Gehring, by means liquid, onainelliug harder renders of atone or cement any species absoluto and in than and gives it the granite, of any other mineral that deliblo appearance may admits of being bo desired. The process apto which is plied completely protected metal, from rust. of offerod to tho Prince Among the presonts

tho 2,000, and told him to put hazards. the Hanlan Thinking trying to got thoir I put money oft', commissions in tho diffrent London houses with to back Trickett, and met in fact, I did no conresponso ; everything vinced that the nows, a and mo from private Hanlan'a good sourco, was quite true respoo'.ing condition. At the final to ii doposit, test I offered thom conclusively, to lay any of 2,000, that All the wo won. part ovon, I got on was 300. H is backers and money trainors in the room. wero not They would bet when offbrod-no a shilling 2,000 was mean sum to win in ono it wont wager-aud I could concludo but begging. that nothing the information was reliable. Since perfectly Hanlan that timo tho have told mo party that had all could do to got him thoy they Now ovor his difficulty. for tho race. As in

at all


party soveral sporting



suporintondonco Blast soon oiovored hei usual Floienco lioahli The inada event a deep linpiession and hoi a htioism wis a ho, up m piesonei alio dnclt with onthusiism, thomo ah\a\a upon whenoior sho told tho sid His conduct storj lind mndo a lasting on her impiessioii j oung hiait mid ho was so won by hei spu^htly and grateful, tondoi solioitudo foi Ins mannoi, that tho impotuous boy actually nolfaio, popped otoinal and wai as tho question, snoro hdclitj, bofoio ho had thrown hw nccoptod, freelj iway orutuheB How often boy and girl do tho samo do thoy clsi and ho often one many-some CHAPTER Florence XXXVIII. Sydney.-Hickety






nis Wife.Busn Letters to Throsby Endeavours Blacks. "No


Station. Giovanni. Fhom to Conciliate Only Compulsion,





after tho wreck of tho pair of lovers om Sovereign, again barkod for Sydney, hut this timo, tho steamor and weather tolertho being Bafely navigated, thoro woro no stirring ovonts to ably lino, vory on on record the voyage A little after sunriso the fourth tho steamer day from. JBriabatio, tho magnientered Sydnoy Heads, and spod up the ficent harbour of Port .Jackson-perhaps most beautiful in the world. Ron and Floronce at' the same houso, stayed a in tho which most sito occupiod delightful of Hyde tho Park, overlooking neighbourhood Botanical tho and much Domain, Gardons, city, of the harbour. astonished lovely Thoy wero and delighted at ovory turn. Evorything was on much than had boon a scalo so grandor thoy that accustomed and thoro was bo much was to,
now to them. For tho first twolvo instructed at homo, thoy wero by tutors to school. after which woro sent Ron, as thoy as bo supposod, not far advanood was so may and with the natural tho town boys of I13 ago, inherent in did all boy nature, they tyranny him feel tho inferiority of his to niako they could by rough banter and practical jokes. attainments, and His activity, great personal fiery temper, silenced his persecutors, soon strongth, howovor, wero not a fow of whom somo years his seniors. discovorod that ho was mado of Tiley quickly him much safer a that renderod as material and somo after friend than an declared, enemy ; nbout and a in which thoy had been boxed fight, had never a manner put off their thoy legs iii would .boon ncoustoinod to, that not they devil" for "tackle that wild little again any-

it as seems to mo-a ignorant process poor landsman-of a saving ship's cargo by burning her hull. The is G. Bigncd by W. roport T. Griffiths, and Robert Brown. Phillipa, Thoy fired her in five places. It will not bo improper to stato that tho did not surveyors quito condemning escape of in thus deinipropor suspicion practice Dillon's in a volume stroying ship j for published here in 1820, containing the report of nil of tho witnesses important enquiry, ono Laurio-stated that "tho Captain Attornoy Mr. J. T. Genoral," Gellibrand, frequently that I repeated at Mr. Murray's and olsowhoro should havo plenty of the Phatisalam's guinoaB for misfortunes. That to mo recompense my a vessel that tho was was wrecked, out of which " the throo defendant," ono of obsurveyors, " tained a considerable property. With this samo Captain Dillon rests tho great

tho company, at boing to, appoaled fitted and 15,000, up tho Research, hor under Dillon to Malicolo. despatched Tho result of his enquiries nt tho islands was tho accumulation of such a vast stock of rolics of Porouso's as cleared doubt away all expedition, about tho fate of tho ships. With thoso vestiges ho returned to India, and was in Paris with tho of his Buccess in 1828. proofs early Ho was roceived with the distinction at Paris that his porsovoranco and tho French deserved, him X., personally congratulated King, Charles on I13 achievements. He was next rewarded with n pensin of 4,000 and I boliovo francs, a of reception ennobled, style antipodal quite with which our own rewards of that country services of this nature. moritorious Of the incidents that cast n dark distressing tho last of Dillon to shadow over voyago of tho four trial in our own Malicolo, days' al Hobart Town, that, onsued Supremo Court, on from a his return arising (all temporary do I shall trouble the of not roason), privation roader of this notice. Dillon I know career of Captain Of the future nothing.

Government the cc'st of

tho 3rd

Oimitiero North


by Regiment,

succeoded Lieut.-Colonel on tho 14th AND


in of


Cameron, December,

command of

of the' 1822.



I i

The death of Mr. Mark of Firth, Shoffiold, has been received with in polivery great regret tical circles. MrFirth was at indigenous Sheffield his hugo fortune was nm,is3cd at Sheffield ho made Sheffiold tho of its ; sphere expenditure. Sir Bartle in a paper read beforo the Frere, recommended tho Geographical Society, exof tho central of the ploration equatorial region African from the settled states of tho continent, south as Dr. northwards, originally proposed by was no Thoro ho admitted, Livingstone. doubt, a malarious district to tho north of thoso states, but on tho oast side that belt was comparativolj narrow, and could bo traversed in a short time, when the explorers would find thomselvcB a on which healthy plateau might bo made tho basis of further into tho lake exploration right great

Wales His ono of on Royal Highness' birthday, the most curious was presented by the Marquis du Lau-a real chef d'eenvre of cutlery, such as Sheffield be proud It is a pocket might of, knife-a real work of art, exocutod by Touron. Tho case is of tortoiseshell, and contains no leas than 191 bladeB, all of them of tho finest steel, all of thom and the sharp strong as ordiuary blado of a countinghouso But singlo penknife. three of these wonderful knives have been manufactured-tho first was made for Viscount of Wales, O'Connor, the socond for tho Princo mid the -third, with diminished nunibor of a for M. Gambetta. blades,' Prince Roland tho son of Bonaparte, eldest Princo Pierro and a lietenant of the Bonaparte, 36th of married the Infantry, was Regiment of St. Rocho, in Paris, other day at the Church Blanc. father the to Mdllo. The bride's was well-known of the at owner Gaming Saloon where he amassed which a great fortune, Monaco, w as inherited nativo of Vienna. by his wife-a The latter is a lady of great possessed ambition, and trusting decided to the star of the Bonapartes, allow her daughtor to bo married to a membor to In of a heavy of the Bonaparte family. spite of said have downpour rain, a crowd, to numbered round fully 30,000 gathered people, Church of St. Roche, and in tho streets adthe it. Tho chancel of the was joining building with bluo velvet and whito the satin, draped and tho whole church was brilliantly illuminatod, with officers in full while aisles crowded dress, round the altar the space was thronged with In the musical ladies in full evening costume solos of the service, the wero by part sung and Messrs. Fauro and Talazax. Mdllo. Bloch ha3 purchased the Villa St. Madame Blanc of Prince the Donato, formorly property residenco for the future Domidoff, nearFlorenco, of tho of tho know Empress anything at an act of hind Eugenia will not bo surprised or noss consideration performed by hor, because self -abnegation and bIio is noted for sympathy in an unostentafor which she manifoBts otherB, instanco is tious manner. A recent of quito Just beforo sufficient interest to record hore. for the Cape, an Her English Majesty started hersolf her in who had lost only son lady, a wrote to tho stateZululand, Empress with her ment of the and asking to be kind facts, son's grave as woll that to visit hor as young Thoso who



four months tho young


with it in the



ontirely months

merit of up the long-lived clearing that had concealed tho fato of tho ill and destined French Boussolo ships discovory commanded La Perouse and del by Astrolabe, as which woro now in ascertained, Anglo, lost, 1788. after Bcvoral serPerouse, effecting important vices to geography, in widely different of parts tho globo, steered for Now Holland and entored ; almost with tho Botany Bay simultaneously "First under the comJanuary, 1788, Fleet," mand of Governor Arthur to whom must Phillip, bo assignocl the proud titlo of the Founder of tho Australian Empire. After a fow weeks' at the camping placo sojourn of Phillip, Perouse put to sea (on the 11th of March), from which day all traco of him waa lost, for the long of 21 years, when a faint poriod ray of light was rovealod to us of his nftor proceeda mado in Advonturo ings, by discovory Bay miles from Hobart (some live and thirty Town), of a treo, marked with the words "Dig undcr in French, which noath," was done, accordingly and a bottle containing disinterred, despatches and dated month by Perouse, one signod ho sailed from after Botany Bay, which proved that ho had visited our coasta. This discovory was made by tho ship Vonus




Grave. 48



Point. I
first saw

Now on tho mountain Then downward plungo




high thev rido, the involving


Bteamor broke Tho ill-fated up, and tho paa and crow woro forced to support them Bongors hold of. solves with could catch anything thoy availed themselves of bales of wool, but tho Many soddened citlior burst or gradually settled masses thoso who to thom for dour clung down, leaving than lovod ones doaror or wero life, supporting with tho groat or tho life, to battlo seas, greon which fioatod not even tho romorBoless surf, on tho said to clutch straw at which Bmlung aro How thankfulness. How I with many porished saved wero few wero Amongst tho lattor Aunt Blast. and Ron, and Florence Thoy wool. It n bale of Felina clung to took all tho do to boy could koop thom

rollod or occnBionally dipped, exerted all his to eave but ho powers the thom. It sank just as thoy woro ontoring breakers. Ho tried to support the two, and or die with them. was dotermined to savo them noble The and the struggle proved useless, old lady kissed her nieco and tho boy, hearted and him Florance. She exexhorted to Bavo satisfaction at her lier having loft pressed at homo, and only romaining cat, Rose, darling he survivo, to toll his and boggod Ron, ahould' Mrs. to be sure to tnko Brandon, grandmothor, " and thon I caro of her crying, Brother, great lot como 1" voluntnrily go her hold of the boy's sank. Ron rolioved of so and being shoulder, his much now gavo weight and responsibility, Florence Ho had whole nttontion to than novor seen waves hitherto higher in contended with on ho had those Bport lake a galo tho loo shoro of tho during ,of to
it, as it
; _

Ho thus his foes by phyquollod and thon conforco, by his generosity staunch friends. thom into Having who led so with the Wockogos, long a activo his Ufo, bodily simple, healthy, almost and his was perfect development ; with his firm, cour.igo, naturally strengthened as did also his knowlodgo of how, whou, growth, Tho last threo items and whero to uso it. boys which is unfornro as apt to regard unnecessary, like other tunate, because should, every courage command. That is to valuablo be under quality, himsolf not allow to bo goadod say, a boy should thing.

verted lived

21st April, in 1809 1827), ("Bent's last substantial This was the Chronology"). of Perouse and his companions for intelligence further ono and of whom nothing long while, was ascertained until their fate was heard, by Dillon in 182C-'27, the of which intelligence waa first diaclosed at Hobart Town. n minute to say, that a very interest(I pause of tho visit of tho Vonus to Storm ing record oxists on the shoro near Bay, still Crayfish Hobart For about G milos from Town. Point, (Gazette,



wind with

as insignificant thoy wero comparod was usebefore lum, tho oxporienco idea of what ho it him some ful, gavo but felt that had to face. Ho was not daunted, oxortod himthe rosult was ho having doubtful, first was self so much His thoiicht previously. off ho clothing U3 to toar as muoh of Florence's could ho had thrown all his own oil', oxcopt a ; tho of duck trousers, before wreck. pair leaving in a gulf Now carno tho struggle Thoy were lo seaward by a deep and torriblo-bounded a curlwall of green water, with great seething, hold hor wliito Ho told Floronco to ing top.

but ; thoso in that

foolish taunts to display unnecessarily ; nor ho fools called should ho withhold it when upon to uso from foar of being it, brought prominently into notice. The courage meant hero, is of courBo bo denied, brute coitmgQ, whicli it cannot an is, when guided estimable quality by moral courage Ron and Florence woro as happy as happy walks oonld bo. toThoy liad most cozy little in the Gardens and Domain, and rambles gether boautiful about the many bays, and scrambles in the tho and the busli over rocks, through shells and fiowors, and killing suburbs, gathering snakes, Floronce waa Like her mother, pasfond of flowers, and boing a bush sionately girl, a bit afraid of snakes, and novor was not in hesitated to kill thom when carno thoy amiable and hor Sho was an girl, path.



JJatcheh}-' Karns, I must now skip ovor about forty years from of tho Frouch timo of tho loss discovery Cth of April, to note that on the ships, Friday, arrived in tho port of Hobart Town, 1827, thero East India armod cruiser the Company's and a Research, mounting 10 guns, carrying whoso nationalities about crew of 78 men, woro various thoso of the as as phantom privateer Aden whoao from was lately Genii, doparturo of to us by the Chief Sooretary telographed Bombay (seo Mercury, 20th May, 1880), for sixDillon's teen woro ship languagos Bpokon on 21st From tho abovo (Gazette, April, 1827). information Gth April, 1827-it is that our day Dillon's of the and of dates, origin progress

which, grave.)







years when old front on survoying of tho coast. part a The relic of in tho text is narrow spoken freestouo tablet that overlays tho romains of the died and was 8ccnd~fficer of tho Venus, who buried in January of 1810. hers, As I had oithor loat, or had parted with, my old death of tho copy of tho inscription recording of this mado tho best uso I could gentleman, ,1 an idlo afternoon of last wook, to pay ono moro visit to tho solitary of tho young seaman. gravo In my stroll I was fortunate thither, enough to fall in with an old friend (Mr. F. Lipscomb), soomod as though ho did not who, liko myself, know how to get the rest of a long through summer afternoon. I had known Mr. Lipscomb in tho daya of George IV., so of courso ho gavo a welcome to his home. As it was me hearty to mo that ho wanted to quito something plain drive road do, I proposed along the pleasant a_ that his door, for I quite well know passes by ho was never without in his stable n good horso Ho at the hint, and brightened up wonderfully in loss than fivo minutes wo wero Bpanking along the road, in tho direction of Brown's River. Mr. in this district Lipscomb, who has lived theso and who in early lifo fifty by-past, years of the fathors of Taswas known to any number is of courso local and mania, a good antiquarian and almost a nocessarily pleasant historian, As wo ho pointed out companion. sped along, that where some moro one noteworthy placo, had but with in most once stood, which, object was consome melancholy interest only casos, nected. In this way, wo drovo on until tho Oth milestone a road was roaehed, as along pleasant and through as ono could scenory as agreoablo, wish for. At this wo turnod off' the point, a road in tho direction of tho and aoa-shore, furthor distanco of about half a milo, through uncleared mid landed an uncultivated paddock, Batchelor. us of young at the placo of intormont ago,

tomb about locations that

News says :-The about The Btory offered of 1,000 for early proofs Earl of Beacousficld's (tho new is believed bo correct; whether that to but novel) about the Standard the offer having increased to is cortiin. nil 1,500 is also correct not so At Mr. Longman refused thom both, and events, enabled a was to bo not only yet the Standard but also a of its contemporaries, day in advance in advance of the publishers themselves. day Several Catholic priests who havo been exiled since tho Polish insurrection have to Siberia been pardonod by tho Emporor and allowed to Russia. namod who return to Ono, Stetaky, in the insurrection, and a prominent part played advanced in years, affected when the was was so of his news pardon was communicated to him, ho suddenly that expired. <.f tho human hair harA recent report contains vest in the statement that Europo " several tons of fair hair are annually from Franco and to Gerexported having

The Times



will hear how tho depast events, you man feated was and how overdone, haggard he looked. I hope you will men like givo credit for Harry Kolly and Laycock knowing a man's condition. Trickett himself rowing both before nnd after tho that declnrod, race, or ho was never fitter moro confidont in Ina life. who did all his work with Laycock, Ned, 800 odd on it. Trickett tho put over samo. me their and whatever odds Tiley gavo money, I got to it satisfied. You know a thoy wero man like Laycock never before had over 50 on a boat in his their race lifo. oven Thoy put colour and boat on it. I novor saw men money so On tho morning of tho race, tho sanguine. Newcastle carno besides pouring in, contingent thousands of American commission All money. ' and ollbrod was dono, thoy 2 to 1 my sugar in thousands. I took 500 to 200, boing my last and I looked it as the 'bob,' finding upon Tho backed tho moil to money. up post, and shook hands amid At great cheering. the word from the Ned took umpiro, go, tho and adwater first, momentarily had the Both scull scull men for at vantage. pulled what neither to be a rapid and appeared paco, tho Ned could As wo saw get advautago. hold him for tho first mile wo cortain ho wore lum down. must row At a mile and a half tho and I knew from what I Btrugde was severo, Nod stirring Hanlan saw, Harry Kelly up, that first showed of distress. signB They went together Bridge, when I up to Hammersmith thought I saw Trickett Hanlnn lod struggling. him half a length through the bridge, and poor tooth and louden Nod, with clenched colour in his face, showed of compounding. Tho signs that ono had to crack, and paco was that merry cracked first. From this out Hanlan wo did as backward ho liked, lying in his boat and going a lot of antic3, for which tho Pross has through Trickett continued to roproved him. struggle and after but hard, occasionally spurted him, no avail. I was was with whon it glad over, so for it lookod too bad to see and good game



Tho memorial and brokon now has been placed

iufluonco her what would possibility-his civilised fectly hor precopt time. short





and taking broath, tho girl ho graspod with shoreward which rondorcd to Btrugglo. raised high,



inspiration thon thoy





mountain, then deafening, eddying

giddy tor utterly impossiblo felt himHo suddonly tho summit though on dashed down, down amid of

himsolf, sped volocity,


perby accomplished being-wai mid in u comparatively oxauiplo The remnant of barbarism only resinfter or four that ho retained a throe yours' of in the use dence in Syduoy, was his delight of war, and of tho used by tho weapons chase, His exhibitions of dexterity tho Wockogos. and with tho spear, boomerang, paddy-molon and of and his agility Btick quickness to his soomed something wonderful Bjht, and others who wit schoolfellows, many some of his iicssed thom for ho lind taught fiionds tho weapons, how to throw particular tho com and would defend himsolf against Of courso ho binod attacks of two or threo.
; ;

otherwiso reduction

have to


great beon almost


that, im-

into the fato of tho missing ships. onquirica A Bhort notice Times appeared in the Colonial of the dato last the arrival of announcing given, tho and an outlino of tho Research, giving career of her and fur thor, captain ; previous a full of Dillon's promising report proceedings, in connection with his long search after tidings of tho Fronch and his companions, navigator which it redeemed. Tho is tho substance of a long following on the It commonccs with papor subject. the account of a most transdeplorable action at tho ns it is "Foegoes," spollod, which on of in 1813, happoned Soptombor ?which Dillon actor. At this was defensively an timo master of tho cutter Dillon was Elizabeth, with tho Bengal Bhip Hunter sailing ns tender, hist from Calcutta to Now South Wales, Fiji,

consists of a flat, narrow, of about 5ft. and lab, long, it with but, where nothing lay, its own weight to keop it in its place. Tho is but on unimproved grave private land. Tho of the of name original proprietor which I had but Mr. forgotten, Lipscomb it to a person named one of Colloy, assigned " " the old Norfolkors of 1808,1 beliovo. In after it into tho hands of Major possod years who I hear it to his Cartwright, bequoathed brother's Tho soil of it is family. gonorally and not many would suffbr it lio idle. to good, Batchelor's waa onco onolosod by Mr. gravo the of Lipscomb at cost Major himself, But of the not a fonco Cartwright. vestige boen torn down it is bolievod, remains, having, who still this for firewood by fishoi'mon frequent of vandalism for which no possible the bo found, as all ground thereabouts is still bush land. humble is placed This monument exactly opend tho north-eastoni of the Crayfish posite from Point sand beach, and is about ten pacos the shoro. to After nn to atmospheric action, exposuro tread of destructive soa-mists or the spray, cattle and idlo for three score and fishormon, find that its ton years, it us to inscripsurprised tion still It ran thus was fairly legible



Theso aro most capillary supplies drawn from Bohemia, Hungary, Italy, and Russia tho moat luxuriant hoads of found tho Norhowever, being among women. contrimandy poosaut polls Biittany buto to tho tho largely grand total, although iirticlo is of a coarso character-that of the a articlo in Limoges district being proforable the matters of both length and glossiaoss. The " " chief customers in tho black hair and " " artificial market the American aro fringo thoir annual demand beauties, being equal to that of Great Britain and Germany together. The Berlin Gazette a Official publishes royal an Economic Council for rescript croating Prussia of 75 membors, who aro to hold office for fivo Their duties will bo to examino yoars. and all moasures tho report upon affecting interests of and trade, comnierco, farming, aro before submitted to tho forestry thoy for his approval. of tho Emporor Forty-fivo members of this Council aro to bo nominated Ministors of Trade and by tho Cmuniorco, Public from 00 names Works, and Agriculture, sent up by the chambers of commerce, trading and sociotics of tho corporations, agricultural of Prussia and tho 30 romaining provinces members aro to bo soleot'od the by freoly Ministers from tho 00 concerned, departmental names on condition that at loast 15 submitted, of thom must to tho handicraft and belong

largoly Spain, hair,

effort man exerting all every against hope. finish of the At tho raco shook thoy hands, ' You Trickett said to him, whon havo beaton I acknowlodgo but defeat, moro mo, and my than a man's dono it. power Yon aro has_ clovcror than and I givo credit for it. mo, you I possess the Whon same amount of ingonuity beat Trickett as you do, I'll referred to you.' Hanlan's boat I am not nor do supovstitious, in miracles, I bolieve but that havo somo thoy method which unknown can bo itsod by au doubt. artist is boymid Hanlan's boat at tho clean out of tho bow, when in tho raco, lifted

of the late until

Princo. It 6o that tho happened letter did not receivo this Empress bo that bIio in tho colony, tho lady in was had imagined that the Empross had question beon too much concerned about most probably Bad boroavemont to bostow her own any thought hor She was, on request. however, agreeably not from to receivo, long ago, a letter surprised her in acthe Empress herself, informing that, had with the lady's Her cordance wish, Majesty had visited the of her she son, which gravo bordered with and that bIio had with stonowork, In hand flowers on tho hor own grave planted tho lottor enclosed woro specimens of tho flowers tho Empress, as well as a photograph by planted itsolf. of the gravo Another This time it 3 not Bishop mobbed of assailed tho by Irish Bishop Livorpool in an Anti-Protestant of the Catholics quarter of his but tho of Bishop capital diocese, who is hooted and at by a Rochester yollod crowd of Walworth Ritualists. Tho Bishop of Rochester has prosented to tho vacant of living a St. Lorrimoro who Paul's, clergyman Squaro, is prepared tho ritual into conformity to bring with tho law. On Novombor 28 the Bishop the and told the occupied pulpit, having that must bo congregation illegal practices their tho roso discontinued, congregation to_ hissed and choerod as their feeland foot, on thom. The to roport goos ings prompted ' the ohuroh the after Bishop say that leaving tho of a hostile a was demonstration, subject and yelling, mob following him, hooting great him with and greeting many uncomplimontary n remarks. At ono point rush,was mado, and, of the His but for Iho police, interposition been assaulted." Tho would havo Lordship Union it that Church roly upon may English of such methods of controversy tlio introduction is thoir into ecclesiastical not to disputes
! '


water Trickott's


act could

class. labouring The revised version of the English Now Testawas to bo issued in Fobruary, and a Comment to the Revised Version of tho English panion Now Testament, by tho Rev. Alexander Roberts, of Humanity, St. D.D., Professor Andrew's,and membor of the Now Testament Company, will bo published simultaneously by Messrs. Cassell and Co., the for the explaining roaeons made in tho Authorised Vorsion. changes General a Gillmoro, most accomplished enof tho United States admits that gineer army, submarino Ericsson's artillery torpodo may dostrnctivo and soa-going qualipossess powers in tho that ties highest dogrco, but he affirms alter the existing rotations tho invention cannot betweon attack and defence Ho considers it a devico which bo added floating cm to every that neither naval dofenco fleot, so nor purely mixed defenco derive from its can any strongth which is not shared use by the attacking equally Ho contends that Eiicsson's dovice force. can effect than and inhavo no to hasten greater disasters both sido j in combats bo tensify on

Tho Ultramontano announco papers in Madrid of Burgos contains that the Cathedral a marvelIt is a relic hitherto unnoticed lous curiosity. learne! local who is also a until a physician, it. Ho zealous discovered says Ultramontano, tho crucifix in the cathedral is that the figure on Btato of preservation, a human body in a perfect of decomposition. It has boon and without sign thero sinco the middlo of the eleventh century. the interoBt of tho Tho oxcites discovery suggests n cloricals, but El Imptucial judicial affair. enquiry to sift the of London, of tho revaluation a The results various work which has the distriets occupied This is the tho year, havo boon returned. during second and the metrovaluation, quinquennial a vastly increased owing not valno, polis shows but to tho ratebuildings, only to the increased raised able valuo of houses beon by tho having local whoso actions in regard to authorities, tenancies havo beon allowed to paBS unseparate to cost of appealing. owing tho questioned When tho list was first issued in 1871, tho valuo of the metropolis was 24 176,338, gross and tho value was rateable 19,900,072 when tho first for 1870 ; quinquennial was made value had valuation the gross and tho rateable value to risen to 28,090,812, increase on tho of 23,154,639, an gross and of 3,264,567 on the ratoablo 3,920,474, The returns now value in the fivo given years. and a rateable in 8howagroBS value of 25,785,555, value of 23,697,405. Theso totals, however, the City of London, whose do not include rating in their have not yet sent returns, authorities Middle It is ox nor nor tho Tomplo. Poplar, of thero will inorease that be a total pocted Heneo the rethe throe 500,000 on placos. anda turns will valuo, 33,170,203, bo-gross increase in the of 27,833,751, an rateable valuo of 5,079,391 second gross, quinquennial ported in and 4.079,112 rateable, ando total increase and 7,933,079. the ton years of 8,999,805 of the territory now inoluded Tho population This is is 1,206,577. in tho city of Now York of 264,285 within 10 years. .Of this an inorease in ia in tho native and increase 175,697 46,962 the foreign-born population, of the same 33-5 per cent, 11'2 per cent, latter tho class in former 1870,

water, top. Trickett said ho could understand beaten, boing with but not playod after two milos. Another which circumstanco nstoundod us was, ho had dono tho timo to tho ono bridgo proviously than minute tho raco, and not exquicker fully Then tended. in whit is again, thoy pulled called a sluggish and that makes an incaltido, culable difference. Hanlan lins told mo ho novor like who could yet met a man Trickett, extend him for so long a journoy in a raco whon ho was fit to pull. Mr. Ward, tho chief mentor a of Hanlon, shrotvd and fino very apparently told Lott that Trickott and man, Oharloy aro the two best men in tho world, Laycock fitted. Thero is it. I something in properly mean tho Hanlan following to tho Statos. party if I'll find it out. I Thoy liko me, anti, possiblo, nm for tho Australian losses. I havo heartily sorry n novor loft stone untnrnod for succsss. You what I havo don't know I gono through. fur a weok, never left tho boat In tho sleeping cold sheds in fact, tho ovory night working Tho flesh off to do all I could. has boen trip an unfortunate ono for but thoro's ino, ho uso over it. I thought Trickott would trotting break his heart over the afluir, Ho said ho not wanted to but desired only win, to win for his friends old ; but, man, Trickett and stood up Laycook both ponni lcs3 after tho race. I must not omit menthat ia ono of tho stoutest tioning Laycock heartod men I ever mot. Ho took his gruol a liko man. Ho has his of peculiarities but whou known temper, you him, ho ia such fellow admiro him. He and a manly yon must Trickett are liko once brothers, though rivals. It is surprising to see what friends now aro. thoy This will reach you a mail before thoy arrive. Meet thom and show, as I know can, that you bo their friend in adversity as in as well you will Mako no difl'eroncs botwoen thom. success. Thoy both and thoy are, in tho aro deserving, groat anothor in a straightdofeat, standing by one forward I willalwaysthink that tho manlyfashion. amount of money and anxiety which groat hung over Nod's hoad at ono time of tho raco non him. Still I admired his plussod gamoneas. J. Thompson." Yours, otc,

couple boat Hanlan's



forward. going

through on skimming

Whilo the

THE Franco








above tho water whirled now now about, under, ; thou was a lull, The comparativo boy looked wavo was but not up ; unothor npproaohing, so ns tho last. ho told high Again quito Floronco to toko a broath. Sho looked foobly " mo at him, and said in a whispor, I can't -let Ho thon oxorted tho littlo left him go." strength striko out towards tho shoro with ono hand to and his feet The socond wavo was but a of tho that tho finale first, exoopt repetition different. Instead of tossed and was being whirled in tho foaming surf aftur descending, rolled tho hard rapidly up sandy they woro ahoro. both lost consciousness. Thou and saw a fuco bonding Ron recovered, kindly him. It that of a sailor, over was who, with to secure u had had tho good-fortuno Aiiothor, driven ashore. which thoy wero Bpar, on " You'll That's do, thank right, my hoarly You'ro the God Tho gal's too. snfo, pluckiest ovor swim like a covo I Been, mid can littlo 'lowanco o' for hotter. Wish I had my grog, Wouldn't mind sake and tho gal's. a tasto your myself, neither." " Whore is she ?" said tho boy. few tho Bailor, a pointing "Thoro," replied further un the beaoh, yards Ron turned his eyes, but had no command

became turos-tho

with tho two poor old ero \ of tho Sydnoy representativos who Dick and Mrs. blacks-Rickety Snowball, on Ho ohoerod lived tho South Hoad Road. his and delighted their heartB when recounting in adventuroB tho WookogoB. Thoy, among turn told him about their oarly life, their in when thoro but fow whito mon woro In and of a very bad cIbbs. they acquainted

oithor dosorters or castaways, Many sailors, whom at this timo at Fiji, living poacoably to Robson, of the Hunter, Captain employed wood. Dillon had charge of the shore cut sandal botweon when a misunderstanding nroso party, tho sailors and took the which soon savages, of a fight, in which tho former dofendod form themselves with thoir Bovoral hours for guns than thoir but moro fifty timos agaiiiBt number, foil all Dillon ono perished, by ono, until oxcopt Lascar-who and two othors-a Prussian and thoir their to and oscapod. fought way boat, This tombor. After







a-foot, Btnns

ho often wont distances long out 'poB kangaroos, cutting and Ho fishing. sugnr bag," his cost that tho soon lo English Iho wild of tho woro ones north, beos, with In this not to bo robbed impunity. ho with swollen face nnd difficulty applied, who laughed at hands, to Rickety Dick, heartily his misadventure, and told lum, to "smoke 'em which hint ho actod nut," valuable on with in futuro pei feet aucccBs ) (To be continued. holidays and found unlike


Robson and Dillon loft this disaster, Barwoll Island, and a week later sighted Fiji, callod where tho Prusby tho nativos, Tucopia sian (Martin and tho Lascar, Buohert) who, notenamoured rocont soomod withstanding ovonts, of savago life, woro landod and loft at their own request. Dillon in 1826 Timo and wo find rolled on, tho owner and conimandor of tho St. ship made sovoral In this vossel ho had Patrick.
last and in May of tho yoar named, voyagos, from to Pondioherry, when sailing Valparaiso and his thoughts ho again sighted Tucopia to tho two mon whom, thirrovortod naturally establish ho had assisted to teen years boforo, and whom ho found still thoniBolves hore, living, and quito amongst tho savago islanders happily, of Tucopia. duration this of a fow clays' It was during

Batchelor 2nd Offr. 8h Venus 15. Bunker Comr. J. O. Bulln Ownr. Ob. Jan.* 28 1810 .Et 21 I have boon told Secretary by Mr. Douglas, Post Oftico, who is a frequent to of tho pilgrim that abroad a tho a got Point, report having remains had few years Mr. Batchelor's ago, that interested in boon a gentleman tampered with, causod the when tho spot, grave to bo opened, It was the skeleton was found quito perfect. As not tho least that of a very man. largo it of a coffin ronminod, was presumed vestugo buried that tho ship-fashion, body had beon that is in a hammock. In an account handed you, of tho adlately I Govornor ministration of our third Sorell,


conduct of two of the of the disorderly of noithor of commandants of Launceston, much boen has whom, howevor, intelligence introduoe tho littlo I but I will hero prosorved, know of Bpoko oarly Gilbert Cmutiere, Lieutenant-Colonel ninth of tho Of tho 48th Rogimont, who was tho Launceston and was so appointed commandants, tho in succession Janies on to Major Stowart, ho was well 14th of March, 1818. That not for his post, is shown in sovoral of Sorell's suitod at Sydnoy. Ho to his supurior appoars reports over-sensitive a and to have beon vory petulant who mistook order he receivod ovory porson, from for studied of his Soroll, a infringement This may be

tween fleets. been A successful has experiment recently made ni Dresden with steam cabs (dampfdro which aro said to havo nnswered well schko), even on scouts and sharp curves. steep Revieiv Ouida is reported in tlio Whitehall as romnrks on having made tho following Goorgo Eliot :-" I remember onco a clover hearing a man areno that Goortro Eliot was clover who made talent do the work of gonius, student, and I romomber to him that talent objecting ' alone could Middlemaroh' easily have produced ' and but that short of Uomoln,' nothing could have created tho Tulliver family genius ' and old Silas Marner. Hero is a purely fanciful it is a real distinction, yet very and who does not that the trainregret one, her more talent has received in the ing and positive of science has droary disputations clouded and cramped the natural exercise of her mid thus with it the growth of hor imagination, ' 1 does what it can does genius Talent genius ; what it Owen somewhere has must,' Meredith said. He had bettor havo worded the latter half of the sontonce, what it for it is wills,' this froe, and exorexubornnt, delightful just cise of the will which marks out tho creaovor tion of genius from tho however laboured, of talont. It is as the polished, production mask out of the marble beside freshly wrought The truo the plaster mask, that is only n copy. takos in the true artist, poet, always delight
' ' _

Tahiti for nothing. Tho of tho man of possession procoss that in all difficulty colonisation, principal promuch discontent ducing as it does so frequently and many costly wars-is to be determined at Tahiti annual to the abdicating by an grant relations. King and his nearest According to a
it return just published, Parliamentary appears tho Fifth is that Pomaro tn recoivo a ponsion of and his wifo thousand francs por annum, sixty her Jifo of six thousand francs during pin money Smaller and a year. sums aro given to brothors be added Ina it might to his uncles, sisters, and his One littlo who aunts. lad, cousins, of Jninville, and who is bears tho historio name Tuavora and Miss the child of a Tahitan Prinoe tho French Isabella is to be adopted Snhaw, by the of the nation and educatod at oxponso No doubt the whola Govornmont. royal family Paris of Tahiti will bodily to France. was migrato Abdel and is tho favourite tho home 'of Kadir, dethroned crownod hoads. of many other rofugo Pomare will boconio habitual an Probably King tho in Boulovarda, in the flaneur residing of the Bois do Boulogne, with his box Avenue in tho grand tier of tho opora, and will bo a attendant constant at ruca meetings and at the Thero best theatres of the town. is one spot his which recall to but may him, faintly, island home-tho swimming baths on tho Seine man-of-war has it that tho first Fronch History was rocoivod at Tahiti Quoon, by tho reigning who Bwam out to moot it. Oddly enough tho tho transfer naval officer who has completed this The for W88 on board reason given ship. dominions is that he is tile his King ceding sardines to his in debt for supplied heavily into a taste for A man with troops. getting it to gratify it in Paris. debt will find easy

to get buying out



j j


cures ThhIvertonCoiki Ikmkuy Coughs.^3oMs when alPother Aithinii, Cough, otc,, alo., Whooping Annual sales ii remedied fail. Warranted clfectuiil. now Sold Melbourne alone exceed 10,000 bottles. This is reoommondod, and med iu pro everywhere. to any most forcucq other medicino; to take; plensnut a childron crj' for Francis Longmore, lepetition, Melbourne of Kundora and Ktagl litreet, formerly 35t-12*81 nvraufaottrw ir.i ptopriitor,


the first traco of tho lost ho lighted on finding amongst his own by accidentally silver of a sword, tho guard which ho, pooplo, divined had with at onco soor-liko sagacity, had been purchased to La Perouse It bolongod from tho Lascar for a few fish-hooks. only, ships, that

croating. A correspondence of the the Council Lord

recently National

took tho



Sunday League


the only
Jul, (July,)


I could





of the Lennox on subject Tim latter question. says it is his fixed his notice tho opening resolve to bring respecting of the new Natural History Museum at South afternoons before the Kensington on Sunday



being and the

Home Neva,

National Library of Australia

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