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Practice Test 2 Part A- Chap 1 Sections 5,6,7,8 (11514149)

Question 123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536

This is one of two practice tests to help you prepare for Test 2. The other is Practice
Test 2 Part B- Chap 2 Sections 1,2,3.

1. Question Details LarTrig9 1.5.017. [2456025] -

Find the period and amplitude.

y =   sin 2π x



2. Question Details LarTrig9 1.5.019. [2456126] -

Describe the relationship between the graphs of f and g. Consider amplitude, period, and shifts.
f(x)  =  sin x
g(x)  =  sin(x − 5π )

The graph of g has an amplitude 5π times that of the graph of f.

The graph of g is a vertical shift of the graph of f 5π units downward.    

The graph of g is identical to the graph of f.

The graph of g has a period 5π units longer than the period of the graph of f.

The graph of g is a horizontal shift of the graph of f 5π units to the right.

3. Question Details LarTrig9 1.5.021. [2456606] -

Describe the relationship between the graphs of f and g. Consider amplitude, period, and shifts.
f(x)  =  cos 5x
g(x)  =  −cos 5x

The graph of g is a reflection of the graph of f in the x-axis.

The graph of g is a vertical shift of the graph of f 5 units down.    

The graph of g is a reflection of the graph of f in the y-axis.

The graph of g has an amplitude of 5 times that of the amplitude of the graph of f.

The graph of g has a period of 5 times as long as the period of the graph of f.

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4. Question Details LarTrig9 1.5.025. [2456340] -

Describe the relationship between the graphs of f and g. Consider amplitude, period, and shifts.
f(x)  =  sin 8x
g(x)  =  4 + sin 8x

The graph of g is a horizontal shift on the graph of f to the left by 4 units.

The graph of g is a vertical shift on the graph of f downward by 4 units.    

The graph of g is a horizontal shift on the graph of f to the right by 4 units.

The graph of g has a period 8 units shorter than the period of the graph of f.

The graph of g is a vertical shift on the graph of f upward by 4 units.

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5. Question Details LarTrig9 1.5.034. [2456276] -

Sketch the graphs of f and g in the same coordinate plane. (Include two full periods.)
f(x) = 7 cos 7x
g(x) = −cos 14x

Solution or Explanation
f(x) = 7 cos 7x
2π 2π
Period:   = 
b 7
Amplitude: 7
Symmetry: y-axis
Key points:     Maximum     Intercept     Minimum     Intercept     Maximum  
π π
(0, 7) ,0 , -7 (3/14·π , 0) (2/7·π , 7)
14 7
Since g(x) = −cos(14x) = − f(2x), the graph of g(x) is the graph of f(x), but
i) shrunk horizontally by a factor of 2,
ii) shrunk vertically by a factor of , and
iii) reflected about the x-axis.

Generate key points for the graph of g(x) by

i) dividing the x-coordinate of each key point of f(x) by 2, and

ii) dividing the y-coordinate of each key point of f(x) by −7

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6. Question Details LarTrig9 1.5.033. [2456062] -

Sketch the graphs of f and g in the same coordinate plane. (Include two full periods.)
f(x) = cos x
g(x) = 1 + cos x

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7. Question Details LarTrig9 1.5.036.MI. [2463239] -

Sketch the graphs of f and g in the same coordinate plane. (Include two full periods.)

f(x) = 8 sin π x
g(x) = 8 sin π x − 3

Solution or Explanation
f(x) = 8 sin π x

2π 2π
Period:   =   = 2
b π

Amplitude: 8

Symmetry: origin

Key points:     Intercept     Maximum     Intercept     Minimum     Intercept  

1 3
(0, 0) ,8 (1, 0) , −8 (2, 0)
2 2

Since g(x) = 8 sin π x − 3 = f(x) − 3, the graph of g(x) is the graph of f(x), but translated downward by three units.
Generate key points for the graph of g(x) by subtracting 3 from the y-coordinate of each key point of f(x).

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8. Question Details LarTrig9 1.5.053. [2456359] -

Sketch the graph of the function. (Include two full periods.)

4π x
y = 4 − sin 

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9. Question Details LarTrig9 1.5.057. [2456114] -

Sketch the graph of the function. (Include two full periods.)

y = 3 cos(x + π ) − 3

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10. Question Details LarTrig9 1.5.058. [2456284] -

Sketch the graph of the function. (Include two full periods.)

y = −3 cos(6x + π )

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11. Question Details LarTrig9 1.5.059. [2456733] -

Sketch the graph of the function. (Include two full periods.)

y = 

4 2 4

12. Question Details LarTrig9 1.6.006. [2456343] -

Fill in the blank.

The domain of y = cot x is all real numbers such that ________.

x ≠ nπ , where n is an integer

x ≥ 0    


x = nπ , where n is an integer

x≠ , where n is an odd integer

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13. Question Details LarTrig9 1.6.007. [2456566] -

Fill in the blank.

The range of y = sec x is ________.

[−1, 1]

(−∞ , −1] ∪ [1, ∞ )    

(−∞ , ∞ )

(−1, 1)

(−∞ , −1) ∪ (1, ∞ )

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14. Question Details LarTrig9 1.6.009. [2502328] -

Match the function with its graph.

y = sec 3x

State the period of the function.

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15. Question Details LarTrig9 1.6.020. [2456949] -

Sketch the graph of the function. (Include two full periods.)

y =   sec x

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16. Question Details LarTrig9 1.6.024. [2456590] -

Sketch the graph of the function. (Include two full periods.)

y = −3 sec 3x + 3

Solution or Explanation
y = −3 sec 3x + 3
2π 2π
Period:   = 
3 3
Two consecutive asymptotes:
π ,     x =  π
6 6

π π
x − 0
9 9
y −3 0 −3

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17. Question Details LarTrig9 1.6.027. [2456529] -

Sketch the graph of the function. (Include two full periods.)

y = 3 cot 4x

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18. Question Details LarTrig9 1.6.032. [2456496] -

Sketch the graph of the function. (Include two full periods.)

y = tan(x + π )

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19. Question Details LarTrig9 1.6.033. [2456715] -

Sketch the graph of the function. (Include two full periods.)

y = 4 csc(x − π )

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20. Question Details LarTrig9 1.6.036. [2456128] -

Sketch the graph of the function. (Include two full periods.)

y = −sec π x + 3

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21. Question Details LarTrig9 1.6.037. [2456972] -

Sketch the graph of the function. (Include two full periods.)

y = 
 csc x + 
3 3

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22. Question Details LarTrig9 1.6.048. [2456464] -

Use a graphing utility to graph the function. (Include two full periods.)

y = 
πx  +  π
2 4 2

23. Question Details LarTrig9 1.7.009. [2463266] -

Evaluate the expression without using a calculator. (Enter your answer in radians.)


24. Question Details LarTrig9 1.7.008. [2550639] -

Evaluate the expression without using a calculator. (Enter your answer in radians.)

arccos 1

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25. Question Details LarTrig9 1.7.006. [2550671] -

Evaluate the expression without using a calculator. (Enter your answer in radians.)

arcsin 1

26. Question Details LarTrig9 1.7.013. [2463229] -

Evaluate the expression without using a calculator. (Enter your answer in radians.)

arctan − 3

27. Question Details LarTrig9 1.7.016. [2550692] -

Evaluate the expression without using a calculator. (Enter your answer in radians.)


28. Question Details LarTrig9 1.7.022. [2456364] -

Use a calculator to evaluate the expression. Round your result to two decimal places. (Enter your answer in radians.)

arcsin 0.99


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29. Question Details LarTrig9 1.7.039. [2463261] -

Determine the missing coordinates of the points on the graph of the function.

(x1, y1) = −1,

(x2, y2) = ,−

(x3, y3) = ,−

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30. Question Details LarTrig9 1.7.040. [2550701] -

Determine the missing coordinates of the points on the graph of the function.

x1 , y1 = 1
− ,

x2 , y2 = 0,

x3 , y3 = , 

31. Question Details LarTrig9 1.7.041. [2463221] -

Use an inverse trigonometric function to write θ as a function of x.


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32. Question Details LarTrig9 1.7.043. [2463270] -

Use an inverse trigonometric function to write θ as a function of x.


33. Question Details LarTrig9 1.7.044. [2550697] -

Use an inverse trigonometric function to write θ as a function of x.


Solution or Explanation
tan(θ )  = 
θ  =  arctan

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34. Question Details LarTrig9 1.7.047. [2463222] -

Use the properties of inverse trigonometric functions to evaluate the expression.

sin(arcsin 0.8)

35. Question Details LarTrig9 1.7.048. [2550664] -

Use the properties of inverse trigonometric functions to evaluate the expression.

tan(arctan 52)

36. Question Details LarTrig9 1.7.049. [2463217] -

Use the properties of inverse trigonometric functions to evaluate the expression.


37. Question Details LarTrig9 1.7.051. [2463263] -

Use the properties of inverse trigonometric functions to evaluate the expression.

arcsin(sin 6π )

38. Question Details LarTrig9 1.7.052. [2550725] -

Use the properties of inverse trigonometric functions to evaluate the expression. (Enter your answer in radians.)

arccos cos 

Solution or Explanation
11π π
arccos cos   = arccos 0 = 
2 2
Note:  is not in the range of the arccosine function.

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39. Question Details LarTrig9 1.7.053. [2463241] -

Find the exact value of the expression. (Hint: Sketch a right triangle.)
sin arctan 

40. Question Details LarTrig9 1.7.054.MI. [2550605] -

Find the exact value of the expression. (Hint: Sketch a right triangle.)
sec arcsin


Solution or Explanation
Let u = arcsin ,
sin(u) = 
4 π
, 0 < u <  ,
5 2
4 5
sec arcsin  = sec(u) = 
5 3

41. Question Details LarTrig9 1.7.055. [2463248] -

Find the exact value of the expression. (Hint: Sketch a right triangle.)

cos(tan−1 3)

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42. Question Details LarTrig9 1.7.056. [2550617] -

Find the exact value of the expression. (Hint: Sketch a right triangle.)

sin cos−1

43. Question Details LarTrig9 1.8.004. [2456201] -

Fill in the blank.

The number of cycles per second of a point in simple harmonic motion is its ---Select--- frequency .

44. Question Details LarTrig9 1.8.005. [2463236] -

Solve the right triangle shown in the figure for all unknown sides and angles. Round your answers to two decimal places.

A = 30°,    b = 9

B= 60 °

C= 90 °

a= 5.20

c= 10.39

45. Question Details LarTrig9 1.8.001. [2550646] -

Fill in the blank.

A(n) ---Select--- bearing measures the acute angle a path or line of sight makes with a fixed north-south

Solution or Explanation

46. Question Details LarTrig9 1.8.002. [2596932] -

Fill in the blank.

A point that moves on a coordinate line is said to be in simple ---Select--- harmonic motion
when its distance d from the origin at time t is given by either d = a sin ω t or d = a cos ω t.

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47. Question Details LarTrig9 1.8.003. [2456720] -

Fill in the blank.

The time for one complete cycle of a point in simple harmonic motion is its ---Select--- period .

48. Question Details LarTrig9 1.8.006.MI. [2550694] -

Solve the right triangle shown in the figure. Round your answers to two decimal places.

B = 62°,    c = 17

A= 28 °

C= 90 °

a= 7.98

b= 15.01

Solution or Explanation
Given: B = 62°, c = 17
A  =  90° − B
 =  90° − 62° = 28°
cos(B) =       a  =  c cos(B) = 17 cos(62°) ≈ 7.98
sin(B) =       b  =  c sin(B)
 =  17 sin(62°) ≈ 15.01

     ∠B  =  62°

c  =  17

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49. Question Details LarTrig9 1.8.007. [2463209] -

Solve the right triangle shown in the figure for all unknown sides and angles. Round your answers to two decimal places.

B = 75°,    b = 24

A= 15 °

C= 90 °

a= 6.43

c= 24.85

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50. Question Details LarTrig9 1.8.010. [2550643] -

Solve the right triangle shown in the figure for all unknown sides and angles. Round your answers to two decimal places.

a = 24,    c = 32

A= 48.59 °

B= 41.41 °

C= 90 °

b= 21.17

Solution or Explanation
Given: a = 24, c = 32
a a
sin(A) =       A  =  arcsin
c c
 =  arcsin ≈ 48.59°
a a 24
cos(B) =       B  =  arccos  = arccos ≈ 41.41°
c c 32
b  =  c 2 − a2

 =  322 − 242

 =  448 ≈ 21.17

     a  =  24
c  =  32

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51. Question Details LarTrig9 1.8.011. [2463214] -

Solve the right triangle shown in the figure for all unknown sides and angles. Round your answers to two decimal places.

b = 18,    c = 45

A= 66.42 °

B= 23.58 °

C= 90 °

a= 41.24

52. Question Details LarTrig9 1.8.015. [2463247] -

Find the altitude of the isosceles triangle shown in the figure. Round your answer to two decimal places.

θ = 45°,  b = 12


53. Question Details LarTrig9 1.8.019. [2596908] -

The sun is 25° above the horizon. Find the length of a shadow cast by a building that is 100 feet tall (see figure). (Round your
answer to two decimal places.)
214.45 ft

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54. Question Details LarTrig9 1.8.020.MI. [2456273] -

The sun is 24° above the horizon. Find the length of a shadow cast by a park statue that is 20 feet tall. (Round your answer
to one decimal place.)
44.9 ft

Solution or Explanation
tan 24°  = 
x  = 
tan 24°
≈ 44.9 ft


55. Question Details LarTrig9 1.8.020.MI.SA. [2936514] -

This question has several parts that must be completed sequentially. If you skip a part of the question, you will not receive
any points for the skipped part, and you will not be able to come back to the skipped part.

Tutorial Exercise

The sun is 18° above the horizon. Find the length of a shadow cast by a park statue that is 30 feet tall.

56. Question Details LarTrig9 1.8.021. [2456478] -

A ladder that is 30 feet long leans against the side of a house. The angle of elevation of the ladder is 80°. Find the height
from the top of the ladder to the ground. (Round your answer to one decimal place.)
29.5 ft

57. Question Details LarTrig9 1.8.023. [2456497] -

At a point 45 feet from the base of a church, the angles of elevation to the bottom of the steeple and the top of the steeple
are 35° and 48° 30', respectively. Find the height of the steeple. (Round your answer to one decimal place.)
19.4 ft

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58. Question Details LarTrig9 1.8.024. [2456663] -

An observer in a lighthouse 350 feet above sea level observes two ships directly offshore. The angles of depression to the
ships are β = 2° and θ = 3.5° (see figure). How far apart are the ships? (Round your answer to one decimal place.)
4300.2 ft

59. Question Details LarTrig9 1.8.025. [2596929] -

A passenger in an airplane at an altitude of 10 kilometers sees two towns directly to the east of the plane. The angles of
depression to the towns are 21° and 51° (see figure). How far apart are the towns? (Round your answer to one decimal
18.0 km

51° 21°

60. Question Details LarTrig9 1.8.026. [2456209] -

You observe a plane approaching overhead and assume that its speed is 650 miles per hour. The angle of elevation of the
plane is 15° at one time and 59° one minute later. Approximate the altitude of the plane. (Round your answer to two decimal
3.46 mi

61. Question Details LarTrig9 1.8.034. [2456040] -

During takeoff, an airplane's angle of ascent is 18° and its speed is 250 feet per second.

(a) Find the plane's altitude after 1 minute. (Round your answer to the nearest whole number.)
4635 ft

(b) How long will it take the plane to climb to an altitude of 10,000 feet? (Round your answer to one decimal place.)
129.4 sec

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62. Question Details LarTrig9 1.8.035. [2456709] -

An airplane flying at 500 miles per hour has a bearing of 52°. After flying for 1.5 hours, how far north and how far east will
the plane have traveled from its point of departure? (Round your answers to the nearest whole number.)

462 miles north

591 miles east

63. Question Details LarTrig9 1.8.036. [2456170] -

A jet leaves Reno, Nevada and is headed toward Miami, Florida at a bearing of 100°. The distance between the two cities is
approximately 2472 miles.

(a) How far north and how far west is Reno relative to Miami? (Round your answers to two decimal places.)

429.26 miles north

2434.44 miles west

(b) If the jet is to return directly to Reno from Miami, at what bearing should it travel?
280 °

64. Question Details LarTrig9 1.8.041. [2456027] -

A surveyor wants to find the distance across a pond (see figure). The bearing from A to B is N 33° W. The surveyor walks
x = 50 meters from A to C, and at the point C the bearing to B is N 68° W.

(a) Find the bearing from A to C.

N 57 ° E

(b) Find the distance from A to B. (Round your answer to two decimal places.)
71.41 m

65. Question Details LarTrig9 1.8.047. [2501029] -

Find a model for simple harmonic motion satisfying the specified conditions.

Displacement, d Amplitude, a Period

(t = 0)

0 8 centimeters 2 seconds


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66. Question Details LarTrig9 1.8.051. [2550721] -

A point on the end of a tuning fork moves in simple harmonic motion described by d = a sin ω t. Find ω given that the
tuning fork for a certain note has a frequency of 248 vibrations per second.


67. Question Details LarTrig9 1.8.052. [2550684] -

A buoy oscillates in simple harmonic motion as waves go past. At a given time it is noted that the buoy moves a total of y =
8.5 feet from its low point to its high point (see figure), and that it returns to its high point every 8 seconds. Write an
equation that describes the motion of the buoy if its high point is at t = 0.


Solution or Explanation
At t = 0, buoy is at its high point     d = a cos(ω t).
Distance from high to low = 2|a|  =  8.5
|a|  = 
Returns to high point every 8 seconds:
2π π
Period:   = 8     ω = 
ω 4
d = 
π t
4 4

68. Question Details LarTrig9 1.8.053. [2463205] -

For the simple harmonic motion described by the trigonometric function, find the maximum displacement, the frequency, the
value of d when t = 5, and the least positive value of t for which d = 0. Use a graphing utility to verify your results.

d = 8 cos  t
(a) Find the maximum displacement.

(b) Find the frequency.

3/5 cycles per unit of time

(c) Find the value of d when t = 5.

d= 8

(d) Find the least positive value of t for which d = 0.

t= 5/12

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69. Question Details LarTrig9 1.8.055. [2463257] -

For the simple harmonic motion described by the trigonometric function, find the maximum displacement, the frequency, the
value of d when t = 4, and the least positive value of t for which d = 0. Use a graphing utility to verify your results.
d =   sin 2π t
(a) Find the maximum displacement.

(b) Find the frequency.

1 cycles per unit of time

(c) Find the value of d when t = 4.

d= 0

(d) Find the least positive value of t for which d = 0.

t= 1/2

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