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Full Name: Emilia Alfaro

Professional Email:

Academic GPA: 3.9

Desired College: Community

Intended Major: History

Grade Extra-Curricular Positions / Role Responsibilities

(clubs, sports,

9-12 Book Club Vice-President/President Organize and run club meetings and events, help advertise
the club.

9 Garden Club Member Help maintain the garden and feed animals afterschool.

Grade Community Service Positions / Role Responsibilities

9-12 Library Helper Helper Check in, out, and renew books to students. Manage fines
and return books to shelfs.

9 Garden Cleanup Helper Help clean garden on weekends.

Grade Honors / Awards (academic and/or athletic awards, certificates, etc.)

11 Colt Love Award

Grade Place of Employment (paid) Position & Responsibilities #


11 Valero Intern, Help organize and set up events, input volunteer 30

Grade Educational / Internship Program Description & Benefits

11 EXP Program The EXP work readiness program.

Respond in detail to the following questions -

Three words you would use to describe 1. Flexible
yourself: 2. Inovative
3. Helpful

Discuss your career and personal goals: My career goal is to one day work in archival work, preferably in a library. I want this as
my career because I am passionate about the perservation of old texts and the effect they had on the culture around them. My
personal goals are to save up enough money to get a house a soon as possible. This second goal is because I would like to achive
a stable not growing rent as soon as possible, as the cost of living continues to rise exponentially.

Why would you like to attend college/trade school/military? I would like to attend college to gain a history degree.

Do your grades in high school reflect your academic ability or potential? Explain. Yes, my grades in highschool reflect my
potential because not only are they usually A’s or B’s, but if my grade ever drops you can clearly see where it shoots back up to
an A.
Are there any particular circumstances, school experiences, or persons that influenced your preparation or motivation to
attend college/military (e.g., cultural/financial background, family, and teachers)? Explain. My parents, as people who never
went to college, always encouraged my siblings and I to go to college. Outside of this my interest has always been piqued by
history, but I never viewed it as a viable career path until archival work was introduced to my by my school librarian.

Describe any obstacles you have faced in school/life and how you overcame them: I have always had a problem with pushing
myself to hard and letting the burn out become to much right before the school year ends. Recently I have been trying to pull
back, to do my work and still work hard, but to be aware of the signs that I can’t handle it and adjust accordingly.

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