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“What Is Literature Your Own Words?”
Words are used to create literature, a collection of works of art. The majority are written, but some are passed
on by word of mouth. A literature is usually a work of poetry, a drama, or a narrative that is well written and
well illustrated. Learning, writing, grammar, and literature are all Latin words that are used to describe literature.

“What could be possible that a scientific book is categorized as literature book?”

A book or other written work is considered literature if it has artistic or creative value or is long-lasting. Literature
is an example of William Shakespeare’ books, whereas A scientific book is a book written about a scientific subject.

What Is The Meaning Of Literature In English And English Literature?

Literature in English is a collection of literary works written in English, not in any other language, but in Great
Britain and British colonies.

What Is The Importance Of Studying English Literature?

An English Literature degree will allow you to develop a thorough understanding of literary history, theory, and
criticism, as well as broaden your knowledge of a variety of cultures and intellectual traditions.
Reading and writing in your life

If you take a moment to look back, you may find that a division between reading and writing was established
in your early childhood.

Perhaps a family member read you a bedtime

story or encouraged you to look at picture

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