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A pleasant morning to everyone!

My respect to these inventive individuals, our simple, humble and the first ever Schools Division

Superintendent to visit our school Ma’am Lani H. Cervantes and her company, our committed to his work

District in-charge Sir Mario Q. Nasam and his company, to our to be installed new guide of our school

Ma’am Marife Ada, our supportive stakeholders represented by our beloved and diligent Brgy. committee

chair in education and as well our GPTA President, Hon. Neobila M. Capoquian.

Today we are here to formally and finally have the installation of our new school head, but I know

that apart from the installation we are also thrilled by the coming of our Superintendent and we are ecstatic

that despite the location of our school, with our SDS’s compassion she has reached us, and she is now here

with us in flesh, not just in the reports that we are writing, in memoranda that we are reading and in the

organizational charts that we are posting in our rooms. We are very much delighted of your presence

Ma’am, and it is such an incredible privilege to have you here, thank you for coming and to our district

head, sir.

A new beginning towards the continuous improvement and fulfilment of Bangon National High

School dreams has now again commence, as we keep up the steps that our previous school head had taught

as to take, that now our new school head would guide to keep our pace straight on goals we are trying to

reach. As aid to one another let keep us going and reach new levels for the benefit of our learners.

Ladies and gentlemen, especially visitors as we install the new school head, Bangon National High

School welcomes you today with all its heart. Thank you, and good morning again.

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