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who were worn out by the oppressive taxation imposed by their

be older32 than the Phoenician @. Similarly if Pe means

charities. IUe retained personal control of the army until his

Peculiar to this alphabet is the form for f--@. Much more

generated. It is possible, however, that the tetraspore

church. He proclaimed and promised rather than effected a

4 Dimensions in English feet.

torrents. Between Guajara-Merim and this fall, inclusive,

after 3rd rest 82.6 161.3 86.2 190.5 95.8 84.7

1 Further conferences respecting the liquor traffic

two new aconite alkaloids, indaconitine in ``mohri'' (Aconitum

A considerable body of law has come down to us in

contain the germ of scientific analysis in the statement

During these operations care must be taken lest a spark should

barricading the roads and impeding Burgoyne's progress.

plate, because of the contact between lead peroxide and

city.'' It has a station on the Rangoon-Mandalay railway,

manufacture of agricultural machinery the United States leads the

of Charles IX., whose fortunes he followed in Egypt, Syria,

B.Sc. Bachelor of Science.

Augustus (1673--1726), duke of Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorp,

to protect it from thieves, and by investments to increase

equator. Each station is commanded by a flag officer, and

Roccia Viva (E). . . . . . . . 11,976 (W) . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,949

the president who in 1823 assumed the responsibility for its

Haigh. The Fragments have been edited by Nauck and also by

m. W. by N. of Rome by rail, on the Via Aurelia, by which

hit. A few bullet-holes in the fabric of a balloon make but

advertisers that what is called ``general circularizing'' is

a certain amount of gold and ivory was exported from the

lines rising upwards. A remarkable feature of the alphabet is

Soon after the deathpf Baldwin (October 13, 1213), William de

Kremer, Uber die philosophischen Gedichte des Abu-l-.Ala

the Albert Nyanza, the chief western reservoir of the

designs of the Egyptians and thus endanger his own safety,

upon his patron. Like his fellow-lyrist, Horace, who was

I., for it states that: ``If any default shall be found in

and abrasive power (see EMERY), and in well-crystallized

raison de son voisinage, lui pretera son appui, en cas de

to death by herself, or, according to some, by order of

December 1585). He himself and nearly all his accomplices

who was despatched by the French government to West Africa in

The present town (pop. in 1901, 15,322) has a picturesque

Charles Edward, born on the 19th of July 1884, who succeeded

Britain. He was young and eager to exercise his new

Cretan ``larnax'' coffins, also, have no parallels outside the

widow with small means, and devoted herself entirely to the

written at all, and Addison to have contributed 24 of the 80

ft.), 12.4 deg. F. (18,370 ft.), 16.4 deg. F. (12,640 ft.) and

privately understood as one which in time would naturally

1800 houses, 2 mosques and 16 water-wheels; W. F. Ainsworth

1840, determined to construct a very large balloon, and

F. Stable. M. Dormitory. V. Great cloister.

strips of caoutchouc were not likely to have a long life.

(Love's Labour's Lost, IV. iii. 314). Twelve members of the

Streets and Buildings.--Roughly, the extended city runs

into the useful. Every beautiful object is so called because

are known in cultivation. Most of the so-called Amaryllis

engagement of a very feeble kind took place on the 10th of

Jacoby in Rhein. Mus. (1903), pp. 461 f.

Holy See, have the right to send or to receive ambassadors.

Army.--A small standing army is maintained in each province

the word adjutant is used for an aide-de-camp, and adjutant

kingdom. He died at Rome in the third year of . Trajan,

been drawn in the usual manner, but by a special bailiff, who

dualistic conception of the composition of substances. In

of William Russell, earl of Bedford, he was appointed one

who had followed him to Constantinople, charged him before

Ionian Sea against the triumvirate, but finally, through the

of resisting a considerable degree of desiccation, and in this

officers in the whole British forces, he was appointed to the


Year. Horses. Cattle. Sheep. Pigs.

of Bombay, ranking as one of the Satara Jagirs, situated

The Great Theatre, on the modern Hospital Hill near the Ramleh

de sources Historiques (1903), p. 40.

Amesbury. The township was the home of John G. Whittier

not, however, till October 1886 that anthrax and rabies were

evolved in the bell from acting on the sodium hydrate formed

in the case of phycoerythrin the maximum absorption, apart

Bathrotum, Akrolissos and other towns may be identified. The

ultimately all converted into PbO, and falls to pieces.

kept up between the besieged city and the external world,

indentations. On its N.E. side it is connected by a winding

be prohibited and removed by the local authority (see G.

Pontificum, p. 361), but was discovered with others of

care. The southern side is occupied by the ``refectory''

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