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Professional Growth Plan

Mr. Hutchison Dr. Robert Plaxton School


Public Speaking
Goal 1:
✔ Develop my public speaking skills and my ability to confidently speak in
front of my classroom of students.

Strategies Indicators and Measures of Achievement

✔ Using more body language and ✔ Using more fluid and confident
movement while teaching at the front of movement and body language while
the classroom teaching (Less stiff and still movement)
✔ Moving around the classroom more ✔ Having lessons memorized and
while teaching practiced with little to no mistakes
while teaching
✔ Using mentor feedback for personal
growth ✔ More positive feedback in regards to
speaking and movement
✔ Practice teaching my lessons to
friends/family before actually teaching
Timeline Colleagues/Mentors/Resources
Halfway through my practicum
✔ Mr. Brandon Morrison

✔ The grade five teaching team

Concrete Representations
Goal 2:
✔ Find new and unique ways to allow students to concretely represent the
concepts and lessons I have taught them.

Strategies Indicators and Measures of Achievement

✔ Search for new strategies to allow ✔ Use of different concrete representation
students to concretely represent their strategies for lesson planning
work using online databases
✔ providing students with multiple
✔ Touch base with Beth at the curriculum options for concrete representations
lab to find materials I might be able to
✔ Using student feedback and allowing
use in practice
them to provide me with new ideas
✔ Confer with other practicum students in
similar grades to see what ideas and
examples they might have to share
Timeline Colleagues/Mentors
By the end of the practicum
✔ Dr. Robert LeBlanc

✔ Beth Cormier from the curriculum lab

✔ Pinterest and other online resources

✔ Teacher mentor and learning commons

resources at placement school

Classroom Management
Goal 3:
✔ Develop my classroom management skills and setting clear rules and

Strategies Indicators and Measures of Achievement

✔ Building expectation setting into my ✔ Better student attention and
lesson planning engagement during lecturing
✔ Having conversations and starting ✔ Students knowing and following my
lessons off discussing my expectations expectations during work periods
with students
✔ Students listening to me and responding
✔ Using effective attention getting positively to my attention getting
strategies that resonate with the strategies
Timeline Colleagues/Mentors
By the end of week two
✔ Teacher mentor

✔ Grade five teaching team

✔ online resources with ideas for

classroom management strategies
✔ Conversations with students prior to

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