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Computer & Technology Policy

Telephone and Technology Use

Personal calls and personal use of company equipment such as fax machines, photocopy machines and PC’s are

We understand that there are times when personal calls are necessary during the business day and we request
that they be kept to a minimum. We encourage our employees to conduct personal telephone calls during lunch
period. Personal calls should not distract from job performance.

Particular attention should be given to ensure that a personal call does not tie up the telephone system,
resulting in telephone lines being unavailable for business use. (COMPANY NAME)’s telephone system should
not be used for personal long distance calls or faxes. These charges should be made to personal calling cards or
credit cards.

Use of Assigned PC Work Station

The PC workstation assigned to each employee is the property of (COMPANY NAME) and all files and work done
on the system also are the property of (COMPANY NAME). Please see our e-mail policy. We monitor the use of
the systems to ensure that capacity problems do not arise. Use of your assigned PC workstation should be only
for work related activities.

We discourage employees from the use of internet sites for non-business and work related activities during the
regular business day. Please see our Internet usage policy.

All software installed on the workstation is licensed to (COMPANY NAME). Installed software on the workstation
is necessary in assisting you to achieve your work objectives. Installed software may not be added to or deleted
at any time without authorization from the IT Department.

If employees need to use information carriers (like memory stick, flash cards, CDs or diskettes) from outside of
(COMPANY NAME), they must be scanned for viruses. If you have any questions about such carriers and their
acceptable use, contact our IT Department prior to use in our systems. Cooperation and adherence to these
practices will ensure a safe and stable computer environment.

We have formalized our IT security protocols and regularly monitor all systems to ensure that our protocols are
in place. For more information, please review (COMPANY NAME)’s High-Level Information Security Policy. As
part of our adherence to IT security protocols, each quarter, the IT team presents a high level overview of
systems integrity and protocols to the Operations Committee.

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