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UNIT Bloom Question

1 _____ is the procedures through which one determines the
duties associated with positions and the characteristics of
people to hire for those positions.
2 The information resulting from Job analysis is used for writing
3 Which of the following types of information can be collected
via Job analysis
4 Information regarding Job demands such as lifting weights or
walking long distances is included in the information about
_____ an HR specialist may collect during a Job analysis.
5 There are _____ steps in doing a Job analysis
6 Deciding how to use the resulting information is the _____
step in doing a Job analysis.
The first step in conducting a Job analysis is _____.
8 Reviewing relevant background information such as
organisation charts- process charts- and Job descriptions is the
_____ step in doing a Job analysis.

The second step in conducting a Job analysis is

10 Selecting representative positions to use in the Job analysis is
the _____step in the process.
11 Which term refers to a written statement
that describes the activities and responsibilities of the Job
12 Job analysis is a process of gathering information about the
13 The final process of a job analysis is the preparation of two
statements, namely,
14 Which of the following terms is not associated with job
15 The process of grouping of similar types of works together is
known as
The system of ranking jobs in a firm on the basis of the
relevant characteristics, duties, and responsibilities is known as
The written statement of the findings of job analysis is called
18 Designing a job according to the worker’s physical strength
and ability is known as
19 Which of the following is not a component of job design?

20 Moving employees from one job to another in a predetermined
way is called
21 UNIT 2 The actual achievements compared with the objectives of the
job is
22 Re-designing a business process, in getting more efficient and
effective results, known as
23 The term 'job enlargement' means
24 The term 'job enrichment' means
25 The relationships section of job description defines whom
26 The Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ) for job analysis is
27 A list, consisting of job duties and responsibilities, part of
28 An outline of chain of command and reporting relationships in
the form of chart, is stated in
29 The workflow detailed picture is called
Determining the type of people, which a company needs for
job is referred as
31 . Jobcompetency-based-job-analysis
The analysis is must for employees means
for defining the job in
32 termsreporting
The of relationships and working conditions related to a
33 job is stated in
While writing job description, the major functions or activities

34 are written in
35 The personal qualities and traits required for job is stated in

36 Job enrichment is a way to

The 'job rotation' means
38 The example of 'general competency' related to job is included
39 . A job analysis consists of

40 The job analysis information can be collected through

41 While writing job description, the 'job title' is written in the
section of
42 The following factor(s) to be discussed for an effective job
43 The aim of Job design is to improve
44 The following is not a method of Job Design.
45 Jobs are set of

Rearrange the steps in the decision- making process logically.
47 Job Evaluation criterion comes from
48 Assistance to top level management for strategic plans about
job requirements is provided by
49 . Which of the following is not true of the activity known as
job analysis?
50 Analysis of something is study of constituent elements of that
thing. True or False.
Option A Option B Option C

.Job description Job specification Job analysis

Job descriptions work activities work aids

work activities human behaviors performance standards

machines- tools- equipment-

work activities human behaviors and work aids
.three four five

first second third

deciding how to use the selecting representative
information reviewing relevant background information positions

first second third

deciding how to use the selecting representative
information reviewing relevant background information positions

first .second .third

Job specification Job analysis Job report

job holder job management
job observation and job job description and job
description job specification and job observation specification

task duty position

job classification job design job evaluation

job evaluation
job design job specification

job design job classification job description

ergonomics task assortment job autonomy

job enrichment job rotation job reengineering
job rotation job reengineering work mapping
Job performance
Job evaluation Job description
redesigning jobs of moving workers from one
assigning additional activities to workers
workers job to the other
redesigning jobs for assigning additional activities for workers moving workers from one
redesigning jobs for assigning additional activities to workers moving workers from one
supervise report to work with
quantitative technique qualitative technique both A and B
job descriptions job analysis job specifications
organization chart process chart process management
organization chart process chart process management

job descriptions job specifications

job analysis
training performance appraisal compensations
measureable competency behavioral competency observable competency
job descriptions job analysis job specifications
job summary responsibilities and duties job identification
job descriptions job analysis job specifications
motivate employees compensate employs staffing new employees
redesigning jobs of moving workers from one
assigning additional activities to workers
workers job to the other
strategic thinking mathematical reasoning reading and writing
job description job specification Both A and B
Interviews Questionnaires Both A and B
job summary responsibilities and duties job identification

Environmental Organisational Behavioural

Job satisfaction Job interview Job analysis
Job rotation Job enlargement Job enrichment
Micromotions ) Elements Tasks


Job manual Job duration Job description
transactional HR group corporate HR group embedded HR group
The rate of pay for the The job elements are rated in terms such as It aims to describe the
job is fixed. frequency. Of use or amount of time purpose of a job and the

Option D

None of the above
Job context B
all of the above

performance standards
.six B
.collecting data
on Job activities

.fourth A

collecting data
on Job activities
Job description
organization B
None of the above
job description

job description
job evaluation
none of the above
job outsourcing D
job enrichment
None of the above
reengineering A
none of above B
reforming and analyzing C
all of above B
none of above B
both A and C D
production unit D
production unit A

both A and C A

all of above B
all of above C
Both A and C B
both b and c B
Both A and C D
all of above B
none of above A
both b and c A
none of above B
none of above D
both b and c D

All of the above
Job profile A
Job analysis B
None of the above B
Job specification D
center of expertise B
Jobs are broken into
elements such as A

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