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There was a legend that the Mamre oak would die after the birth of the Antichrist.

Already at
the end of the 19th century, the oak of Abraham began to die. The last green leaves appeared
on it in 1996, after which the tree died completely.
Jesus died at the age of 30. The antichrist can start his work as an opponent of Christ at the
age of 30. There are 30 years from the birth of the Antichrist in 1996 to 2026.

Date of Appearance of the Antichrist

According to the Solar Calendar of Enoch, converted to our current Polish calendar, the 10th
biblical month corresponding to the patriarch Dan and his 6th day is: 2026 December 26
Saturday (sixth day). The Antichrist is to come out of the tribe of the patriarch Dan.

The end of the world according to the prophecy of St. Malachy

My thoughts:
The toil of the sun as the coat of arms of Argentina, i.e. the sun with a wreath that is won with
difficulty at Olympic competitions or other games. Pope Francis is from Argentina.
The coat of arms of Pope Francis has a sun and the inscription IHS on it as on the cross of
Jesus, which may mean the hardships of Jesus' passion. So what could mean "by the labor of
the sun."
The sun is also considered the first luminary. Luminaria is a term used in different parts of the
world to describe different types of Christmas lights, usually displayed during the Christmas
"Glory of the olive." Olive as a sign of peace, Satan before the fall, an angel of peace.
Pope Peter of Rome appointed during the reign of the Antichrist apocrypha confirms that he is
the last pope and there will be no next after him.
VII (110).-De labore solis; from the labor of the sun.> Pope Francis
VIII (111).- Gloria olivae; glory of the olive.> Satan Antichrist
IX (112).- Petrus Romanus; Peter the Roman. > Last True Christian Pope

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