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This is a work of fiction.

All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this

novel are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.


Copyright © 2011 by Terry Goodkind

All rights reserved.

A Tor Book
Published by Tom Doherty Associates, LLC
175 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10010

Tor® is a registered trademark of Tom Doherty Associates, LLC.

ISBN 978-0-7653-2772-7 (regular edition)

ISBN 978-0-7653-2969-1 (limited edition)

First Edition: August 2011

Printed in the United States of America

0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

here is darkness,” the boy said.
Richard frowned, not sure that he had understood
the whispered words. He glanced back over his shoul-
der at the concern on Kahlan’s face. She didn’t look to have
understood the meaning any more than he had.
The boy lay on a tattered carpet placed on the bare ground
just outside a tent covered with strings of colorful beads.
The tightly packed market outside the palace had become a
small city made up of thousands of tents, wagons, and stands.
Throngs of people who had come from near and far for the
grand wedding the day before flocked to the marketplace,
buying everything from souvenirs and jewelry to fresh bread
and cooked meats, to exotic drinks and potions, to colorful
The boy’s chest rose a little with each shallow breath, but
his eyes remained closed. Richard leaned down closer to the
frail child. “Darkness?”
The boy nodded weakly. “There is darkness all around.”
There was, of course, no darkness. Streamers of morning
sunlight played over the crowds of people coursing by the
thousands through the haphazard streets between the tents


and wagons. Richard didn’t think that the boy saw anything
of the festive atmosphere all around.
The child’s words, on the surface so soft, carried some
other meaning, something more, something grim, about an-
other place entirely.
From the corner of his eye, Richard saw people slow as
they passed, watching the Lord Rahl and the Mother Con-
fessor stopped to see an ill boy and his mother. The market
out beyond was fi lled with lilting music, conversation, laugh-
ter, and animated bargaining. For most of the people passing
nearby, seeing the Lord Rahl and the Mother Confessor was
a once-in-a-lifetime event, one of many over the last few days,
that would be recounted back in their homelands for years to
Guards of the First File stood not far away, also watching
attentively, but they mostly watched the nearby crowds shuf-
fl ing through the market. The soldiers wanted to make sure
that those crowds didn’t close in too tightly, even though
there was no real reason to expect any sort of trouble.
Everyone was, after all, in a good mood. The years of war
had ended. There was peace and growing prosperity. The
wedding the day before seemed to mark a new beginning, a
celebration of a world of possibilities never before imagined.
Set amid that sunlit exuberance, the boy’s words felt to
Richard like a shadow that didn’t belong.
Kahlan squatted down beside him. Her satiny white dress,
the iconic symbol of her standing as the Mother Confessor,
seemed to glow under the early-spring sky, as if she were a
good spirit come among them. Richard slipped his hand un-
der the boy’s bony shoulders and sat him up a little as Kahlan
lifted a waterskin up to the boy’s lips.
“Can you take just a sip?”


The boy didn’t seem to hear her. He ignored her offer and
the waterskin. “I’m alone,” he said in a frail voice. “So alone.”
The words sounded so forlorn that they moved Kahlan to
reach out in silent compassion and touch the boy’s knobby
“You’re not alone,” Richard assured the boy in a voice meant
to dispel the gloom of such words. “There are people here with
you. Your mother is here.”
Behind closed eyelids, the boy’s eyes rolled and darted, as
if looking for something in the darkness.
“Why have they all left me?”
Kahlan laid a hand gently on the boy’s heaving chest. “Left
The boy, lost in some inner vision, moaned and whined.
His head tossed from side to side. “Why have they left me
alone in the cold and dark?”
“Who left you?” Richard asked, concentrating in an effort
to be sure he could hear the boy’s soft words. “Where did
they leave you?”
“I have had dreams,” the boy said, his voice a little brighter.
Richard frowned at the odd change of subject. “What kind
of dreams?”
Disoriented confusion returned to haunt the boy’s words.
“Why have I had dreams?”
The question sounded to Richard like it was directed in-
ward and didn’t call for an answer. Kahlan tried anyway.
“We don’t—”
“Is the sky still blue?”
Kahlan shared a look with Richard. “Quite blue,” she as-
sured the boy. He didn’t appear to hear that answer, either.
Richard didn’t think that there was any point in continu-
ing to pester the boy for answers. He was obviously sick and


didn’t know what he was saying. It was pointless to try to

question the product of delirium.
The boy’s small hand suddenly grabbed Richard’s forearm.
Richard heard the sound of steel being drawn from scab-
bards. Without turning, he lifted his other hand in a silent
command to the soldiers behind him to stand down.
“Why have they all left me?” the boy asked again.
Richard leaned in a little closer, hoping to calm him at
least. “Where did they leave you?”
The boy’s eyes opened so abruptly that it startled both
Richard and Kahlan. His gaze was fixed on Richard, as if try-
ing to see into his soul. The grip of the thin fingers on Rich-
ard’s forearm was powerful beyond what Richard would have
believed the boy capable of.
“There is darkness in the palace.”
A chill, fed by a cold breath of breeze, shivered across Rich-
ard’s flesh.
The boy’s eyelids slid closed as he sagged back.
Despite his intent to be gentle with the boy, Richard’s
voice took on an edge.
“What are you talking about? What darkness in the palace?”
“Darkness . . . is seeking darkness,” he whispered as he
drifted down into incoherent mumbling.
Richard’s brow drew tight as he tried to make some kind
of sense of it. “What do you mean, darkness is seeking dark-
“He will fi nd me, I know he will.”
The boy’s hand, as if too heavy to hold up, slipped off
Richard’s arm. It was replaced by Kahlan’s as the two of them
waited a moment to see if the boy would say any more. He
seemed to finally have fallen silent for good.


They needed to get back to the palace. People would be

waiting for them.
Besides, Richard didn’t think, even if the boy did say more,
that it would be any more meaningful. He looked up at the
boy’s mother, standing above him, dry-washing her hands.
The woman swallowed. “He scares me, he does, when he
gets like this. I’m sorry, Lord Rahl, I didn’t mean to distract
you from your business.” She looked to be a woman aged
prematurely by worries.
“This is my business,” Richard said. “I came down here
today to be among people who couldn’t make it up to the
palace yesterday for the ceremony. Many of you have traveled
a great distance. The Mother Confessor and I wanted to have
a chance to show our appreciation to everyone who came for
our friends’ wedding.
“I don’t like to see anyone in such obvious distress as you
and your boy. We’ll see if we can get a healer to find out what’s
wrong. Maybe they can give him something to help him.”
The woman was shaking her head. “I’ve tried healers.
Healers can’t help him.”
“Are you sure?” Kahlan asked. “There are very talented
people here who might be able to help.”
“I already took him to a woman of great powers, a Hedge
Maid, all the way to Kharga Trace.”
Kahlan’s brow creased. “A Hedge Maid? What kind of healer
is that?”
The woman hesitated, her gaze darting away. “Well,
she’s a woman of remarkable abilities as I hear told. Hedge
Maids . . . have talents, so I thought she might be able to help.
But Jit—that’s her name, Jit— said that Henrik was special,
not sick.”


“Does this happen with your son often, then?” Kahlan

The woman worked some of the cloth of her simple dress
into her fist. “Not often. But it happens. He sees things. Sees
things through the eyes of others, I think.”
Kahlan pressed her hand to the boy’s forehead a moment
and then ran her fingers back through his hair. “I think maybe
it’s fevered dreams, that’s all,” she said. “He’s burning up.”
The woman was nodding knowingly. “He gets like that,
all fevered and such, when he sees things through the eyes of
others.” She met Richard’s gaze. “Some kind of telling, I think.
I think that’s what he does when he gets like this. Some kind
of foretelling.”
Richard, like Kahlan, didn’t think the boy saw anything
more than fevered visions, but he didn’t say so. The woman
already looked distressed enough.
Richard also didn’t hold much favor with prophecy. He
liked prophecy even less than he liked riddles and he didn’t
like riddles at all. He thought people made far more of proph-
ecy than was justified.
“Doesn’t sound at all specific,” Richard said. “I don’t think
it’s anything more than a childhood fever.”
The woman didn’t look to believe one word of it, but she
also didn’t look inclined to contradict the Lord Rahl. It wasn’t
all that long ago that the Lord Rahl was a greatly feared fig-
ure in the land of D’Hara, and with good reason.
Old fears, like old grudges, lived long lives.
“Maybe he ate something that was bad,” Kahlan suggested.
“No, nothing bad,” the woman insisted. “He eats the
same things I eat.” She studied their faces for a moment be-
fore adding, “But the hounds have come around bothering


Richard frowned up at the woman. “What do you mean,

the hounds have come around bothering him?”
Her tongue darted out to wet her lips. “Well, hounds—
wild hounds I think— came sniffi ng around here last night. I
had just run out to get us a loaf of bread. Henrik was watch-
ing our bead wares. He was scared when the hounds showed
up so he hid inside. When I got back they were sniffi ng and
growling around the doorway of our tent, the hair on their
backs standing up all stiff and such. I grabbed a stick and
chased them off. This morning he was like this.”
Richard was about to say something when the boy abruptly
twisted wildly. He lashed out with clawed fi ngers at both
Richard and Kahlan as if he were a cornered animal.
Richard jumped up, pulling Kahlan back out of the boy’s
reach as soldiers brought swords out.
Quick as a rabbit, the boy darted away toward the confu-
sion of tents and crowds. Two soldiers immediately raced
after him. The boy dove under a low wagon and popped up
on the other side. The men were too big to follow and had to
go around the wagon, giving the boy a head start of a dozen
strides. Richard didn’t think his lead would last long.
In an instant the boy, with the soldiers hot on his heels,
vanished among the wagons, tents, and people. It was a mis-
take to run from men of the First File.
Richard saw that the scratch on the back of Kahlan’s hand
had drawn blood.
“It’s just a little scratch, Richard,” she assured him when
she saw the look in his eyes. “I’m fi ne. It just startled me.”
Richard glanced down at the lines oozing blood on the back
of his own hand and let out a sigh of frustration. “Me too.”
The captain of the guards, sword in hand, stepped for-
ward. “We’ll fi nd him, Lord Rahl. Out here on the Azrith


Plain there’s no real place to hide. He won’t get far. We’ll

fi nd him.” The man didn’t look at all pleased that someone,
even a boy, had drawn the Lord Rahl’s blood.
“Like the Mother Confessor said, it’s just a scratch. But I’d
like you to fi nd the boy.”
A dozen men of the guard detail clapped fists to their
“We’ll fi nd him, Lord Rahl,” the captain said, “you can
count on that.”
Richard nodded. “Good. When you do, see to it that he
gets safely back here to his mother. There are healers among
the people selling their wares and ser vices. Bring one here
when you fi nd the boy and see if they can help him.”
As the captain detailed additional guards to search for the
boy, Kahlan leaned closer to Richard. “We had better get
back up to the palace. We have a lot of guests.”
Richard nodded. “I hope your boy is well soon,” he said to
the woman before starting out toward the immense plateau
atop which sat the People’s Palace, the place he had inherited
when he had inherited the rule of D’Hara, a land that he had
never even known existed as he’d grown up. In many ways
D’Hara, the empire he ruled, was still a complete mystery to



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