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Hot and Cold Grade Grade 2

Title of Unit
Curriculum Science Time 4 Lessons (1 week)
Area(s) Frame

Developed by Shael Bourne


Programs of Study Foundations

What program foundations form the emphasis of the unit? What big ideas from the program of studies will you include?

Scientific Methods: Investigation of the physical world is enhanced through the use of scientific methods that
attempt to remove human biases and increase objectivity.
Students learn that materials are sometimes changed by heating or cooling and that by observing such
changes, they can infer how hot or cold an object is. They learn that thermometers provide a helpful way to
measure and describe the hotness or coldness of things—a more reliable way than provided by their own
senses. Students observe that temperatures can go up and down, including the temperature of their
surroundings and the temperatures of particular objects within it. They also learn about methods that are
used to control temperature in buildings and how insulation is used to keep things hot or cold.

Essential Question
What is the big, overarching question guiding your unit plan?

What methods and processes can be used in scientific investigation?

Students examine investigation and explain how it is influenced by purpose.

Unit Plan Outcomes

What are the program of studies general outcomes and specific competencies to be covered in your unit?
What will students understand, be able to do, be able to apply?

2–1 Investigate, with guidance, the nature of things, demonstrating an understanding of the procedures followed.
- ask questions that lead to exploration and investigation
2–2 Recognize pattern and order in objects and events studied; and, with guidance, record procedures and
observations, using pictures and words; and make predictions and generalizations, based on observations.
- describe what was observed, using captioned pictures and oral language
- describe and explain results
- identify new questions that arise from the investigation.
2–3 Construct, with guidance, an object that achieves a given purpose, using materials that are provided.
- identify the purpose of the object to be constructed
Adapted from Wiggins, Grant & J. McTighe (1998)
- attempt, with guidance, a variety of strategies to complete tasks
- identify steps followed in constructing the object and in testing it to see if it works
- communicate results of construction activities, using oral language,


What resources will you require? Will there be guest speakers/field trips to plan for?
Will you need particular resources/materials/technologies?

We will utilize indoor and outdoor thermometers, visual journals, various insulating materials (brought
from home), air-tight containers, ice cubes, Crisco, Ziplock bags.


What will you accept as evidence that learning has occurred at the conclusion of this unit?

Students will be assessed based on the presentation

of their insulators where they will report on what
What is the summative performance assessment
went well and what would they change, utilizing
for the unit?
proper language to explain the effects of their
Students should be able to identify steps followed
in constructing the objects and communicate the
results of the construction activities. I want my
What is the goal of your summative performance students to describe what they observed using
assessment as framed within the outcomes and pictorial and verbal communication and reflect on
competencies? What do you hope to learn? the purpose of the object they constructed as well
as identify areas upon which they could improve their
design through the identification of new questions
that arise from the investigation.
Based upon the student recorded responses and
documented presentations, I will be able to gauge
their understanding of the scientific method of
How will this assessment inform student investigation. This form of assessment will require
learning and your practice? the students to reflect on their learning journey and
identify areas that they can grow, also informing me
of their understandings.

Adapted from Wiggins, Grant & J. McTighe (1998)


For each lesson in the unit, consider the primary topic/activities, outcome and assessment. Does
each lesson build on the next?
Consider the following questions as you plan your sequence of lessons:
What events will help students engage with, explore, explain, elaborate on and evaluate the big idea in the
How will you help guide students to reflect, rethink and refine their work/ideas/understandings?
How will you help students to exhibit and self-evaluate their developing skills/knowledge/understandings?

How will you assess

What is the primary whether learning has
What are the primary activities
Lesson # objective of this lesson in occurred in each lesson?
in this lesson?
your own words? How will you employ
formative assessment?
1. To understand how we read and Overview of how to read a Students will offer verbal
measure temperature using a thermometer. feedback throughout class
thermometer. Reading resources utilized about discussion.
temperature and hot/cold.
Engage in a week long activity
reading and recording outdoor temp.
2. Use a thermometer to Mitten Experiment – students Students will record their
understand how insulators measure the air temp outside of the findings in their visual
function. mitten, inside of the mitten and inside journals and provide verbal
the mitten with their hand inside to feedback through class/peer
discover how insulation works. discussions.
3. Students can build an Design and construct a device to keep Students will record their
understanding of what an object cold – students made their progress on worksheets and
materials act as good insulators own coolers where they utilized present their findings to the
different materials to keep an ice cube class outlining their materials,
frozen. Students planned, built, the effectiveness of the
modified and presented their device to materials and some
communicate the process of building adjustments that could be
and the overall effectiveness of their improved.
4. Develop an understanding of Reading of books – covering animal Students will think-pair-share
the various adaptations that adaptations for hot/cold followed by throughout the readings,
keep animals hot and cold. discussion covering elephants’ and discussing thoughts and
polar bears’ different adaptations that questions about the animal
help them to maintain regulation. readings.
Crisco experiment – students would Students will provide written
cover one hand in lard, they would reports on their findings from
place the uncovered hand into a bowl the crisco experiment and
of icy water, then place their covered share those findings with a
hand into the icy water and record the peer.
difference in temp.

Adapted from Wiggins, Grant & J. McTighe (1998)


● How do you feel your students experienced this unit?

● Were they able to make explicit and self-evaluate their growing understanding, skills and/or
● Were you able to make good use of formative assessment for/of/as learning? How did this
information impact your summative assessment?
● Were you successful in reaching all students? How do you know? How did you accommodate for
diverse learners and those requiring accommodations?
● Were there opportunities to address Indigenous, multicultural and interdisciplinary activities and
● What went well and what needs refinement? What might you do differently next time?

Adapted from Wiggins, Grant & J. McTighe (1998)

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