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Letter Home from a New Country Assignment

In this assignment you will be writing a letter to home from the perspective of yourself if you had
immigrated to a different country. The countries you can choose from are China and Japan. You
will do research on this country before writing your letter to discover as much information as you
can about it that might make moving to this country difficult for you as an immigrant.

Why are we writing this letter? The purpose of this assignment is to show you how someone
might feel if they move to another country that they were not a part of before. How might they
struggle in this country? Do they have a way to communicate with the local population? Do they
know how to get around the area? Do they understand how this country's money works? Do
they know anyone in this country or are they all alone?

You will need to pretend that you have just arrived in the country and are trying to settle in.
What things are different from home and how? Are you happy here or are you uncomfortable?
Talk about these things and as many other things as you can in your letter home.

Step 1: Choose the country that you will be immigrating to: China or Japan circle your choice

Step 2: Begin your research using the research organizer provided by Mr. Hutchison - Laptops,
iPads, and a variety of books will be available. Start with the books before using technology.

Step 3: Hand in your research organizer to Mr. H. He will tell you if you have enough information
to begin writing your letter home.

Step 4: Begin writing your letter home only if Mr. H has said you have enough information to


● I have put my name on everything that Mr. H has given me

● I have chosen a country that I will be researching
● I have selected who I will be writing my letter to
● I have began to do my research
● I have filled out every space on the research organizer
● I have double checked that I have enough information written down
● I have shown Mr. H and he has said I may start writing my letter
● Mr. H has seen and approved my research organizer and I can begin writing my letter
Rubric for Letter Home

Excellent - 4 Great - 3 Acceptable - 2 Needs Work - 1

Content I have included as I have provided lots of I have provided some I have not provided
many details as I could details about the details about the enough details about
about the country I country that I have country I am the country that I am
have immigrated to immigrated to and immigrating to and immigrating to and
and have provided have provided some have shown little have not shown how
reasons as to why they reasons as to why they reason as to how they they are different from
are different from are different from are different from Canada.
Canada. Canada. Canada.

Craftsmanship My letter is in my nicest My letter is mostly My letter is somewhat My letter is not legible
printing and is legible legible and clear. legible and clear. or clear. There are
and clear. I have used There are a couple of There are a handful of many punctuation and
proper punctuation and minor punctuation and punctuation and spelling errors.
spelling with minimal spelling errors. spelling errors.

Use of Time I used my time I mostly used my time I used some of my time I did not use my time
effectively during effectively during effectively during effectively. I was
research and writing research and writing research and writing frequently off task and
periods. I was almost periods. I was usually periods. I was not working.
always on task and on task and working. sometimes on task and
working. working.

Perspective I have shown that I I have shown that I I have shown that I I have shown that I
have a good have an okay have some have little
understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the
struggles an immigrant struggles an immigrant struggles an immigrant struggles an immigrant
in a new country might in a new country might in a new country might in a new country might
face. face. face. face.


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