60 GHZ Cnwave Release Notes System Release 1.2.2

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60 GHz cnWave™

System Release 1.2.2

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phn-5221_013v001 October 2022

Contents 3

60 GHz cnWave™ System Release Information 4

Version information 4

60 GHz cnWave™ System Release 1.2.2 5

Applicability 5

Overview of features 5

Features introduced in System Release 1.2.2 5

Features introduced in System Release 1.2.1 15

Documents for reference 16

Embedded software 16

Software upgrade process 16

Using Onboard Controller 16

Problems corrected 20

Problems corrected in System Release 1.2.2 20

Problems corrected in System Release 1.2.1 21

Known issues or limitations 22

System Release 1.2.2 22

Technical support 22

Cambium Networks 23

Contents 3
60 GHz cnWave™ System Release Information
Version information
Document version Date of issue System Release

013V001 October 2022 1.2.2

010V003 February 2022 1.2.1

009V002 January 2022 1.2

60 GHz cnWave™ System Release Information 4

60 GHz cnWave™ System Release 1.2.2
This document provides information about the 60 GHz cnWave products of Cambium Networks.

The information in this document is subject to change without notice. The recommendations, technical
data, configurations, and statements in this document are believed to be reliable and accurate, but are
presented without implied or express warranty. Users must take full responsibility for their applications of
any product specified in this document. The information in this document is proprietary to Cambium
Networks Ltd.

60 GHz cnWave has the following four products:

l V1000 – Mid Gain Client Node (CN)

l V2000 - High Gain Client Node (CN)

l V3000 – High Gain Client Node (CN)

l V5000 - Distribution Node (DN)

Overview of features
This section lists the features introduced in the System Release 1.2.2. It also provides the information
about features covered in the following releases:

l Features introduced in System Release 1.2.2

l Features introduced in System Release 1.2.1

Features introduced in System Release 1.2.2

In this release, following features have been introduced:

l V2000 Client Node (CN)

l Quick PTP setup

l PTP External failover link

l V3000 Channel Bonding (CB2)

l GPS-Based system time

l Link Fade Margin (LFM) statistic

l The Show neighbour CLI command

60 GHz cnWave™ System Release 1.2.2 5

V2000 Client Node (CN)
The V2000 CN has been introduced in this release. This outdoor CN contains a 34.5 dBi antenna with
beamforming. It can support up to 3.6 Gbps for PTP and PMP configurations.

The V2000 CN (as shown in Figure 1) can support a single wireless link and hence, it can be used as a CN
in all topologies or POP in a PTP topology.

Figure 1: V2000 CN's front and rear views

This CN can be connected to a DN. The CN can also act as a DN for PTP deployments. It supports a 2.5
Gigabit Ethernet Main interface and 2.5 Gigabit Ethernet Aux interface.

For more information about the V2000 CN features and installation, refer to the 60 GHz cnWave™ User

Quick PTP setup

The Quick PTP Setup tool has been introduced in this release. This user-friendly tool is used for quickly
creating a PTP link between the PoP and the CN. This option eliminates the long process used for
creating a PTP link with Onboard Controller in the Topology UI page.


The Quick PTP Setup tool is supported only on V1000, V2000, and V3000 products.

With the Quick PTP Setup tool, you can skip the long process of creating a PTP link in the Topology page
that involves the following actions:

1. Enabling of Onboard Controller on the required node that can also act as a PoP node.

2. Adding a site for the CN node.

3. Adding a node for the CN node.

4. Creating a link between the PoP and the CN nodes.

The Quick PTP Setup tool enables you to quickly create the PTP link using the simple process. This easy
option is available on the Tools page of the device UI, as shown in Figure 2.

60 GHz cnWave™ System Release 1.2.2 6

Figure 2: The Quick PTP Setup tab on the Tools page

When you navigate to the Tools > Quick PTP Setup page, enter the MAC address of the required CN node
(which is connected) in the CN MAC Address text box. Then, click Start PTP Setup. This two-step simple
process creates the PTP link between the PoP and the CN, quickly.

When you configure Quick PTP Setup, the unit turns to a DN running E2E Controller with Layer 2 and
default IPv4 address of When the client onboards, E2E Controller pushes the configuration to
a CN with the IPv4 address of


You can also access the MAC address of the connected CN in the Device Information section
of the main Dashboard page (of the device UI).

You can view the connected PoP and CN details on the Topology page of the device UI. For more
information on viewing the Topology page, refer to the 60 GHz cnWave™ User Guide.

PTP External failover link

In this release, the external failover link feature has been introduced. This feature supports the failover of
a 60 GHz cnWave RF link using external devices such as PTP450 and ePMP.


System Release 1.2.2 and later subsequent release versions support the external failover link
feature for Point-to-Point (PTP) links. The external failover interface must not be the same
as PoP, Relay, or Out of Band (OOB) interface.

This feature does not support V1000 (which contains only one port).

Figure 3 shows how a 60 GHz cnWave PTP link is backed up with a PTP450 link. You can consider the 60
GHz link (as shown in Figure 3) as the primary link and 5 GHz link as the secondary link.

60 GHz cnWave™ System Release 1.2.2 7

Figure 3: Backing up the 60 GHz cnWave PTP link

Scenario 1:

Scenario 2:

Whenever a 60 GHz link is up or active, traffic flows through the 60 GHz cnWave link. When the 60 GHz
link is down, traffic fails over (shifts) to the 5 GHz link (PTP450). When the 60 GHz link is back (up), the
traffic shifts instantly over to the 60 GHz cnWave link.

You can configure the external failover link feature using the device UI or the cnMaestro UI.

Using the device UI:

To enable and configure the external failover link feature using the device UI, perform the following steps:

60 GHz cnWave™ System Release 1.2.2 8

1. From the home page of the device UI, navigate to the Configuration > Nodes > Networking page.

The Networking page appears.

2. In the PTP External Failover section (as shown in Figure 4), set the following configurations:

a. To set the Ethernet interface for a node connected to external failover link, select either Aux
or Main (Ethernet ports) from the External Failover Link parameter.

By default, the Disabled option is selected.

Figure 4: The PTP External Failover section in the device UI

b. Enter either IPv4 or IPv6 address of the external failover device In the External Failover
Device IPv4 or IPv6 Address text box.


Ensure that IPv6 is enabled in the external failover device.

3. Click Submit to save the changes.

Using the cnMaestro UI

To configure the external failover link feature, add and manage the following configurations in the
Advanced page of cnMaestro UI:

l Ethernet interface for each node: Configure the Ethernet interface in PoP and CN, which are
connected to the failover link. You must select the Ethernet port to which the external device is
connected. Open/R protocol runs on this interface.

l External failover interface address (IP address): An optional configuration that is required only if
you want to access the AP or SM UI from the upstream. You must configure the IP address of
external devices (for example, PTP450 or ePMP). This IP address must be in a different subnet
other than node IP address or seed prefix.

The IP address can be either IPv4 or IPv6. However, ensure that external failover devices have IPv6

60 GHz cnWave™ System Release 1.2.2 9

l Remote external failover node address: Configure the remote external failover node address. You
can access the external failover device UI using http://<cnwave node IP>:50080/ or
https://<cnwave node IP>:50443/.

To configure the external failover link feature using the cnMaestro UI, perform the following steps:

1. From the dashboard page of the cnMaestro UI, navigate to the Monitor and Manage > Networks >
Configuration > Node > Advanced page.

The Advanced page appears.

2. To add and manage the Ethernet interface for each node (PoP and CN), Click Add New located at
the right side of the page.

The Add new field page appears.

3. In the Field Name text box, provide envParams.CAMBIUM_EXTERNAL_FAILOVER_IFACE (in String

format) for each node, as shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5: The Add new field page in the cnMaestro UI

4. In the Value field, enter an appropriate value.

5. Click Save.

The Advanced page is updated the new entry that you added.

6. Click Submit located at the right side of the Advanced page.

Similarly, you must add and manage the following configurations, separately, using the Add New
button on the Advanced page:

l For external failover interface address (IP address), provide envParams.CAMBIUM_

EXTERNAL_FAILOVER_IFACE_ADDR (in String format) in the Field Name text box, as shown in
Figure 6.

60 GHz cnWave™ System Release 1.2.2 10

Figure 6: Configuring the external failover interface address

l For remote external failover node address, provide envParams.CAMBIUM_EXTERNAL_

FAILOVER_NODE_ADDR (in String format) in the Field Name text box, as shown in Figure 7.

Figure 7: Configuring the remote external failover node address

Then, you must ensure to provide an appropriate value in the Value text box for each
configuration. Finally, you must save and submit each configuration.


Following limitations are observed in this release specific to the external failover feature:

l There is no representation of an external failover link in the Map page.

l There are no statistics available on the external failover link.

l No other UI or cnMaestro used for configuring the external failover interface and address.
This feature can be configured only through the Configuration > Nodes > Advanced page.

V3000 Channel Bonding (CB2)

In this release, support for CB2 channels – 9, 10, and 11 has been added for the V3000 products only.

60 GHz cnWave™ System Release 1.2.2 11

Channel bonding (CB2) doubles the channel bandwidth by combining channels 1+2 (Ch9), 2+3 (Ch10), or
3+4 (Ch11). You can configure this feature by selecting a CB2 channel from the Configuration > Node >
Radio page of the device UI. For more information about configuring the Node > Radio page, refer to the
60 GHz cnWave™ User Guide.

With the Channel bonding (CB2) configuration, following changes have been observed:

l Throughput:

The aggregate throughput is up to 3.6 Gbps in CB1 or 5.4 Gbps in CB2.

l Fast path:

Fast path works only in a standalone PTP topology. This new feature reduces the processing
burden in the case of a single endpoint. That is, a topology consisting of a single wireless link
between two V3000 nodes. Using this feature, in a standalone V3000-to-V3000 link, the
maximum unidirectional TCP throughput in the downlink direction has been boosted up to 2.7
Gbps. This feature will be enabled, automatically, in the above configuration.

l Link budget:

Similar to any wireless bridge, doubling the channel bandwidth might desensitize the receiver by
up to 3 dB. Additionally, when switching from channel 4 to channel 3+4, for instance, on long
range links, there might be a reduction in the link budget due to the higher oxygen absorption in
channel 3. Therefore, Cambium Networks recommends checking stability in the lower of the two
channels without channel bonding first. Support for channel bonding in LINKPlanner is under

GPS-Based system time

The GPS-based system time has been added in this release. The system uses GPS as the time source in
the absence of Network Time Protocol (NTP). However, NTP is the preferred source of time (when

Link Fade Margin (LFM) statistic

The Link Fade Margin statistic parameter has been added to the Statistics > Links page of the device UI.
This parameter displays statistic values (in dB) for each RF link.


In case of cnMaestro X UI, the Link Fade Margin statistic parameter is available on the Node
> Links > Statistics page.

The Link Fade Margin statistic values help operators to quickly assess any additional system gain or
marginal RF links (if any) that fade due to weather (in typical cases) or the other temporary RF link
impairments. These low marginal RF links must be addressed. In such scenarios, the typical addressing
options are:

l Changing an existing client node (CN) for either a V2000 or V3000 device (to get more margin),

l Using a V2000 or V3000 as a relay on the V5000 to extend the DN to DN range, or

l Dropping an intermediate DN node such that their RF paths are shorter, resulting in a much larger

The Link Fade Margin statistic value calculation is based on:

60 GHz cnWave™ System Release 1.2.2 12

l Checking the RSSI received from a remote transmitter,

l Assessing the availability of TX power (from the remote transmitter), and

l Considering the RSSI value that is calculated based on how far away it is from an established
receiver sensitively floor of -72 dBm.

Figure 8 is an example of how the Link Fade Margin statistic values are displayed on the device UI.

Figure 8: The Link Fade Margin parameter in the device UI

Figure 9 is an example of how the Link Fade Margin statistic values are displayed on the cnMaestro X UI.

Figure 9: The Link Fade Margin parameter in the cnMaestro X UI

By default, the Link Fade Margin statistic parameter is disabled in the cnMaestro X UI. To enable this
parameter, click on the icon (as shown in Figure 9) in the Node > Links > Statistics page and select the
Link Fade Margin check box from the drop-down list. Then, the Node > Links > Statistics page displays
the Link Fade Margin column with statistic values for each RF link.

Figure 10 is an example of how the Link Fade Margin statistic values are shown through a graph on the
Node > Performance page of the cnMaestro X UI.

60 GHz cnWave™ System Release 1.2.2 13

Figure 10: The Link Fade Margin graph

You can also view the Link Fade Margin statistic values on the Maps page in the cnMaestro X UI. To view
the statistic values, select LFM from the Mode drop-down list in the Link Overlay section of the Maps

Figure 11 shows how the Link Fade Margin statistic values are displayed for each RF link on the Maps page
of the cnMaestro X UI.

Figure 11: The Link Fade Margin values on the Maps page

The Show neighbour CLI command

The Show neighbor CLI command has been introduced in this release for the debugging purpose. When
you execute this CLI command at the CLISH prompt, the command performs the following functions:

l Looks up the IPv6 Neighbour Discovery table and

l Displays the details of currently available IPv6 neighbor nodes.

Figure 12 is an example of output of the Show neighbor CLI command.

60 GHz cnWave™ System Release 1.2.2 14

Figure 12: The Show neighbor CLI command output

Features introduced in System Release 1.2.1

No new features have been introduced in System Release 1.2.1. Some issues (problems) have been fixed.

For more details about the fixed issues, refer to the Problems corrected in System Release 1.2.1 section.

60 GHz cnWave™ System Release 1.2.2 15

Documents for reference
Following documents are available for the 60 GHz cnWave products:

l 60 GHz cnWave™ Release Notes (this document)

l 60 GHz cnWave™ Quick Start Guide

l 60 GHz cnWave™ User Guide

l 60 GHz cnWave™ Product Leaflet

l 60 GHz cnWave E2E Controller User Guide

Embedded software
Download the following image files from the Support site:

l For V5000 and V3000: cnwave60ghz-v5000-v3000-upgrd-<release>.img

l For V2000: cnwave60ghz-v2000-upgrd-<release>.img

l For V1000: cnwave60ghz-v1000-upgrd-<release>.img

Software upgrade process

Using Onboard Controller
The Software Upgrade menu page is used to upgrade the installed software. This page contains three

l Node Upgrade - to upgrade the node

l Images - to upgrade the software images
l Node Upgrade Status - displays the upgrade status

60 GHz cnWave™ System Release 1.2.2 16

Upload the images
1. Login to the onboard controller and select the Software upgrade option.

2. Go to the Images tab, click Upload and upload both the images one by one.

3. Both files are listed below.

60 GHz cnWave™ System Release 1.2.2 17

These steps download and flash the image on the device. There are separate images for V1000, V2000,
and V5000/V3000.

1. Select all V1000s, click Prepare and select the V1000 image as shown below:

2. Upgrade status shows the image ‘Downloading’, ‘Downloaded’, ‘Flashing’, ‘Flashed’ states.
Similarly, select all V5000, V3000, or V2000s and click Prepare (as shown in the below figures).

60 GHz cnWave™ System Release 1.2.2 18

1. After all the devices are in a flashed state, select all the nodes and click Commit.

60 GHz cnWave™ System Release 1.2.2 19

Problems corrected
This section lists the problems (issues) fixed or corrected in the System Release 1.2.2. It also provides
information about the problems corrected in each release.

l System Release 1.2.2

l System Release 1.2.1

Problems corrected in System Release 1.2.2

The following table provides information about the problems fixed (corrected) in System Release 1.2.2:

Issue Number Products Description

60 GHz cnWave- V2000 and V5000 POE has been enabled in boot loader to reduce CPE's
2611 down time.

60 GHz cnWave- All The Quick Start UI page did not display the maximum
2960 EIRP.

60 GHz cnWave- All Sometimes, E2E Controller did not respond when a node
2696 was added or the replace node option was used.

60 GHz cnWave- V1000 The IPv4 address of V1000 node over wireless was not
2697 accessible when the Ethernet port was disabled.

60 GHz cnWave- All Downtime on PoP addition has been reduced to 40

2720 seconds.

60 GHz cnWave- All E2E Controller 's minion was unresponsive during the
2730 longevity test.

60 GHz cnWave- All The Reset reason has been added to the dashboard in
2763 the UI.

60 GHz cnWave- All GUI: When a relay port was added, the added warning
2767 pop up to indicate that IPv4 address was not accessible
on the relay port.

The PoP interface was an exception.

60 GHz cnWave- All A 10 minute idle timeout has been introduced for SSH
2774 sessions.

60 GHz cnWave- All Sometimes, the default Factory Reset option on the
2775 Recovery page did not work.

60 GHz cnWave- All EIRP for the Japan country code has been corrected.

60 GHz cnWave- All The primary link went down when the backup CN link
2859 was added.

60 GHz cnWave- All The link distance calculation has been improved for not
2908 using altitude delta when the altitude of any site is zero.

60 GHz cnWave™ System Release 1.2.2 20

Issue Number Products Description

60 GHz cnWave- All The Antenna Alignment page has two states. While the
2917 alignment tool was running, the alignment beam was
reported on the grid, displaying azimuth, elevation, and
RSSI. When the alignment tool was not running and the
link was up, the grid displayed the operational beam. The
wrong azimuth and elevation were being reported
during the operational state only.

Note: There is no impact on the reported beam

during alignment.

60 GHz cnWave- All The wrong beam index was reported in the Statistics
2928 page (in rare cases) after running the software alignment

Note: There is no impact on the reported beam

during alignment.

60 GHz cnWave- All DHCPv6 Logs are added to the UI.


Problems corrected in System Release 1.2.1

The following table provides information about the problems fixed (corrected) in System Release 1.2.1:

Issue Number Products Description

60 GHz cnWave-2595 All When DHCPv6 Relay was enabled, the local time at the CN or
DN node jumped forward on every DHCPv6 lease renewal.

60 GHz cnWave-2614 All When Management VLAN was configured on PoP nodes, the L2
GRE tunnel failover did not work when a CN or DN reached the
tunnel endpoint PoP through another PoP.

60 GHz cnWave-2616 All Enabled the SSH command from the CLI.

60 GHz cnWave-2626 All Could not click the Enable button when setting up the Onboard
E2E Controller. This issue was observed after an upgrade from a
factory clean 1.0 to 1.2.

60 GHz cnWave-2629 All Sometimes, the links did not form between the nodes when the
wireless security was enabled.

60 GHz cnWave- All Sometimes, the devices did not onboard to the cnMaestro
23810 Cloud.

60 GHz cnWave™ System Release 1.2.2 21

Known issues or limitations
This section lists the known issues or limitations observed in each release.

System Release 1.2.2

The following table lists the known issue or limitation observed in System Release 1.2.2:

Issue Number Products Description

60 GHz cnWave- V3000 Description: When the SFP module is present and the SFP link is
2360 V5000 not used, then the device reboots periodically.

Workaround: Disable the SFP port when the module is present but
not in use.

60 GHz cnWave- V2000, Description: A node changing from DN to CN or vice versa requires
2896 V3000, reboot.

60 GHz cnWave- V2000 Description: With the Aux port negotiated to 2.5 Gbps, the Main
3136 port will not work at 1 Gbps for V2000.

Workaround: Limit the Aux port to 1 Gbps (using link partner) to

use 1 Gbps on the Main port.

Technical support
For technical support, visit the Support website of Cambium Networks.

60 GHz cnWave™ System Release 1.2.2 22

Cambium Networks
Cambium Networks delivers wireless communications that work for businesses, communities, and cities
worldwide. Millions of our radios are deployed to connect people, places and things with a unified
wireless fabric that spans multiple standards and frequencies of fixed wireless and Wi-Fi, all managed
centrally via the cloud. Our multi-gigabit wireless fabric offers a compelling value proposition over
traditional fiber and alternative wireless solutions. We work with our Cambium certified
ConnectedPartners to deliver purpose built networks for service provider, enterprise, industrial, and
government connectivity solutions in urban, suburban, and rural environments, with wireless that just

Installation and User Guides http://www.cambiumnetworks.com/guides

Technical training https://learning.cambiumnetworks.com/learn

Support website (enquiries) https://support.cambiumnetworks.com

Main website http://www.cambiumnetworks.com

Sales enquiries solutions@cambiumnetworks.com

Warranty https://www.cambiumnetworks.com/support/standard-warranty/

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Address Cambium Networks Limited,

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Eastern Road,
Devon, TQ13 7UP
United Kingdom


Cambium Networks and the stylized circular logo are trademarks of Cambium Networks, Ltd. All other
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Cambium Networks 23

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