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Food and Body Wellness Grade 1, 2, 3

Title of Unit
Curriculum P.E and Wellness Time 6 lesson (2 week span)
Area(s) Frame

Developed by Shael Bourne


Programs of Study Foundations

What program foundations form the emphasis of the unit? What big ideas from the program of studies will you include?

Healthy Eating: A lifetime of optimal well-being and physical wellness is supported by prioritizing nutrition
and healthy eating.

Essential Question
What is the big, overarching question guiding your unit plan?

How does food impact health and wellbeing, and how does it function within our lives?
G.1 - How can food affect health?
​G. 2 - How can food impact well-being?
G. 3 - How does nutrition function in the body?

Unit Plan Outcomes

What are the program of studies general outcomes and specific competencies to be covered in your unit?
What will students understand, be able to do, be able to apply?

G.1 Students examine and connect a variety of foods to growth and development.
- Students investigate how healthy relationships in learning and playing environments are built through
G.2 - Students examine internal and external factors that influence food choices and decisions.
- Students examine how growth is affected by variables.
- Students connect healthy relationships to a variety of learning and playing contexts.
- What kinds of natural resources exist in the communities (e.g., fishing, agriculture, mining)?
G.3 - Students investigate food and describe how it affects the body.
- Students examine and describe development related to personal growth.
- Students investigate and describe how problem solving can affect healthy relationships.


Adapted from Wiggins, Grant & J. McTighe (1998)
What resources will you require? Will there be guest speakers/field trips to plan for?
Will you need particular resources/materials/technologies?

Food Origin photos and associated food words, visual journals, Riddle slips and collection jar, poster paper,
Just Ask! book, SmartBOARD, Bingo board.


What will you accept as evidence that learning has occurred at the conclusion of this unit?

Summative assessment will be determined through

What is the summative performance assessment
their completion of the sorting activity, written
for the unit?
journal entries and BINGO game.
The goal of my summative assessment is to examine
students' understanding of how relationships,
growth and development are impacted by
different variables and how this impacts the body.
What is the goal of your summative performance Students will explore natural resources in their
assessment as framed within the outcomes and communities to connect a variety of foods to
competencies? What do you hope to learn? growth and development. Through this
understanding of foods’ impact on the body, students
will demonstrate an understanding of how this
impacts healthy relationships and connection both
with others and themselves.
This assessment will inform student’s learning
through self-reflection while developing their poster
How will this assessment inform student and writing their journal entries. This will further
learning and your practice? inform my practice by giving me insight into their
connections with themselves and their understanding
of healthy relationships.


For each lesson in the unit, consider the primary topic/activities, outcome and assessment. Does
each lesson build on the next?
Consider the following questions as you plan your sequence of lessons:
What events will help students engage with, explore, explain, elaborate on and evaluate the big idea in the
How will you help guide students to reflect, rethink and refine their work/ideas/understandings?
How will you help students to exhibit and self-evaluate their developing skills/knowledge/understandings?

Adapted from Wiggins, Grant & J. McTighe (1998)

How will you assess
What is the primary whether learning has
What are the primary activities
Lesson # objective of this lesson in occurred in each lesson?
in this lesson?
your own words? How will you employ
formative assessment?
1. To get the students to begin to What Food does for our Bodies Students will engage in a
consider their relationship with - talk about what it means to be class discussion, participating
food, thinking about how we healthy and how we talk in a think-pair-share
talk about and classify food about/classify food as being discussion about their
unhealthy relationship to food
- place emphasis on how we eat
different foods for different
reasons (as fuel, for
celebration, emotional
connections, etc.)
2. Students will gain a better Food Origin Sort Students will match their
understanding of what a whole - students will learn about foods to their respective
food is and where is it grown whole foods versus processed origins, recording their
foods responses in their visual
- they will learn about and sort journals
foods into their food origin
location (farm, orchard,
garden etc.)
3. Students will demonstrate their Food Origin Discussion Students will engage in a
learnings from the Sorting - students will informally presentations to their peers
activity present their findings from sharing their sorting decisions
their sorting activity, and explaining why/why they
providing justification for why did not place foods with their
they placed certain foods with origins
each origin
4. Students will further their Food Riddles Riddles will be written and
exploration of foods by - I will provide examples (and answered by the students, for
learning about and developing for g.1s, a template) of food the students demonstrating
riddles containing facts about riddles their understanding of the
foods - ensuring to include - students will be able to food, including
origin ongoingly enter in their food characteristics, origin,
riddles into the jar for their processes involved, and other
classmates to solve facts
5. Students will further their EveryBODY is Different Activity Students will create a journal
understanding of what a - Students will engage in a entry and a one-page poster
healthy body is, grow their discussion, sharing their celebrating their differences
appreciation that every body is differences with one another, and uniqueness
different and deserving of taking notice of others’
respect and enhance their answers being different than
relationship with their own their own

Adapted from Wiggins, Grant & J. McTighe (1998)

- Students will engage in a
writing/drawing assignment
illustrating on a poster things
that are unique about
6. Students will further their Just Ask! Students will engage in a
appreciation for different - we will critically read the critical thinking discussion
bodies that extend beyond our book Just Ask! engaging in and share with a peer their
classroom community class discussions throughout understanding of the topics
the reading covered in the book reading.
Celebrating Differences Bingo Students will also
- students will be given a Bingo demonstrate their
board where they will have to appreciation for connection
find a different classmate for and relationships through the
each bingo item completion of a BINGO


● How do you feel your students experienced this unit?

● Were they able to make explicit and self-evaluate their growing understanding, skills and/or
● Were you able to make good use of formative assessment for/of/as learning? How did this
information impact your summative assessment?
● Were you successful in reaching all students? How do you know? How did you accommodate for
diverse learners and those requiring accommodations?
● Were there opportunities to address Indigenous, multicultural and interdisciplinary activities and
● What went well and what needs refinement? What might you do differently next time?

Adapted from Wiggins, Grant & J. McTighe (1998)

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