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Definition of Security:

1. Secure- in Latin Securus which means “Safe” or “Without care”.

2. Se cura- se means “Free from” and cura means “Care”
3. ISECOM- The Institute For Security and Open Methodologies is open community and a non-
profit organization that published in 2001
4.OSSTMM- Open Source Security Testing Methodology Manual, was release in 2010.
5. It is possible to have total of 100% security if the threat and the asset are completely separated
from each other. We call security the

Related Concepts:
1. Assets- is anything tangible or intangible it means nahahawakan at hindi nahahawakan.
2. Risk- is the uncertainty of financial loss.
3. Threat- is anything that could be possible affect assets such as; natural hazards.
4. Vulnerability- means weakness, flaw, or virtually anything that may conceivably be exploited
by a threat. Example out of date key syster or computer viruses.

Categories of Security: These 3 main categories covered in this book.

1. Physical Security- Pertains to all physical barriers employed or installed to secure assets.
2. Personnel Security- Refers to the procedure followed.
3. Document and information Security- Refers to policies, regulations, doctrines, and criteria

3 main categories part 2 of this book.

1. Public Security- Government are ensuring the protection of its citizens, organizations, and
institutions against threat.
2. National Security- Maintain the survival of a state through the use economic power,
diplomacy and political power.
3. International Security- Measures taken by nations and international organizations to ensure
mutual survival and safety.

1. Industrial Security- is a form of physical security involving industrial plants and business
2. Bank and Armor security- Protection resulting from the application of various measures
which safeguards cash and assets in the storage.
3. Hotel Security- Protection for the guests, personnel properties and functions in hotels,
restaurants, bars, and clubs.
4. VIP Security- Protection of top-ranking officials of the government, visiting persons of
illustrious standing and foreign dignitaries.
5. Operation Security- Protection of processes, formula, patents, and industrial and
manufacturing activities from espionage, infiltration, loss, compromise or infringement.
6. Communication Security- Safeguard resulting from the application of different measures
which prevent or delay the enemy or unauthorized person from gaining information through
communication including transmission and cryptographic.
7. Mall/Commercial Security- Protection against danger, loss, and crime inside malls.

Security Management in Organization

Historical Roots of Security

Pre-historic times- Need to keep himself safe from both known and unknown enemies such as
animals, other inhabitants and environment itself. Used different methods to keep himself safe
such as crafting weapons out of stone and metals, building fire to wards off animals, staying in
caves or tree houses, and even staying in the middle of the lake for protection.

The Greek of the Ancient- First police force in city states which they termed polis.
The Romans- Established the Praetorian Guards known as vigiles who were tasked to be fire

In the Middle Ages- The invasion of England Shires or Sheriff after the peace and order of the
different regions. The greatest influence in the History of Security came from England.

Security in Philippine History

Monarchs- called Datu or Lakan

Servants- called aliping namamahay who acted as their watchman or protector.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

-Declaration of Human Rights, which was adopted by the UN on 10 of December 1948
-Everyone has right to life, liberty and security of person (Article 3)

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