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Work hard,
Jobs | Work | Talking about the future |
Working conditions | Future Continuous 7 4.2 WORD FRIENDS Find these phrases in 10 4.3 Study Vocabulary box B. Check you

dream big!
Job training | Success at work the emails in Exercise 6 and write the missing understand the words.
words. Listen and check.
1 apply for a job VOCABULARY B Working conditions

2 be/ part of a team
Pros do/work overtime flexible working hours hourly rate

3 unemployed member of staff paid holiday pay rise
1 Working flexibly. You can take time off 4 voluntary work
whenever you need to take care of personal temporary/permanent contract well-paid/badly-paid
stuff, see friends and take the dog for a walk! 5 a salary/wage
2 Being more productive. Fewer meetings 6 a promotion
and workplace chats mean it’s easier to 7 get fired 11 Choose the correct option.
concentrate, so you can be more efficient. 8 give up/ a job
3 Saving money. You don’t need to pay for train 9 an interview
tickets or buy lunch in cafés or restaurants. Hi Ellie,
10 your colleagues
Cons I’ve got a new job working full-time for a

11 /write a CV

translation agency! I’m the newest member
1 Working more. No separation between work and 12 a contract of 1staff / work. It’s a(n) 2overtime / temporary
home means you may end up doing overtime contract for now – just six months, but I'm really
and working too much. 8 Complete the questions with the correct form of
happy here. We have flexible 3permanent /
2 Feeling bored. You can feel lonely and fed-up, verbs from Exercise 7. Then, in pairs, discuss working hours, so I can work from home three
and miss the company of your colleagues. the questions. days a week. When we have a big job on, we
have to do some 4overtime / rate, but I don’t

The Pros and Cons

3 Being less productive. It’s easy to put off work 1 Do you think you need to mention your hobbies mind. Firstly, because the hourly 5rate / rise is
by doing housework or making lunch, so you when you write your CV? higher when you work extra hours and secondly,
may work less and fall behind. 2 How do you think most people feel when they because I love the work. Translating is fun. It’s
an interview? Why? not 6badly-paid / well-paid either. The money’s a
lot better than it was in my old job. And my boss
3 Do you like to part of a team or do
4.1 Vocabulary
says I’ll get a 7pay / voluntary rise soon. There are
you prefer to work alone? Why? quite generous paid 8holidays / wages, too.
4 Have you ever any voluntary work?
So let’s start planning our trip in August!
Work and jobs Would you like to? If so, what kind?

1 What do you think are the advantages and
disadvantages of working from home?

2 Read the text above. Does it mention any of

your ideas from Exercise 1?

4.1 Study Vocabulary box A. Which of the jobs

do you think you can do easily from home?

accountant blogger cleaner electrician engineer
6 Read the emails. What work is Jenny doing now?
What’s her new job?

Hey, Sandra,
Did you hear about Jenny? She quit her job as a
lab assistant. She didn’t feel part of the team in
that company and she had no chance of getting
a promotion there. For now, she’s doing some
voluntary work as a shop assistant in a charity
shop, but she’s applied for lots of jobs and sent off
over twenty CVs. She has two interviews tomorrow,
5 Can you think of some reasons why people

fired from their job?
6 Do you think it’s more important to
a good salary or to have a job you enjoy?
7 How do you think most people feel when they
unemployed? Why?
8 Can you think of some reasons why people

for a new one?

up their job and start looking

9 Read the advert for the job Jenny got. What do

you think attracted her to the job?

12 Which of the things below do you think are

the most important things in a job? Discuss
in pairs.
chances of promotion flexible working hours
friendly boss/colleagues generous holidays
high salary interesting work
possibility to work from home

influencer interpreter librarian mechanic one for a job as a translator and another as an app
plumber psychologist translator
Compound nouns
developer. I hope she gets one of them.
Cheers, Chelsea 13 15 Watch five people
Mark Communicators
app developer computer programmer fashion designer talking about the jobs below.
film director flight attendant freelance journalist Would you like to be a member of staff in Which jobs do they think should be
lab assistant music critic personal trainer London’s best translation and interpreting better-paid?
shop assistant travel agent Sandra, company? We offer well-paid jobs with
bin collector office worker soldier
Good news! Jenny got the job in the translation permanent contracts, flexible working
street sweeper
4 I KNOW! In pairs, add more jobs to Vocabulary agency! She’s going to the office tomorrow to hours, regular pay rises and five weeks
sign the contract and to meet her new colleagues.
box A. Say which are easy to do from home.
She isn’t going to earn a high salary, but she can
paid holidays a year. If you’re ambitious, 14 Which jobs would you like/not like to do?
work from home and she’s just happy she’s not
a hard worker and don’t mind and doing Which jobs should be better paid? Why?
5 In pairs, take it in turns to describe a job from unemployed anymore. some overtime, visit our website and send Discuss in pairs.
Vocabulary box A for your partner to guess. us your CV. I wouldn’t like to be a mechanic. I hate cars.
See you soon,
I help people understand each other when they Mark I think all jobs should be well-paid.
don’t speak the same language.

Unit 4 50 I can talk about jobs and work. 51 Unit 4

M04 WiderWorld SB4 42474.indd 50-51 28/12/21 8:19 PM

4.2 Grammar 4.3 Reading and Vocabulary
Talking about the future Virtual reality training

1 What are the advantages and disadvantages of GRAMMAR Talking about the future 1 Look at the title of the article. What are the
an open-air cinema? Do you think it would be advantages of virtual reality training? Read Training for work with virtual reality
fun to work in one? will the introduction to the article and check.

Today more and more people are improving their
I’ll send you a photo. (spontaneous decision)
professional skills thanks to virtual reality (VR).The companies
I won’t miss the British weather. (prediction) 2 4.6 Read the article and answer the that provide virtual training say it’s faster, safer and
be going to questions. cheaper than traditional training. It gives trainees practical
I’m going to work there. (plan) Fearne experience. They can work in teams or independently. And
It’s going to be great. (prediction based on facts) 1 What kind of surgeon does Fearne want they can learn without worrying about making expensive
Present Continuous to be? mistakes. We spoke to three virtual reality trainees.
My uncle is starting a new business this summer. (arrangement) 2 Who gave her help during a virtual
Present Simple operation?
My flight leaves the day after we finish school. (schedule) 3 What does she say gives better results: VR

Look at the future forms of can and must. training or traditional training?
I can go swimming. → I’ll be able to go swimming. Sean
You must come and visit me. → You’ll have to come and visit me. 1 According to Sean, what improves trainees’
GRAMMAR TIME PAGE 000 2 What has he been learning to avoid
4 Complete the second sentence so that it means
the same as the first one. Use no more than 3 What will the VR training allow him to do?
three words. Dylan
1 Why is Dylan not happy at his job? A Fearne, 25, trainee surgeon
1 They’ve arranged to visit their friend at the
2 Where is he doing the VR training? ‘Virtual reality is a valuable tool for the medical
profession. I’m a qualified doctor, but I’m training to
They are visiting their friend at the weekend. 3 What advantage of VR training does
be a specialist in sporting injuries. Yesterday I took
2 They’re expecting to be well-paid. he mention? part in a training workshop. I operated on a knee
without using a real body. It felt just like the real

Hi, Matt!
4.4 Read the email. What is Paolo’s plan for
the summer?

What are you going to do in the summer? I’m going

to Italy. My uncle is starting a new business this
summer. It’s an open-air cinema and I’m going
to work there (I’ll send you a photo of the cinema
They think

4 I’m planning to quit my job.

3 The boat is scheduled to leave at 4 p.m.
The boat at 4 p.m.

quit my job.

4.5 Choose the correct option. Listen and check.

Scott: Are you OK? You look worried!
Fran: I am! My interview at the bakery 1will be / is
in half an hour!
Scott: Are you looking for a job?
Fran: Yes. I 2’m going / ’ll go on holiday next month;
it’s all booked. My flight 3leaves / will leave
3 4.7 Study the highlighted job training
phrases in the article. Complete the text
with the correct form of the verbs. Listen
and check.

I’m 1doing a training course in Travel and

Tourism at college. It’s a great course. They
2 virtual training to 3
students practical experience. I 4
part in a VR workshop for the first time
yesterday. It was great to 5

situations. During the workshop, we

opportunity to use my skills in different
thing. While we were working on our virtual patients,
we were getting feedback from the professor. On
the screen, you can see what you’ve done, what to
do next and how well you’re doing. It seems that VR
training produces better surgeons. In one study, VR
trainees’ scores were 230 percent higher than those of
traditionally trained students.’
B Sean, 20, construction worker
‘Virtual training’s a great way to gain work experience. It’s
like playing video games, which is cool because I think
you learn better when you’re enjoying yourself. It’s so
real. You totally feel as if you’re six floors up on a building
site. This week we’ve been learning how to avoid
later). My uncle lives next to the sea and I’m not on the first. So I need to earn some money!
6 feedback from the teacher. It’s just dangerous situations like falling off a high building. That’s
going to work in the morning, so I’ll be able to go what I need because I’m 7 to be a really important because there are a lot of workplace
swimming every day before lunch. I’ll probably Scott: Oh, right. Where 4 do you go / are you going?
specialist in hotel management and with VR, accidents in the construction industry. I’ve done a few
spend my mornings on the beach with my cousins Fran: Ireland. My aunt has invited us, so we training courses, but this is the best I’ve ever done. I’m
and then I’ll work with my uncle in the evenings. It’s 5’re staying / ’ll stay at her house in Dublin. I can 8 relevant work experience
without leaving the college. sure this qualification will help me get a good job.’
going to be great.
Scott: Cool. 6Will you be able to / Are you able to
My flight leaves the day after we finish school and travel around Ireland a bit? C Dylan, 21, computer programmer

I fly back to the UK on 30 August. You’ll have to ‘My job’s OK. I recently got a promotion. But it’s not
Fran: Definitely. Cork, Galway, Donegal …
come and visit me before then. I’m going to miss what I want to do. I want to be a pilot. The problem
4 In pairs, discuss the WORLD
hanging out with my friends, but I’m sure I won’t is flying lessons are expensive. So, when I heard there
miss the British weather! questions. was a vacancy on a VR training course for pilots at my
Bye for now, 6 In pairs, take it in turns to ask and WORLD 1 Would you like to do a VR training local college, I applied and I was lucky enough to be
Paolo answer questions about your course? Why?/Why not? accepted. I’m so happy to have got an opportunity to
partner’s plans for this evening/next weekend/ fly. It’s not exactly like the real thing, but it’s pretty good.
2 What jobs do you think you will be able
the summer holidays. And, of course, it’s totally safe. The other day I crashed
3 Study the Grammar box. Find more examples of to train for with VR in the future?
when I was landing at the airport, and nobody got hurt.’
the future forms in the email.

Unit 4 52 I can use different tenses to talk about future events. I can understand an article about virtual reality. 53 Unit 4

M04 WiderWorld SB4 42474.indd 52-53 28/12/21 8:19 PM

4.4 Grammar 4.5 Listening and Vocabulary
Future Continuous Success at work

1 Look at the picture in the blog post. Which 3 Study the Grammar box. Find more examples of 1 Have you ever won a prize? What was it? What
jobs do you think robots will take over in the Future Continuous in the blog post. was it for?
the next few years?

I think we’ll have robot cleaners in a few GRAMMAR Future Continuous 2 4.10 Study the Vocabulary box. Then match
years’ time. I’ll be speaking with a Scottish accent. the words with the definitions below.
I won’t be living in Bedford.
VOCABULARY Success at work
What will you be doing?
Will you be working? Yes, I will./No, I won’t. award candidate career diploma employer
FPO speech
Time expressions
this time next month/year, this/next weekend/week, in five
years/in five years’ time, at 9 p.m. tonight, in the future 1 a prize that you get for doing something well:

GRAMMAR TIME PAGE 000 2 a job that you have trained for and have done
for a long time:
4 4.9 Complete the dialogue with the Future
Continuous form of the verbs in brackets. Listen 3 a formal talk to a group of people:
4 a document that shows you have completed
6 4.12 Listen to the second part of the
and check. recording and check your ideas.
Terry: I’ll be in France next week. a course:
Sally: What 1will you be doing (you/do) in France? 5 someone who wants to be chosen for a job 7 4.12 Listen again and choose the correct
or a prize: answer.
Terry: I2 (work).
In Ten Years’ Time Deepak: Where 3 (you/work)?
6 a person or company that pays you to
1 When she was on TV, Claire appeared
I recently saw a documentary about the future. Terry: In a hotel at a ski resort. This time next week, a embarrassed. b calm. c nervous.
It predicted that in ten years’ time, robots and I4 (ski) down a mountain! 3 Cover Exercise 2. In pairs, describe a word from 2 Claire got her diploma when she was
computers will be doing almost all of today’s Deepak: You won’t have time to ski. You the Vocabulary box for your partner to guess. a sixteen. b seventeen. c eighteen.
5 (work) all the time.
jobs. That got me thinking about my life. So 3 Where was Stuart when he designed his app?
here are a few of my predictions.
• This time next year I’ll be speaking with
a Scottish accent. (I’m going to study in
Edinburgh, the Scottish capital!)
• In five years’ time, I’ll be celebrating the end
of my university studies.
• In ten years I’ll be earning a fortune. I’ll be
working as an app developer.
• I won’t be living in Bedford. I’ll be living
somewhere exciting like London or Paris.
• I won’t be doing any housework. My personal
robot will be doing it all for me.

No, I won’t. Just wait and see. In a few years
I6 (ski) in the Olympics.

5 Make questions in the Future Continuous. Then, in

pairs, ask and answer the questions.
1 what subjects / you / study / next year / ?
What subjects will you be studying next year?
you / work / abroad / in the future / ?
you / do / work experience / next summer / ?
your friends / go / to university / after school / ?
you / celebrate / your birthday / soon / ?
you / meet / your friends / tomorrow / ?
A: It’s something you win when you do
something well.
B: An award?

4.11 Listen to the first part of a recording.

Answer the questions.
1 What type of event is taking place?
2 What’s going to happen later in the evening?

5 Look at the photos of Claire and Stuart below.

What do you think their jobs are?
a in the mountains b at a friend’s
c at home
4 Stuart’s dad
a owns a sports shop.
b works in a sports shop.
c has a job in a bank.
5 What does Claire consider her mum to be?
a a friend b a colleague

app developer in New York?

a a week b a month
c an employee
6 How long will Stuart be working with a famous

c a weekend

8 In pairs, compare and contrast Claire and

What about you? What will you be doing in Stuart’s stories.
five years? Where will you be living? Will you
WIDER Stuart is only fifteen and he’s an app developer.
be working in ten years’ time or will you be WORLD Claire is older and she’s a personal trainer.
6 16 Watch six people talking
watching robots do your job? Send in your
about the future. What will they be
comments now!
doing at the times below? 9 In pairs, think of a simple idea WORLD
11 p.m. tonight in five years next summer for a new business. Explain your
2 4.8 Read the blog post and mark the this weekend idea to the class. Use these questions
sentences T (true) or F (false). to help you.
1 Terry’s living in Scotland now. 7 In pairs, say what you will be doing at the times 1 What is the business?
2 He’s got big plans. in Exercise 6. 2 Why is the business a good idea?
3 He’s worried he’ll be unemployed In five years, I’ll be living and working in … 3 How many people are in the business?
because of robots. 4 What’s the future for your business?

Unit 4 54 I can use the Future Continuous to talk about actions in progress in the future. I can understand a conversation about success at work. 55 Unit 4

M04 WiderWorld SB4 42474.indd 54-55 28/12/21 8:19 PM

4.6 Speaking 4.7 Writing
Warnings, recommendations and prohibition A job application letter

VIDEO BEA’S NEWS BULLETIN 1 Do you think summer jobs are a good idea? Why?/Why not? 4 Study the Language box. Find formal
equivalents of the informal phrases
2 Go to page 000 and read the job ads. Then read Rohan’s below in Rohan’s letter.

Bea has a work experience job at a radio station.The boss,
application letter. Which job is he applying for? Do you
Jo, is showing her around.
think he is a good candidate? Why?/Why not? LANGUAGE Formal style
Jo: You’ll be sitting here. This is your computer.
Watch out: it crashes a lot, so remember to back Use formal language to start and finish.
up your files regularly. Oh, sorry. Yes? OK, bye. Dear Sir/Madam, Dear Sir/Madam → Yours faithfully,
Bea, we’ve got a problem. Our newsreader’s Dear Mrs Collins → Yours sincerely,
I am writing in response to
going to be late. She won’t be able to read the Use formal phrases.
your advertisement. I am
next news bulletin. It’s in half an hour. I know it’s Regarding the post of …
interested in applying for the
your first day with us, but can you do it? I look forward to hearing from you.
job of summer receptionist
Bea: Eh … I suppose so.

1 at the Arts Centre. I am Don’t use contractions.
Later … currently in my final year I am very keen to …
Jo: Now pay attention. This is important. See that at high school, and I will be Use formal connectors to explain and add
green light? After a few minutes, it’ll turn red. If studying Art at college from ideas, e.g. therefore, as well as, in addition.
you’re not careful, you’ll miss it, so make sure you SOUNDS Keep an eye on it. • Good September. Therefore, I
keep an eye on it. GOOD! luck! • You did a great job. am very keen to gain work
Bea: And then what do I do? experience. 1 Hi there, Dear Sir/Madam,
Jo: Read the news. You mustn’t speak too fast. Be Regarding the post of receptionist, I have some experience 2 I have worked with customers
sure to speak clearly. And whatever you do, don’t in dealing with customers at a local shop, where I worked on 3 See you soon,
shout! Just speak normally. OK? Good luck! Saturday mornings. In addition, I think I would be suitable for 4 Interview me now.
Bea: This is the news. The town council has … 2 the position because I am a good speaker and very sociable. 5 I hope you answer me.
Later … 5 What do you think are the three I am a frequent visitor to the Arts Centre, and I am working on 6 I saw your job ad
Bea: Oh, I’m really sorry about the bottle! I suppose I’m greatest benefits of work experience a school project about your recent Kandinsky exhibition. I will 7 about the job
not allowed to come again. for young people? Use these ideas to be able to work at weekends this summer.


do? Why?
Of course you are. You did a great job and we
can try it again tomorrow. Just watch out for
your bottle!

1 Look at the photo. Where is Bea? What is she doing?

4.13 Watch or listen. What does Jo ask Bea to

3 Study the Speaking box. Find examples of the phrases

in the dialogue.
help you.
• You find out what it’s like to work with
other people.
• It can help you when you apply to go to
• It helps you identify what you like and
what you’re good at.

4.14 Complete the texts with one word in

each gap. Use the Speaking box to help you.
Listen and check.
1 Remember to wash your hands. Make
your knives are sharp. And

Thank you for taking the time to read my application. I hope
you will consider me for the post. I am available for an
interview at any time.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,
Rohan Patel

3 Study the Writing box. Find similar phrases in

Rohan’s letter.

WRITING A job application letter

8 I really want the job


5 Write an application letter for one

of the jobs advertised on page 000.

Find ideas
Make notes for your letter. Think about:
• your reasons for wanting the job.
• what you are doing now.
• your experience and personal qualities.

2 Plan
Warnings, recommendations and
SPEAKING Organise your ideas into paragraphs. Use
prohibition careful you don’t burn yourself. Reason for writing Rohan’s letter to help you.
It’s hot. 1 I am writing to apply for the position of …
Warning 3
2 Watch ! That camera is worth a I would love to gain experience in this sector. Write and share
Pay attention! Mind your head!
Look out! Watch out! Be careful (you don’t …).
fortune! Now pay . You’re not
Describe your experience and personal qualities • Write a draft of your letter. Use the
to speak while we’re filming. Language box and the Writing box to
If you’re not careful, you’ll … I am currently studying Science at school.
help you.
2 I have worked in a library.
Recommending 7 What kind of work experience is taking • Share your letter with another student
Remember to … Don’t forget to … I have a working knowledge of these applications: … for feedback.
place in each situation in Exercise 6?
Make sure (you) ... Be sure to/not to … I am a very good team player. • Write the final version of your letter.
Prohibiting YOUR 3
Thank the reader
4 Check
Whatever you do, don’t … 9 In pairs, write a dialogue WORLD Thank you in advance for considering my application.
• Check language: have you used a formal
You can’t/mustn’t … You’re not allowed to … for one of the work End your letter style?
experience jobs in Exercise 6. Use the 4 Please feel free to contact me if you need any further information. • Check grammar: have you used future
4 How well does Bea do on the first day of her work Speaking box to help you. Yours sincerely, tenses correctly?
experience at the radio station?

Unit 4 56 I can give warnings, make recommendations and express prohibition. I can write a job application letter. 57 Unit 4

M04 WiderWorld SB4 42474.indd 56-57 28/12/21 8:19 PM

Vocabulary Activator Revision
WORDLIST 4.15 Vocabulary Grammar
Jobs Word friends temporary contract (n) concentrate (v) 1 Read what each person says and write 4 Complete the sentences with the correct future
accountant (n) (work) well-paid (adj) construction worker (n) their job. form of the verbs in brackets. Use will, be going to,
work overtime deal with customers the Present Continuous or the Present Simple.

blogger (n) apply for a job 1 ‘The book you’re looking for is on the
cleaner (n) be part of a team Job training do housework history shelf.’ librarian 1 A: Have you got any idea about Greg’s future
electrician (n) be unemployed do training courses earn a fortune 2 ‘Water is coming out of the shower head career yet?
engineer (n) do voluntary work gain work experience efficient (adj)
because it’s broken.’ B: I have a feeling it will be (be) in music.
influencer (n) earn a salary get an opportunity to fall behind (v)
3 ‘Croatia is beautiful, with lots of 2 A: On no! My pen’s stopped working.
interpreter (n) earn a wage get feedback from make a career of something
management (n)
accommodation choices.’ B: It’s OK. I (lend) you mine.
librarian (n) feel part of a team give practical experience
mechanic (n) get a promotion newsreader (n) 4 ‘Please stay in your seats while the 3 A: A TV crew has just arrived outside the office.
improve professional skills
plumber (n) get fired part-time position ”Seatbelt fastened“ lights are on.’ B: That’s right. They (record)
provide virtual training
psychologist (n) give up a job take part in a training personal qualities (n) 5 ‘These numbers show what profits your some interviews.
translator (n) have an interview profession (n) firm made last year.’ 4 A: Do you want to hang out this morning?

Jobs: compound nouns meet your colleagues train to be a specialist put money into something 6 ‘Fans won’t be disappointed with the new B: Sorry, I (see) the dentist at ten.
app designer (n) quit a job qualification (n) album.’
Success at work 5 A: There are too many people on Earth!
computer programmer (n) send off a CV qualified (adj)
award (n) B: Don’t worry, we (be able to)
fashion designer (n) sign a contract
candidate (n)
receptionist (n) 2 Choose the correct option.
write a CV surgeon (n) live on Mars soon.
film director (n) career (n) 1 I’ve got an experience / opportunity to
take time off 6 Our bus (leave) at 2 p.m. tomorrow.
flight attendant (n) Working conditions diploma (n) work for a famous magazine.
freelance journalist (n) badly-paid (adj) train for a job 7 Your cat is having trouble climbing down the tree.
employer (n) 2 They both earn / gain a good salary.
lab assistant (n) do overtime speech (n)
trainee (n) She (fall)!
vacancy (n) 3 I might get a pay rise / rate next year.
music critic (n) flexible working hours (n)
Extra words work as a team 4 I got a job by sending up / off my CV to 5 Complete the sentences with the Future Continuous
personal trainer (n) hourly rate (n)
agency (n) work from home different companies. form of the verbs in brackets.
shop assistant (n) member of staff (n)
application (n) work independently 5 When there is a lot of work, you might
travel agent (n) paid holidays (n) 1 Visit us in July. I won’t be working (not work) then.
charity shop (n) workplace accident (n) have to do / make overtime.
pay rise (n) 2 Call me before 8 p.m. tomorrow. After that,
complete a course
permanent contract (n) 6 You can improve by taking place / part we (watch) a film.

1 Choose the odd one out.
mechanic employer librarian plumber
contract CV diploma career
wage hourly rate voluntary work salary
award candidate CV interview

2 The jobs below have got mixed up! Rearrange them.

app agent computer director film designer
flight trainer personal attendant travel programmer
app designer
4 Find words in the wordlist to match the
1 a talk you give to an audience: speech
2 a person who has applied for a job:

3 without a job:
4 working more than your normal
work hours:
5 information that helps you improve:

6 a person who tries to change how

in training.
7 Jo has decided to give out / up her job.

3 Complete the text with the words below.

apply career experience have send
sign work write
4 I

New York.
6 The doctor
(you/wait) for me at the station?

5 This time tomorrow, we

(not go out) after lunch.

6 In pairs, follow the instructions.

(fly) to

(not see) patients

between 10 and 12 a.m. tomorrow.


1 Choose one activity each that you would like

to do.
• explore underground caves
you think: • cook outside on a fire
• visit an amusement park
5 4.16 PRONUNCIATION Listen to words • attend an open-air music festival
1–4. Then write the words below in the
2 Think about how your partner can do their
correct group according to their stress Let’s say your life plan is to have a 1career designing
activity safely. Think of one warning, one
pattern. clothes. So 2 for some jobs, but don’t be
recommendation and one prohibition.
disappointed if you have no success at first. Think
interview mechanic professional unemployed 3 Take turns to talk about your plans and reply.
about doing voluntary 3 because it
1 ooO: engineer, looks great on your CV. When you 4 your A: I’m going to explore underground caves.
2 oOo: accountant, CV, put any practical 5 on it, even if it’s B: Nice, but look out for low rocks! If you’re not
3 Use the wordlist to find these things. 3 Ooo: candidate, not about clothes. Then 6 it off to different careful, you can hit your head.
1 three phrases for leaving a job get fired, … employers. Sooner or later, you’ll 7 an
4 oOoo: experience,
interview and maybe a job offer! But make sure it Dictation
2 two jobs related to a foreign language
3 three jobs in which people fix things has everything you want before you 8 7 4.18 Listen. Then listen again and write down
6 4.17 PRONUNCIATION Listen and a contract.
4 two phrases about the money you get for work check. Then listen again and repeat. what you hear during each pause.

Unit 4 58 I can talk about jobs and work. 59 Unit 4

M04 WiderWorld SB4 42474.indd 58-59 28/12/21 8:19 PM

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