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Fernando Murrieta Steinman

The World is not Equal
Climate change and air quality are two issues society most face, and they have a direct
relationship between each other. First of all, the emission of greenhouse gases which are a
consequence of human activities such as the burning of fossil fuels, deforestation,
transportation, and many more, trap heat inside the atmosphere which significantly
contributes to climate change. In addition, climate change and the way it leads to changes in
temperature, affects air quality. For example, it eases the formation of ground level ozone. In
Mexico City, there are indicators of how air quality decreases over the spring, as a
consequence of the climate in the country and how through the interaction of NOx, VOCs,
and UV radiation form the perfect conditions for the formation of ozone.
There are several air contaminants in Mexico City such as: PM2.5, PM10, O3, NO2,
SO2, and CO. From the contaminants mentioned before, the particulate matter particles and
ozone, have the most negative impact to the air quality of the city. The limits established
regarding these contaminants has been reached different times in the recent past. In addition,
air pollution is a menace to people’s health. The main threat which air pollution poses
regarding human health are respiratory problems. The particles are so small that enter into
our system going through our defenses, generating both, short and long term lung problems
such as lung cancer (OMS). Moreover, bad air quality damages our heart, and our brains,
generating headache, eye problems and many more.
In Mexico there are around 9,300 deaths a year as a consequence of air pollution
(CEMDA). Mexico City was one named the most dangerous city to live in, regarding air
pollution. Even though this is not the case anymore, things have not gotten much better. In
Mexico City we have seen changes over the years as a consequence of this situation. People
within the city have respiratory problems, and at times, it has been prohibited to do physical
activities outside. On the other hand, there have been initiatives fighting climate change
within the city such as “No Círcula” or “Basura Cero”. Additionally, there are many
organizations looking to provide help or solutions. The main organizations which look
forward to addressing this issue locally are: Greenpeace Mexico, FMCN, AMCE, and Ciudad
Limpia , but it is still not enough neither on a national nor international scale.
In conclusion, climate change is a major problem society has to face. The effect both
have, climate change and bad air quality, is underrated. There are clear indicators of how the
world is reaching levels not seen before, reaching a point of no return. Although there are
different organizations or even individuals trying to fight climate change, there must be a
change in perspective and in action from everyone. In order for that to happen, governments
should not be able to delay or give less attention to this issue. Significant change must start
now. People have the right to live healthy lives.
AQICN. (n.d.). Mexico City Air Pollution: Real-time Air Quality Index (AQI).
Centro Mexicano de Derecho Ambiental (CEMDA). (2016). Los derechos humanos y la
calidad del aire en México. [Human rights and air quality in Mexico].
Earth.Org. (2021, March 31). Air Pollution in Mexico City: Causes, Effects and Solutions.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). (n.d.). Aire. Retrieved from
Instituto Nacional de Ecología y Cambio Climático (INECC). (2021). Informe de la Calidad
del Aire en México 2020. [Air Quality Report in Mexico 2020].
Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (INEGI). (2022). Estadísticas del medio
ambiente. Cuenta del medio ambiente y de los recursos naturales. México, 2021.
[Environmental statistics. Account of the environment and natural resources. Mexico,
Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales. (n.d.). Cambio Climático. Gobierno de
México. Retrieved from
United Nations. (n.d.). Cambio climático. Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible. Retrieved from
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). (n.d.). Climate change impacts on air quality.
Retrieved February 23, 2023, from
World Health Organization. (2021, September 7). Cómo la contaminación del aire está
destruyendo nuestra salud. [How air pollution is destroying our health].

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