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STYLISTICS: AN ANALYSIS OF Bapsi sidhwa's Novel "ice- candy man”

Submitted by

Supervised by
Sir Fahim Linguist


Date of Submission
27/ 12/ 2022

Supervisor’s signature _____________________




The study is an attempt to dig figurative devices in the novel ice-candy man by Bapsi sidhwa.
The investigator has utilized documentation strategies to scrutinize this novel. This analysis is
qualitative. The experimenter used Perrine’s theory of classification of figures of speech. The
theorists categorized figures of speech into three categories namely comparison, contrast, and
association. The examination concentrates on the prominent figures of speech like simile,
metaphor, and hyperbole. The data for this study has been provided by the text of this novel and
some external sources. The major finding of this paper is how lovely the author has operated the
figurative lingo.

Key Words: figurative language, simile, metaphor, hyperbole, stylistics



Stylistics is the division of linguistics that deals with the study of literature by using linguistics'
rules over it. This field is emerging and every author has its writing style that characterizes him
from other transcribers. There are numerous fields in this field. This area gets popularity day by
day. More ice -candy man is a novel in which the writer utilized figurative lingo to express the
themes of partition, hate, love, and aggression of sects. The author has used very
understandable diction and represents the characters so attractive that one’s hears him from
looking over them furthermore and likewisee. This study stabs to locate the figurative language.
The transcriber used the figure of speech to show the dual evil nature of humans. This novel
covered the relationship between different sects' behaviors before and after partition. The
repetition of figure of speech shows the lack of expressive words and the empathetic sense of
the author. It seemed that ice – candy man novelregrettingry of regretting as later we can see
in, the characters especially in ice candy man.

All the violence of the different sects lead to the ruction of united India and transferred to
cracking India separating to separate two states that depend on the developed states. The nov
resulted at an end of regret, chaos, mourning, and disappointment.

Research Objectives.

1. To find out the figurative language used in the novel.

2. Why y the writer used the figure of speech?

Research Questions

What type of language is Bapsi Sidhua used in the ice- candy man Novel?


This introspection is limited to the 23rd and 24th chapters of this novel. There is an inch figure
of speefigureoyed in these chapters of this novel. This investigation is also delimited to the large
metal figures of speech which is Simile, metal figures hyperbole.

Literature Review

The the finding of Kartikeya Sundaram in her research.

“What a terrible feeling to love someone and not be able to help them.”
- Jennifer Niven.
She represents the theme of love in the novel and later helplessness of Lenny when she can't
protect Ayah.
Anyhow, she didn't discover the fuse in this novel. The commodity of the analysis is to
encounter the figurative language used in this novel is not discovered to be considered
transparent if it does not grab the attention of the reader or we can say that it is not
foregrounded. Bronte’s novel is considered to be transparent or not clear because it does not
grab the attention of the reader. It grabs the attention of the reader to its structure and content
rather than style

However, he did not find out the figurative native language used in this novel. The object of
this research is to find out the figurative terminology used in this novel.

Research Methodology

There are three types of research; qualitative, quantitative, and mixed. The essence of this
study is qualitative. Perrineb’s theory was used through which three figures of speech
including simile, metaphor, and hyperbole are used. The primary source is the text of the

Theoretical framework

Perrine’s theory was used in this research in which he classified the figures of speech into
three categories namely comparison, contradiction, and association. Here only three figures
chapters are analyzed from the above-mentioned chapeters of this novel.

Results/ Findings

The findings of this research are; simile metaphor and hyperbole used in the 23 rd and 24th
cchapters of the novel ice – candy man written by Bapsi sidhwa.

Discussion and analysis

The author turned to figurative language very lovely. There are multiple figures of speech
used in this novel in which some figures of analysis like similarities, metaphor, and hyperbole
are analyzed and discussed below;

1:Simile: it is a figure of speech that compares one thing with another object of a different

1. 1.It looks like a house pining for its departed _ haunted _ like Ayah eyes…

2. .Her sari in her hands like a supplicant..

3. Sounding more like the cries of merchants hawking ware.
4. Wheels on the road as the cart-cavalry comes..
5. Hooves clattering as the whipped horses stretch their scabby necks.
6. Kitchen as the cart make room.


It is a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not

1. Her cut-crystal lips set in a defiant pucker beneath her tinted glasses and her copped, waved
2. You Namak -haram dogs penises.
3. Mind your tongue, you dog! Shouts imam Din.
4. The face, amber- eyed, spread before me.
5. Only stone faced incredulity.
6. I am the monkey man.
7. The snake man charmed cobra.

.: Hyperbole

A figure of speech that is exaggerated and not meant to be taken seriously.

1. It is only a matter of minutes.

2. The raucous voices are turning ugly.
3. Even the men on the road hear him.
4. Months pass before we see our new neighbors.


The pain that couldn't express in simple words has uttered indirectly in the figure of speech.
Stylistic computation of ice candy man has been executed in this analysis. For this ambition,
Perrine’s theory of classification of the figure of speech has applied to ice candy man in which

figure of speech i.e simile, metaphor, and hyperbole have been examined in the above-
chapters of this novel. Bapsi sidhwa explained the love of ice candy man with Ayah before the
partition and the extreme hate after the sect's violence among them. India was United and
living very peacefully in one state of India and there was no violence, bad attitude, and
maltreatment between different sects but after a crack in their relationships, everything got
turning in the contrary direction.


Ice candy maFaheem’sby basis sidhwa

SirFaheem’s lectures(2022).

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