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Silver paste or a thermal pad.

Pads will be hard to repurchase, and silver thermal paste will be

readily available for sale everywhere. If a part or component originally used a thermal pad, it is
highly recommended that you keep using a pad and not switch it out to using paste… These pads also
are used to cover a gap which is left for that specific part for thermal expansion and contraction.
k 30 to 50 Watt Soldering Iron

You can use any

brand of these and they are typically disposable. I recommend that you do dispose of the cheaper
soldering irons after 10 or so uses, or get yourself some Tinner to refresh the tip. I do recommend a
50 watt iron for laptop component repair as it will allow for better ―flowǁ of the solder due to the
higher temperature output.
k Solder -

The average Rosin Core Solder will do, get your self 1.0mm solder, any thicker and it will
apply to heavily.
k Circuit Board Cleaning Solution/WD40

solvent is used to clean the motherboard, and I will clarify its uses throughout this book. WD40 is
more readily available to purchase and can suffice. Again, I will also explain how to properly use
WD40 to clean components/remove flux and so forth.
k Multi-meter -

This can be bought at your local Home

Improvement store, and you will find a wide variety of quality choices. For a beginner, it is ok to
purchase the cheapest Multi-meter to learn its uses and familiarize yourself with it.
k Heat Gun

The better the quality the better the final

results of your repairs will be. On average, you want to use at least a heat gun with switchable
settings… One that will produce temperature of 700 to 800 degrees. I use a RYOBI heat gun, 120v,
11a, Temp: 200-1100 degrees Farenheit.
k Heat Gun Add On Tips -

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