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Discussion Forum

Many of my friends are pregnant and most of them are going to be first-time mothers. First-time
mothers tend to be more worried and anxious about their pregnancy. So, my innovative idea is to
create a device that allows expectant mothers to monitor their baby’s health and detect pregnancy
complications outside of a clinical setting. With this device, users can view the baby via sound
wave technology (i.e., ultrasound), determine the baby’s position, movements, vitals (body
temperature and heart rate), and track the developing baby’s health.

This idea excites me because it would ease the minds of expectant mothers and reduce their
anxiety levels concerning the well-being of their baby by allowing them to view and monitor
their baby’s health.

In Class
My name is Hansika and I’m a fourth year SMO major. My idea for the innovative project is
based on idea that I had for another class last year. My idea is to create a device that allows
expectant mothers to monitor their baby’s health and detect pregnancy complications outside of a
clinical setting.

I choose this because a lot of people around me are having babies and are going to be first-time
mothers. First-time mothers tend to be more worried and anxious about their pregnancy.

So, I knew I wanted to create a device that can ease the minds of expectant mothers and reduce
their anxiety levels concerning the well-being of their baby by allowing them to view and
monitor their baby’s health.

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