C8 - After Class Assignment

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C8Q1 – After Class Assignment – September 27th, 2022

Do after class for 2 points.

Apply the VRIST framework to your current job or future career by reflecting on your personal
skills and traits 

Background on the job:

Through my experience as a Summer Student for the Communications and Policy division, I
regularly produced timely and accurate communication materials both internally and externally
to the GNWT. More specifically, I drafted statements, news releases, social media content,
communications planning briefs and other public messages for the GNWT. I copyedited the
GNWT's Department of Finance and the Department of Executive and Indigenous Affairs
websites. I also used web development/content management programs to update both websites
to ensure the content is up to date and relevant. I updated forms and documents to be in
accordance with the GNWT's Visual Identity Program. Lastly, I collaborated with my team to
assist with web content planning and information architecture for a new government webpage.
Some of my other responsibilities consist of proofreading, creating newsletter posts, assisting
with policy research, and preparing for Session. Through this job, I developed my written
communication skills, ability to work under pressure, manage multiple projects with tight
deadlines, and gained valuable knowledge in strategic communications planning.

Valuable: I have specialized knowledge in the Communications and Policy division. I know how
to effectively work on various projects that are department specific. I’m also able to manage
multiple projects at a time to ensure we are meeting organizational goals
Rare: I did take additional courses and training that the GNWT offered to be able to do the job.
For example, I was trained to use web development/content management programs.
Imitation: It would be very costly to train a new person for the job as many hours went into
providing me with extra training and paying for courses.
Substitution: It cannot be substituted for a brand-new employee in this position.
Tradable: It cannot be traded for a brand-new employee in this position.

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