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BHS : Transliteration / CHES av Genesis 21

1 eueiu dqp ha erw rwak rma woiu euei erwl rwak rbd . And the LORD visited
Sarah as he had said, and
uieue phqd ath shre kashr amr uiosh ieue lshre kashr dbr the LORD did unto Sarah as
and-Yahweh he-visits » Sarah as-which he-said and-he-is-doing Yahweh for-Sarah as-which he-spoke he had spoken.
2 rehu dlhu erw Merbal Nb uinqzl douml For Sarah conceived, and
bare Abraham a son in his
uther uthld shre labrem bn lzqniu lmuod old age, at the set time of
and-she-is-being-pregnant and-she-is-bearing Sarah for-Abraham son for-old-age-of-him to-appointed-time which God had spoken to
rwa rbd uha Miela
ashr dbr athu aleim
which he-spoke with-him Elohim
3 arqiu Merba ha Mw unb dlune ul rwa edli And Abraham called the
name of his son that was
uiqra abrem ath shm bnu enuld lu ashr ilde born unto him, whom Sarah
and-he-is-calling Abraham » name-of son-of-him the-one-being-born to-him whom she-gives-birth bare to him, Isaac.

ul erw qxyi
lu shre itzchq
for-him Sarah Isaac
4 lmiu Merba ha qxyi unb Nb hnmw Mimi rwak euy uha And Abraham circumcised
his son Isaac being eight
uiml abrem ath itzchq bnu bn shmnth imim kashr tzue athu days old, as God had
and-he-is-circumcising Abraham » Isaac son-of-him son-of eight days as-which he-instructed him commanded him.

5 Merbau Nb ham enw dlueb ul ha qxyi unb And Abraham was an
hundred years old, when his
uabrem bn math shne beuld lu ath itzchq bnu son Isaac was born unto
and-Abraham son-of hundred-of year in-to-be-born to-him » Isaac son-of-him him.
6 rmahu erw qxy ewo il Miela lk omwe qxyi And Sarah said, God hath
made me to laugh, [so that]
uthamr shre tzchq oshe li aleim kl eshmo itzchq all that hear will laugh with
and-she-is-saying Sarah laughter he-makes for-me Elohim every-of the-one-hearing he-is-laughing me.

7 rmahu im llm Merbal eqinie Minb erw ik ihdli Nb And she said, Who would
have said unto Abraham,
uthamr mi mll labrem einiqe bnim shre ki ildthi bn that Sarah should have
and-she-is-saying who ? he-declared to-Abraham she-suckles sons Sarah that I-bear son given children suck? for I
have born [him] a son in his
uinqzl old age.

8 ldgiu dlie lmgiu woiu Merba ehwm ludg Muib And the child grew, and
was weaned: and Abraham
uigdl eild uigml uiosh abrem mshthe gdul bium made a great feast the
and-he-is-growing-up the-boy and-he-is-being-weaned and-he-is-making Abraham feast great in-day-of [same] day that Isaac was
lmge ha qxyi
egml ath itzchq
to-be-weaned » Isaac
9 arhu erw ha Nb rge hiryme rwa edli Merbal qxym . And Sarah saw the son of
Hagar the Egyptian, which
uthra shre ath bn egr emtzrith ashr ilde labrem mtzchq she had born unto
and-she-is-seeing Sarah » son-of Hagar the-Egyptian whom she-bore for-Abraham making-fun Abraham, mocking.
10 rmahu Merbal wrg emae haze hau enb ik al Wherefore she said unto
Abraham, Cast out this
uthamr labrem grsh eame ezath uath bne ki la bondwoman and her son:
and-she-is-saying to-Abraham drive-out ! the-maidservant the-this and » son-of-her that not for the son of this
bondwoman shall not be
wrii Nb emae haze Mo inb Mo qxyi heir with my son, [even] with
iirsh bn eame ezath om bni om itzchq
he-shall-enjoy-the-tenancy son-of the-maidservant the-this with son-of-me with Isaac
11 oriu rbde dam iniob Merba lo hdua unb And the thing was very
grievous in Abraham's sight
uiro edbr mad boini abrem ol audth bnu because of his son.
and-he-is-being-evil the-word exceedingly in-eyes-of Abraham on case-of son-of-him
BHS : Transliteration / CHES av Genesis 21

12 rmaiu Miela la Merba la ori Kiniob lo rone And God said unto
Abraham, Let it not be
uiamr aleim al abrem al iro boinik ol enor grievous in thy sight
and-he-is-saying Elohim to Abraham must-not-be he-is-being-evil in-eyes-of-you on-account-of the-lad because of the lad, and
because of thy bondwoman;
lou Khma lk rwa rmah Kila erw omw elqb ik in all that Sarah hath said
unto thee, hearken unto her
uol amthk kl ashr thamr alik shre shmo bqle ki voice; for in Isaac shall thy
and-on-account-of maidservant-of-you all which she-is-saying to-you Sarah listen ! in-voice-of-her that seed be called.

qxyib arqi Kl orz

bitzchq iqra lk zro
in-Isaac he-shall-be-called to-you seed
13 Mgu ha Nb emae iugl unmiwa ik Korz aue And also of the son of the
bondwoman will I make a
ugm ath bn eame lgui ashimnu ki zrok eua nation, because he [is] thy
and-moreover » son-of the-maidservant to-nation I-shall-place-him that seed-of-you he seed.
14 Mkwiu Merba rqbb xqiu Mxl hmxu Mim Nhiu la . And Abraham rose up
early in the morning, and
uishkm abrem bbqr uiqch lchm uchmth mim uithn al took bread, and a bottle of
and-he-is-rising-early Abraham in-morning and-he-is-taking bread and-flask-of waters and-he-is-giving to water, and gave [it] unto
Hagar, putting [it] on her
rge Mw lo emkw hau dlie exlwiu Klhu shoulder, and the child, and
sent her away: and she
egr shm ol shkme uath eild uishlche uthlk departed, and wandered in
Hagar placing on shoulder-of-her and » the-boy and-he-is-sending-away-her and-she-is-going the wilderness of
ohhu rbdmb rab obw
uththo bmdbr bar shbo
and-she-is-straying in-wilderness-of Beer Sheba
15 ulkiu Mime Nm hmxe Klwhu ha dlie hxh dxa Mxiwe And the water was spent
in the bottle, and she cast
uiklu emim mn echmth uthshlk ath eild thchth achd eshichm the child under one of the
and-they-are-finishing the-waters from the-flask and-she-is-flinging » the-boy under one-of the-shrubs shrubs.
16 Klhu bwhu el dgnm qxre iuxtmk hwq ik erma And she went, and sat
her down over against [him]
uthlk uthshb le mngd erchq kmtchui qshth ki amre a good way off, as it were a
and-she-is-going and-she-is-sitting to-herself from-aloof to-be-far as-shot-of bow that she-says bowshot: for she said, Let
me not see the death of the
la eara humb dlie bwhu dgnm awhu ha elq child. And she sat over
against [him], and lift up her
al arae bmuth eild uthshb mngd uthsha ath qle voice, and wept.
must-not-be I-am-seeing in-death-of the-boy and-she-is-sitting from-aloof and-she-is-lifting » voice-of-her

17 omwiu Miela ha luq rone arqiu Kalm Miela la rge Nm And God heard the voice
of the lad; and the angel of
uishmo aleim ath qul enor uiqra mlak aleim al egr mn God called to Hagar out of
and-he-is-hearing Elohim » voice-of the-lad and-he-is-calling messenger-of Elohim to Hagar from heaven, and said unto her,
What aileth thee, Hagar?
Mimwe rmaiu el em Kl rge la iarih ik omw fear not; for God hath heard
the voice of the lad where
eshmim uiamr le me lk egr al thirai ki shmo he [is].
the-heavens and-he-is-saying to-her what ? to-you Hagar must-not-be you-are-fearing that he-hears

Miela la luq rone rwab aue Mw

aleim al qul enor bashr eua shm
Elohim to voice-of the-lad in-which he there
18 imuq iaw ha rone iqizxeu ha Kdi ub ik iugl ludg Arise, lift up the lad, and
hold him in thine hand; for I
qumi shai ath enor uechziqi ath idk bu ki lgui gdul will make him a great
arise ! lift-up ! » the-lad and-encourage ! » hand-of-you in-him that to-nation great nation.

19 xqpiu Miela ha einio arhu rab Mim Klhu And God opened her
eyes, and she saw a well of
uiphqch aleim ath oinie uthra bar mim uthlk water; and she went, and
and-he-is-unclosing Elohim » eyes-of-her and-she-is-seeing well-of waters and-she-is-going filled the bottle with water,
and gave the lad drink.
almhu ha hmxe Mim qwhu ha rone
uthmla ath echmth mim uthshq ath enor
and-she-is-filling » the-flask waters and-she-is-giving-to-drink » the-lad
BHS : Transliteration / CHES av Genesis 21

20 ieiu Miela ha rone ldgiu bwiu rbdmb And God was with the
lad; and he grew, and dwelt
uiei aleim ath enor uigdl uishb bmdbr in the wilderness, and
and-he-is-becoming Elohim with the-lad and-he-is-growing-up and-he-is-dwelling in-wilderness became an archer.

ieiu ebr hwq

uiei rbe qshth
and-he-is-becoming grand bow
21 bwiu rbdmb Nrap xqhu ul uma ewa Yram And he dwelt in the
wilderness of Paran: and his
uishb bmdbr pharn uthqch lu amu ashe martz mother took him a wife out
and-he-is-dwelling in-wilderness-of Paran and-she-is-taking for-him mother-of-him woman from-land-of of the land of Egypt.

22 ieiu hob auee rmaiu Klmiba lkipu rw uaby la . And it came to pass at
that time, that Abimelech
uiei both eeua uiamr abimlk uphikl shr tzbau al and Phichol the chief
and-he-is-becoming in-season the-that and-he-is-saying Abimelech and-Phicol chief-of host-of-him to captain of his host spake
unto Abraham, saying, God
Merba rmal Miela Kmo lkb rwa eha ewo [is] with thee in all that thou
abrem lamr aleim omk bkl ashr athe oshe
Abraham to-say Elohim with-you in-all which you doing
23 ehou eobwe il Mielab ene Ma rqwh il ininlu Now therefore swear unto
me here by God that thou
uothe eshboe li baleim ene am thshqr li ulnini wilt not deal falsely with
and-now swear ! to-me in-Elohim behold ! if you-shall-be-false to-me and-to-propagator-of-me me, nor with my son, nor
with my son's son: [but]
idknlu dsxk rwa ihiwo Kmo ewoh idmo Mou Yrae rwa according to the kindness
that I have done unto thee,
ulnkdi kchsd ashr oshithi omk thoshe omdi uom eartz ashr thou shalt do unto me, and
and-to-progeny-of-me as-kindness which I-do with-you you-shall-do with-me and-with the-land which to the land wherein thou
hast sojourned.
ehrg eb
grthe be
you-sojourn in-her
24 rmaiu Merba ikna obwa And Abraham said, I will
uiamr abrem anki ashbo
and-he-is-saying Abraham I I-shall-swear
25 xkueu Merba ha Klmiba lo huda rab Mime rwa ulzg And Abraham reproved
Abimelech because of a
ueukch abrem ath abimlk ol aduth bar emim ashr gzlu well of water, which
and-he-corrected Abraham » Abimelech on case-of well-of the-waters which they-snatched Abimelech's servants had
violently taken away.
idbo Klmiba
obdi abimlk
servants-of Abimelech
26 rmaiu Klmiba al ihodi im ewo ha rbde eze Mgu eha al And Abimelech said, I
wot not who hath done this
uiamr abimlk la idothi mi oshe ath edbr eze ugm athe la thing: neither didst thou tell
and-he-is-saying Abimelech not I-know who ? he-did » the-thing the-this and-moreover you not me, neither yet heard I [of
it], but to day.
hdge il Mgu ikna al ihomw ihlb Muie
egdth li ugm anki la shmothi blthi eium
you-told to-me and-moreover I not I-heard unless the-day
27 xqiu Merba Nay rqbu Nhiu Klmibal uhrkiu Meinw And Abraham took sheep
and oxen, and gave them
uiqch abrem tzan ubqr uithn labimlk uikrthu shniem unto Abimelech; and both
and-he-is-taking Abraham flock and-herd and-he-is-giving to-Abimelech and-they-are-cutting two-of-them of them made a covenant.

28 byiu Merba ha obw hwbk Naye Nedbl And Abraham set seven
ewe lambs of the flock by
uitzb abrem ath shbo kbshth etzan lbden themselves.
and-he-is-stationing Abraham » seven ewe-lambs-of the-flock to-alone-them
29 rmaiu Klmiba la Merba em ene obw hwbk elae rwa hbye And Abimelech said unto
Abraham, What [mean]
uiamr abimlk al abrem me ene shbo kbshth eale ashr etzbth these seven ewe lambs
and-he-is-saying Abimelech to Abraham what ? they seven ewe-lambs the-these which you-station which thou hast set by
BHS : Transliteration / CHES av Genesis 21 - Genesis 22

endbl themselves?

30 rmaiu ik ha obw hwbk xqh idim rubob eieh And he said, For [these]
seven ewe lambs shalt thou
uiamr ki ath shbo kbshth thqch midi bobur theie take of my hand, that they
and-he-is-saying that » seven ewe-lambs you-are-taking from-hand-of-me in-order-to she-shall-become may be a witness unto me,
that I have digged this well.
il edol ik ihrpx ha rabe haze
li lode ki chphrthi ath ebar ezath
to-me for-testimony that I-delved » the-well the-this
31 lo Nk arq Muqml auee rab obw ik Mw uobwn Meinw Wherefore he called that
place Beersheba; because
ol kn qra lmqum eeua bar shbo ki shm nshbou shniem there they sware both of
on so he-called to-place the-that Beer Sheba that there they-swore two-of-them them.
32 uhrkiu hirb rabb obw Mqiu Klmiba lkipu rw uaby Thus they made a
covenant at Beersheba:
uikrthu brith bbar shbo uiqm abimlk uphikl shr tzbau then Abimelech rose up,
and-they-are-cutting covenant in-Beer Sheba and-he-is-rising Abimelech and-Phicol chief-of host-of-him and Phichol the chief
captain of his host, and they
ubwiu la Yra Mihwlp returned into the land of the
uishbu al artz phlshthim
and-they-are-returning to land-of Philistines
33 otiu lwa rabb obw arqiu Mw Mwb euei la Mluo . And [Abraham] planted
a grove in Beersheba, and
uito ashl bbar shbo uiqra shm bshm ieue al oulm called there on the name of
and-he-is-planting tamarisk in-Beer Sheba and-he-is-calling there in-name-of Yahweh El eonian the LORD, the everlasting
34 rgiu Merba Yrab Mihwlp Mimi Mibr And Abraham sojourned
in the Philistines' land
uigr abrem bartz phlshthim imim rbim many days.
and-he-is-sojourning Abraham in-land-of Philistines days many

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