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The Famous Simple Present Tense

09/29/21 1
What is Simple Present Tense for?

 The Simple Present Tense is used to express facts (general

truths), emotions and wishes, everyday activities and opinion.

a- Facts – The train leaves the station at 07:00 a.m everyday.

Ilana Fernandes

09/29/21 2
What is Simple Present Tense for?
b- Emotions and wishes - I want to take a nap.

Verbs that show emotions and wishes: like, love, hate,want, need,

Ilana Fernandes

09/29/21 3
What is Simple Present Tense for?

c- daily activities- I teach classes from Mondays to Thursdays and Saturdays.

To schedule your daily activities – days, time and frequency.

Ilana Fernandes

09/29/21 4
What is Simple Present Tense for?
d- Opinion – I think that physical activities are good for health.

I totally agree that physical activities are good for health.

Ilana Fernandes

09/29/21 5
The verb to have
The verb to have usually shows two ideas: possession and social
relationship. Look at the examples:
I have a car x I have a daughter

Ilana Fernandes

09/29/21 6
The Auxiliary Verbs Do and Does
In what tenses are the following sentences?
Vocês costumam comer pizza nos fins de semana?
Vocês comeram pizza ontem?
Vocês comerão pizza hoje à noite?
DO you usually eat pizza on weekends?
DID you eat pizza yesterday night?
ARE YOU GOING TO EAT pizza tonight?

Ilana Fernandes

09/29/21 7
The Auxiliary Verbs Do and Does
The auxiliary verbs do and does show that the sentences are in present
tense. Check the rules:
do – I, You, We, You They
does – He, She, It

Verbs don’t have plural form
She watches movies x They watch movie
 The spelling rules is similar to the objects spelling rules (AEF 1 p. 126)

Ilana Fernandes

09/29/21 8
Simple Present Tense Form

09/29/21 9
Common Mistakes
You work? Yes, I work
I’m go to my parents’ house on Christmas
I have 38 years old.

Ilana Fernandes

09/29/21 10
What do you do?

The question “what do you do?” asks for a

personal information: I’m an English teacher.

Ilana Fernandes
09/29/21 11
What time x When x How often
What time – What time does your English class start?
It startS at 05:00 (o’clock)
When - When do you have English classes?
I have English classes ON Mondays and Wednesdays.
How often do you have English classes?
I have English classes twice a week (frequency)

09/29/21 12

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