Kaal Sarpa Yoga - Why Such Fright by Sri K N Rao

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Contents Dedicated to. Acknowledgements Contents .. apie a8 Kaal Sarpa Yoga Horoscopes Usec Why this book?. Kaal Sarpa Yoga . : Preface anc! Introduction .......... Brief illustrated explanation Detailed explanation Some other cases Tragedies not related to Kaal Sal Very briefly ee Observations and Canclusions Appendix 1 .. Appendix It a wee Ne on qi. 12. 13. 14. 15. Kaal Sarpa Yoga Horoscopes Used . Jawaharlal Nehru . Indian Independence . Moratji Desai . Osho Rajneesh Lata Mangeshker A German > A multi-millionaire . A multi-millionaire . A bank officer . IAS officer A cultured journalist Industrialist Successful bureacrat Kuldip Singh Jain Dancer 16, Management 17. . Woran executive the lucky man story of achievements... so many achievernents famous in Rahu dasinas ... Rise in Ketu Bharat Ratna in Rabu Not handicapped by Kael Sarpa Yoga p2go pas Millionaire inspite of KSY In Rahu dasha... No handicap of Kaala Sarpa Yoga p37 p 38 p ae KSY and rise (identical horoscope) Bae p40 Perfect KSY and tise ..... pat Not handicapped by KSY. p42 Talents blossomed in Rahu’s dasha sss pas No handicap of Kaala Sarpa Yoga p44 pas Kaal Sopa Yeas, BMny suck fright? 18. Distinction abroad Brilliant career in Rahu career -..-. p48 19. Childlessness KSY not the cause 20, Great rise Doubtful KSY.. 21. Unmarried career woman KSY not the reason . 22. Bhagwati Charan Varma Reni and tise in life 23. Legal luminary Spiritualiny ...... 24, Classical music Rahu inspired learr 25. 1AS officer Rahu gave status . 26. Deceased astrologer Macie career in Rahu dasha - 27. Margaret Thacher Glorious Rahu period 28, IPS officer Smooth Rahu period... 29, Woman journalist Don't blame KSY. 30, Versatile talents Inspite of KSY 31, All round success Inspite of KSY 32. Career making In Rahu dasha ... 33. Miltyubhage the explanation 34, Eighth house explains 35. KSY not to be blamed 36. KSY nat to be blamed 37. KSY not to be blamed 38. KSY not to be blamed 39. First tragedy then rise 40. First rise and then cragedy 41. Multiple talents. 42. Remarkable rise in Rahu dasha 43. Wile of an [AS officer 44, A famous police officer 45. Vijay Bhaskar Reddy 46, Another famous police officer . 47. Akbar the great 48. Ariel Sharon 49. Atal Behari Vajpai 50. A Cabinet Minister From appendices 51. A reported case from a Hindi newspaper. oer 2 700 52. Guru Nanak p 103 53. Akbar the great p 104 $4. Hitler partial KSY p 105 Detailed Examples It is always sound astrologically to take up cases of persons who are above forty or even older with KSY in their horescopes, and examine them in detail besides warching them, In a scandal mong itis beer not tO take the of proportion. Life as It has been lived on the whole, with emphasis on morality. spirituality, right conduct with occasional inevitable lapses. is an excellent life In such studies, the spititual combinations should hot be overlooked! But if a horoscope is showing promises for eaming money one can hardly expect great morality te prevail as money earning is nota moral activity bur mostly unscrupulous acts, Ifa horoscope is showing a great career rise, one must keep in the mind that a man with a great drive will aot stick to great moral principles when it comes to the advancement of his career. In interpreting the effects of malefics, particularly Rahu, if these polnts are kept in the mind, an astrologer will not became judgemental a8 a meralist bur liberal as an honest intellectual. Ing society, cases of stray lapses and magnify them out In most of the astrological classics strong language is used after teading which an average astrologer develops the habit of becoming judemental irrationally. In interpreting Kaal Sarpa Yoga, such irrationality seems to have feached an undesirable irrationality as the results attribured to the the ay pa Yoga, bhp sar so-called twelve types of Kaal Sarpa Yoga discussed in the first chapter will show, If in the twenty first century, an astrologer begins to quote all that blindly ancl verbatim, he will invite ricicule and will in any case get dubbed as being judgemental If many astrologers, quote what they have learnt from others which is not supported by any astrological standard classic it amounts to perpetuating a superstition. In the books on Kaal Sarpa Yoga mostly in Hindi there is no single research to support all the atrocious, revolting and frightening results attributed to the so cailed different types of Kaa! Sarpa Yoga Thave hundreds of horoscopes to prove all that wrong as | know, have seen and predicted contrary to the frightening predictions given by other astrologers emphasing Kaa! Sarpa Yoga wherever it existed, fully or partly. In the book enough examples are given, some very briefly and some In some detail as in this part of the book with relevant vargas and dasha for anyone to see the reason why Kaal Sarpa Yoga has not to be taken literally. One must question if all that has been said about Kaal Sarpa Yoga hac any metive, ignorance or unscrupulousness which astrologers are known to descend to in these days when they rush to the newspapers. have their websites, sell gem strones, edit astrological journals, write books but are not able to predict with accuracy, sanity, honest balancing of the negative and positive side of an astrological combination. The examples given here are some Instances which should be examined deeply as they can be elaborated. Similar exercises should be done on other horoscopes after knowing full background of persons whose horascopes have KSY factors. Ex. 18 11 March 1964, Page 43 1998, An Indian Distinction in @ foreign country In a case like this there can be no controversy about the formation of KSY. All planets fall within the Rahu-Ketu orbit and they are alsa within the backward movement of Rahu, Some events of his life are: I. Left for a foreign country in 1970 in Mars-Mercury. 2. Left for another foreign country in 1979 in Rahu-Saturn. 3. Completed his B.S.Chemistry in 1988 Rahu-Sun. The antardasha is 48 up Feohu Mars Sun 18 Sal Mer An indian 11 March 1964 Page 43 1998 of Sun the fifth lord of education. 4, 1993-95 did his MD in Jupiter- Saturn: 5. In 1995 married a girl outside his caste and against parents wishes in Jupiter-Mercury. The notable point here is that he did very well during his Rahu dasha and without ever failing did his academic courses in foreign countries with distinction The story of his life is a story of fantastic success, lot of money but a marriage of his own choice which has annoyed his parents. Is that a defect caused by KSY? Such an explanation is escapist, All the hard work he did in Rahu mahadasha from (1973 to 1981) have made his achievements possible. Rahu in the third house and so many planets in the eleventn house ninth from Rahu is sound explanation for these achievernents in the mahadasha of Rahu, Ignore KSY. Ex. 19 7 March 1963 P60, 1998 A Doubtful Case of KSY The father of this man was worried about him for many reasons like. {. Alter a good academic career which pleases Hindu parents, his son also made a career as a management expert, 2. Two events in this man’s life, worried his father, First, even after ten years of marriage he hacl no child and second that he had manipulated to take away the house of his own mother, Astrologers blamed it on KSY which does not exist technically, Why blame: SY for all this? Afflictect fifth lord, also ill placed in the 4a Kaal Sara ¥ Rabe 19 Mars PéO Moen 1998 7 March 1963 lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury 22°27 eee40" eae 12°63" ove Jupiter Venus Satum Rahu Ketu, 2g 0956" 2aci2" 05°32" 0532 eighth house explains the problem of his not becoming a father. Then the same afflicted fifth lord shows his crooked thinking. Divisional horoscopes clarify these further. According to some astrologers it cannot be treated to be a case of KSY for two reasons: I. Rahu is with two planets, Moon and Mars and Ketu is with Venus and Saturn nullifying the KSY. 2. The degrees of Rahu is 05°32 and in its backward movement cannot gobble up Mars and Meon. £x.20 24 Jan 1939, 3.44 AM, Lot 27N49,Long: 8/646 p 18 Saini, Male A Debotable Case of KSY No planet is falling between Rahu and Ketu while all planets will fall between Ketu and Rahu. It suits astrologers to treat it as a case of KSY because they can explain away the frustrations of this man by pointing it out the supposed KSY in this horoscope. What were his. frustrations ? Before understanding that, consider the achievements of his life. He got the dasha of Rahu at birth, followed by Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, Ketu and Venus. He had a very good academic career after which he became a lecturer in a college, competed and succeeded in all India examination, got married, had three children all of whom have done weil in life. In his own service career, he rose to the level of a en p 20 | Mate p 16 Saini 24 Jan 1939 3.44 AM Lat 2749 Long: 81646 secretary to the government of India, which is one of the highest posts in India. Then came the dasha of Venus, the twelfth lorcl and he was due for retirement. He wanted to know if he would be appointed as. the governor of a state after that. His frustrations increased because he was not getting any encouraging signals from any quarters. Astrologers put the blame on KSY. Here no planet lies between Rahu and Ketu but are between Ketu and Rahu and so the astrologers fitted it into their theory of apsavyd KSY or reverse KSY. But is it a small achievement to become a secretary to the government of India ? He could not become the governor of a state. Is that a failure or overambitious man getting frustrated? Ex. 21 Feb 1964 BIT Saini, Female Why Blame KSY? She is a successful career woman of modern India, She studied DESL Juplier: Bahl un Mar Set 34 Moon Female p17 Saini Feb 1964 es Tragedies not related to Kaal sarpa Yoga As has been stated earlier, interpreting the dashas of Rahu or Ketu, it should be done ignorning the KSY factor, where it is present or absent ina horoscope mast normal astrological principles should be applied. Thete can be many steps in such an interpretation. 2. we See what these dashas promise in a horoscope If they are aspected by other planets see where those planets are placed and what is their ownership. See bath the negative and positive promises. The same dasha which gives achievement in one direction can prove adverse in another way also is a cardinal principle of astrology which should not be ignored. See them in different vargas to get a clearer view. IF you know any other dasha which is applicable to the horescope concerned, apply that also to get a closer and accurate view. Many planets in mftyubhaga explain it clearly, The tendency to put the entire blame on KSY is wrong which is being explained very brielly with three examples here. Ex. 33 Imobile Boy, & Aug 1978, 08:15, Balasore PIO KSY The first example is that of a youngman. For one year, in the dasha ag Kaal Sapa Yaga, Why such fagni? 5 Sat Mer Est 8 E Bah ven — oan Mar co up Sun Imabile Boy | | 8 Aug 1978 OB:15. - Balasore ci ‘ a0 P-30 KSY were Lag Fah Ven Mar Mason Se te Lag ar Fan Eloped 12 Oct 1969 45:25 Delhi Kat P-31 KSY 6 Mar Moon | Ven Mer Van War dup Sun dup Sun 3. Dec 1947 2a: Del P-32 Moon Ven Ket Mer Jup Sun of Sun at birth (born in Sun-Ketu-Venus-Mer-Ketu), the abnormality of the child was not detected. In the next dasha of Moon it was medically diagnosed as an incurable case. The eighth lord in the lagna and the lagna being in mrityubhaga is the clearest explanation. Ex. 34 Eloped, 12 Oct 1969, 15:25, Delhi P-31 KSY In an orthodox caste-rideen Hindu family, an affair like this, a coy girl secretly having a love affair "with a boy of different caste in Jupiter-Saturn period (May 1987) appeared revolting.She had eloped with her lover, was caught and parents decided to marry her. See the eighth house and the explanation is clear. Do not put the blame on the KSY facter in which only Saturn is out of this orbit, It has been a very happy and prosperous marriage in these fourteen years, 36 Female Moon 11 Fab 1960 04:15 Ambala (HP) P.32 1999 Dec & 2000 Nava Van Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mereury og°50" 275s oreat 225° ogres’ Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu aa°3a7" 244g 20°46" OLA" o143' wei Ex.35 Deceived, 3 Dec 1947, 23:50, Dethi P42 KSY In this case, there was a deception in marriage by a racket running in Delhi in 1982. In this KS¥, Venus falls outside but there is a clear malefic influence for marriage and KSY is not to be blamed for all this. There are cases after cases where such events have happened withour there being any KSY factor Is what has to be remembered. Ex. 36 Female, Ii Feb 1960, 04:15, Ambala (HP) P-32 1999 Dees & 2000 Trogedies Not Related to KSY See Keru in the fourth house aspected by Mars which also aspects the seventh house together with three other planets, Venus, Saturn, Jupiter, See in the navamsha a bact seventh house again with Mars and Mercury aspected by Saturn, the eighth lord of the navamsha. Then Rahu in the eighth howe and Ketu in the second house aspected by Saturn and Mats. Dasha Saturn dasha . Mercury dasha ... Ketu dasha... Venus dasha .. ends on 16 February 1990 ends on 18 February 1997 .. ends on 18 February 2017 She was married in 1978 in Mercury Venus to a person who was doing business in transport quite well. As time passed, after nineteen years of the marted life, the husband started suffering losses and became depressed. He committed suicide as soon as Ketu, aspected by Mars in the birth horascope and by Saturn anc Mars in the navamsha started. This is again a tragedy not attributable to KSY but to an ill aspected Ketu whose dasha proved disastrous for her. Burt she got married again in 1998, in Venus-Venus. The astrological explanation in all such cases should be sought first without any reference to KSY. The seventh and eighth and lagna and second Houses in the birth horescope and in the navamsha explain these very well. If in all this Rahu and Ketu join it, it becomes an additional factor. But such combinations exist in many horoscopes even without Rahu or Ketu and even without any KSY. These can be crosschecked through other dashas also. 74 Kaal Sama Yaga, Why suet fright? The explanation for her widowhood are clearly avaiiable without any reference to KSY which in any case cloes mot show the marital tagedy clirectly in the birth horoscope Ex. 37 Male, 19 Apr 1955, 22:10, Delhi p 10 July 2002 Tragedies Not Related to KSY In the birth horoscope, the tenth lord is with the eighth lord aspected by Saturn from the twelfth house. Ketu and Jupiter are in the eighth house. Ven Mar war | KetJes 37 Male 19 Apr 1955 22:10 Delhi p 10 July 2002 Mar Sun Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury 19:27" os"a6 2649" 12930" ote’ Jupiter Venus Satuin Rahu Ketu 29°24" 00°S0" 26°03" O5°03" 0503" Kaal Sarpa Yoga, Why such fight? Dashamansha In Dashmansha tenth lord, Venus is aspected by Mars and eighth lord, Sun and also the tweifth lord. Jupiter. In-turn, Jupiter in the. third house is aspected by Saturn from the sixth house. He has a prosperous legal career and martied a beautiful woman who was exceedingly well educated. an excellent dancer and later a high executive in a private firm. Both husband and wife had prosperous careers, But suddenly in the dasha of Mercury the eighth lord, his wife developed an incurable ailment and is not able to wall at all. | went to see her and asked her to. do some stofras, hoping that it would give her some relief though there is no cure in the world for her ailment. Her health is gradually deteriorating and the inevitable end is a painful death. Apart from a difficult eighth house there is also Saturn in the eighth house from Venus in the horoscope. Dasha . ends on 10 Feburary 1963 ends on 10 Feburary 1982 va ends on 10 Feburary 1999 arseracorse «ends on 10 Feburary 2006 dupiter dasha .. Saturn dasha ..... Mercury dasha ....... Ketu dasha... Soon came Ketu dasha and the antardasha of Jupiter both In the eighth house. As explained, in the dashamansha, it is not helpful. . He had to resign from his high post and immediately after that there was a raid on his house by the government's intelligence agency. He was arrested also and sent to police custody in this period. Falling from such a height is well explained by the presence of Ketu and Jupiter In the eighth house. Here again this professional difficulty, even disgrace is not related to KSY but is explainable through normal astrological reasoning. i Ex. 38 Journalist, 26 Jon 1980, 13:05, P-29 1999 Dec. 2000 Not KSY but Crowded Eighth House All planets are between Ketu and Rahu if the backward movement of Ketu is considered, Here there are five planets in the eighth house which is net good for married life, if it is seen that they include, the seventh lord, Mars and. also Venus which is with Saturn, the eighth lord, Jupiver and the third 7 Kaal Sarpa Yoga, Why a sch trig? 30 Journalist 2000 Kat Mer Sun 9 wtp Ver 3 Noo ‘up Wen Mar Fi Moon Sat mete Kot Moon Lag Mar Sat | Mer Sun Ras Lagna Sun Moon 0640) 12°03" 15°08" Jupiter Venus: Saturn oor4a" Oar 19°05" Dasha Venus dasha... Sun dasha Moan dasha .. Mars dasha Rahu dasha. Jupiter dasha lord, Moon. Dreshkana Mars 15°41! Rahu 02"34" Mercury 1541 Kelty 02734) . ends on 6 May 1977 ends on ¥ May 1983 ends on 6 May 1999 ends on 6 May 2000 ends on 6 May 2018 ends on 6 May 2034 Then again the eleventh lord, Jupiter is in the eighth house with all these malefics and the eleventh house has Ketu aspectecl by Mars. earl

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