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Natividad, Patrick Adriane A.


Activity 1
Assume that you are a job analyst. Visit the O*Net web site
(HTTP://online.onetcenter.org) and select one job descriptions of your job choice.
Complete the following:

Job Title: Lawyer

1. How would you recommend gathering information to update this job
description? Specifically, what data sources and data collection methods do you
recommend? Explain why you chose those sources and methods.
Sources you recommend:
Licensed Lawyers, Clients

Why those sources?

First, Licensed lawyers, because they know the ways on how to do the job and
what are the needs to accomplish the tasks. Lastly, the clients, because they can
give their opinions on how the service could be better and how could the quality
of service be improved.

Methods you recommend:

Research and observation. You need to be knowledgeable about the job and this
can be achieved from research and observation. It would provide the means to
understand what is needed and what are the tasks that are aligned with the job

Why those methods?

Through research, it is more of gaining information's and data that would help to
foresee the possible changes and improvements that should be implemented.
Observation is to experience first hand the needs and the atmosphere and
environment in the certain working space and what should an applicant expect in
these situations.
2. Identify 10 tasks listed on the job description. Write the specific task
statements in the table below. Using the following guidelines, determine the
importance of each of these tasks.
Percentage of time spent. For each task/dimension, indicate the percentage of
time spent on that function. The total must add to 100%.
Task Percentage of Time
1. Prepare legal documents.

2. Provide legal advice to clients.


3. Research relevant legal materials to aid

decision making. 10%

4. Meet with individuals involved in legal

processes to provide information and clarify 15%
5. Supervise activities of other legal
personnel. 5%

6. Represent the interests of clients in legal

proceedings. 15%

7. Interview claimants to get information

related to legal proceedings. 10%

8. Arbitrate disputes between parties to

resolve legal conflicts. 15%

9. Prepare documentation of legal

proceedings. 10%

10. Identify implications for cases from legal

precedents or other legal information. 5%

TOTAL 100%

3. Importance to overall performance. For each task/dimension, rate its

importance to overall job performance. Write the specific task statements in the
table below.
Legend: 1-Minor; 5-Major
Task Importance to overall job
1 2 3 4 5
1. Prepare legal documents. /
2. Provide legal advice to clients. /
3. Research relevant legal materials to aid /
decision making.
4. Meet with individuals involved in legal /
processes to provide information and clarify
5. Supervise activities of other legal personnel. /
6. Represent the interests of clients in legal /
7. Interview claimants to get information /
related to legal proceedings.
8. Arbitrate disputes between parties to /
resolve legal conflicts.
9. Prepare documentation of legal /
10. Identify implications for cases from legal /
precedents or other legal information.

4. Using your responses to question 2, identify essential and nonessential job

functions for this job.
Task Essential/nonessential
1. Prepare legal documents.

2. Provide legal advice to clients.


3. Research relevant legal materials to aid

decision making. ESSENTIAL

4. Meet with individuals involved in legal

processes to provide information and clarify ESSENTIAL
5. Supervise activities of other legal personnel.

6. Represent the interests of clients in legal

proceedings. ESSENTIAL

7. Interview claimants to get information

related to legal proceedings. ESSENTIAL

8. Arbitrate disputes between parties to ESSENTIAL

resolve legal conflicts.
9. Prepare documentation of legal
proceedings. ESSENTIAL

10. Identify implications for cases from legal

precedents or other legal information. ESSENTIAL

5. Review the abilities required to perform this job. Categorize the abilities by
using the O*Net taxonomy (https://www.onetcenter.org/taxonomy/2019/list.html).
Place the number of the task in the appropriate abilities category for each task. A
particular task can be classified in more than one category. Sum the abilities in
each category. What is the dominant type of ability needed to perform this job?
Identify specific skills needed to perform major tasks.
Category of ability Frequency
Cognitive 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10
Psychomotor 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10

The incumbent should have cognitive and psycho-motor skills. These are
essential to perform the tasks. For example the need to assess cases and analyze
them and to interpret decisions. Assuring that the client is in good hands and that
the incumbent is capable of doing their tasks.

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