Training AND Development of Raymond Company For Training AND Development of Raymond Company For

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Training AND Development of raymond company for

IMBA (Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari North Maharashtra University)

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A Report on project Work on

“A Study Of Training And Development”

Submitted in the partial fulfillment of the Requirement Of
In the faculty of Commerce and Management
Submitted By
Varma Poonam Manishankar (PRN: )

Moolji Jaitha College (100001) Jalgaon
UGC honored “College Of Excellence”
Academic year: 2017-2018

Guided by
CA. A .N .Arsiwala

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K.C.E Society’


NAAC Re-ACCREDITED “A” Grade with CGPA 3.63

UGC honored ”College of Excellence”
ISO 9001 2008 Certified

Faculty of Commerce and management

Professional Management
This is to certify that Varma Poonam Manishankar is a bonafide student of
M.J.College, Jalgaon and she has completed project, titled A Study Of Training
And Development under my guidance in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the
Third Year of “Bachelor of BusinessAdministration (T.Y.B.B.A.) for the year
2017-2018 of North Maharashtra University Jalgaon.

Date: / 01 / 2018

(CA. A.N. Arsiwala) (Dr. A. P.Sarode)

Project Guide Vice- principal

Internal Examiner External Examiner

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Ourselves Varma Poonam Manishankar have completed the Study Project titled ”Training
And Development” under the guidance of in the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the
award Of Degree of Bachelor in Business Administration (BBA) from North Maharashtra
University, Jalgaon.

This is an original piece of work & we have neither copied and nor submitted it earlier

Varma Poonam Manishankar

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Ourselves Varma Poonam Manishankar have completed the Study Project

titled “A Study Of Training And Development ” under the guidance of Dr. A N Arsiwala in
the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of Degree of Bachelor in Business
Administration (BBA) from North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon.
This project consumed huge amount of work, research and dedication. Still,
implementation would not have been possible if we did not have a support of many
individuals and Persons. Therefore we would like to extend our sincere gratitude to all of

First of all we are thankful to CA. A N Arsiwala is for providing his expert
guidance and extending continuous support in completion of project.

We are also grateful to all the Friends & Other Individual Youth Person
provision of data and responses on implementation employees by them. Without their
Support and co-operation, the Project would lack in quality of outcomes, and thus their
support has been essential.

Varma Poonam Manishankar

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3 PROFILE OF 12-21



8 ANNEXURE 42-43

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Training and development is vital part of the human resource development. It is

assuming ever important role in wake of the advancement of technology which has resulted
in ever increasing competition, rise in customer’s expectation of quality and service and a
subsequent need to lower costs. It is also become more important globally in order to prepare
workers for new jobs. In the current write up, we will focus more on the emerging need of
training and development, its implications upon individuals and the employers.

Noted management author Peter Drucker said that the fastest growing industry would be
training and development as a result of replacement of industrial workers with knowledge
workers. In United States, for example, according to one estimate technology is de-skilling 75
% of the population. This is true for the developing nations and for those who are on the
threshold of development. In Japan for example, with increasing number of women joining
traditionally male jobs, training is required not only to impart necessary job skills but also for
preparing them for the physically demanding jobs. They are trained in everything from sexual
harassment policies to the necessary job skills.

Definition of Training:

‘The organized procedure by which people learn knowledge and/or skill for a definite
purpose’. Training refers to the teaching and learning activities carried on for the primary
purpose of helping members of an organization acquire and apply the knowledge, skills,
abilities, and attitudes needed by a particular job and organization.


There are several T&D methods available. The use of a particular

method depends which method accomplishes the training needs and
objectives. Training methods can be classified into two categories:

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I. On-the-Job Methods This refers to the methods of training in which a person

learns a job by actually doing/performing it. A person works on a job and learns
and develops expertise at the same time.

1. Understudy In this the employee is trained by his or her supervisor. The trainee is
attached with his or her senior and called understudy or assistant. For example, a
future manager might spend few months as assistant to the present manager.

2. Job rotation This refers to shifting/movement of an employee from one job to

another on regular intervals.

3. Special projects The trainees' may ask to work on special projects related with
departmental objectives. By this, the trainees will acquire the knowledge of the
assigned work and also learn how to work with others.

4. Experience

It refers to learning by doing. This is one of the oldest methods of on-the-job training.
Although this is very effective method but it also very time-consuming and
wasteful. Thus it should be followed by other training methods.

5. Committee assignment

In this, the trainees become members of a committee. The c o m m i t t e e i s

a s s i g n e d a p r o b l e m t o d i s c u s s a n d m a k e recommendations.

6. Coaching

In this, the supervisor or the superior acts as a guide and instructor of the
trainee. This involves extensive demonstration and continuous critical evaluation and

II. Off-the-Job Methods

These methods require trainees to leave their workplace and concentrate their entire time
towards the training objectives. These days off-the-job training methods have become
popular due to limitations of the on-the-job training methods such as facilities and

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environment, lack of group discussion and full participation among the trainees from
different disciplines, etc. In the off-the job methods, the development of trainees is the
primary task rest everything is secondary. Following are the main off-the-job training

1. Special courses and lectures

These are the most traditional and even famous today, method of developing personnel.
Special courses and lectures are either designed by the company itself or by the
management/professional schools. Companies then sponsor their trainees to attend these
courses or lectures. These are the quick and most simple ways to provide knowledge to a
large group of trainees.

2. Conferences and seminars

In this, the participants are required to pool their thoughts, ideas, viewpoints, suggestions and
recommendations. By attending conferences and seminars, trainees try to look at a problem
from different angles as the participants are normally from different fields and sectors.

3. Selected reading

This is the self-improvement training technique. The persons acquire knowledge and
awareness by reading various trade journals and magazines. Most of the companies have their
own libraries. The employees become the members of the professional associations to keep
abreast of latest developments in their respective fields.

4. Case study method

This technique was developed by Harvard Business School, U.S.A. It is used as a supplement
to lecture method. A case is a written record of a real business situation/problem faced by a
company. The case is provided to the trainees for discussion and analysis. Identification and
diagnose of the problem is the aim in case study method. Alternate courses of action are
suggested from participants.

5. Programmed instruction/learning

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This is step-by-step self-learning method where the medium may be a textbook, computer or
the internet. This is a systematic method for teaching job skills involving presenting questions
or facts, allowing the person to respond and giving the learner immediate feedback on the
accuracy of his or her answers."

6. Brainstorming

This is creativity-training technique it helps people to solve problems in a new and different
way. In this technique, the trainees are given the opportunity to generate ideas openly and
without any fear of judgment. Criticism of any idea is not allowed so as to reduce inhibiting
forces. Once a lot of ideas are generated then they are evaluated for their cost and feasibility.

7. Role-playing

In this method, the trainees are assigned a role, which they have to play in an artificially
created situation. For example, a trainee is asked to play the role of a trade union leader and
another trainee is required to perform the role of a HR manager. This technique results in
better understanding of each other's situation by putting foot in other's shoes.

8. Vestibule schools

Large organizations frequently provide what are described as vestibule schools a preliminary
to actual shop experience. As far as possible, shop conditions are duplicated, but instruction,
not output is major objective." A vestibule school is operated as a specialized endeavor by the
personnel department. This training is required when the amount of training that has to be
done exceeds the capacity of the line supervisor; a portion of training is evolved from the line
and assigned to staff through a vestibule school." The advantage of a vestibule school is

9. Apprenticeship training

This training approach began in the middle Ages when those who wanted to learn trade skill
bound themselves to a master craftsman and worked under his guidance. Apprenticeship
training is a structured process by which people become skilled workers through a
combination of classroom instruction and on-the-job training.

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10. In-basket exercise

In this technique, the trainees are provided background information on a simulated firm and
its products, and key personnel. After this, the trainees are provided with in-basket of memos,
letters, reports, requests and other documents related with the firm. The trainee must make
sense out of this mass of paperwork and prepare memos, make notes and delegate tasks
within a limited time period."

11. Business games

Business games involve teams of trainees. The teams discuss and analyze the problem and
arrive at decisions. Generally, issues related with inventories, sales, R&D, production
process, etc. are taken up for consideration.

12. Behavior modeling

This is structured approach to teach specific supervisory skill. This is based on the social
learning theory in which the trainee is provided with a specific model of behavior and is
informed in advance of the consequences of engaging in that type of behavior

13. Sensitivity (T-group) training

In this type of training, a small group of trainees consisting of 10 to 12 a person is formed

which meets in an unstructured situation. There is no set agenda or schedule or plan. The
main objectives are more openness with each other, increased listening skills, trust, support,
tolerance and concern for others. The trainers serve a catalytic role. The group meets in
isolation without any formal agenda. There is great focus on inter-personal behaviour And the
trainer provides honest but supportive feedback to members on how they interacted with one

14. Multiple management

This technique of training was first introduced by McCormick, President of McCormick &
co. of Baltimore in 1932. He gave the idea of establishing a junior board of directors.
Authority is given to the junior board members to discuss any problem that could be discuss

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in senior board and give recommendations to the senior board. Innovative and productive
ideas became available for senior board.

Types of Training:

Various types of training can be given to the employees such as induction training, refresher
training, on the job training, vestibule training, and training for promotions.

Some of the commonly used training programs are listed below:

1. Induction training:
Also known as orientation training given for the new recruits in order to make them
familiarize with the internal environment of an organization. It helps the employees to
understand the procedures, code of conduct, policies existing in that organization.

2. Job instruction training:

This training provides an overview about the job and experienced trainers demonstrates the
entire job. Addition training is offered to employees after evaluating their performance if

3. Vestibule training:
It is the training on actual work to be done by an employee but conducted away from the
work place.

Training Process or Steps Involved For Conducting Training

Atraining is not a one sort affair; rather it is a step-by-step process that will completed only
after successful completion of given sequential activities.
 Download Pdf.

 Financial Statements

 Achieves

 Activity

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 Antivirus Program

1. Identifying Training Needs

Training need is a difference between standard performance and actual performance. Hence,
it tries to bridge the gap between standard performance and actual performance. The gap
clearly underlines the need for training of employees. Hence, under this phase, the gap is
identified in order to assess the training needs.

2. Establish Specific Objectives

After the identification of training needs, the most crucial task is to determine the objectives
of training. Hence, the primary purpose of training should focus to bridge the gap between
standard performance and actual performance. This can be done through setting training
objectives. Thus, basic objective of training is to bring proper match between man and the

3. Select Appropriate Methods

Training methods are desired means of attaining training objectives. After the determination
of training needs and specification of objectives, an appropriate training method is to be
identified and selected to achieve the stated objectives. There are number of training methods
available but their suitability is judged as per the need of organizational training needs.

4. Implement Programs
After the selection of an appropriate method, the actual functioning takes place. Under this
step, the prepared plans and programs are implemented to get the desired output. Under it,
employees are trained to develop for better performance of organizational activities.

5. Evaluate Program
It consists of an evaluation of various aspects of training in order to know whether the
training program was effective. In other words, it refers to the training utility in terms of
effect of training on employs' performance.

6. Feedback
Finally, a feedback mechanism is created in order to identify the weak areas in the training
program and improve the same in future. For this purpose, information relating to class room,

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food, lodging etc. are obtained from participants. The obtained information, then, tabulated,
evaluated, and analyzed in order to mark weak areas of training programs and for future

Before we say that technology is responsible for increased need of training inputs to
employees, it is important to understand that there are other factors too that contribute to the
latter. Training is also necessary for the individual development and progress of the
employee, which motivates him to work for a certain organization apart from just money. We
also require training update employees of the market trends, the change in the employment
policies and other things.

The following are the two biggest factors that contribute to the increased need to training and
development in organizations:

1. Change: The word change encapsulates almost everything. It is one of the biggest
factors that contribute to the need of training and development. There is in fact a direct
relationship between the two. Change leads to the need for training and development
and training and development leads to individual and organizational change, and the
cycle goes on and on. More specifically it is the technology that is driving the need;
changing the way how businesses function, compete and deliver.
2. Development: It is again one the strong reasons for training and development
becoming all the more important. Money is not the sole motivator at work and this is
especially very true for the 21st century. People who work with organizations seek
more than just employment out of their work; they look at holistic development of self.
Spirituality and self-awareness for example are gaining momentum world over. People
seek happiness at jobs which may not be possible unless an individual is aware of the
self. At ford, for example, an individual can enroll himself / herself in a course on
‘self-awareness’, which apparently seems inconsequential to ones performance at work
but contributes to the spiritual wellbeing of an individual which is all the more

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Training and development is important for company for, remove performance deficiencies in
employees, greater stability, flexibility and capacity for growth in an organization, reduce
accidents, scraps and damages to machinery can be avoided. Training and development is
important for improve knowledge, skill of an employees.
The present study depends on primary data. The Responses of the employees at the middle
level and senior level management of the manufacturing and information technology
industries is collected. The primary data is collected by using exhaustive questionnaire
prepared for both employees at middle level and senior level and training managers. Also
direct interaction with the employees and training managers was sort. questionnaires are used
for the study, one for employees and one for the training managers.
Training is one of several human resource management practices that can be used to increase
a companies competitiveness. Other human resource management practices include recruiting
employees, selecting employees, designing work, rewarding employees, and labour and
employee relations. Training refers to a planned effort by a company to facilitate employees
learning of job-related competencies. These competencies include knowledge, skills or
behaviors that are critical for successful job performance. The goal of training is for
employees to master the knowledge, skill and behaviors emphasized in training programs and
to apply them to their day-to-day activities.
Research methodology refers to a systematic way of solving research problem. Essential
feature of a good research is its pursuit for reality. It is difficult to reach on reliable and
convincing results without good research methodology, as it aspires for the essential

1. First, the study helps researchers understanding the overviews of research design
components and procedures.
2. Second, it helps researchers in making the right choices that work well with specific
research problems.
3. Third, learning can improve confidence and competencies of researchers in the area
where they do not have past experience. Undertaken research study was aimed to

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ascertain the effect of human resource development climate, training, performance

appraisal, Quality of working life, counseling and reward system on employee’s
productivity with impact of gender, qualification, designation differences. This
chapter deals with method and procedure of the study


Primary Data: Primary data is collected by researcher through questionnaire method which
is distributed among employees, and discussion with employees

Secondary Data: Secondary data is collected through books, internet websites.

Sample Size: Sample size of such study is given 50 employees, by using simple random
sampling technique.


Surveys indicate that training and staff development are the leading issues foremost personnel
departments. Staff training is an element in raising morale because it sounds out people for
possible future promotions. The aim should be to train and develop each employee so far as
possible even if that means running the risk of losing them to other organizations. This
growing awareness of the importance of training and development over the past decades is
also supported by reports that employees were spending more in aggregate terms on these
activities. RAYMOND LTD plays dominant role in training and development of employees
for their development.


 To study methods of training and development in the company

 To study impact of training on workers
 To examine the effectiveness of training in overall development of skills of
 To understand the importance given to training needs ‟ identfcaton in the Manufacturing
and also in the Informaton Technology industries.
 To understand how employees perceive training in both the types of industries.
 To measure the adequacy of the training for improving skills and competency of
employees in both the types of industries.

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 To understand the manager‟s role in the career management of employees through

training in both the types of industries.
 To review how effectve is the training functon in both the types of industries.

a) Maximising productivity and service provision for the company

b) Developing the adaptability for the workforce

c) Developing an organisation as a whole

d) Increasing job satisfaction, motivation and morale of workforce

e) Improving standards and safety at work

f) Promoting the Better utilisation of other resources

g) Standardisation of work practices and procedures

Limitations -

1) In view of the limited time available for the study, only the Training and Development
process could be studied.

2) The sample size is too small to reflect the opinion of the whole organization.

3) The answers given by the respondents have to be believed and have to be taken for
granted as truly reflecting their perception

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Raymond Ltd. is one of India's, and the world's, leading producers of worsted fabrics,
claiming some 60 percent of the Indian worsted suiting market. The company's Textiles
division, which accounts for 50 percent of group turnover, produces more than 25 million
meters of wool and wool-blended fabrics each year, placing the company at number three
worldwide. Raymond is a major supplier to the global textile industry, providing fabrics and
completed garments to more than 50 countries, including the North American, European,
Middle East, and Japanese markets. The company is also a major fabric innovator, and is one
of just two or three manufacturers in the world capable of producing the Super 210s and
Super 220s grades of pure wool, made from 13.2 micron and 12.69 micron wool,
respectively. In the mid-2000s, Raymond also has been investing heavily in the production of
denim; in 2005, the company raised its installed capacity to more than 30 million meters of
ring denim, and boosted capacity by another ten million meters in early 2006. Denim sales
accounted for 15 percent of group sales in 2005.
Raymond has long been an integrated textiles group, including production of its own branded
clothing--under the Raymond, Parx, and Manzoni names--as well as retail distribution
through an India-wide network of more than 320 stores, including nearly 20 Be designer
clothing stores. The company also acquired ColorPlus in 2004, giving it control of one of
India's leading casualwear brands. Garment sales contributed more than 20 percent of the
company's sales in 2005. Other Raymond operations include a 50 percent stake in the J.K.
Raymond also controls J.K. Files & Tools, the world's leading producer of files and rasps.
Raymond itself is the flagship of the Singhania Group, a chemicals producer. The company is
led by CEO Gautam Hari Singhania great-grandson of the company's founder. Raymond is
listed on several stock exchanges in India, including the Mumbai (Bombay) Stock Exchange.
The arrival of a new generation of Singhanias at the head of the family empire signaled a new
era for the company. Vijayapat Singhania, who formally took over the company in 1980,
became credited with developing the company into a modern, industrial group. The
company's new strategy involved building its capacity and its technology to become a world-
class textile producer The company took a first step in this direction in 1979, when it began
construction of a new factory in Jalgaon. The company added a third mill, in Chindwara, in
1992. By the 2000s, Singhania's production had topped 25 million meters of worsted fabric
per year, placing it as one of the world's top three producers.
While continuing to target growth in the textile sector, Vijayapat Singhania became
determined to develop Raymond into a diversified industrial conglomerate. The company
entered the cement production market, and later added a unit producing files and rasps,
developing that business, J.K. Files & Tools, into a world leader. In 1984, the company added
the manufacture of automobile components, later brought together into Ring Plus Aqua
Limited, in a joint venture with Osaka Pump Company of Japan, in 1998.

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Type :
Private Holding Company

Industry :
Textiles, Engineering and Aviation

Founded :
1925; 93 years ago

Headquarters :
Mumbai, India

Key people :
Gautam singhaniya
(Chairman and MD)

Products :
fabrics, garments, designer wear, denim, cosmetics & toiletries, engineering files & tools,
prophylactics and air charter services

Website :

Brandes :

Raymond (Ready-To-Wear) is a premium formal wear brand which is postioned to offer

classic garments with impeccable fits and inviting styles to the Global Indian. Needless to say
that the product is made only from premium Raymond fabrics

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Raymond, the name is synonymous with the values of trust, heritage & excellence. A name
that has over eight decades epitomized consumer's trust into its offerings into the company's
unflinching faith in the quality of its product. And now these values have been extended to
the range of readymade garments - 'Raymond (Ready-To-Wear)'.

Raymond (Ready-To-Wear) is a premium formal wear brand which is postioned to offer

classic garments with impeccable fits and inviting styles to the Global Indian. Needless to say
that the product is made only from premium Raymond fabrics.

The brand reflects the persona of a confident, discerning, classy and an intelligent man. A
person who is well educated, well traveled and above all is sensitive and caring. Virtues like
these make him the complete man in true sense of the word.

The Suits, Shirts and Trousers are made out of finest fabrics with superior construction and
sophisticated embellishments that give a rich feel and super fit. Superior craftsmanship and
attention to detail makes the product a pleasure to wear.

Raymond (Ready-To-Wear) is available in 'The Raymond Shops', Central, Online websites

like,, etc. and also 'Multi brand Outlets' all over India.

Parx is a premium casual lifestyle brand, which is positioned to cater to the needs of
consumers who are looking for dressing up for life across occasions and events. Parx makes
available the latest international trends through differentiated designs and styles. It has always
been part of the consumer who is looking at making lifestyle statements.

Parx is a premium casual lifestyle brand, which is positioned to cater to the needs of
consumers who are looking for dressing up for life across occasions and events.

Parx reflects the persona of the energetic 22-30 year old who is aggressive, outgoing,
dynamic and lives his life to the fullest. Parx reflects the pulse of the new generation which
looks at clothing as a reflection of their attitude and vibrancy.

Right from its inception in 1999, Parx has been the preferred choice of brand in the causal
wear segment with continuous innovations and international trends and styling. It is
positioned to meet the consumer needs for "beyond work" requirements and this has been
addressed through categories like Urban, Sport, Excursion and Club.

The brand goes to great lengths to ensure quality. The manufacturing process uses the best of
machinery, techniques, tracking systems and processes. These are automated to a large extent.

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Distribution is through the following channels: Exclusive Parx brand stores, which are
company-owned and operated; There are currently 28 exclusive stores and a few more to be
added by the end of this year constantly increasing. The Raymond Shop (which offers fabric
from Raymond and other readymade brands from the house of Raymond); large format stores
like Central; and other leading menswear stores.

Parx’s exclusive brand stores are directed toward delighting the customer with high standards
of service and providing an unique shopping experience.

Makers is a fabric brand from the house of Raymond targeting the ever growing Tier 3 to 5
town consumers who are no longer living in the shadow of their metro counterparts but are
increasingly gaining more disposable income as well as the confidence to make it big and be

Makers stand for “Creators of fashionable clothing for Indian middle class” and hence it
aspires to bring fashion come alive in everyday dressing of the common man.

The brand stands for more than just the fabric. It is committed to guide the consumers
through the journey from "Fabric to Fashionable clothes" by providing branded fabric,
accessories, styling tips and stitching guides.

The product range comprises of poly viscose and poly wool trouser fabric, along with a range
of shirting fabric in 100% cotton, linen and cotton blends, which are available through Thans
and cut pieces as well.

MAKERS also offers enhanced packaging solutions that are ideal for gifting on a special

1925 - The Company was incorporated on 10th September, 1925 at Mumbai. It manufactures
woollen and worsted and hosiery yarns, knitting wool, engineers' steel files and cement.
30,000 shares issued to the Managing Agents for consideration other than cash. 200 shares
allotted to the Directors and 19,800 shares to their friends for cash.

1950 - A factory was set up at Thane for manufacturing engineers' steel files.

1965 - A new factory building was constructed and complete plant and machinery with the
exception of wool washing and backwashing machinery were received and erected.

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1966 - The Balance machinery and high temperature wool top dyeing machine were installed.

1967 - The Raymond Woollen Mills Ltd., was registered in Kenya for manufacturing knitting
yarns and price goods of wool and wool mixed with synthetic fibres, and woollen and
worsted fabrics.
The Raymond Woollen Mills (Kenya) Ltd., became a subsidiary of the Company. The
Company's holding in this subsidiary at the end of March 1996 stood at 5,40,000 of K. Shs
200 each out of 7,55,625 shares of K. Shs. 200 each.

1968 - J.K. (England), Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company were appointed to act
as selling agents for woollen goods in U.K., with effect from 1st January.

1970 - The Company undertook a scheme of research and development for sheep breeding
and wool production in India with a view to produce indigenously Merino type wool.

1973 - 5,04,000 Bonus equity shares issued in prop. 1:3.

1978 - The Company undertook to set up a new woollen mill unit in Jalgaon in Maharashtra.
20,16,000 Bonus equity shares issued in prop. 1:1.

1980 - The Company offered to the public 1,20,000-12% (taxable) secured debentures of Rs
400 each for cash at par.

1981 - The Company offered during September, 6,00,000 No. of equity shares of Rs 10 each
at a premium of Rs 10 per share for cash (Prop. 5 No. of equity: 1 Debenture). 27,29,200
bonus equity shares issued in prop. 3:5. 25,000 - 5% Pref. shares cancelled. 25,000 - 5% pref.
shares issued.

1982 - The Company decided to set up a modern Wool Combing Division in collaboration
with Sir James Mill & Sons Ltd., Bradford, U.K.
The Dhule farm experienced a strike which culminated in violence and theft. The Company,
therefore, decided to discontinue the sheep development project to avoid further loss of life
and property. The Company subsequently entered into an agreement with the Maharashtra
Sheep Development Corporation Ltd., under which the Company's entire flock of sheep was
handed over to them.
14,25,600 No. of equity shares issued at a prem. of Rs 2.50 per share to financial institutions
upon conversion of loans/debentures.

1984 - During September, the Company issued 4,80,000 - 13.5% secured convertible
debentures of Rs 475 each to provide a part of the finance required for the expansion of the
Company's cement plant. Of these 1,32,000 debentures were reserved for preferential
allotment to non-residents, 1,20,000 to the equity shareholders and 33,000 for allotment to
the Company's employees and business associates. The balance 1,95,000 debentures were

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offered to the public.

Each debenture holder has the right to receive 5 No. of equity shares of Rs 10 each at a
premium of Rs 5 per share on 1st April, 1985 without any further notice. The non-convertible
portion of Rs 400 per debenture is redeemable at par in three annual installments of Rs 133,
Rs 133, Rs 134 in the 8th, 9th and 10th year respectively.

1985 - 24,00,000 No. of equity shares of Rs 10 each issued (prem. Rs 5 per share) upon
conversion of 13.5% convertible debentures in April 1985. 25,000 - 6.5% Pref. shares
redeemed on 30.6.1985.

1986 - The Company received a letter of intent for the manufacture of High carbon/alloy steel
profile sections, High speed steel twist drills, tool bits, blanks, etc., Engineers steel files and
rasps in the backward district of Ratnagiri in Maharashtra.
The Company received a letter of intent for the manufacture of 15,000 tonnes per annum of
polyester filament yarn (PFY). This project was proposed to be set up in Allahabad district of
The Company offered 8,00,000 - 15% secured redeemable non-convertible debentures of Rs
100 each as rights to resident Indian equity and preference shareholders in the ratio 1 Deb. :
16 No. of equity shares held and 5 debentures: 8 preference shares held. Additional
debentures for Rs 250 lakhs were allotted to retain excess subscription. These debentures will
be redeemed at a premium of 5% on the expiry of 7 years from the date of allotment.

1987 - A memorandum of understanding was signed with Toray Industries of Japan.

Another letter of intent was received for the manufacture of textiles made wholly or partly
out of synthetic fibre/yarns by installation of 50,000 spindles and 1,500 looms. This project
was proposed to be set up in the backward district of Balaghat in M.P.
The Company issued and allotted 10,00,000 (series IV) 14% non-convertible debentures of
Rs 100 each aggregating Rs 100 lakhs on rights basis. These debentures are redeemable on
1st January, 1998 at a premium of 5% on the face value of the debentures. The Company
privately placed with U.T.I., 2,50,000 -14% non-convertible debentures of Rs 100 each
aggregating Rs 250 lakhs. These debentures are redeemable at a premium of 5% of the face
value, on 25th January, 1995. 1,12,36,800 bonus equity shares issued in prop. 1:1.

1988 - As a part of expansion of its weaving capacity, 5 new looms were installed on 31st
March. 23 new looms were installed and combing capacity was expanded. The Ring frames
in the spinning department were replaced. The letter of intent for manufacture of 15,000
tonnes per annum of PFY was transferred in the name of `Raymonds Synthetics, Ltd.', a
subsidiary Company promoted to implement the project.

1989 - A project to expand the capacity of the cement plant from 12 lakh tonnes to 18
lakh tonnes per annum was being undertaken.
The Company issued 4,00,000-14% secured non-convertible debentures of Rs 100 each on to
financial institutions on private placement basis. These debentures were to be redeemed on

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12th June, 1996 at a premium of Rs 5 per debenture. During October, the Company offered
89,89,440 - 12.5% convertible debentures of Rs 75 each to the then existing shareholders in
the ratio of two debentures for every five equity shares held. - Another 4,49,472 debentures
were offered to employees, Indian working directors and workers of the Company on an
equitable basis.
The Company retained 16,19,435 debentures to meet oversubscription. As per the terms of
issue, Rs 45 of each debenture will be converted into one equity share of Rs 10 each at a
premium of Rs 35 per share on 1st July, 1990. Accordingly, 106,08,875 shares were allotted.
The remaining portion of Rs 30 of each debenture will be redeemed at par in three equal
installments of Rs 10 each on the expiry of 7th, 8th and 9th year from the date of of allotment
of the debentures. The first instalments of Rs 10 per debenture was redeemed during 1996-97.

1990 - A new plant for the manufacture of files and twist drills was being set up at Pithampur
near Indore in Madhya Pradesh. It was decided to expand the installed capacity further from
18 lakh tonnes to 22 lakh tonnes per annum by mid 1993. - The Company had applied for a
licence to produce 75,000 tonnes per annum of purified terepthalic acid.

1993 - The Company proposed to manufacture cold rolled steel strips/sheets and silicon steel
sheets with an installed capacity of 1,50,000 MTA in technical collaboration with Allegheny
Ludlum Corporation, Pittsburg, USA at Wadivarhe, Nasik. The plant was commissioned in
September 1995. The Company issued 90,63,577 16% (Taxable) Secured Redeemable non-
Convertible debentures of Rs 100 each with detachable warrants by way of rights to the
existing shareholders and employees. The holders of the equity warrants have a right to apply
and be allotted one equity share of Rs 10 each upon payment of Rs 150 (Premium Rs 140).
During September, the Company issued US $63 million comprising of 39,57,286 GDRs equal
to 79,14,572 No. of equity shares at a price of US $ 15.92 per GDR.

1994 - The name of the Company was changed from Raymond Woollen Mills Ltd. to
Raymond Limited.

1995 - A new brand of cement `Dura-Guard' a high degree of durability was introduced.

- The Company promoted joint venture Company viz. Raymond Calitri Denim Ltd. with
Calitri Denim Industries SPA, Italy to produce high quality ring denim fabrics.

1996 - The overall working was adversely affected by various factors such as strike at its
major textile plant at Chhindwara, slackness in demand and consequently lower prices for
most of the products, continuous escalation in costs and credit stringency coupled with high
interest costs.

1997 - The strike at the major textile plant at Chandwara was resolved in the first week of
April, and normal working was restored. Due to fall in output of electrical equipment,
demand for silicon steel continued to be sluggish throughout the year. The Company entered
into a basic understanding with EBG Gesellschaft (belonging to Thyssen steel group of

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Germany) for transfer of steel division into a joint venture subject to necessary approvals.

1998 - J.K. (Mumbai), Ltd., is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company. All the 2 lakh
equity shares of Rs 100 each issued by this subsidiary are held by the Company as on 31st
March. Jaykayorg A.G., Switzerland with an issued and paid-up capital of 500 shares of
Swiss Francs 100 each is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company.As on 31st March, the
Company held 2,39,930 No. of equity shares of Rs 10 each respectively out of 2,40,000
No.of equity shares issued by Pashmina Holdings, Ltd. From January, J.K. Chemicals Ltd.
became a subsidiary of the Company. As on 31st March, the Company held 34,89,878 No. of
equity shares of Rs 100 each out of 58,22,200 No. of equity shares issued by the subsidiary.
As on 31st March, the Company and its nominees held all the 9,80,000 No. of equity shares
of Rs 10 each issued by J.K. Helene Curties Ltd.As on 31st March, the Company and its
nominees held 5,40,000 No. of equity shares of K.Shs 200 each in the subsidiary.The steel
division was set up and the first phase was commissioned during 1995. The company had tied
up with Allegheny Ludlum of US, the leader in speciality steel for a technology
collaboration.Raymond and EBG signed a memorandum of understanding on April 5, to form
a joint venture.
The ratings assigned to the non-convertible debentures (NCD) issues of Raymond Ltd and
Raymond Synthetics Ltd have been downgraded to AA- and AA-(SO) from AA and AA (SO),
respectively by the Credit Rating and Information Services of India Ltd (Crisil).

1999 - EBG Gesellschaft, a 100 percent subsidiary owned by the Thyssen group, was to form
a 76:24 joint venture with the steel division of Raymond to form a new company named EBG
India Ltd. - The `FAA' rating assigned to the fixed deposit programme of Raymond has also
been placed under watch with developing implications. The steel division, for which
Raymond had a technical collaboration with US-based Alleghany Ludlum Corporation, has
an installed capacity of 45,000 silicon steel and one lakh tonne of cold rolled cold annealed,
which is likely to be expanded by another one lakh tonne.

2000 - Raymond Ltd. launched `Manzoni', a premium brand of formal shirts and ties. The
Company has entered into a relationship with Morarjee Brembana, the manufacturer, which
will ensure that the most contemporary products are introduced in the country.CARE has
reaffirmed the PR1+ rating to the company's commercial paper programme of Rs 1 billion. -
The Company has entered into a Memorandum of Agreement dated April 27, for the
divestment of its Cement Division as a going concern to M/s. Lafarge India Ltd. The
Raymonds board approved the appointment of Mr Gautam Singhania as the new chairman
and managing director of the Raymond Group.Raymond has sold its steel unit for Rs 412.26
crore to EBG Germany, a subsidiary of ThyssenKrupp Stahl, the German steel gian. - The
company accordingly signed the Agreement to Sell Undertaking with EBG India Pvt. Ltd.,
and has received a sum of Rs. 386.86 crores in cash and has allotted 2,54,00,000 No. of
equity shares of Rs. 10/- each
aggregating Rs. 25.40 crores in the share capital of EBG India Pvt. Ltd. The Vijaypat
Singhania group flagship Raymond Ltd, as part of its ongoing restructuring exercise,
amalgamate its wholly owned subsidiary Raymond Calitri Denim, which streered the group's

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foray into denim wear.Crisil has upgraded and removed from rating watch the AA-rating
assigned to a Rs 90.5 crore non-convertible debenture programme of the company to AA+.
Million Air, The aviation division of Raymonds Limited, has tied up with
India's premier portal, to promote the sales of its helicopter joy-rides' gift vouchers on
Indiainfo's `Shopping Mall'.The Company has divested its Steel Division to EBG India Pvt.
Ltd., a joint venture company in which the company holds 24% Equity Stake, vide the
'Agreement to Sell an Undertaking on Slump Sales Basis'.

2001 - The Company has acquired the files division of the A.V. Birla group company, HGI
Industries. The two companies have signed a memorandum of understanding for the transfer
of HGI's plant in Kolkata to Raymond for a consideration of Rs 17.5 crore. Raymond Ltd will
commence a buy-back offer of its shares at a maximum price of Rs 160 rupees from 7th
March.J K Ansell, the 50:50 joint venture between the Vijaypat Singhania group company
Raymond and Australia-based Ansell International, is expanding its business portfolio.

2002 -Raymond Ltd has selected Leo Burnett, RK Swamy BBDO and Contract Advertising
for its Rs.45cr Advertising account. Raymong informed BSE that the Steel Files Division of
HGI Industries Ltd. located at Kolkota, West Bengal has been acquired by Hindustan Files
Ltd.Raymond Ltd has executed the Memorandum of Understanding with Color Plus Fashions
Private acquire the entire share holding of Color Plus in a phased manner and subject
to due deligence and obtaining necessary approvals.

2003 -Raymond Ltd has raised up Rs.25cr through its secured non-convertible debenture
issue through book building route with a greenshoe option of the same amount.
Crisil has assigned AA+ rating to the debenture issue of Raymond Ltd.Raymong Ltd has set
to manufacture suit lengths in the Super 200's wool category which will be only one of three
companies to manufacture this kind of suits.Shri R Narayanan has been nominated as GM
-Legal and Company Secretary and Compliance Officer by the Raymong Ltd.

2003 -Raymond Ltd. has informed that the Board of Directors of the Company at their
meeting held on May 13, 2003 had nominated Shri R Narayanan, General Manager - Legal &
Company Secretary as Compliance Officer. Shri Akshay Singhania has ceased to be a
Director of the Company

2004 -Raymonds sets up apparel subsidiary to cater to export mart

2005 -Raymond signs JV agreement with Lanificio Fedora, Italy on June 20, 2005 Raymond
signs JV agreement with MOB Outillage, France

2006 -Raymond launches Chairman's Collection in South Indian mkt Raymond Ltd has
informed that a 50:50 Joint Venture (JV) Agreement has been signed on November 10, 2006
between the Company and Grotto S.p.A., of Italy (the owner of the international brand 'Gas')
for sale in India of casual apparel and accessories bearing the trademark 'Gas'.

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2008 - Raymond ltd has appointed Shri Thomas Fernandes, as the Company Secretary &
Compliance Officer of the Company with effect from November 1, 2008 in place of Shri R.
Narayanan who has retired from the Company with effect from October 31, 2008.

2009 - Raymond Ltd has appointed Shri H. Sunder as President - Finance & Chief Financial
Officer of the Company with effect from December 16, 2009.

2010 - Raymonds Buys Finest Australian Wool Launch of Raymond's first exclusive Made-
To-Measure store at Palladium, Phoenix Mills.. - Raymond income rises marginally from
Rs.240 crore to Rs.244 crore 2011 Raymonds net profit rise 24 percent.

2012 - Raymond's auto components business acquires Trinity India Raymonds - Board
recommends Dividend 25 25% (Previous year 10%) for the financial year 2011-12. Raymond
eye 2000 outlet over 180 town for makers brand in gujarat

2013 -Raymond has been placed at the top of the ‘Textile and Garment’ segment as the
‘Most Admired Companies in India. -Raymond Vapi plant has won the Second Prize in the
National Energy Conservation Award. -Raymond won the Most Respected Company award
in the textile and apparel sector. -Raymond Wins National Energy Conservation.

2014 -Raymond "The Complete Man" TV commercial (husband-baby) has won the
"National Laadli Media & Advertising Award for Gender Sensitivity". -Raymond Launches
Online Store. -ColorPlus bags 'Most Admired Men's Apparel Store' Award. -Raymond
launches 'I Love Wool' drive nationally. -Raymond Ltd has he Scheme of Amalgamation and
Arrangement of Trinity India Limited.

2015 - Raymond introduces international jacketing collection - Raymond launches line of

lightweight linen in the city

2016 -Raymond opens exclusive store in Chennai. -Raymond introduces Technosmart

collections. -Raymond arm inks pact with Neel Metals Products to sell ROSE.

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History of Human Resource

Personnel administration, which emerged as a clearly defined field by the 1920s (at least in
the US), was largely concerned the technical aspects of hiring, evaluating, training, and
compensating employees and was very much of "staff" function in most organizations. The
field did not normally focus on the relationship of disparate employment practices on overall
organizational performance or on the systematic relationships among such practices.

HRM developed in response to the substantial increase in competitive pressures American

business organizations began experiencing by the late 1970s as a result of such factors as
globalization, deregulation, and rapid technological change. These pressures gave rise to an
enhanced concern on the part of firms to engage in strategic planning--a process of
anticipating future changes in the environment conditions (the nature as well as level of the
market) and aligning the various components of the organization in such a way as to promote
organizational effectiveness.

Human resource management (HRM), also called personnel management, consists of all the
activities undertaken by an enterprise to ensure the effective utilization of employees toward
the attainment of individual, group, and organizational goals.

An organization's HRM function focuses on the people side of management. It consists of

practices that help the organization to deal effectively with its people during the various
phases of the employment cycle, including pre-hire, staffing, and post-hire.The pre-hire phase
involves planning practices. The organization must decide what types of job openings will
exist in the upcoming period and determine the necessary qualifications for performing these
jobs. During the hire phase, the organization selects its employees. Selection practices include
recruiting applicants, assessing their qualifications, and ultimately selecting those who are
deemed to be the most qualified.

According to Flippo: stated that planned development programmes return values to the
organization in terms of increased productivity, heightened morale, reduced costs, and greater
organizational stability and flexibility adapt to changing external requirements. Such
programmes according to him, help to meet the needs of individuals in there search for work
assignments that can add up to life - long careers.

According to Peter Drucker : states that managers are the most expensive resource in most
business and the one that depreciates the fastest and needs most constant replenishment. This
replenishment according to him should take place in terms of updating knowledge and the
skills of the managers.

According to Taylor : framework, training is a management tool used to address deficiency

in knowledge, skills and attitudes of organizational members which are dysfunctional for the
effective performance of the organization. This framework is also referred to as 'functionalist
approach' 'structure oriented approach', because training is preceded by development of
structures, jobs, methods and processes by the higher management and then geared to
upgrade employee capabilities to fit the jobs or structures.

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A human resources functions :

 Determine needs of the staff.

 Determine to use temporary staff or hire employees to fill these needs.
 Recruit and train the best employees.
 Supervise the work.
 Manage employee relations, unions and collective bargaining.
 Prepare employee records and personal policies.
 Ensure high performance.
 Manage employee payroll, benefits and compensation.
 Ensure equal opportunities.
 Deal with discrimination.
 Deal with performance issues.
 Ensure that human resources practices conform to various regulations.
 Push the employees' motivation.

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Q1. Since how many years you are working in the company?

a. 0-5 Years
b. 5-10 Years
c. 10-15 Years
d. More than 15


0-5 Years 10 20%
5-10 Years 15 30%
10-15Years 20 40%
More than 15 5 10%
Total 50 100%

Out of 100% respondents, 20% respondents are working in RAYMOND LTD. Between 0-5
years. 30% respondents are working in RAYMOND LTD. Between -5-10 years. 40%
respondents are working in RAYMOND LTD. Between 10-15 years. 10% respondents are
working in RAYMOND LTD. Between more than 15 years.

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Q2. Do you like to attend the training program?

a. Yes
b. No


Yes 45 90%
No 5 10%
Total 50 100%

Attend training program




Out of 100% respondents, 90% respondents attend the training program.10% respondents
are not attend the training program

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Q3. Training is organized?

a. Quarterly
b. Half Yearly
c. Annually
d. Every 2 Years


Quarterly 12 24%
Half Yearly 8 16%
Annually 18 36%
Every 2 years 12 24%
Total 50 100%

Training is organized

24.00% 24.00%
Half Yearly
Every 2 years




24% respondents says that company organize training program Quarterly, 16% respondents
says that company organize training program Half yearly , 36% respondents says that
company organize training program Annually , 24% respondents says that company organize
training program Every 2 Year.

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Q4. What kind of training method do you prefer?

a. On the Job
b. Off the Job
c. Both


On the job 17 34%
Off the job 12 24%
Both 21 42%
Total 50 100%

Training method

34.00% On the job

42.00% Off the job


Out of 100% respondents 34% respondents says that on the job and off the job training
method are preferred 24%. And 42% prefer both.

Q5. Which method is most suitable for training?

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a. Step by Step Instruction

b. Coaching / Lecture
c. Conference / Discussions
d. Programmed Instructions.


Step by Step Instruction 10 20%
Coaching / Lecture 12 24%
Conference / Discussions 11 22%
Programmed Instructions. 17 34%
Total 50 100%

Method suitable for training

Step by Step Instructon
34.00% Coaching / Lecture
Conference / Discussions
Programmed Instructons.



100% training method are more suitable for training. 20% respondents say that step by step
instruction , 24% respondents say that coaching and lecture method , 22% respondents say
that conference and discussion , and 34% respondents programmed instructions method are
more suitable for training.

Q6. Do you experience fruitful changes in working efficiency after being trained?

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a. Yes
b. No


Yes 35 70%
No 15 30%
Total 50 100%

70% respondents have experience fruitful changes in working efficiency after being trained.
And 30% respondents have not experience fruitful changes in working efficiency after being

Q7. Does training improve performance?

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a. Yes
b. No


Yes 38 76%
No 12 24%
Total 50 100%

Training improve performance




76% respondents say that training improves performance. And 24% respondents say that
training do not improves performance

Q8. Training is provided?

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a. Yes
b. No


Short 42 84%
Long 8 16%
Total 50 100%

Training provided




84% respondents point of view training is provided for short duration and 16% respondents
point of view training is provided for long duration.

Q9. Does the training enhance organization effectiveness?

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a. Yes
b. No


Yes 40 80%
No 10 20%
Total 50 100%

Training is organization effectiveness




80% respondents say that training enhances organization effectiveness, 20% respondents says
that training do not enhance organization effectiveness.

Q10. Are you satisfied with the training procedure?

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a. Yes
b. No


Yes 47 94%
No 3 6%
Total 50 100%

Satisfied with training procedure



94% respondents are satisfied with the training procedure, 6% respondents are not satisfied
with the training procedure.

Q11. Do companies provide study material before the training program?

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a. Yes
b. No


Yes 30 60%
No 20 40%
Total 50 100%

Company provide study material before the training program



40% respondents say that company does not provide study material before the training
program, 60% respondents say that company provides study material before the training

Q12. How long is the training process?

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a. 5 to 10 days
b. 10 to 15 days
c. 15 to 20 days
d. 20 to 25days


5 to 10 days 10 20%
10 to 15 days 12 24%
15 to 20 days 18 36%
20 to 25 days 10 20%
Total 50 100%

Training process

20.00% 20.00%
5 to 10 days
10 to 15 days
15 to 20 days
20 to 25 days


24% respondents say that training process is 10 to 15 days, 20% respondents says that
training process is 20 to 25 days, 20% respondents say that training process is 5-10 days, 36%
respondents say that training process is 15 to 20 days.

Q13. Do you feel training is necessary for any employee for developing his skills?

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a. Yes
b. No


Yes 45 90%
No 5 10%
Total 50 100%

Training is necessary for any employee developing his skill




90% feel training is necessary for any employee for developing his skills, 10% feel training is
not necessary for any employee for developing his skills.

Q14. Does training builds up team work?

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a. Yes
b. No


Yes 30 60%
No 20 40%
Total 50 100%

Training builds up team work



60% says training builds up team work, 40% says training is not builds up team work.

Q15 Are you satisfied with the training procedure?

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a. Yes
b. No


Yes 42 84%
No 8 16%
Total 50 100%

Satisfied with the training procedure




84% satisfied with the training procedure, 16% not satisfied with the training procedure.


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 Maximum numbers of respondents are working in RAYMOND LTD. Between 0-5

 Maximum numbers of respondents attend the training program.

 Maximum number of respondents says that company organize training program


 Maximum number of respondents says that on the job and off the job training method
is preferred.

 Conference and discussion and other training method are more suitable for training.

 Maximum number of respondents have experience fruitful changes in working

efficiency after being trained.

 Training improves performance

 Training is provided for short duration

 Training enhances organization effectiveness.

 Maximum numbers of respondents are satisfied with the training procedure.

 Training process is 10 to 15 days.

 On the job training method is given in the organization.

 Company does not provide study material before the training program.

 Human Resource Management is a key function in an organisation.

 Having a flexible workforce with the right skills and qualifications means that a
business is better able to respond and adapt to changes in the market.

 Selects the right candidates who can grow and develop with the business.

 Training and development is extremely important to the growth of the company.

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 They not only increase the employees abilities and knowledge but also strength the
relationship that exists between the workforce and the members of
leadership within the company


 Greater awareness about the objectives of the training and development programme
must be created among the trainees at the time of their nomination for the training so
that it helps the trainee easily understand and attain the objectives and goals of the
 Employees must be motivated to take up Training Programmes regularly to update
their skills and learn new technique to perform their work effectively and efficiently
 Objectives of the training programme must be in line with the need of the trainees and
must be clearly explained to them and so that they can be easily attained.
 Training Programme must be conducted at frequent intervals to help the workers
update with new technologies and improve their performance.
 Trainers must extend their personal care and concern to create a friendly atmosphere
and always be ready to help the trainees in difficult situation.
 Training need assessment process should be un biased and to be made transparent,
based on an actual need.
 Training Programme must be given importance according to the expectations of the
 Organizations need to draw up a training policy that guides the training department
and the rest of the organization on how to conduct training and its evaluation
 Employees should take training more seriously for the individual development as well
as the development of the organization.
 Employees should develop positive attitude on training.
 Employees need to consult their superiors before attending the training programme to
clarify their doubts.
 Provide training and development that is really relevant to the skill you want the
employee to attain.
 Include an analysis of the benefits to your organization so that everyone can better
understand the return on their investment.



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1) Making performance work effectively: - Philip Tom: McGraw Hill Book Company:
England: 1983.
2) Principles and procedures in evaluating performance: John C. Flanagan: volume 28.
3) Public Personal Administration: S L Goel: Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd.: New Delhi.
4) Training & Development : A Better way: Robert Hayden: Volume 52.
5) Research Methodology Methods and Techniques: Kothari C. R.: Willey Easter: New
6) P. Jyothi, P., Venkatesh, D.N., Human Resource Management
7) Kothari, C. R., Methods and Techniques, New Delhi, New Age International Publications
8) Aswathappa, K., Human Resource Personal Management

Websites Search:



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Q1. Since how many years you are working in the company?

a. 0-5 Years
b. 5-10 Years
c. 10-15 Years
d. More than 15

Q2. Do you like to attend the training program?

a. Yes
b. No

Q3. Training is organized?

a. Quarterly
b. Half Yearly
c. Annually
d. Every 2 Years

Q4. What kind of training method do you prefer?

a. On the Job
b. Off the Job
c. Both

Q5. Which method is most suitable for training?

a. Step by Step Instruction

b. Coaching / Lecture
c. Conference / Discussions
d. Programmed Instructions.

Q6. Do you experience fruitful changes in working efficiency after being trained?

a. Yes
b. No

Q7. Does training improve performance?

a. Yes
b. No

Q8. Training is provided?

a. Yes
b. No

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Q9. Does the training enhance organization effectiveness?

a. Yes
b. No

Q10. Are you satisfied with the training procedure?

a. Yes
b. No

Q11. Do company provide study material before the training program?

a. Yes
b. No

Q12. How long is the training process?

a. 5 to 10 days
b. 10 to 15 days
c. 15 to 20 days
d. 20 to 25days

Q13. Do you feel training is necessary for any employee for developing his skills?

a. Yes
b. No

Q14. Does training builds up team work?

a. Yes
b. No

Q15 Are you satisfied with the training procedure?

a. Yes
b. No

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