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The surah Al-Faitha which starts with every prayer. The word Al-Fatiha came from the root
word Fataha which means to open, clarify, uncover, keys of fortune and so forth. It is recited
with another Ayat or sura during prayers.It is also called as Umm Al-Kitab (‘The Mother of
the book”). The surah Al-Fatiha is paired with the rest of the whole Quran. It is in the first
chapter (siparah) of Quran. There are 7 verses of surah Fatiah. It was revealed in Mecca and
was earliest revelation to the holy prophet (PBUH).

The Surah Al-Faitha is recited many times in our daily prayers which tell us that how much
there is importance of this surah in our daily prayers and it is explained the light of different
Hadits. The Starting of Surah Al-Faitha tell us that Allah is the creator of universe, He is
Unique and there is no God accept Allah who is most merciful to faithful. The servants of
Allah should praise him for everything he provided to his servants and he is the lord who
nourishes the believer who nourishes the believer with faith and good work. It also tell that
On the Day of Resserction known as (Day Of Judgement ) all human beings will be rewarded
for their deeds who have follow the right path and abstain themselves from sins.

In One Hadit of The Surrah tell us that it help and guide servant to right path by reciting it.
h dinas siratal mustaqeem

“Guide us to the straight path”

The prayer is invalid without reciting surah Al-Faitah because without reciting surah Al-
Faitah the prayer is incomplete and Allah will not accept the incomplete prayer.
The surah also highlight the importance of surah Al-faitah for cure from sting,
poison and illness which can relieve pain by reciting the surah. The Holy prophet
(PBUH) campanions use this surah for the chief of tribe who was suffering from pain
as his tribe were not buying sheeps from Holy Prophet (PBUH) companion but the
tribe were in a situation where the chief of the tribe was poisoned and they were
looking for cure of chief by asking medicine from Holy prophet (PBUH) companion
and they said that you did not buy our sheeps and we will not treat yor chief. The tribe
agreed and bought sheeps from companion of Holy Prophet (PBUH) and they cured
the tribe chief by reciting the surah Al-Faitah.

Also reading this Surah will come under protection of Allah who is the greatest
protector by reciting regularly and get away from all kind of fear and threats.

 Muslims do not follow the surah due lack of understanding .
 Muslisms who don’t follow the surah because their faith is weak.
 Muslim who don’t follow surah because they don’t recite Quran and do

We can apply he current rule by studying the surah in detail with translation

In a nutshell, This surah tell us that Allah is the creator of whole universe and what is a
importance for person to be on right path. This surah tells us that there is a gift for righteous.
Allah is so merciful and always shower blessing on the people who are on right path.

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