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COMSATS Univers" +9!4mabad (CUD, Lahore Campus, Pakistan | ; f ) { | é Department of Management Sciences i Mid ferm Exam a Pee pou MGT S39/FIN 549 Taam Fnance/ fl Banking & Fintnee Fall 2021 Haus 03 [ Resoutrée Person =| Dr. Waheed Akhter 25 | BBA/BAF Time;Allowed\.S.| 01 Hour 30 minutes \ [Stuaents Nami ' et eS Sal at & eg (Sets 639) he why sg at ocd Me aes ° Note: All awestions are compulsory. Submit yourjiterion paper along with answer sheet. (hadith. However, some modem scholars as well meet the needs of global business environment. it exist in the minds of general public about at Riba Gatere istotlly prohibited in Quran 8 a group from general public tend to justify it Discuss and resolve some of the misconception Prohibition of Riba Ganerest, oi eee petal ice Tc = (Marks 5) “ en What is: Maisir (Otmary? Why is it. moh ited in Islamic transactions? How does it make a (Marks 1+2+2=5) PM og el crag pay Paseo np sche thie h ry Aniea® 4 ‘What is Riba-al-Fadl? Name the six commédies identified in Hadith that involve Riba-al-Fadl if not exchanged equal for equal. What are the Shari ah Rules for the exchange of commodities? ¥ (Marks 142+2=5) yy . i “hi A 4 \Q4: Define Murabaha? Explain the structufe il steps involve i in Murabaha mode of financing? (Marks 1+5 = 6) a i ‘ My f fo Leuble cae, y ") § “OS: What is Bai’ Al ‘Tnah? How can it make the file invalid in the eyes of Shari'ah? (Marks 24+2= 4) ; Page 1 of 1 COMSATS Univetsity Islamabad, Lahore Campus tment of Management Sciences Mot [GeaiiHours: 63.0) SAR Howed:/' (90 minutes , Studkine | Nameri | Gack Raza # Attempt all questions. Read all questions ‘Question J: (Marks 9 +6) r § f Carmal Corporation uses the process costing’ system, “All spoilage that occurred in Department 2 _, during August was normal and applicable to ) production. August cost data for Department 2 BNO L BAI O84: lly before attempting, ~ were as fallows; | Beginning Inventory | August cost incurred Cost transferred from Department 1 Rs, 12,000 Bs. 89,200) Conversion cost Rs. 6,000 Rs. ; ‘The Department 2 beginning inventory (2/3 converted) was 1,200 units and 8,000 units were r td din inve was 1,000,(1/2 converted) and 7,800 units, (were transferred tb Department 3 moe (aeetas Required: i Prepare the August cost of production report for Department 2 using Average Method, ‘What is the cost of units transferred out during August from Department 2 using FIFOMethod? i: : " The normal capacity of Howard Company's Assembly Department is 12,000 machi month. At normal capacity the factory overhead rate is Rs.12,50 per machine hour eel a Rs,96,000 of budgeted fixed cost per month anda variable cost rate of R450 per machine howe During April the department operated 12,500 mgchine hous) with actual fastory over hed af Re,166,000. : * Required: : © Caloulate Factory overhead variance analysis” (Marks 10) qaxt : Ps ts BASS ao” Fou aoolied . y i COMSATS university Islamabad, Lahore campus 5 mil -FA21 [Course International Financial Management [Course Code: [MGT583|Credit Hours: ] 3 [Course [Programme Name: |BSAP [Semester: 7 Batch: |” Section: [Date: rr [Time Allowed: a Maximum Marks: [Student's Name: Reg.Now 2 5 \ a a a é oe nfo * (1. Fort Worth, Inc.. specializes in manufacturi g some basic parts fof sports utility vehicles (SUVs) that are produced and sold in the United)States. Its main advantage in the United States is that its production is efficient and less costly tfan that of some other unionized manufacturers, _ It has a substantiajmarket share inthe. United Stétes. lts manufacturing process is — : labor intensive: It'pays relatively fow Wages compared to, U. S. competitors. but has guaranteed the local workers that their positions will not be climinated for the next 30 years. It hired a consultant to determine whether it should set up a subsidiary in Mexico. where the parts would be produced. The consultant suggested that Fort Worth should expand for the following reason Offer your opinion on whether the consultant's reasons are logical. a. Theory of Competitive Advantage: There are not many SUVs sold in Me; Inc., would not have to face much competition there. b. Imperfect Markets Theory: Fort Worth cannot ca: ly transfer workers to Mexico. but it can . establish a subsidiary there in order to penetrate a new market. ¢. Product Cycle Theory: Fort Worth has been successfull in the United States, It has limite jes-hecause it already controls much of the U.S. market for the pars it jatural next step is to conduct_the-same business in a foreign country. he exchange rate of the peso has weakened recently. so th ow cost (by exchanging dollars for the cheap pesos to Solve all the questions f Nico, so Fort Worth, growth opportuni ra d. Exchange Rate Ri allow Fort Worth to build a plant at a very lo s would build the plant), A ¢. Political Risk: The political conditions in Mexico have stabilized in the last few months, so Fort Worth should attempt to penetrate the Mexican market now. S marks 2. Assume that the United States invests L., in government and corporate securities of Country K. In addition, residents of COM"Y K invest heavily in the United State ania fF investmen transactions occur between these two count Approximately $10 billion worth of in — c vo coun ch , an The total dollar value of trade fo hittions Per year is about $8 million. ‘Thi information is expected to also hold in the future: Because your firm exports goods to Country K. a“ Your job as intemational cash manager requires, Ce aacy dhe “krank”) with respect to the dollar, fee, cacl followi a ~ Explain how cach of the following conditions Will affect the Value oF the krank. olding other things equal, Then. aggregate all of thes impacts to develop an overall forecast of the kranl S movemnt avainst the dollar. “ of USS. inflation has suddenly increased Substantially, while Country K's inflation A iains low, yet ® US. interest rates have increased Substantially. while Country K's interest rates remain low, Investors of both countries are attracted 1 high interest rates, opgues The U.S. income level increased Substantially. while Country K's income level has <, Temained unchanged. my orga, The United Stes is bu to forecast the value of Country k's Pected to impose a small tarifl on goods imported from Country K, eet & Combine all expected impacts to develop an overall forecast ae . f 3. What is the difference between speculator ai Speculator who has a yong currency strangle with strangi eerie Strike price on AUD put option = 0.68$ Strike price on AUD Call option = 0.708 Premium on put option = 0.0158 = 0.012 . I 0.6 0.65 I : | a a f 4. which type of investor is more likely to form a A @ long straddle © short straddle jo . . . which of these straddles is more likely to be used for,pedging against foreign exchange risk / speculation? S marks, COMSATS University Islamabad, Lahore Campus Mid Term Exam 5 Class: BS Accounting and Finanee Semester: VII” ver: Financial Econometrics Course Code: FIN-560 Time Allowed: 90 Minutes of Total Marks: 25 Instructions: There are two sections of this papet including section (A) and section (B), carrying 10 and 15 marks respectively, Please attempt both sections, ‘The use of mobile phones is strictly prohibited. Calculators are allowed, f : j Section (A) oi a QUI: Let the values of dividends (¥) and profits (X) in dollars Y® 10) 10 wT 6 5 ] X(8) 6 9 ala 12 8 ] é } : y of < 1. Botimasd the simple linea reghession ven above and interpret the parameters. + Also write thé regression equation BR mo 7 Il, Calculate the coefficient of detmboare and interpret (3) i j Section B) (Qi2: Let share prices (Y) in Pakistan stock Exchange depend on the share demand &) and’ share: supply (X2). If we estimate the fore-mentioned relation by a regression model: log¥e Bu+BilogXi+BrlogXatu, (Both es-imeted coefficients are given below theses). with variances 6 in paren ae Br | ‘Be 9.55' 3.10 £ ‘ arian, (9.5) VOntanee (5 ) Interpret the estimated regression coefficients By and BG) _ & Test the significance of share demand and shere supply in the estimated model, (4) Q#3: Briefly explain the following concepts { 14 Volatility -; @ Fh ation: IL &—Leverage Effect 2)» Mody ‘On: I.- — Linearity .; i Q) IV.~ NoMulticollinearity 2) raoatif at Mov 12, 2023 4:34:20 FH COMSATS University Islamabad LAHORE CAMPUS _ Defence Road, Off Raiwind Road, Lahore. DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SCIENCES Mid term Examination Course Title: Entrepreneurship. | | Course Code: MarT403 Resource Person"... Muhammad Umar Far00d | Fall 2021 * ae 4 7 Maxim] 1 5 rg FA18 BBA,BAF © G 25 7 a tf Student's Nami 4 ae tant Instructions / Guidelines: ot ¢ ‘* Discuss each question logically. “° f ¢__Exemplify where applicable. ¥ t wv Question 1: | (8 Marks) (@)What i imp. does éntrepreneurship have EM ys natural environment. Please discuss logically, Ss - 7 (eo ia ‘impact does enepfeneurhip have ¢ Gol . Give examples. (7 Marks) hoot QOMarls) yj i hy product ina new market and were able'to achieve long run Question2; _ | (@)Find three 2 explo of firms thie Gi ante a success based on that entry. Give reasons, _ 4 OR (b)Define corporate entrepreneurship? Distinguish between traditionally managed firms and Entrepreneurally focused firms. Discuss atleast their seven conceptual dimensions. i £1

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