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Topic: It is possible for an individual to be pro life and pro choice.

For many years, the society has pressured us into taking a side between the two: pro life or pro
choice? It is an argument which divided most of the people into two sides, but the question is, is
it possible for an individual to be both?

On the pro life side, people think that abortion should be illegal because they believe that every
child in a woman’s womb has the rights to be born. They think that a life is a life and we
shouldn’t waste it.

On the other hand, people advocating pro choice believes that every woman has the rights to
choose whether they want an abortion or not. They think that a woman should have the freedom
to decide what to do with her body for pregnancy could also be risky for some women because of
some health issues. Also because pregnancy, giving birth, and raising a child is not an easy thing
to do.

Now, most people are in either of the two sides, but there are also some who’s in between. Their
argument is that people give inadequate meaning to the term “life”. They said that most of the
people who says they’re “pro life” only cares about the child being born, and not about the child
living. They don’t think about the child’s education, foods, clothes, shelter. Basically, the child’s
future. They don’t think about how difficult it is to raise a child, especially when your not ready
financially, mentally, emotionally, and physically.
The people who are in between, however, thinks about these things. That is why they call
themselves pro life and pro choice because they want women to have a choice, and they also
want children to have a life, not just to be born.

For many years, the society has pressured us into taking a side between the two, even when it is
possible to be both. On some level, it depends on how we interpret the words “life” and
“choice”. Nevertheless, whatever your opinion might be on this matter, let us respect other’s and
try to open our minds to learn.

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